Experts Chime In Where You Must Go In Hawaii

Plan to Publish Quarantine Names While Cases Trend Down

Hawaii’s caseload, positivity rate, and hospitalizations are down. Lt. Gov. and physician Josh Green said this morning that “we peaked on 9/3 with hospitalizations at 448, so it is a great relief to see the decline continue.”

County has an off-beat plan to catch quarantine violators.

Officials have pointed out across the board that a significant number of Hawaii COVID cases emanated from residents who returned to the islands with neither vaccination nor testing. Those persons opted instead for self-quarantine. The question is, are they really quarantining. There is a widespread belief that no, they are not.

Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Roth has proposed to Governor Ige that he publish the names of travelers who are choosing quarantine instead of testing or vaccination exemptions. Governor Ige said he is considering it, saying yesterday, “we are discussing that as we speak.”

Mayor Roth believes that it is not possible to have the police enforce quarantine and suggests that he publish such individuals’ names. Ige said that Roth “believes publicizing it and letting people know about who should be in quarantine would be a good way to increase enforcement.” The governor is reviewing the proposal with both the county mayors, the Attorney General’s office, and the Department of Health.  Ige said, definitely, “it’s something that we’re considering.”

Does this violate those individuals’ rights?

The mayor said the proposal does not violate HIPAA because the information would not indicate whether the person was tested or vaccinated. But, he said, it’s something the community would want to know.”

Hawaii’s ACLU indicated, however, that the proposal is potentially concerning. Their worries include health privacy issues, as well as other possible negative implications imposed on those quarantining.

What about reinstating pre-travel testing?

Roth has also asked the state to consider reinstating pre-travel COVID testing, as had been the case for all passengers before the current vaccination exemption was implemented. Most visitors to Hawaii at this time, are, in fact, vaccinated.

Governor Ige has said he isn’t sure that pre-travel testing will be allowed again since the federal government subsequently indicated that vaccinated passengers are safe to travel.

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61 thoughts on “Plan to Publish Quarantine Names While Cases Trend Down”

    1. Excellent point. We vaxxed shouldn’t have to suffer since we clearly don’t spread the virus anymore. The selfish unvaxxed need to lose their rights and pay the price if it wasn’t for them everything would be back to normal. Yes follow the science or the Fauci same thing.

      1. Hi Liam,

        how certain is your science? May I also ask why you use “selfish” and “unselfish” terms? This seems hostile. However, your point is well taken and I would very much love to see links to the the comparative “selfish” vs. “unselfish” scientific data. Thanks! Assuming that Selfish and Unselfish are also scientifically proven, of course.
        (I am out of work at the moment, so have plenty of time to read over the data regarding the science of Selfish People vs. Unselfish People as a Genotype/Phenotype comparative study. Eagerly awaiting your data!!! please, don’t delay)

        1. I like the cut of your snark. But, I suspect Liam is being a bit sarcastic.

          To your point, the virtuous unselfish love to call others selfish for not doing what the unselfish demand. The unselfish can be very selfish and entitled, such as commenters on this very blog post who demand that selfish locals be forced to do something they do not want to do so that the unselfish mainlanders can enjoy SAFE Hawaii vacations to which the unselfish mainlanders are entitled.

        2. Lol, you obviously didnt pick up on the sarcasm. Bless you for your passion :).. as for the science I listen to fauci then do the opposite.

          1. Liam, you’re a prince! This is what I get from spending time on mainland with “family”. 24 hour news cycle turns us into less than human.
            Mahalo for the proof

  1. Let’s turn the Mauna Kea resort into a 14 day “quarantine camp” for locals returning from the mainland. I would be happy to sign up for that! I could avoid going back to work to support my family during this difficult financial times! Free food and drinks for all Islanders who are willing to “toe the line” on Camp Quarantine. Yes, please! Publish that list, and divide people up, and continue to sell massive tracts of your land to Tech Billionaires! Great Plan! Just as long as we’ve got Lists of Naughty and Nice Natives! Boy, oh boy! this is gonna be FUN!

  2. Why are residents of Hawaii so special they don’t need to be tested when re-entering the islands after travel? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Simplest solution is to give no option: if you are unvaccinated, you must have the test done before setting foot on the islands. If you are positive, enforcement of quarantine would be easier to handle. By the way, I haven’t found what are the rates of positive tests upon arrival and what is done about it.

    For the government or health department to publish names of those who are suppose to be quarantined is just begging for defiant people to go out anyway. The excuse of it costs money to get tested is poor. If you have the money to travel, you have money to get tested. Perhaps Hawaii can negotiate lower costs of the test to make it more affordable. These are outrageous costs to get tested.

    1. Dot S. – does your state require proof of a negative pre-travel test for you to “set foot” in the state? What do they do to people that attempt to set their feet there without a pre-test? Just curious.

  3. Publishing names of individuals who should be in quarantine is an excellent idea and a great way to protect the health of the general population. To avoid being placed on the list, the resident has the option to be tested before returning to the Islands. The constant influx of folks from all over necessitates that controls and testing be rigid and consistent with safeguards in place to ensure that the general population is safe. Secondly, vacationing guests should feel confident that they are in a safe environment, once arriving in Hawaii. Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii and fortunately the airport personnel can and should monitor as closely as possible. Keep up the good work Hawaii.

    1. Terry R – There is a “constant influx of folks from all over” in nearly every state. Does the state you live in do the things you say Hawaii should do, such as elevate the mental “feel confident they are in a safe environment” of “vacationing guests” over the rights of the residents? Just curious. By the way, we’ve been conversing with various tourists on Kauai the last couple of weeks, and not once has whether they felt SAFE come up. In fact, they all seemed to be having a great time.

      1. We love Hawaii and the gentle and friendly people who do not seem to be wrapped up in the hatred that is going on here in the mainland. Let me give you a brief update as to what our state has done in the past three months.
        1. Tightened up the voting laws to keep minorities away from the poles.
        2. The Gov. banned vaccination passports to protect rights of unvaccinated.
        3. Banned the mask requirements in schools. Our covid numbers/death are massive.
        4. Signed into law the “open carry” law so everyone can publicly “holster up” every morning. ( Can you imagine these dudes around poling stations during next election?
        5. Signed the bil banning all abortion, even for underage children who have been subjected to rape by a family member or a stranger.

        When questioned about abortion for those subjected to rape, his response was. ” There won’t be any rapists on the street. We are going to lock them all up”

        This is the guy our not so great state elected to office.

        Hawaii is so blessed to have a state government making wise decisions

        Mahalo my friend.

        1. Presumably Texas, although I’ve not seen any news that “massive” numbers of school kids in Texas are dying of COVID. That would be terrible if it was actually true.

          In any event, sounds like you should stay in Texas and work on changing the laws and people to be more to your liking. After that, you can get around to educating the “gentle and friendly people” of Hawaii on how they need to live their lives, such as by publishing names of people to shame them when they are forced to quarantine. They owe it to you, after all, so you can feel Safe when you vacation here. Maybe give them a socially distanced, double masked, pat on the head while you’re at it. Bless their hearts.

          “Hawaii is so blessed to have a state government making wise decisions” Good one!

  4. “Governor Ige has said he isn’t sure that pre-travel testing will be allowed again since the federal government subsequently indicated that vaccinated passengers are safe to travel.”

    If everyone knows that anyone, vaccinated or not, can contract and transmit Covid, how does this make any sense at all?

    He isn’t sure? 😂 I’m 100% sure he’s incompetent…

    1. He’s sure but it doesn’t fit the narrative. New York and California are doing whatever they want Hawaii can also. There’s about 50000 locals according to the stats that haven’t been vaccinated based on the rate of 85% eligible and all the natural immunity which is better than the shot. Anyone notice how cases dropped when tourists stopped showing up? Just like they cases rose when testing stopped on 7/7? If they tell people they need testing then the whole scam of the vaccine blows up.

      1. Scam? You think the whole world is in on this “scam”? How powerful you think Americans are! You obviously do not know a single person that has died from Covid? And natural immunity is not “better than” the shot. But then again to get “natural immunity “ you have to first get Covid and not die. Wonder why people don’t just stop taking the advice of doctors on any medical issue? Got diabetes? Eat grass, it will cure it every time! Seriously people, just try to care about someone other than yourself for just 6 months then you can return to your normal self.

    2. Jim R – Do you live in Hawaii? If not, does the state you live in require a negative “trusted partners” test, or any test for that matter, taken within 72 hours of someone attempting to cross the state line? Do they turn people away at the border, including their own residents, who do not provide proof of a negative test taken within 72 hours?

      This whole pre-travel test business is something HI decided would allow people to avoid quarantine. Then it recently became pre-test OR vaxxed to avoid quarantine. It has NEVER been required to merely travel here. The quarantine order remains in effect in HI. This blog post is regarding the quarantine rder not being respected by returning HI residents, and teeth gnashing about creating a “John’s list” as some sort of way to inspire respect for the order.

      1. Hi David,
        Maybe your time on research should be about the number of states that are islands and thereby able to control who comes to visit. Also you might look into the healthcare availability on islands and how easy it might be to have a full hospital with limited numbers of healthcare providers. And why it would be so reasonable during a world wide pandemic to try and slow the spread of the disease.
        And Terry B never said there were “massive number of death” of school children in Texas, just that there is massive number of death in Texas from Covid in a state that is taking NO precautions against Covid whatsoever. And by the way, the death rate of children from Covid is rising. And if that increase includes your child, it would feel like all the people who don’t get vaccinated, don’t wear a mask or don’t quarantine properly are all selfish.

  5. Here’s something I read a couple of weeks ago concerning the rights and freedoms of our great nation. This is food for thought and unfortunately our society has become selfish and self-centered. “Freedom ends when Harm begins.” We see it all around us but we refuse to accept it because it’s “ALL ABOUT ME”. “God Bless America.”….this is exemplified with our Covid issues here in Hawaii Nei.

  6. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Plan to Publish Quarantine Names While Cases Trend Down

    Thanks BOH Bros that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today until I read comments posts about the subject.

    Seriously folks do you think anyone who is breaking quarantine is concerned about this?

    Answer: No they are not…..

    Here’s how a typical conversation went on Little Beach this past weekend:

    Hey Braddah you back from Vegas.

    Yeah Braddah I tore it up big over there. Penthouse upgrade, slammed the buffet hard, made it rain at the strip club, smoking that Nevada herb, hottie’s every where up in my Hawaiian game.

    Braddah that’s mad, when u get back?

    Bra last night I’m mad tired as hell pass me that blunt and lets party…..

    The conversation about having to quarantine never comes up.

    Where do they plan on posting these names? Folks like these do not read the paper, do not watch the news or government websites.

    When auntie says something the quarantine Braddah just say “Don’t worry auntie I used protection over dar”

  7. Seems like a violation of HIPAA to me. If publishing the names of people who have chosen a particular option to a medical procedure then why not publish the names of those who have purchased birth control or decided to enter detox for their additions. Both could be argued that the choice could affect the public.

  8. My body,My mind,My soul
    Everyone wake up and speak up before we have no rights at all
    And no the people should not police there neighbors Travel test can cost up to $300
    Dollars. And some people don’t have that extra income And some people have extreme allergys.And do not want to be forced to put something in there body that might have a bad reaction And some people don’t lie and well hold to the 10 day Quarantine some people just want to see there families before the rich and our government dose not let you …Sad day for the American people

  9. What is the benefit to getting vaccinated if you still have to be tested, where masks, stand 6’ apart, blah blah. Seems as though our government be it federal state or local don’t want to follow the science

    1. That’s why they won’t bring back the travel 72 hour test. They don’t care about anyone but the politics of it all if they did they would never have taken the pretest off. They stopped the test then complained too many people were coming, now they complain not enough. Why is it whenever I see any politicians get up to speak I hear the song bring in the clowns in my head.

  10. Choosing to self quarantine rather than take the vax is NOT a crime. To publish the names of those opting to quarantine is a violation of their Constitutional rights. The politicians suggesting this are NUTS and once again proves they know nothing about constitutional rights and freedoms, all they care about are tyrannical dictatorial edicts.

    1. Aloha Janm, pre-travel Covid tests are no longer required. We visited in June when tests were required (we are vaxed) and the flight over was great. When we visited at the beginning of September without the pre-travel Covid test required there were definitely sick people on our flight–sneezing and coughing. Happy we’ve been vaxed. 🙂

      1. Is that how you profile everyone now, by Assuming someone is sick, because they are coughing or sneezing? 🙄 That’s ridiculous, some people just have allergies.

        You do understand that your Fears are exemplified by the comments you make, right?

    2. This is not possible, unless fed law (or executive order – who needs laws these days?) requires pre-test to board a flight. People have a right to travel, whether you like that or not. Especially to their own homes. And, what’s Hawaii going to do when their returning residents arrive at the airport? Not let them go home? Throw them in jail? Make them live at the airport terminal for ten days like a bad Tom Hanks movie?

      Much more authoritarian Australia has set up some sort of Quarantine Hotel that they force their returning residents to be locked down in for two weeks. They also forceably test them. Sounds more like what you’d prefer, eh?

  11. ALOHA – I thought everyone was still having to be “pre-travel covid tested” by way of PCR, 72-hr before final flight. Or if not what this is talking about, then what does pre-travel tested mean here? I’m confused.

    1. pre-travel testing stopped in early july – right before the massive surge

      its the asymptomatic vaxxed superspreaders bypassing testing that caused the spike

      1. Did you read the blog post? It has to do with HI government officials wringing their hands over “a significant number of Hawaii COVID cases emanated from residents who returned to the islands with neither vaccination nor testing”

        There has never been any official statement that I seen in which HI governments officials claim that the problem is “asymptomatic vaxxed superspreaders” are the source of the “spike”. Can you cite some source for your statement?

  12. I’m vaccinated and chose to also test before flying. A scheduled test that took an hour out of my day. It was fast and painless. I had the results in 14 hours. Caring for yourself and others isn’t so hard.

  13. Has Hawaii gone mad? So now you want to publish the names of people who are quarantining, to do what, shame them into compliance? You know how ruthless people on social media can be, so let’s just put the peoples names out there so trolls can bash or ostracize them. Apparently I’ve been under the mistaken impression that you either had to have a vac or test negative to come to HI? Thank you.

  14. What are we in grade school. State of Hawaii now the Tattle Tale state? If the Hawaiian government spent more time on how to expand hospital beds over the last year and half and not worry about publishing a list of who’s naughty.

  15. Saw this yesterday thought it was a spoof fake news. Sadly it wasn’t. Let’s start listing obese people weight, people’s age, other Health data. List those with std’s that would be important. How about those who had abortions? How about those with substance abuse issues that seems pretty dangerous. Maybe you got drunk one night and someone posts it in the paper and from then in your picture sits in bars around the island and say never serve this guy. George Carlin said it best it’s not the politicians that stink it’s the public. This is the best out society can produce. We vote these people in that we know are lacking and expect something positive to happen. Would you let this guy make any life decisions for you? Where the common sense and judgement he’s making decisions on your life.

  16. Mitch Roth is correct in saying that not all returning residents who choose quarantine are actually doing so. I’ve heard of numerous such cases and likely you have too.

    But publishing a name (where will they do so?) may not have a big impact as most friends, family and associates already know when someone is off island. Unless they call authorities (which they can do now) how likely is it that anyone else would even know a quarantined individual is wandering about?

    What really amazes me is the ACLU objecting to this minor imposition when they are all in favor of forced vaccinations. Politics anyone?

  17. I have to say, the powers that be had best consider the possible consequences to publishing this list. Sounds like a great way to get someone killed. God forbid someone who is fully vaccinated has the same name as someone on the list. People are so worked up about all this that it is not beyond the realm of possibility for physical assaults to take place. Ige says it isn’t possible for law enforcement to keep track of those who are to be quarantined so I guess he is going to deputize the entire citizenry. Who will be in charge of making sure that those names are removed from the list when their quarantine time has expired? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how damaging this can possibly be. The governor is considering turning neighbors against one another. How dangerous will it be for a restaurant hostess or manager to tell someone they can’t enter their establishment because their name is on a quarantine list? Sounds to me like the governor is looking to trade one major threat to public safety for another.

  18. Yes, shame people who are driving up the numbers and passing the disease. This is a pandemic, a killer, and not a game. Time to stop the soft approach, not only in Hawaii, but on the mainland too. Maybe you have a choice in some matters, but when it comes to the health and we’ll being of other people, your selfish behavior needs to be shut down and now.

    1. that is such a crock! Studies show that vaccinated people are just as likely to contract and pass on the virus the same as unvaccinated people. This is just another example of trampling on the rights of citizens

    2. How about we contact trace all who are vaccinated and post their names, as they are tied to people who get sick, too…or maybe we just track everyone vaccinated so we know where they are at all the times, since they have no testing restrictions?

      By default, the vaccinated are now they greatest travel threat to spread the virus within the islands, since they aren’t required to be tested at all before getting on a plane, and they can go anywhere to socialize, unlike those who are not vaccinated. Let’s shame the vaccinated for passing the disease on too, since they can. How’s that sound? 🤷‍♂️🙄

      These types of comments are ridiculous ideology is dangerous for the individual and societal freedoms of people in a constitutional republic, Linda T.

  19. I hope they do re-institute testing for arrival to Hawaii. Self-quarantine is a joke and should be a non-starter. If they don’t want to test before returning home, test them on arrival + 3 days later + keep them in a quarantine hotel until the tests come back.

  20. I will preface this by saying that I have been fully vaccinated since February 2nd. But these politicians are crazy. Sad state of affairs.

  21. Aloha,
    I am so glad you mentioned this. I have yet to see an updated and detailed list of all of the people who have perished from Covid-19 in the state of Hawaii. Names, faces. All of them. Very strange.


  22. Roth…you are nuts.

    What gives you the right to expose me to public criticism or worse?

    Will you take responsibility if some vax wacko accosts me?

    Leave quarantine compliance to the DOH and HPD. Take it up with them if you think they are not doing the job.

    Why deputize the public against fellow citizens?

    I will vote against you and not contribute ever again.

    1. 😂…lol “a nightmare”?

      It’s some travel time and a 5 minute test, that ensures you’re NOT traveling to Hawaii with this disease. Talk about selfish! 🤦‍♂️

      So this is what a taste of privilege turns some people into? 🤔

      1. JIM R…

        Yes, a nightmare! A 5 minute test, yes, but 7 hours of travel just to get the test and an extra overnight stay at a hotel before we depart! And if we happened to be flying on just the wrong day of the week – which was the case because the lab in our departure city wasn’t open on Wednesday/Thursday – an extra 4 nights in a hotel! We would have had to travel on Monday to be tested on Tuesday to fly on Friday and sweat it out that our test results arrived in time.

        We have to travel all the day before to get to our departure city so to have our tests arrive within a 72 hours period of 8:00 Friday, we would have had to be tested on Tuesday after 8:00am or be tested on Wednesday before we leave. Since you couldn’t make an appointment until 3 days before, and most of the time those appointments fill up like crazy, we would have gotten an ulcer hoping all that worked out. That has changed with drive-up testing but if you think that whole thing wasn’t a nightmare, try starting your next Hawaii trip out of New Mexico!

        We’re vaccinated and the whole time before that policy was initiated prior to our July travel, I would lay awake at night trying to figure out how to make sure our Covid tests would get back in time as there isn’t a single “Trusted Partner” in our entire state that offers Rapid Results Testing (and that remains the case to this day).

        Tons of other labs, medical offices, etc but no Trusted Partner. So stop making assumptions – just because it may be convenient for you doesn’t mean that holds true for everyone!!!

        1. JIM R… I was so angry at your comment that I left out a major detail. To not have to worry about results arriving in time (i.e., Rapid Results Testing) we have to travel 7 hours to our departure city. If we tested at home, we were restricted to regular testing the results of which don’t always come back on time.

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