Discoverers' Day Hawaii

Hawaii Does Not Celebrate Columbus Day and Here’s Why

Since 1988 there has been no Columbus Day holiday in Hawaii. This year another big change took place with a new holiday and name. Here’s how this happened.

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65 thoughts on “Hawaii Does Not Celebrate Columbus Day and Here’s Why”

  1. A little late to this party, but Columbus Day is really more of an east coast thing. I have relatives there that talk about the day off and travel plans and weather things will be open. Meanwhile, I’ve lived on the west coast for over 50 years and there, it’s crickets, pretty much just another day on the calendar.

    As for discovers, Polynesians, Vikings, maybe even Phoenicians, not to mention those who crossed on the land bridge 25000 years ago, were here first but they, as far as we know didn’t tell everyone about their discovery. Columbus gets credit because he had a big mouth and told everybody. He was also European.

  2. it’s hawaii’s continual insistence on adopting policies, like the refusal to accept columbus day as a holiday, that fuels the exodus of its remaining citizenry. ironically, the indigenous population may very well see a rise in percentage after all, relative to non-natives. the anti-business environment and over-regulation policies will spar a further decline as well.

  3. The final wording of the signed bill Senate Bill 732 Act 125 still has the prohibition against it becoming a state holiday: “The second Monday in October of each year shall be known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day; provided that this day is not and shall not be construed to be a state holiday.”
    So my understanding is that it’s an “observed day” but not a “state holiday”. The police certainly don’t recognize today as a state holiday as they’re towing dozens of cars on the Ala Wai Blvd from people who thought it was a holiday.

  4. From the beginning of time man had always migrated, conquered and settled in foreign lands. If you own land… it was stolen.

  5. I wish there were No Days, other than Memorial Day. It just sets us all up our entire life with judgment from day one.

  6. Supposedly, people from the Marquesas islands came to Hawaii first. Hundreds of years later people from the Tahitian islands arrived and forced the original inhabitants to move from the shorelines to further up the mountains. Same old power grab that has always happened around the earth.

    1. Yes, some apparently don’t know (or choose not to acknowledge) that those who are “indigenous” stole Hawaii also. The current “indigenous” people of the islands came from Tahiti and forced all the inhabitants, who were originally from Marquesas, out.

  7. Coming in with over a 93% Yes vote in 1959 – Hawaiians – that’s every walkin’, talkin’, registered voter livin’ and breathin’ in Paradise – regardless of race, color, or creed – cast their vote to become the 50th state of the USA. Simply put, they cast their vote to become Americans.

    “I was there” as my family was residing in the Territory in those days … and it was a joyful moment in history and everyone we knew said: “YES” !! ʻAE !! No divisions, no controversies.

    One of the most moving times since was post 9/11 when coming from the airport to my layover hotel in Waikiki. A young local boy was standing on an overpass waving an American flag.

    I’m an American. I celebrate Columbus Day.

  8. I fail to comprehend the reason behind the widespread frenzy surrounding history and its interpretation. Why does everyone insist on viewing history through a narrow, modern perspective? It is an impossible task. Throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed acts that were once deemed abominable transform into commonplace occurrences. So, why is there such widespread anger? The truth is, we share more similarities than differences. None of our ancient ancestors can claim innocence. Hawaiian culture, for instance, revolved around the destruction of neighboring communities and the seizure of their lands. The same can be said for Native American tribes, Europeans, and Africans. It all seems utterly nonsensical.

  9. In 1778, the estimated population of the Hawaiian Islands (enitre Hawaiian chain) was 683,200. This estimate was calculated by interpolating between the 1780 and 1770 estimates. The estimate was based on a commonly used technique that takes the 1910 count of Native Hawaiians by age in Hawai’i and takes it back to 1770 in decennial cycles.

    Facts matter… just saying. You don’t need to enflate you number.

  10. i hate to break it to you but hawaiians came from somewhere else. they did not evolve from hawaii so they are not native and not indidegenous.

  11. Columbus did not discover “North America”. He discovered the “Americas”. He landed in San Salvador, Bahamas, on October 12 1492. Celebrating Columbus day because he discovered “America” is a lie that has been told to school children since the 50s. Plus how can you discover a land that had been occupied by a people for thousands of years?

  12. Whether or Not a person wants to give credit to Columbus seems to be left up to the College and University Professors that have been putting Radical Idealisms into their curriculum. Most movement on these topics, and many others, have originated there and moved into the “Conversation” quickly gaining momentum with each successive graduation class. Eventually the Consequences will be known for this absurd use of Teaching, the Professors long retired on excellent pensions well removed from the Problems that they have initiated.

  13. I was taught that it was the US Coast Guard that supported the haole plantation owners in their overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. But I don’t want to rely entirely on my memory. So I googled it, found vague references to “the military” then found the following on

    “In 1893, a group of American expatriates and sugar planters supported by a division of U.S. Marines deposed Queen Liliuokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawaii.”

    So … you might want to remove reference to the “US Navy” in the story above and replace it with “US Marines”.

    Thank you.

    1. Mary,

      The US Marines today has 4 Divisions. The reference to a division of US Marines cannot possibly be correct – more like a company of Marines.

      Also, as I understand it, the Queen left office without engaging the Marines in combat and no one was injured are killed.

      I’m not supporting or opposing the decision to overthrow the monarchy, I’m just challenging the size of the Marine contingent.

      1. If I understand correctly, there was a large contingent of Hawaiians gathered and ready to fight, and the queen would not give her approval? Not wanting bloodshed. (I def could be wrong tho)

        1. Nash,

          We all could be wrong. Even eyewitness accounts are unreliable. And, today, even with video, people see different things.

          The Queen decided to not resist. And, with a 94% vote, in 1959, Hawaiians voted to become a state of the United States.

          For those who might want to leave the Union, perhaps a push for an unambiguous amendment to the Constitution offering a pathway. Without that, not state will ever be allowed to leave.And, for a state like Hawaii – so dependent on the federal govt for finances – it would be a huge mistake.

          1. Much like the South Americans and Others worldwide that have entered Illegally into the United States, they show Others how to do it. Instead of waiting for something that won’t happen there’s always filling out the paperwork and hopefully moving to a more preferred country. I’ve considered it a few times but have remained a US Citizen. So many possibilities, try a few out, and maybe you’ll find a Better Place awaiting you, good luck to all who choose to see.

      1. We have a Department of the Navy.
        The U.S. Marine Corps is a branch of the Department of the Navy.
        The U.S. Navy is a branch of the Department of the Navy.

        USMC 1963-1966
        Co-author “Semper Fi: Business Leadership the Marine Corps Way”

  14. Thank you for bringing light to a quiet feeling so many of us have had regarding Hawaiian history. People can be ruthless and greedy,and Im so tired of seeing it play out over and over.


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