Hawaii flight delays continue.

Hawaii Flight Delays Worse Than Reported By Airlines

If you have experienced a recent flight delay in Hawaii, read this. Newsweek reports that Hawaiian Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and United Airlines are among the ten largest carriers that failed to meet the legal requirement from US DOT to display fight delays on their websites. That is based on a review of those airlines’ websites.

What the US DOT airline rules are on flight delay notifications:

“(a) During the course of reservations or ticketing discussions or transactions, or inquiries about flights, between a carrier’s employees or contractors and the public, the carrier shall disclose upon reasonable request the on-time performance code for any flight that has been assigned a code pursuant to this part.
(b) For each domestic flight for which schedule information is available on its website, including domestic code-share flights, a reporting carrier shall display the following information regarding the flight’s performance during the most recent calendar month for which the carrier has reported on-time performance data to the Department: the percentage of arrivals that were on time—i.e., within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival time, the percentage of arrivals that were more than 30 minutes late (including special highlighting if the flight was late more than 30 minutes of scheduled arrival time more than 50 percent of the time), and the percentage of flight cancellations if 5 percent or more of the flight’s operations were canceled in the month covered. The information must be provided by showing all of the required information on the initial listing of flights or by showing all of the required information via a prominent hyperlink in close proximity to each flight on the page with the initial listing of flights.” You can read the DOT rule document below.

The required on-time data was either missing entirely or obfuscated behind deceptive links.

DOT requires that the information is clearly listed, per the information from them above. Newsweek’s research found no such data for more than 1/3 of the 100 flights they checked.

Three airlines — United Airlines, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines — said after being contacted that they were fixing bugs on their websites that may have prevented the data from displaying.

What’s your take on that response from United, Alaska, and Hawaiian Airlines?

While consumers may be surprised to learn of the reporting requirement, Beat of Hawaii has been tracking Hawaii flight delays since earlier this year and updating you about them frequently.

Has DOT been tough enough on the airlines’ lack of on-time performance?

DOT has been 0utspoken about the issue of on-time performance and the lack thereof. How much they are actually doing about it is another matter. This is a case in point as the DOT has failed to enforce this requirement that the airlines are obviously aware of.

Newsweek did say they have “no evidence that the data was being withheld by airlines intentionally to flout the DOT rule and leave customers in the dark.” We are left shaking our heads about the whole affair. After all the airlines are clearly masterful when it comes to technology and websites.

On the United Airlines website, it isn’t easy to find on-time flight data either. Newsweek said in their research of 10 random UAL flights, there was no data no matter what the consumer tried. UAL said it repaired a website problem that prevented consumers from accessing that information and that “We know it’s important for our customers to see this information, and we make sure to display it prominently as required with fare search results.”

Two airlines did better on the DOT on-time performance reporting requirement.

Newsweek found both Delta and Southwest Airlines provided the required data on every search they attempted, but it still wasn’t easy to find. Both websites make customers “click a link to view the data, and these links do not say “flight performance” or “cancellations and delays.” Instead, customers need to know that clicking a flight’s flight number will reveal the data.”

“No performance data was found for three of ten Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines flights in Newsweek’s review.” Alaska Airlines said they are working to correct a problem that led to the information sometimes being unavailable.

Alaska Airlines: “We provide our guests with the information they need to make informed decisions about purchasing airfares, in accordance with Department of Transportation regulations.”

Hawaiian Airlines: “We know punctuality is important to our guests, which is why we have been the number one US airline for 18 consecutive years.”

FlightAware reveals more Hawaii flight delays: 314 flights late on Monday and Tuesday.

On Tuesday, FlightAware reported 137 flight delays in Hawaii. Seventy (70) flights were delayed at Honolulu, 37 at Maui, 13 at Kauai, 11 at Kona, and 6 at Hilo. And on Monday, there were 177 flight delays in Hawaii. Ninety-one (91) flights were delayed at Honolulu, 47 at Maui, 15 at Kauai, 17 at Kona, and 7 at Hilo.

What’s your take on the airlines’ failure to comply with these DOT rules?

Final Rule on Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections


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12 thoughts on “Hawaii Flight Delays Worse Than Reported By Airlines”

  1. Well, I left HNL on Monday and everything was perfect and on time. I worried with the Thanksgiving holiday that it wouldn’t be, but everything went just swimmingly. (And flying into HNL on Sunday the week before out of PHX was perfect as well). This was my 8th time to the islands, 7th on Hawaiian airlines, and they’ve not once been delayed in my experience. (I will have to try Southwest to the islands next.). ~ Aloha everyone ~

  2. Seems like the airlines have a pretty long history of hiding pertinent info, including the total cost of travel. Hiding taxes, bag charges etc has been common for years. Your recent report on rental properties highlighted the same kind of issues with a variety of fees.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Routinely, airlines pad their arrival times. USDOT needs to start assessing penalties and put some teeth in their regulations. This will never end until passengers start filing lawsuits. Last week, I heard two American Airlines were delayed on the tarmac for over three hours. Totally illegal.

  4. So many directions this can go. Pilot/Crew Shortages. Overbooking. To many routes. Cheap fares. The airlines can be their own worst enemy. Plus summer maintenance and runway construction. Please stop blaming glitches and weather.

    How often do you see the cheap vacation fares that fill plane loads and more. Add to that people now try to carry on more so not to pay baggage fees. Listen to Hawaiian Gate Agents plead for people to gate check. We load faster when we carry on less – makes sense.

  5. I have been watching HNL to LIH flights on Hawaiian Airlines website. Our upcoming trip was changed, and we now have to go through Honolulu for our final leg, on an American flight operated by Hawaiian. Looks like they are primarily on schedule on this particular flight, with only minor delays. The website does clearly show all flights, and shows in green if the are on time or early, and in red when they they were late, even by a few minutes. I am hoping for the best, even if it was a short layover we didn’t want to have to make!

  6. Aloha-

    I have noticed that flights I have been on are considered “on time” if they pull away from the gate by the scheduled takeoff time even though we may sit on the runway for a while. Anyone else experience this?

  7. Blaming it on a “computer bug” today is no different than a child telling their teacher that “the dog ate my homework”.

  8. Mahalo Beat of Hawaii! As always you are completely correct and my response to the question is a firm no!!
    I was onboard a Hawaiian Airlines flight that delayed with doors shut, luggage all loaded and not a word to passengers for over an hour.
    HNL to SFO.
    Very disturbing, but flight attendents were handing free alcohol out like water. (Unfortunately I don’t drink so I was watching everything)
    My plan is to learn how to drink, someday.
    Blessings to you both!!
    Much Aloha always 🌺

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