Hawaii Highways Closed For Accidents, Infuriating Residents and Visitors

Hawaii Highways Closed For Accidents, Infuriating Residents and Visitors

When there are no alternative routes, here’s what happens on Hawaii roads. As we and others can attest to. Take a breath!

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61 thoughts on “Hawaii Highways Closed For Accidents, Infuriating Residents and Visitors”

  1. Aloha! Was suppose to drive from West Side Lahaina to Kahului that mid-morning for an appt, and as always checked iPhone Maps to see how traffic was flowing…a friend alerted us via “MAUIWatch Road Warriors” screen shot about the Pali Closure- not sure what App it was. Maps updated fairly quickly to 2 1/2 hours+. Thankfully all were safe, which is really the main issue. Maps did direct an “alternate route” through the backside, but I don’t think that is a viable or realistic route to take and that showed 2 hours+. We rescheduled appt. I always have water/snacks in our car ready for any need, and if we ever got stuck I am sure the “view” will be just beautiful, and one can chill for a bit, enjoy God’s creations, and pray that all our well

  2. Boo hoo to the lady visitor on Maui that had so much to say. “People are missing flights!”. That’s your problem. The world and traffic accidents don’t revolve around anybody, you should be hoping that everyone is ok. Plus could have just gone the other way, duh.

    1. To the person suggesting that they “could have just gone the other way”: did you mean the dangerous one way road from Kapalua to Kahului that no car rental covers? What a mess that would have been, drivers turning around on the highway to reach that road …??? so much more dangerous than driving the route to Hana!

  3. Highway closures have been happening in the route from Lahaina to Kahului for decades. It’s only getting worse with more traffic now. I recommend that people stay in the central or south shore the last night before they depart. Just be sure they’ll make their departure flights. Just comes with the territory of living on an island that has limitedroutes to airport, from the west side, one.

  4. I am sure if you would have informed the police ( who im sure were eating donuts and drinking coffee ) you are a visitor and felt terribly inconvenienced by the sheer selfishness of the truck driver for wrecking his truck, that they would of just pushed it off the road to let you pass. I am sure the couple of 3 hours you were held up is/ was waaay more important than the drivers health and safety as well as all the nonsense of investagating what happen and assuring no one else is hurt or killed by passing vehicles.put yourself in the first responders shoes , what would u do ??? This is hawaii,, slow down chill, enjoy the scenery thats what you came here for.

    1. I don’t believe the story was about an inconsiderate tourist as you make it sound to be. It was about the fact that when there is a road closure, everyone is stuck because of the lack of alternative routes and perhaps how traffic is managed. That is a fact on every island.
      Not fair to attack someone for understandably being frustrated about being stuck in traffic for 6 hours and for people who missed their flight even though they reasonable planned ahead. I’m pretty sure you would be too. Who wouldn’t be?

      1. Well said, but the people who put those comments probably don’t even have jobs, therefor have all the time in the world and no money to fly.

    2. I agree with you except, the drivers need to slow down. They also need to train these employees how to drive these big trucks. I know it is difficult to find good help these days, but training should be priority. So yes, I understand why the lady was p.o. I’m pretty sure we all have empathy for anyone in an accident. SOmetimes, posting comes across wrong.

  5. It’s an island and on the water. Same way anywhere on the planet. Key West to Cozumel. Stop complaining or stay home. Service always sucks close to water

    1. What about Oahu? The last time I checked, it was still part of the Hawaiian Islands and do have more than one route to get to the airport. Yes, it’s crowded, but there are more than 1 Million people living there (+tourists) and I don’t think they would miss a plane because of one accident on the road …

  6. After visiting Maui for 4 weeks last month, I will never return. The state government is totally useless in caring for the infrastructure and has decided to have the visiting tourists pay for their fiscal irresponsibility. Imposing daily occupancy taxes and exorbitant parking fees for tourist stays at resorts, timeshares and hotels. Parking $25day and occupancy taxes from $15-$20/day. All added to your $200/day room charges. All parks and now some popular beaches have admission fees but still no bathroom facilities. Parks and popular tourist attractions require a 15 day reservation window to visit. Visited Maui 2 years ago and paid $70 per person for a Luau. Last month it was $400 per person for a pulled pork buffet.Recommendation Stay home

    1. I’m local , have Ohana there. Haven’t been back to island for ages. I do miss Maui . But if I return there would be probably just too see relatives and leave. Yes everything change and prices hiked up , along with Beautiful Kauai. I rather visit my kids on Oahu and Mom spend most my time at the Ocean reminiscing with my Dad resting Peacefully In Heaven with my Siblings there and enjoying the beaches there with my Grandkids if I’m going to pay any high prices of my own state 😊…🙏

      1. trying to figure that statement out ….either you are selfish and want the place all for yourself or you are afraid that someone comes to get you ….or takes something away from you? I understand that we are frustrated about some tourists, but let’s not generalize and keep the Aloha spirit alive!

    2. Hi Tony, Maui is getting more and more expensive including for people who live here. Of course, we don’t go to a Luau for $400 …that’s crazy! However, which beach did you go to that you would have to pay? There are plenty of beaches in Maui and all are free including parking and bathrooms. I heard that you have to reserve to enter Haleakala, but that’s a “National” Park! I also heard that they now require reservations for the black beach in Hana, so may be that is what you are referring to? Personally, I like to swim in the ocean, watch and listen to the whales, go with friends to see turtles at sunset on the beach. It’s all free. I do pay for food and drinks while listening to local musicians and leave a tip because they make me happy

      1. Big Beach was charging parking, always was free. Two port-a-johns at big Beach to accommodate everyone has not changed in the 20 years since I started visiting. Peruse Bay charging parking for tourists only, previously free. Mile marker 14 to see the falls, $ 15.00 to park on the shoulder of the road, not even a lot but the grassy shoulder. Previously parked on that same shoulder for free and hiked back to the falls. The park on the way to Hana needed reservations and charged admission. Always was free, accessible and peaceful resting point on the way to Hana. No more, must make a reservation a month in advance if you want to rest on the way to Hana. All to rip off the tourists. Sorry

      2. Only need to reserve Haleakala if you are entering 3:00-7:00AM, and I think it’s $1. However, it is $30/vehicle all the time (good for 3 days apparently) but free for certain holidays. We went on MLK Day 🙂

  7. We had similar experience to what you mention trying to get from Kahului to Kapalua. After goofing around town, lunch and dinner at the mall, we went to the Maui police station and asked what the status was. They shrugged their shoulders and said they thought it might be open. When I asked what heard from officers at the scene, they shrugged their shoulders again. Obviously didn’t care or want to care. That was our last vacation stay on Maui. Thanks so much for bringing the topic up. Can’t understand the lackadaisical attitude when both visitors and locals are so terribly inconvenienced.

  8. We are traveling with my daughter’s family ORD- LIH July 13-28, firm dates with her vacation time, and finding airfare is crazy @ $1600 RT., economy plus @ $2,000, we can usually get a fare for around $1000, is this the new reality? Should we wait closer in to our departure date( we are a party of 7 and usually fly economy plus)?
    Please offer any advice, thank you!

    1. Hi Jim.

      On your dates, AA is the best bet. Under 12 hours total time, $1045 economy, $1197 extra legroom, $2445 bus./first. That price is fair.


    2. Wait. I usually start looking 6 weeks before my trip. But lately I have started looking for airfare 2 mounths out. Try using an app like Hopper to track airfare. I use it but always buy direct from Hawaiian Airlines as we can usually get the best prices from where we live.


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