Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship

Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship

More people are leaving Hawaii, making it difficult to fill jobs in Hawaii tourism. We all feel it, and it is getting worse.

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172 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship”

  1. I live here and own my own home, everything has sky rocked. Taxes, HOA fee, gas is still over 5.00 a gal, bread is 8.00-11.00. 18 pk of eggs is 17.99.
    Something has to give. I’ll survive. But every job has help wanted signs and no one wants to work. Or they have all left.
    Rent in Kona is upward of 2,400. 00 a month. And if you need a four bed room house, you could pay around 6 to 8 thousand dollars a month. Which is nuts! Even at 2,400 you still have water and power and tv, phone. Our power is the highest in the nation. Every angle is grabbing ever piece of the pie you get. No wonder they average time people live here is around 18 mos. Don’t move here without a huge nest egg. Or you’ll be setting yourself up to fail!

  2. Just as cruise ships do and the sugar industry did with plantation camps , hotels should leave a portion of their rooms for housing workers. Rarely do they run 100% .

  3. What seems missing in all the discussion about living in Hawaii is that we need to look at the economy holistically. Somebody mentioned that Hawaii should produce its own milk. OK, how many gallons are consumed annually in the state? How many cows are needed to produce that and how much land and water does that take? Then, add in the cost that goes with raising and processing and distribution. Next, food security. How much land does it take to grow the needed food?

    But, at the base, where will the money come from to run the economy? What will be produced locally? The suggestion to improve the skills training in auto mechanics, construction, etc. are for jobs that are for services.

    1. Then everyone will protest the cow methane when should be protesting the methane coming out of the state capital.

      Parker Ranch cant fatten cows because besides no corn there is no slaughter houses.

    2. Last time I looked molakai, maui and big island are all farm and grasses growing just
      Fine we raise cattle on all of the islands but why do we have to listen to calif
      To set the price on our milk. Oh right its easy local people want to be self sufficient
      Maybe on idea

      1. Big Island raises cow calf on grass but then ship to mainland to fatten and slaughter package. And then ship back. Parker Ranch has just a dribble of cows now. With a lot of grass going to waste. Ever been to Fresno to all the feed lots and dairy? Stinky not environmental friendly but real life has to happen somewhere.

        1. So it’s still the same as sugar was in the 80s – raised in islands, processed on the mainland to ship back to the islands. Hawaii needs to break that frankly colonial pattern.

  4. Really? If the short term rental business does not exist, who would still go to Hawaii? They are contributing to the tourist industry and making Hawaii still attractive to tourists especially those with limited budget and family in tow. Do you think you can afford to rent one of those units if they’re shut down in order to make them available to renters like you? Consider that even on the mainland rents have soared ridiculously high everywhere–but for a lot of people that’s still the feasible solution than buying a home which is near to impossible unless you have a really thick and fat bank account. The government should focus more on housing than building more hotels in overcrowded Honolulu to favor the lobbyists rather than people in nee

  5. Like much of the country- here even in Central Indiana where a ‘luxury’ 1 bedroom apartment runs $1600 per month- there needs to be a serious reset of wages and costs of housing/ everything. It’s unsustainable. Politicians countrywide need to see this. It’s truly becoming a country of the haves and the have nots. That’s not ok.

    1. The less we owned the less bills, the less stress. life was always good here in the islands if we settled but many didn’t and took off for San Francisco, Las Vegas, etc to play in other states. Hawaii has always been extremely expensive for those without families here, working together. Having family nearby is priceless. It use to be expensive to travel to the islands but now thousands get free one way tickets minthly, since they aren’t wanted in other states.. back and forth they go, constantly whining 🙄.. be an asset to society or end up being deficit

  6. All right…where do I start? I am 4th Generation Hawai’i born, 3rd gen Maui out of Moku O Kula…my Ohana is Japanese immigrants from plantation time back in 1896. Honestly these 37 years born and raised, I have my own ohana, but I am too thinking of packing up and bailing…2020-2022, 18% of Natives and Hawai’i born left, but also 33%+ moved in…pandemic made the housing go through the roof buying and renting along with AB&B and let’s just say $10.10hr min. Wage ain’t gonna cut it when it cost $22per hr just to get by..to make Change!
    We, Us, Hawai’i needs to become back into an Independent Country, then so all money spent here stays here…pre-1959 Hawai’i was rich….

  7. The local governments have always gone out of their way to make living in Hawaii impossible. I have lived on oahu and maui since 1976. The govts and unions have got to stop destroying life in Hawaii. Bloated govts,lazy govt and union workers sit back to retire 30 yrs from cushie union and govt pensions after they insur their relatives start another cycle. Dock workers working OT on holiday is a good example of costs run amuck. And why are we paying $9 for milk prices set by Ca milk boards not buying Hawaii produced milk.
    Its not Aloha its greed in our state. Wise up folks

  8. The other issue with loving and working in Hawaii is that not only is it more expensive to live there, but it is notorious for not paying employees simar pay for similar jobs. My own empirical data showed that jobs in Hawaii paid up to 1/3rd less that thee exact same job.on the mainland…this makes the higher cost of living in Hawaii, even higher!


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