Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship

Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship

More people are leaving Hawaii, making it difficult to fill jobs in Hawaii tourism. We all feel it, and it is getting worse.

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172 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Harpooned As Residents Abandon Ship”

  1. My family went to Maui this January and I thought It was expensive before Covid. I noticed that accommodation has doubled in price along with food. There are help wanted signs everywhere. We looked at housing costs and condos, one bedroom sell for 700,00 to 2 million.
    We have said that it will probably be the last time we can afford to go to Maui!

  2. what we need is more medium income housing all they think about biulding is for low income housing section people which is good but all people no matter what industry we we work in needs a chance to buy/rent a house for our future genertations.

    1. What Hawaii needs is to petition a repeal of the Jones Act. If they can get goods less expensively, then the cost of living in Hawaii will go way down!

  3. Hawaii needs to limit they’re short term rentals. That’s one way of improving the housing shortage for workers. Restaurants and other businesses need to offer discounts to housing providers who make their housing accessible to their employees.

    1. with the hotels and their resort fees thats an extra $700/week plus daily hotel rate $2300 , Air bnb will only get stronger by supply and demand. It is the only thing that will save tourism while still offering housing to anyone.

    2. Alot of the tourist using short term rentals are the same folks who go out to restaurants and food trucks for their meals.

  4. Hawaii needs to Act..on how this is affecting everyone, everything..my friend who is a RN and makes great money said it was Truly a disaster the last two times there, increases in monetary needs and inability to Rent a car , I love Hawaii but there are other places to see..

    1. I agree that car rental pricing have been very high. If you extend your stay they take advantage of higher rates. It’s very discouraging.

  5. I may be exaggerating. But I think that we are becoming, if we are not already there, like a Dubai or Abu Dabi where only the rich live there and the service workers come from the cities around them.

  6. This was our 10th time to Hawaii In January 2023, and most likely our last time, the groceries were outrageously expensive other than markets and even those were way up. Lodging was more expensive, again with CND$ exchange of 30%, nope ain’t going happen, Portugal will be just as nice and 10x cheaper, plus bike riding routes are safer and cooler to bike. You’ve priced yourself out of the tourism market, unless things get better?

  7. Lol
    Is not even affordable to do a staycation anymore
    During pandemic the hotels were crying about no guests, rooms still expensive and giving rooms away covid and trying to attract our if state tele-work
    They should have deep discounted rooms for kama’aina, made a little bit of money, kept their employees working. But no, only the execs made their salaries

  8. I’m not sure why everyone thinks hawaii relies on tourism only people to see benefits from that is foreign business owners hotel owners specifically the booming industry here is actually construction but many don’t like to work hard or don’t have the drive to work in the construction industry they rather take easier jobs like working at a hotel or restaurant where the money is small then everyone so quick to blame tourism. Now cost of living is up but what drives up cost is when the alot of people start to move to hawaii you must be thinking how is that, the realtors and home owners know moving to hawaii is in very high demand so now they start jacking up the prices making huge profits. I hope this cleared the myth thank you.

    1. My biggest competition for finding a decent place on Oahu to rent was military always won. I don’t blame landlords for wanting the military guaranteed money, but when you’re turning away someone like me with great credit and a good job, it shouldn’t make a difference. The bases need to help fix this.

  9. Every hotel and owners of condos should be required to contribute to a pool to build housing for workers, or give them a rental subsidy.

    1. Great , add another fee/tax to all the places owned by people that worked their entire life to one day have a place where they can enjoy their free time
      Taxes /fees is already high and above the rest of the country

  10. I am sure that there are a lot of folks on here who are opposed to “Big intrusive Government”. Do do what is suggested here in amy threads laws will need to be passed to limit rents, eliminate certain types of business, limit home/land ownership, limit what one can sell property for, and so on. All these things are “Government over-reach”. What is happening in hawaii is capitalism at its finest; make as much money as you can.

    1. It’s not just happening in Hawaii, although Hawaii is a great example. I call it Darwinian Capitalism where it’s survival of the fittest. If you don’t happen to be white, old, and male, you are automatically a leg down. Add to that the unbelievable control that the rich and corporate interests have over our politics and well, you see the results. Finally, when you add in the fact that in that system there is an extreme focus on profits Now regardless of the consequences, well, you see the result in Hawaii where the very reason people come to Hawaii is being destroyed on a daily basis on the alter for more, more, more.


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