75 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Self-Correction Coming As Economy Whipsaws”

  1. Hi Irene, “Was their Ancestors Land” perhaps, since State Hood it certainly isn’t solely “Their Land” unless they purchased a piece. It’s a hard reality that Needs to be faced by those who make these and other claims. Hawaiian Heritage Needs to be Preserved and Controversial Claims and Such will not make it any easier to do so. Being Provocative and Unreasonable can destroy credibility.

    1. Ernie, please stop. Every world court has ruled that the overthrow and occupation of Hawaii by the US is and was illegal. Kanaka had no con crept of owning land until the US stole it. You also support Kanaka far less than you give yourself credit for on your vacations. There are many get-rich-quick posers who claim to be local but are in fact temporary residents with no vested interest in the health and well being of Hawaii. Sorry this is inconvenient for you, but truth is truth. hawaiiankingdom.org/blog/united-nations-acknowledges-the-occupation-of-the-hawaiian-kingdom/

  2. Hi John W, have lived in area’s where rental properties are highly concentrated beyond what Hawaii is experiencing. Parking Permits allowing Only a certain number of vehicles per household and being Registered by license plate number helps a lot, police enforcement is a must. Noise Ordinance Violations, other Citations, Etc. Many remedies! Plenty of rentals just not in preferred areas, cost dictated by area, be less picky, options exist!

  3. Hi John W! I have read your post and am interested by what you’ve said. Turo Cars lining Your Streets? Very Doubtful that would occur,exaggerating a Doubtful scenario doesn’t help anything nor make it true. Wherever Solutions can be found for Hawaii to be less dependent on Tourism shouldn’t matter, after 1,000 years it’s not been solved by the Inhabitants Yet. Don’t burn the bridges to possible ideas or Hawaii may never change.

    1. I guess you missed the discussion on here Ernie that addressed this. Many neighborhoods in Hawaii have very limited parking for the people that live there. Some people have started a home based Turo operation and parked multiple cars in their neighborhood causing issues with their neighbors.

    2. Common ground here Ernie. While I certainly wouldn’t want to see someone not from Hawaii trying to tell Hawaii how they should handle their own tourism, I would agree that outside experts could be helpful in finding alternatives to tourism. Environmental Technology, Medicine that bridges East and West, Agribusiness etc …Hawaii would obviously benefit from alternatives, it’s just that the people who live here and understand Hawaii are the ones that should be responsible for the direction tourism takes. It’s kind of like the difference between Hawaiian Air and the mainland airlines. Hawaiian does a better job serving Hawaii then anyone else because they know the Islands, but they get their airplanes from elsewhere.

  4. Hi Benii, there’s some kind of small exclusion area that is not effected, it seems to be extremely close to the Resort Areas. Other than that it effects Every Rental Property unless it’s non profit. Unless you lower the Rent from $850 per night to $2500 per month to allow 90 day normal renters you’re unable to rent it.Not happening with a $6 Million Property! This is the handy work of the Resorts and Hotels protecting themselves from competition of any kind. This Should Apply to Them as well! Quid Pro Quo!?!?

  5. Hi Irene! To give you a small glimpse of the Local Support We give I submit this. About 1/4 of our trip goes to the Airline, less than $500. We stay in Kahala at our Relatives home, nothing but food cost there, and have rented a vehicle from Turo for the entire vacation of 18 days. That cost is less than $600. and benefits the local economy. We travel Oahu extensively, typically eat at food trucks and locally owned restaurants, that costs us around $500. benefiting locals. We shop for gifts to bring home, mostly Local Shops, another $350. We do our best to spend locally and Respect Everything, Everyone and Don’t Litter as some do. We ask nicely but never demand. Politics never enters conversations or attitudes.

  6. Hi Pat, currently you’re absolutely correct. Governor Ige has been waiting for Oahu to enact the new laws and has stated that once they are He Will be using Their Model for the Entire State shortly thereafter. He wants Uniformity across all of the Island/Counties. He didn’t want to stick His Neck Out so He decided to do it this way. It will be coming, sorry to say.

    1. Ige is not going to be able to standardize what he has done on Oahu to apply to all the islands, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which that at least on Maui, thousands of short-term rentals have been codified to allow particular uses, and trying to remove those rights would be considered “taking” by Hawaii Law and result in large, very expensive lawsuits.

      Plus don’t forget there is an election coming up. Who knows who will win, and what that person’s vision will be.

    2. STRs are always accused of contributing to Hawaii’s housing crisis, and creating annoyances and burdens for neighborhoods, vacation rental owners are “a scapegoat for the politicians” in Honolulu and all the islands, Hotels are in the politicians’ pockets!
      If there’s a problem with affordable housing, they blame the vacation rentals. If there’s a problem with noise in the neighborhood, they blame the vacation rentals. Scapegoat for votes, and for the good of the hotels.

      1. Actually Beni, if you have ever lived in a neighborhood that has multiple vacation rentals you would understand just how problematic it can be. In areas where there were a lot of vacation rentals the people who lived there were in fact having a much harder time finding a rental to live in. Having lived in an area before it became host to multiple vacation rentals and then watched the transformation I can attest there is a lot more going on then scapegoating and being in the pocket of big business.

  7. None of what’s happening has been “normal”. Unprecedented crazy times. We had a huge surge in pent up demand from the mainland when Hawaii reopened. Obviously that would ultimately slow down. I’m guessing Japan will fully open by August. Seems to me there will be a similar surge in International tourists. Eventually tourism will settle on a healthy balance of mainland/international tourists.


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