526 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upheaval: Stakeholders Livid As Adversaries Now Concur”

  1. My wife (originally from the Big Island) myself, another couple (originally from Oahu) and their daughters family were scheduled to visit Kauai December 12-19, 2020. When the 14 day quarantine went into effect we all canceled. It is just an inconvenience to us but our heart goes out to the Hawaiian people who are being devastated by this. Us and our friends from Hawaii travel there a lot. My wife and I usually travel there in February, but not next year as it does not look like the Covid will be behind us yet. We will be back as we have lots of family still there and it is a great place to visit in the winter, we live in Idaho. Thanks for the updates I enjoy reading the latest from the Islands!

    1. Hi Lamont.

      Welcome and thanks for your first-time comment. We hope you’ll be able to return soon.


  2. We were scheduled to travel to Maui in February 2021. With the uncertainty around testing and quarantine procedures, we just recently decided to cancel our trip. It’s just not worth all of the aggravation.

    1. I am going to Maui the first week of February. US Biotek guarantees test results no later than 36 hours. I have no issue with testing again in Maui but this quarantine business has to stop. If any further restrictions are put in place for Maui, I will cancel, but there is no way I’ll give up even an hour of my precious vacation time in a police state

  3. We followed all Kauai Safe Travels Protocols and went to Kauai over Thanksgiving having taken a Vault Covid 19 test prior to arrival and had QR codes and Vault Covid Negative tests.. we stayed at the Marriott in Lihue, We had a great time and yes ..many activities and restaurant etc were not opened or modified.. Marriott had just opened Kukui’s for limited pool side service with a limited menu with limited hours.. and they had grab and go service from 7-9am for breakfast.. i really dont see how they can resort bubble at the marriott.. there is not full service food on site.. the only evening dining is Dukes or Cafe Portofino but they are not on Marriott grounds so i would assume that is a no go …

  4. Our family has been trying to get to Kauai since June. The reopening occurred when our kids were back in school so that brief opening in October and November didn’t work. Planned a two week trip again for the holidays. Then came another Kauai quarantine. This week our family had enough and got tired of being a puppet in the hands of the politicians so we cancelled everything and are celebrating the holidays elsewhere. Fully understand the need to protect the people but that extends beyond a virus. Businesses and livelihoods are being destroyed. Suicides in Kauai number more than the COVID deaths. Truly sad…

  5. We haven’t canceled yet, but our trip is planned for May 5th- June 11th. We’re hoping that vaccine availability will open things up, so we can continue with our plans. It seems ridiculous that the Governor can’t put together one set of rules for all the islands. From what I’ve heard Kauai hasn’t had many hospitalizations or icu patients. God willing things will change after the first of the year. We don’t want to lose 2 of our weeks of the almost 6 we have planned, but that could happen if we have to cancel. For now we’ll keep our fingers crossed that things improve with a vaccine.
    Aloha for now!!!!

  6. I feel it is very sad and it is a shame what the mayor of Kauai is doing to the beautiful island of Kauai, by shutting down, remember the locals can bring the virus in also, not just the out of town people, I hope he will come up with a better plan, and I wonder what is real intentions are, maybe he just wants to get votes, I read (if it is true) he wants to be governor, We have been to Kauai several times, but probably won’t be visiting in the near future.

  7. The lack of concise planning and strategy is extremely telling. If they cannot get organized now and have a plan to execute against, with knowledge – imagine what would happen if we’re hit with a Tsunami?

    I’m not sure about you, but the lack of fundamental leadership and execution is exposing a risk we’re all taking. Where’s our leadership in a time of crisis!? And frankly, those that don’t die from Covid (extremely low odds) will die from economic hardship.

    The “cure” is worse than the disease!

  8. My wife and I arrived on The Big Island this past Monday (11/3). We had to jump through a lot of bureaucratic stupidity and did not receive our negative Covid results until we were half way to the San Diego Airport. The message was via test message link. Then I was unable to access our email server via WiFi at the airport which was a hassle as I couldn’t upload the link to the Safe Hawaii website. Bottom line, the people at Kona International Airport were very helpful and made us feel welcome. It is nice to be here, but elected Hawaii officials clearly have suicidal tendencies and, if they keep this up, they will kill the Hawaii economy (if they haven’t already).

  9. Someone on Kauai has a strong opinion, political ambition, minimal leadership experience, and poor decision making ability. Horrible for the folks that just lost their jobs again!

    Not very different on other islands in terms of inept governmental leadership, although they are least attempting to avert another shutdown!

    I vote Mufi for Governor!

  10. Aloha, no one should be travelling unless an emergency. An emergency is not because you need to check your condo, or you have friends whom you haven’t seen since last year or your sick of covid rules or all the other Karen opinions. Just stay home. Do you all realize we are losing now, as of Dec 3, the same amount of people who were in the Twin Towers as we watched them fall? Please please please stay home.

    If you come here and get sick you will not leave sick!!!

  11. Beatofhawaii.com has been a great way to stay up to date. I know it has been confusing but at least Hawaii has been trying to help visitors come to the island. I have family in Oahu and come every winter for 2-3 months. I currently have plans to travel on Jan 4, however, the 72 hr rule, and the idea of quarantine by myself for two weeks is discouraging. I am coming from Vermont! My biggest worry is not being on the island it is having to be in three airports and three flights! I have to decide very soon!

    1. Hi Sheri.

      Thank you. No one knows, but we are hopeful that some change to the rules will happen in the next week.


  12. I just canceled our Hawaii vacation all together because of all this uncertainty. We originally planned for Sept, then moved our dates to Feb, and now have canceled those dates. I really hope they get their act together. I love Hawaii, I feel it’s my second home as we usually are there at least twice a year. I want to be able to return to enjoy the islands and their beauty.

  13. Where did the money go that was supposed to help hospitals scale up for services when the need was at hand. The county (same size) I live in has used the time and funds to be prepared. Have any of these, Kauai and Hawaii State, public officials ever run a real business and made business decisions? Now we’ll go to Arizona. Better public policy and decision making.

  14. We had 3 weeks at our resort the Beachboy in kappa for last oct, canceled rescheduled for Feb. Canceled rescheduled for July 2021.Ahhhhhhhhh.

  15. We cancelled our annual Hawaii vacation!
    Too screwy and filled with land minds is the operating plans
    Sadly, the people get the so called leaders they wanted!
    Now many many will suffer poverty while you’re public officials Never miss a payday!
    Aloha Hawaii!

    1. And your right all over the country the business people and regular workers suffer while the “leaders” and government workers get to stay home and collect a full pay check. Throw them all out of office. They should be giving up their paychecks to help keep their businesses open

  16. Our family of 7 usually take 1 to 2 weeks yearly on either Maui or Big Island. With the constant rule changes we have crossed Hawaii off indefinetly. Had there been ANY consistency in requirements for travel, that would not have been the case. We love the Islands, the culture and especially the people..
    .the feckless politicians not so much

  17. I have a vacation planned to Maui, but I am very seriously thinking of canceling due to all this uncertainty. Hawaii is not a cheap vacation, and I don’t want to risk being quarantined.

  18. The Kauai Quarantine had us abandon the island for the first time in 44 trips! We’ll be visiting Oahu, thank Mr. Mayor!

  19. YES! We own multiple weeks of Westin Timeshare weeks on both Kauai and Maui. We will not be coming back to any island until we are once again able to fly & arrive (without a test). It may be multiple years, but it makes no sense to increase your anxiety on a vacation. We come to the islands to relax, enjoy the restaurants, and the freedom to roam.

  20. Have plans to visit and stay with family on the Big Island.
    Appreciate your newsletter to stay informed of the latest requirements to enter.
    Praying for us all that we can get through this and especially for the tourism economy in
    the beautiful state of Hawaii. All of us need this to be stable to move forward and
    stay healthy, safe and financially stable.

    1. All the political bigwigs from the governor down should give up your salary.

      And their salary should not be reinstated, one of these days down the road.

      These clowns need to join the rest of the real people, as in no money…

      Easy to make decisions …when these decisions cause you no pilikia 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

      1. You nailed it brah🤙 These jokers sit it their offices high and mighty making dictates that screw people all the while collecting paychecks and perks and lecturing us!
        Sadly, voters keep putting these tyrants in office

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