526 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upheaval: Stakeholders Livid As Adversaries Now Concur”

  1. I cancelled my yearly reservation to Kauai. Not Hawaii’s
    Policy or confusion. Get real. This is a worldwide
    Problem effecting the planet. Americans
    Seem confused which is reflected in
    This article which is a reflection of how
    Poorly your country is doing. I’d have to be
    Nuts to risk my life traveling to
    Kauai this year 😢

  2. We love Kauai. We love Hawai’i. We attempted 3 times to go to Kauai in 2020. All had to be rescheduled. We finally gave up. We have a trip scheduled to St Thomas in Jan 2021 and most likely will go to Mexico in April 2021. After seeing social media posts from locals and reading news report about how a UT family was turned away from Maui at gates due to issues with where they were tested, we have removed Hawai’i from our vacation list indefinitely. We won’t be back until we think Hawaiians want us back, which was always a little questionable before a Covid, but had been made very clear since Covid.

  3. Our trip to Kauai was canceled but the Airbnb owner is refusing to refund our lodging. We’re losing thousands now because of this. There should be some kind of reimbursement for visitors who booked travel and were caught in this dilemma.

    1. You should claim reimbursement from Airbnb’s “Extenuating Circumstances” cancellation policy. “Travel restrictions” are one of the extenuating circumstances that justifies cancellation & a full refund.

  4. Thank you so much for inquiring about how the quarantine has changed our plans.
    We were scheduled to fly in to Maui last April for our 33rd anniversary, however covid changed those plans…
    My husband and I both got sick and he spent 3 1/2 months in the hospital in critical condition, in a medically induced coma, on a ventilator and continuous dialysis 😢😢
    Thank the good Lord he pulled through 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
    We had rescheduled our plans for February but are planning on changing them again due to the quarantine restrictions. We, understand better than most how dangerous this disease is but we also understand the need (not a want) to get our economy reopened. I pray we will get to visit our happy place soon and that with Gods will we we all come out the other side of this okay 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
    Please know that you and your beautiful islands are all in our prayers 🙏🏼🌴🌸🐚☀️🌈💗

  5. We cancelled. Too many unknowns and no one to speak to to get solid navigation of the orders that were coming down. Testing centers in my state were virtually unavailable although many different avenues were explored.

  6. I am hoping to travel to Kauai mid January. I have not purchased plane tickets yet. I definitely won’t go if I have to quarantine at a resort. Waiting to see what changes are made to current policy. I do understand wanting to keep islanders safe.

  7. Why all the negativity toward Hawaii, it’s officials and its people? We are all in this together and doing the best we can to contain and eradicate this ugly virus. I have family on Oahu and miss my granddaughter dearly…. also have a daughter in Tasmania but not blaming their government or the people there for closing the borders. While I miss Hawaii and will be cancelling my my January trip again, I am keeping faith that I will return soon to experience the Aloha spirit.

  8. All my life I’ve been dreaming of coming to Hawaii for a vacation! I’m going to make my dream come true. I’m definitely not coming until the virus is under control because I agree that Hawaii isn’t a cheap vacation & I don’t want to be stuck in quarantine in paradise! I’ve got my itinerary all planned out already:) I will be coming to Oahu & my Grandfather was in Pearl Harbor & he survived! I’m going to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects & that is the #1 thing on my list. So, my plan is for 2022.I want everything open when I come because I will most likely be able to come to Hawaii once in my life & I don’t want to take any activity off my list. So, paradise will have to wait awhile longer for me. God Bless everyone who reads this comment & stay healthy & safe! Mele Kalikimaka which is Merry Christmas in Hawaiian!! Happy New Year:)

  9. “Even one death is too many” I guess you need to stop renting cars, swimming, or hiking too then. Some one can die from any of those.

  10. We cancelled our Hawaii trip just prior to the Kauai closure. We were going to Oahu and the big island. But Kauai exemplifies our concerns. Too many changes, and testing uncertainties to risk the trip. Additionally, lots of media reports that locals do not want tourists and believe it akin to 1810 and Captain Cook all over again. Took my $$ to Florida.

  11. We canceled our trip from Oahu to Kauai. The worst thing is that we can’t get refund from Hawaiian Airlines nor Priceline for car rental, even thought this has nothing to do with us and all with state regulations.

    1. STASHA…
      Hawaiian Airlines has refunded us everything we paid. Instead of cancelling just the Oahu – Kauai leg, we cancelled the whole reservation and remade it. The rates were the same – in fact we had accumulated more HA points and were able to travel just RT to Oahu for points and less $$$. As for car rental, they don’t charge you until you use the car – unless you had some sort of deal where it was less if you pre-paid.

  12. Kauai has 9 ICU beds. Can you fly a patient that needs an ICU bed to another island? Lt Gov Green and mayor Caldwell suggest that plausible. Doesn’t make sense to me. Considering the limited ICU beds, Kauai needs to a serious about containment and protecting its healthcare workers, system, and vulnerable communities. I was on Oahu where the Lt Gov and Honolulu mayor reside and that island has the worst COVID rates. I wouldn’t trust their advice.

  13. Hawaii
    the only state requiring a 14 day quarantine after arrival
    *Including residents returning from a country with “non Hawaii approved” pre testing

    1. Incorrect!!! At least one other state requires 14 day quarantine – ours, New Mexico. And I believe New York does as well. If we actually get to go to Hawaii as planned in January, we will have to quarantine for two weeks when we return home.

  14. We canceled our kauai trip with no notice and we have decided not go to other islands because of fear of planning all over again only to be cancelled again. The whole situation was poorly set up. No one should have ever been allowed on a plane without a negative covid result. All that does is cause potential exposure to others on the plane and therefore more exposures on the island. Too much uncertainty and it’s sad because this is the 2nd trip we’ve cancelled. Unfortunately we won’t be back until all of this is over. And resort bubbles are a joke! No way would I ever do that!! Dumb idea!

    1. After Hawaii extended another 13 weeks for unemployment, I knew I had to leave the state and find work elsewhere. As someone who works in tourism, Hawaii showed no plans on giving people back their jobs and many (including myself) are waiting 8-12 weeks with pending claims. Ige poorly managed this pandemic, but at least he got those elevator upgrades and new police toys. This is practically criminal.

  15. I cancelled my reservation at Ko’Kea with my daughter for 4 nights over NYE. I am on the fence about keeping my Maui flight reservation. We have close friends living on both islands and my family had property towards North shore in the 70’s and 80’s. We miss Kauai, understand limited ICU facilities, the flare up, etc but this seems like an alarmist response to an illness 99.9% survivable that does far more damage than good. I love seeing where Todd Rundgren’s wife says she would rather protect people than have a bunch of money in her bank account. Tell that to people actually dependent on the Hospitalty industry for their survival. Is she keeping workers on her payroll during closure plus the tips I’m sure they depend on? Maybe she is I don’t know her. I don’t want to pick on her but a Google search shows his net worth at 12 mil, quite above your average Kauaian to be certain but not Zuck league either. I bet his family gets entry privileges btw lol.

    1. Aloha Chris,

      I’m 100% confident his family does. They fly in on a private jet, and likely, they don’t have to go through regular protocol with the normal people herded…err headed to test verification. They would surely have to verify he’s landed, and verify the passenger manifest, as he (and his family/guests) jump into his limo and head straight to his compound, where he doesn’t have to leave for 14 days (or more), because his staff has stocked up for their entire stay, and probably more. He can isolate from his staff, with no contact fairly easily, I’m sure. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, definitely affords many perks and privileges. You can bet money on it…

      1. FWIW, we were right behind Pierce and Keely Brosnan in the Foodland check out line last week. They did their own grocery shopping, and even drive their own (expensive) SUV. He was wearing a most complex face diaper, and still was charming the skirts off the checker-bagger ladies. That’s just an expression; no skirts were lost.

    2. I suspect Todd’s net worth is at least $2M lower than it would have been had his wife not bought that restaurant. The Covid panic gives them cover to finally shut it down. She can suck up to the “Keep Us SAFE” crowd all she wants, just like other financially comfortable people can do.

      The Zuckerbergs have 700 acres on which to quarantine. And plenty of minions to bring them stuff. They’ll be fine.

  16. The mayor of Kauai is creating many residents to not have a job. Maybe he should show his support by lowering his pay to match unemployment payments until he figures out how to open the island so we can work. Its easy for him he gets paid and surfs without tourists to get in his way…we want a job.

  17. We have canceled 4 times ! We are done with Kauai. We will not forget . This just gave us more of a push to never coming back. They have killed them selves. Let them now be selfie sustained .Overpriced and not Paradise anymore

    1. I won’t be going to Hawaii until they remove the mandatory test and 14 day quarantine. I see a lot of comments from hawaiians on this website who sound like they hate tourist and tell them to go to Florida is we don’t like their rules. So this spring I’m going to Florida instead of Hawaii because Hawaii is too risky. Traveling is expensive and vacation time limited, so I’m not going to take the chance.

  18. We love Kauai. We love Hawai’i. After having to reschedule our trip to Kauai 3 times in 2020, and especially after reading news report about how a UT family was turned away in Maui because of issue with where they got tested, we are leaving Hawai’i off our vacation list indefinitely. We have a trip scheduled in Jan 2021 to the US Virgin Islands and are looking at Mexico for April 2021. We won’t return to Hawai’i until we feel Hawaiians want us there – which was a always a little questionable before Covid but made very clear during Covid.

  19. I was planning on flying to Kauai in December to visit family but because of the mandatory quarantine, I cancelled my flight. I feel for the people who have lost their jobs and will continue to lose their jobs due to this mandate. We have to coexist with covid for now and find a balance in order to keep the economy going. I’m afraid a lot of my favorite mom and pop shops will be closed the next time I’m able to fly back. #wontbehomefortheholidays

  20. We all want to go on a vacation! It is in the interest of the greater good that we stay put. It’s this inconsistency that prolongs the spread of covid. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Its simple.

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