526 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upheaval: Stakeholders Livid As Adversaries Now Concur”

  1. Aloha, my name is Maylene, I am proud of the Mayor on Kauai, for have the decency to think of others before himself. True there may be layoffs, and true it may impact Hawaii across the board, but from my opinion this whole safe travels program has been not been thoroughly though through. Hence why it keeps changing. When will Hawaii stand up for the residents, the Kapuna, and the common sense to say all money is not worth it? Can’t spend when you can’t breathe. Period. Come on,there is more to life. There is always going to be a group of individuals that want what’s best for them but when it effects a mass majority, that argument should be thrown out.

  2. I originally intended on spending 2 weeks in Kauai along with dining out if I could move around. Instead I’ve decided now to spend my time in Maui and big island. I hope the residents there at least see some pick up in traffic as I would like to be able to spend my money freely and not just get stuck in a quarantine bubble that leaves me with only staring at the ocean.

  3. Hawaii is the only state/city that i know of to try so hard to be wishy washy and indecisive and passive agressive to its own people and especially mainland tourists.

    I think its discusting 3rd world behavior and everyone there should truely be ashamed of themselves and the people they elected into office.

    I think hawaii should have to also pay restitution to anyone harmed financially and the large job losses. Class action lawsuits bring it on! Its very uncivilized anti American behavior and policies to be more specific.

    So many people on here crab about hospital beds and the island not having enough… thats because there not using the funds but they will when enough are sick. Which will happen regardless of lockdowns or stealing away peoples income/jobs. Its like wtf is wrong with hawaii?

    The only reason it is a state is because of the military. If not it would be 3rd world like marshal islands or kirbati or the micronesian islands. All those people are trying to come to hawaii because its a state and has more benefits.

    Why is hawaii not greatful for the fact it can have tourists and jobs and be a first world state potentially? Can residents not live in the present but only the past? Because thats what it seems like. There just stuck on a merry go round in cultural connundrums And discriminations of aloha and ah no aloha.

    1. You seriously need to learn Hawaiian history. First of all, in 1893, Hawaii’s monarchy was overthrown by a group of American businessmen (Dole) who forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate. The coup led to the dissolving of the Kingdom of Hawaii, two years later, it’s annexation as a US Territory and eventually admission as the 50th state. President Clinton even apologized to the Hawaiian people for the illegal act by the US military who helped the coup. President Cleveland concluded that the US military and businessmen abused their authority and were to return the islands to the monarchy. However, President McKinley, who succeeded President Cleveland refused to return Hawaii to the Kingdom. Hence, your comment about being anti-American is a valid feeling for most Hawaiians. People are going nuts over Trump leaving office. Imagine your Queen and your country!!! And, the Micronesians and Marshallese you speak of are not coming to Hawaii for state benefits. They’re coming for better medical treatment because the US military bombed their islands to test atomic nuclear bombs (Bikini Island) devastating the people’s health and agriculture and marine life to this day. The people have defects on their bodies, even babies born generations later.

    2. It is so disappointing to see an almost racist commentary. And the commentary ignores the disastrous policies of so many mainland states, including many states whose changes back and forth have cost thousands of lives. It’s very strange to have such hatred for Hawai’i.

  4. So we travel to Hawaii about five times a year. I did the quarantine in August so I could attend our daughter’s wedding when no other family members could make it. It’s seems to be the thought that tourists are bringing this virus to the islands. When were you last tested and scrutinized before going somewhere? What about your QR code that has to be presented on demand? I have seen numerous large gatherings,too many to count, on local beaches but yet the thought is that we are the problem. We only know a few people in the islands. We aren’t hanging out in large groups. We wear our masks – properly. So we get off the plane the other day, grab the bus for Budget rental car at the rental center. The driver had no mask on and didn’t have one anywhere in sight! The people at the rental center could have cared less saying it wasn’t their problem. Saw the same thing by customers at Home Depot, Foodland,etc. We love being on island and want to do our part to help support It’s opening. Wear your mask and wear it properly. Everyone!

    1. There is definitely some muddy thinking going on. The most recent COVID cases have been from locals, not from visitors. On the other hand, if there’s a huge influx from the mainland, that balance will tip the other way. There’s a reason why Americans still can’t travel to Europe, Japan, etc. without quarantine (if at all). Right now, USA is #1! (in COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths).

  5. I moved Kaua’i trip to Oahu and hope to be able to go to Kaua’i after New Year if it loosens to see Hānai Ohana. I just pray Ige listens to the Lt Governor and his plan to test at the airport on arrival which is safer and does not mean thousands of cancelations from people not understanding what Hawai’i is up to. It is the constant changing and infighting that make people wary of coming to Hawai’ii which is a shame as the people need our support more than ever in these difficult times. Stay Safe Hawai’i

  6. Everyone in Hawaii seems to assume that the tourists are the bad guys bringing this virus to the islands. When were you last tested and asked to show your QR code??? We just got off the plane after being screened and scrutinized with QR code in hand, we get on the bus to get to the rental car center at HNL and the driver for Budget had no mask anywhere in sight! And no one at the rental center cared! Same issues at Home Depot, Foodland, etc. Look around and point the finger elsewhere! We are doing what we are supposed to do. And we are thankful to be here… Wear you mask and wear it properly!

    1. I came Oct 27, for a family medical emergency. I was hoping other family members could come and relieve me…now due to the 14 day rule no none wants to come and sit at the house hoping to see our family member in the hospital. If it was 7 with a post test or an instant arrival test…that would be very helpful.

  7. So…..
    Our Mayor asked our Governor if he would go along with a plan where people were tested 3 days before traveling,then a three day quarantine and then a test
    No No said the Governor.. No no said josh green… So our Mayor decided to go with the only option… the 2 week quarantine..
    Now it seems like most of the business owners hate our Mayor. They want to be open No matter what! It’s a light flue, it’s fake news and It’s an assault on our freedoms!
    No.. it’s a pandemic. It does not care about your religion, your political affiliation. It’s job is to infect you and then spread. Because we have a limited medical system we cannot be hosts to travelers at this time.
    Tourism can wait. Personally I feel that people traveling for vacations in a pandemic is creepy and self centered.

    1. Travelers mostly keep to themselves on the islands. It is more likely being spread by residents returning from the mainland. They intermingle more naturally because of connections in their families snd community.

  8. We have plans in February 2021 to travel for 2 weeks to Kauai, but because of all this confusion and indecisiveness from government leaders (not knowing what unexpected decisions will come forth), we are going to play it safe and cancel our trip completely. We’ll just focus our time and money elsewhere that we know we’ll have assurances with our travel plans.

    I feel bad for the people of Hawaii as they have already suffered tremendously in so many other ways and then this. I hope they are safe and can survive through all this.

  9. Well we had a trip planned for many months to Honolulu, we were to arrive on the 5th DEC-12th DEC. Dad pasted January 9th this year and was the last known Pearl Harbor Survivor in SC. Being his request to do a Celebration of Life at Pearl Harbor, myself, being his son and a Minister was honored to fulfill this request. The Covid testing here in Florida is lousy, things and requirements continuously change. Myself 72 hrs from final departure, and time frame for required test could be as long as 7 days away. We cancelled our plans, for our own safety and just the thought, I can sit here in my home in Florida a lot cheaper and am able to go outside as I choose. My Faith in travel to Hawaii is very reluctant now, as we speak.

  10. If you think its confusing for visitors and travelers? Try being a resident that travels between islands for work! It’s ridiculous. Imagine having to take, pay and quarantine multiple times just to travel between counties on a regular basis.

    1. I’m in a similar situation,Kauai resident who has a side job on Oahu. There has to be a way for residents to travel freely-I just can’t do the 14 day quarantine so I am limiting my return trips home to Kauai to just 7 days-,quarantine at home, see husband, back to Oahu. Thankfully I can stay with my son on Oahu.

    2. Makani,
      I wondered how it was working for inter-island workers. Do you have to get a Covid test every 3 days…which gets horribly expensive unless you have Kaiser

  11. We had a 2-week vacation planned with a week in Kauai followed by a week in Oahu. Kauai was cancelled but we’re still coming to Oahu on 12/11.

    The pre-arrival COVID test is very difficult to get if you live out of one of the few main cities that have partner testing.

  12. I will be traveling to the Big Island. This is my first trip and I have no plans to cancel. I think Hawaii needs to open up.

    1. Crystal, you should be fine on the BI. We were there last month. We got our pre-travel testing through Vault Health and received our results 30 hours later, plenty of time to upload your results prior to boarding your flight. However, Vault does advise that if you fly Tuesday or Wednesday, they won’t be able to meet the 72 hour requirement. I think that is because maybe overnighting doesn’t work well on the weekends. Also was tested upon arrival in Kona, took about a 1/2 hour for results. We felt comfortable on the flight, too. Masks were required, although there is the occasional passenger who doesn’t wear them properly. CNN reported that if people are wearing masks on a plane, you have a 1 in 7000 chance of getting Covid, 1 in 4300 if you/others don’t wear masks. There may have been outbreaks related to plane travel early on during Covid-19, but I haven’t heard of any recent outbreaks. The airlines are trying to space people out and have improved their air filtration systems.

      On the BI, there are enough restaurants open, some retail. The typical tourist excursions are not running because of social distancing. However, it was still very relaxing, snorkeling, hiking and golfing. And it was nice to be there when the BI didn’t have as many tourists as usual. We wore masks when we couldn’t social distance.

        1. It was a nasal swab but not the one that goes all up into your brain. They took a Qtip swab of both nostrils. Totally painless.

  13. For the 2nd time, (first one canceled)we have another cruise to the islands in September 2021.
    Too much time , planning and money are at risk unless everyone gets their act together, or less money will come into the islands!!!!

  14. Thanks Waikiki and Disney aulani for a great Thanksgiving week. The travel issues and loops to show negative test was Abit worry sum but no people and restaurants and shopping open. Awesome vacation.

  15. Have plans to visit Kauai in February and have left travel plans in place for now in the hopes that they will reopen up at least to the point where negative test results will avoid quarantine. If the rules don’t change by February we will cancel our trip completely.

  16. Yes, canceled my trip for December as I would not risk a change in policy without notice requiring me to quarantine for weeks or my resort to close.

    This is not that hard – look to US states like Maine, Vermont, and others who have executed safety procedures that have allowed the economy to reopen.

    I once considered moving to Hawaii, the ineffective government would now make me think twice.

  17. We have enjoyed 10 wonderful vacations in Kauai and had to cancel our annual November vacation. Not only now is the island locked down but also because we live in Canada, we aren’t allowed to travel to the US. We are so disappointed and can only hope our friends are safe and well!!!

  18. My sister-in-law and I had a trip planned to Princeville in November. Because of restaurants not allowing dining and COVID test rules ever changing we canceled. I have been coming for more than ten years. I hope and pray that your people will be able to survive this.

  19. We have a family renunion for about 11 of us that was scheduled for arrival in Kauai on January 16th. We are right on the edge of canceling altogether if this situation doesn’t change in the next few weeks. We have no fee cancellable flights and will likely have to do that soon. It’s a shame as we’ve been coming to Kauai for about 40 years. It’s hard enough to justify $125 per person for a test for 11 of us (half the price of the week plane ticket). Rather than change to another island we’ll go someplace that is not as chaotic.

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