526 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upheaval: Stakeholders Livid As Adversaries Now Concur”

  1. We canceled Kauai and will be be trying to book another island. Until the governor and all mayors are on the same page, it isn’t worth the risk. Kauai closed down with literally no notice. Who wants to believe that the other islands won’t do the same. We are very sad but hope to be back over in 2022.

  2. Seems like the prevailing message here is “we don’t want you visiting our island, nor do we care about our locals here”. Very sad indeed. While the rest of the US may have some restrictions, people are getting along just fine and respecting each other’s space.
    We have been visiting HI for nearly 30 years and always spend 2 weeks there at a time and drop lots of money in the local economy – all mom and pop stores/businesses.
    This is going to devastate HI and make it a third world state in no time thanks to the lack of unity and leadership. Politics are superseding logic, facts, and genuine care for the local population.
    There are plenty of other beautiful islands in the world who have figured it out so I guess this comes down to my leading presumption, and that is truly sad.

  3. We were going to come to Kauai in December but decided to only go to Oahu. We changed our flight and only Plan on visiting Oahu

  4. I had reservations on Maui for an annual 2 week vacation the last week of Jan., 1st week of Feb. I have been holding off cancelling all year but with all the uncertainty, on again and off again plus the risk of getting a false positive on a required test, I am cancelling. I am unwilling to risk spending $8000, only to land in quarantine for 2 weeks. I’ll look for a better option for our winter getaway. You have no idea how much it pains me to say that as we love Maui, even though the travel from the east coast is brutal.
    I appreciate BOH who have kept us informed but the dysfunction of the state government is disappointing to say the least. I feel sorry for all those whose lives are being “saved” by these actions but whose life is being destroyed. I fear these beautiful islands will never be the same.

    1. Hi Al.

      Sorry you won’t be returning to Maui in January, but we hope you can return again soon.


  5. What a mess! We hope to go to Kauai for six weeks beginning in Sept 2021 but won’t if we can’t island hop while we are there without quarantines. We are continuing to pay Kauai timeshare maintenance fees, counting on being able to go. We already had our 2020 trip cancelled but were able to roll over our weeks. At some point, I’m guessing defaults and lawsuits will likely begin for such properties as owners refuse to pay for weeks that cannot be used. Sure seems like there could be a better way for all this to be administered and enforced. We are counting on vaccines and quick-result tests making travel possible again to every island of Hawaii and around the world in the first half of 2021.

  6. We have absolutely canceled our plans for this year and next. We travel twice a year and spend a total of about 4 weeks a year and aren’t going back for the forseeable future. How do you plan? You can’t, you can only plan for more stupidness coming from the elected Hawaii officials. Can you imagine the devastation if this was a high infection high death rate disease?

  7. I am beyond furious at the sudden decision the Kauai Mayor and Hawaii Gov. have made over the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s clear that they both do not respect each other’s decision nor do they share the common interest of the health and well-being on the economy or state. It’s frustrating because I see both arguments, but there are better ways to come to a reasonable solution that keeps the economy open (particularly on Kauai) and minimize the spread of the virus. Based on this article, it’s clear that Kauai is getting a bad rep for many valid reasons. The Mayor of Kauai did great during the earlier stages of COVID (even I was a fan), now I feel like he’s been sucked into politics too much and not realizing what he’s doing to his community shutting down the tourist industry which provides jobs to hundreds of its residents. Mayor K hasn’t even addressed the fact that the CDC suggest a shorter quarantine timeframe. He needs to rethink his 14-day rule and open up the economy again. There are other ways to stop the spread. Go back to curfew model, in-store/restaurant capacities, gatherings limit, etc. There are too many locals breaking the rule, yet the tourist are being punished for trying to have a vacation and give residents jobs.

  8. I cancelled four weeks this past summer and wonder if I will have to do the same in 2021. Eight weeks with 2+ visitor’s expenses may not make it to the islands. I went to FL this year and may spend more time there next year.

  9. Per your article days ago, the 2 people who violated the “rules” were your very own residents. They knowing flew back to Hawaii with Covid. I know it’s easy to blame tourists for everything. Tourists mostly support the island and respect the beautiful culture. I am sorry to say the choice Kauai mayor made Will result in devastating unemployment, catastrophic tax revenue loss and opportunities for people who truly love the islands to experience an authentic culture. I pray for you and I weep for you, as I do not see recovery coming quickly…

  10. Thanks for the update. It is confusing for the traveller to know what is acceptable. We have booked a big 40th anniversary party for 2 weeks on the Big Island in July of next year and want to bring our families from Canada. However we’re wondering about cancelling all our timeshare weeks and perhaps rescheduling for another time. We don’t know if we will be vaccinated by then. It’s hard for everyone. Our hearts go out to the people of Hawaii. Good Heal equals good economy

  11. We go every year to one of the islands but not anymore. Hawaii is off indefinitely. So sad…keep us posted, you never know what will come down.

  12. All your points are us annoying tourists feel. I was booked for Kauai for 2 weeks over Thanksgiving. With all the uncertainty we cancelled and rebooked to Mexico. Did our trip wore masks, socially distanced, spent our $25,000 there and were thanked by the locals for coming. That and tens of thousands of other tourist money was supposed to go to the Hawaii economy. I think it’s too late now to turn this around until the pandemic passes and there are no restrictions. I myself would not trust booking until them. A test when I get there is not the answer. What am I to do put all my time and money aside then get quarantined with my whole family because a false positive comes up with 1 of us. NO WAY. This is vacation not work. Sorry tourist businesses and employees we wanted to support our own but the politicians and non businesses people have made it impossible for you and us tourists. Next election get together and change leaders before they bring you to ruin a second time

  13. We plan to come to the big island in March. I assume by then these issues with policy conflicts and testing arrangements will have worked themselves out.

  14. Thank you, BOH! Hawaii is now in a “boy who cried wolf” scenario … policy changes, then changes to those changes; one island acting on its own, talks of proposed changes to the other changes. Lt. Gov and others agree they need a solid plan, but whatever is communicated as the next change will be received with “sure, how long until this change changes again.” Just cancelled our Maui Christmas trip making it 3 cancelled trips this year.

  15. Thank you very much for the up to date reporting. Kauai residents are devastated by the return of quarantine,residents are suffering.
    As a recently retired HPH employee, RN on Kauai I was/am happy to read the statement by Josh Green that Kauai is supported by HPH Honolulu and does. have medical resources.I am a Kauai resident,who also works on Oahu I am hoping that Hawaii develop a State wide plan. To all the visitors,returning residents,stay strong,please consider signing the petition to Gov Ige on Changec.org to rescind the 14 day quarantine
    Thank you

  16. I certainly hope they don’t even consider a second rapid test on arrival. Whatever tourism they have now will be cut down to almost nothing. No tourist in their right mind would take a chance with a second test knowing that if somehow it comes back positive they not only will be forced into quarantine but they won’t be allowed to fly back home for at least 21 days following a negative test. So basically they risk being stuck in a hawaii at great expense for over a month before being allowed to return home. That means they may lose their job, lose their savings, and leave dependents or pets behind who are depending on their return. Hawaii needs to wake up, and stop treating tourists worse than dogs or never expect them to return.

  17. Thanks as always for the updates! Here in Georgia travel is not restricted across cities, counties, nor are we restricted from travel to neighboring states. It boggles my mind to read about the conflict between the islands, cities, and state officials. We have some of that in Georgia, but nothing as crazy as Hawaii. The entire state of Hawaii needs to get its act together quickly. We have a vacation planned for Sept 2021 (rescheduled from 2020), but there is no way I would travel to Hawaii without definitive and consistent policies across the entire state. And, just stop with the ridiculous requirement for pre-testing or some kind of certification. It provides almost no protection for Hawaii because of how easily someone could get the virus after the test – a day before travel, during the travel, etc., not to mention the questionable accuracy of tests. Oh, and has anyone seen the market for fake certifications??? If Hawaiians are so scared of this virus, just keep the state locked down until the pandemic is over, or until your economy collapses. Enjoy your paradise, while it lasts. I’ll find paradise somewhere else. Aloha

    1. Hi David.

      Thanks for this and your other comments. We hope you’ll be able to return in September.


  18. We are still coming to Kona for 2 wks in March, but that could change if things don’t get ironed out soon. My thoughts are why get on the plane without a negative test result in your hand.

  19. No doubt Mayor Anger Management(TM) is counting on the new Cadaver-In-Chief bailing everyone out. Money is unlimited. Can be created out of thin air. You have a huge part of the US population that believes this. Look at the last presidential candidates “free” healthcare, all student loan debt “canceled” “universal basic income”. That is what is being sold. So why not dole out another year’s worth of “extra” unemployment?! Maybe another CARES act to provide “loans” that you don’t have to pay back to small business owners that have been forced to shut down by their local governments.

    The thing with modern monetary policy is that it works just fine until it doesn’t. Sure, you get “free” money but that galloon of milk is going to set you back $50.

    And look at all the comments you get on this blog that support absolutely ruining Kauai businesses and people’s livelihoods. Whether their fears are fair or rational is not the point. It’s how they feel. Disagree with them and you are selfish. I wonder if they have the self-awareness to see their own selfish desire to ruin so many people’s lives in order for them to feel they are “protected”.

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