526 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upheaval: Stakeholders Livid As Adversaries Now Concur”

  1. We ended up canceling our vacation to Kauai and decided against trying to find accommodations on another island. We are pessimistic that requirements could easily change yet again. It has left a very bad taste in our mouth about going to Hawaii at all. We’ll likely look to the Caribbean or Central America for future vacations.

  2. The idea that you can’t stop quarantine when your negative test comes through makes zero sense. It punishes people for something they can’t control and it encourages people to get tested as early as possible, meaning they have more time to get infected before arriving.

  3. Dead people can’t hold jobs. So keeping hawaii open while covid infections are rising doesn’t make a lot of sense. Each island is it’s own county. On the mainland, two county’s right next to each other have different laws. So while many visitors are confused/frustrated about what’s going on, I suggest they look into the history and overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom. It will definitely offer some insight into the reasons behind each island actions.

  4. We have a trip to Hawaii coming up soon; we’re planning on January in Honolulu, then February on the big island. Not cancelling yet, but definitely worried that there will be last minute changes that leave us scrambling. Given how long we plan to be there, even allowing quarantine in vacation rentals would be a little peace of mind. But no way I’m blowing the money to be locked in a tiny hotel room for two weeks. As is, I’m looking at our options in Mexico. I truly do understand the need to prioritize public health…but it seems like they had all this time to plan when travel was shut down, and this is hardly a real, functional system for travelers.

  5. When people go on vacation they want reliable transportation, reliable accommodations, reliable car rental, reliable places to get food, reliable activities and entertainment. At this time Hawaii does not have that. We are anxious to return to Hawaii but will stay home until Hawaii is reliable in all of the above areas.

  6. We have just canceled our Hawaiian vacation for the second time. We had plans to visit traveling between 3 islands. Kauai was one of the islands we planned to visit for a week. With the new quarantine restrictions and the problem of getting tested and results back in 72 hours we felt it was too risky to try and there is no way we have time to quarantine for most of our vacation. Resort bubbles don’t work for us because we want to be able to explore all the things Hawaii has to offer. Thank you for all the updates!

  7. We canceled our family Christmas trip to Maui, we love Hawaii and were so looking forward to it! But with all the changing test requirements & issues with testing partners, we couldn’t risk it. There are 5 of us, what if we don’t get test results back in time? What if we have a false positive (some of us had covid months ago). Hawaii is a big, expensive trip. Not worth the worry & troubles. We’re going to Mexico instead.

  8. We had to cancel a 14 day trip in May/June 2020 to Kauai and then canceled again to the Big Island in October 2020 because they would not accept our Covid test from our local health department. We had planned to go to Kauai in Jan 2021 but we just cancelled. We are done with Hawaii. These are expensive trips and we have lost money on each cancellation, we plan on spending our hard earned money in a state the wants us to visit.

  9. I am in Maui now and was concerned when there was so much change approaching our travel dates. It worked out but it was difficult to arrange all we needed for the trip. I will likely choose a destination without so many hoops in the future.

  10. California oregon washington unilaterally agree with kauaii.
    West coast does the same, businessman be damned.

  11. Family of 5 that already had COVID so thought Hawaii would be a great idea. We started reading the requirements and gave up after about an hour of researching the stunningly complex rules. Going to Mexico now.

  12. I’m still hoping to Return to Hawaii in January but I’m not booking anything yet…just watching. Mahal on hi Loa for the updates. So appreciated.

  13. Is the mayor still getting a paycheck. Remember this and send him to the unemployment line next election.

  14. Aloha.
    Few thoughts passed through my brain this week. Our family are spread across the islands and while we are desperate to get home and see them, they are not so desperate to see us because they are scared of us. Hawaii does not have the resources that the mainland has- we all want and need to see our Ohana but the gift of COVID is not welcome. If we were still living there we would be totally against mainland travelers coming to Hawaii given the crazy numbers on the mainland. This is an island with limited resources.
    How strapped are even big cities? I had a friend who had outpatient foot surgery get an infection. He spent 2 nights sleeping in the Emergency Room because there were no beds available for him. He then spent 6 days in Raleigh hospital waiting on a hospital that could do the bloodwork he needed. He finally got transferred to UNC Chapel Hill and had open heart surgery!! Perspective: The medical care system is tapped and Hawaii doesnt even come close to the resources in North Carolina (Duke, UNC, etc.) so it is ok for Hawaii to be scared of us and maybe right now is not the time to travel home. Mahalo

  15. I did book a March Girls Trip to Maui. We are hoping a few months makes enough of a difference that we can at least have a clear picture of the guidelines and have enough available resources to comply. We want to experience the Aloha and see the whales…..fingers crossed! AquaAston again came through with a great Cyber Monday deal with a 3 day prior cancellation if needed. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone as we were all involved in trying to deal with this virus. Let’s hope that the vaccine starts to change things.

  16. We plan on 7 weeks in Maui but are about to cancel if things don’t change. We don’t know from day to day what the requirements are. I frankly don’t know how residents put up with this type of inconsistent and, from all appearances, incompetent government leadership.

    1. Already cancelled my 2 weeks in Maui. Not putting my time and money on these putzes while they screw up the livelihoods of thousands on the island.

    2. Great post!! I completely agree and I do live here. A governmet that cares nothing for the people, driven to govern through emotional decisions.

  17. Pretty soon….from my perspective, it will be Hawaii for the win…and I’ll be staying home. As someone said, a trip to Hawaii is not cheap. My 25 days runs me close to $5,000!! Am I going to risk it with “will I get a test in time or not?” We have a timeshare and a kitchen, but if I’m going to be “locked up” I might as well sit at my own home where I have a hot tub and can do to the store. I can’t imagine the expense of trying to order food delivery in Kona.
    My annual maintenance fee of $2k will be money down the drain. I certainly can’t spend that much at a later date to come. So it is looking more and more like 2022!
    Hawaii for the win!

  18. My husband and I scheduled a 3-week trip to The Cliffs in Kauai for November 2020, but postponed it a couple of months ago. We know the resort is a bubble site, but why spend the money to visit if we must stay on property and cannot enjoy the entire island’s beauty? We are scheduled to visit Hawaii Island and Maui in late February-early March, but given the current restrictions, will probably postpone that visit, also. We will eventually be able to resume traveling, but now is not the time for us.

  19. Arizona is looking really nice right now. Hawaii just can’t get it’s act together. The real losers are the residents of the islands. I can choose to spend my money in AZ but residents in HI have to suffer the economic consequences for really poor decisions on the part of the politicians it elected. Barack was right when he said, “Elections have consequences.”. When you elect people who are afraid of their own shadow, this is what you end up with. South Florida is looking pretty good right now too.

    1. Arizona may appear to be good, but they have had nearly 6000 people test positive each day. Traveling there may be extremely risky. I am waiting patiently for the vaccine and will gladly travel to Hawaii next Christmas!

      1. I am lucky to live in Arizona, we may have cases but the death rate is down significantly. Please don’t be a fear monger.

        1. The death rate is down, but the number of cases is WAY up, so the number of deaths is up. You’re playing Russian Roulette with your life and the lives of your loved ones by not taking COVID seriously. You’re also not considering hospital bed utilization. ICU beds in AZ are at roughly 92% usage. If the upward trend continues you will soon run out of beds It’s not just beds, physical beds are relatively easy to add, it’s the staff that goes with those beds that are hard to find now. Ask anyone who works in the ED or ICU … they will be happy to tell you how overworked they are because COVID patients require more in the way of staff to care for. For example, COVID patients on a vent need to be “proned”. Basically, that means they need to be flipped over from back to stomach every few hours, and then onto their back again. It takes 4 or 5 nurses to do that. Imagine what that’s like during a 12-hour shift, where you probably have 5-10 nurses on staff in the ICU.

      2. The mayor is keeping those of us who live here safe. Who vacations in the middle ofa worldwide pandemic anyway? What don’t you understand? It is not safe! Our mayor is trying to keep you from coming here! Come to our island when it is safe to do so. We only have 9 ICU beds.

        1. Exactly! Who does that? I’ll tell you who, people who don’t take this pandemic seriously. Right now, folks isn’t the time to go on vacation. It’s amazing to me how people just can’t skip their vacation for 2020 and just wait until the second 1/2 of 2021 to go on vacation. I think that the real question people should be asking their elected leaders is “what are you doing to support those businesses and people that are negatively affected by the pandemic”? Right now, I think that our government is letting us down because the answer in a lot of cases is “nothing”. This is particularly true of the Federal government. It’s time they go off their butts and pass some economic relief. For example, a LOT of people are going to lose their unemployment benefits at the end of the year, and nothing is being done to stop it.

      3. Such a good point! We are in the middle of a pandemic. Please people, understand that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel and, to the extent that we get to the other side, state and county leadership helped!

  20. Is it possible that the leaders in Hawaii government have no idea what’s is happening? Do they listen at all? I spoke to my property managers today and cancellations are skyrocketing. Not just Kauai. All the islands are seeing bookings evaporate as fear of arbitrary changes cause discomfort and discomfort causes people to seek safety. Safety is cancelling. Easier to walk away than worry about it. I am amazed at how many people have decided not just to cancel, but go somewhere else. Breaks my heart to see people spending in Mexico and the Caribbean when our brothers and sisters in Hawaii desperately need the jobs and income. The elected leaders should be ashamed. Wonder it they even know how incompetent they appear. History will not be kind.

    1. The leaders in Hawaii know exactly what they are doing.
      Its all a part of the Deamoncats plan to shut down everything except BIG business, BIG tech and the FAKE news media and have total control over the little people that they want to control like sheep. They even are talking plans of eliminating private property by 2030.
      A good example showing idiots like the mayor cauldwell Have No Clothes was to start tearing down Sherwood Forest in Waimanalo when the shutdowns first started so the people that pay his salary could not protest the destruction of more Hawaiian lands.

      Biden, another example of their plans even answered a question yesterday about what he would do if he came in disagreement with harris, ” I would probably have to come up with some kind of disease so I could step down from office”.

      So we all really know what’s going on.

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