Hawaii Travel Is Recession-Proof According To State

Hawaii Travel Vengeance Resumes As State Remains Out of Step

Hawaii visitor arrivals are, without doubt, about to go through the roof. We’re in the low-season lull before the storm. This summer will see domestic arrival numbers beyond anything ever before.

Hawaii aficionados are ready to book and to spend.

With Covid subsiding across the US and here in Hawaii, anyone who loves travel is thinking about where they will go next, on that perhaps long-postponed trip. Your editors are both passionate travelers, as an example, and our wings have been entirely clipped throughout Covid. But starting next month, Beat of Hawaii hits the road (skies) again, both across the state and beyond.

Hawaii isn’t prepared and remains out of step.

Covid restrictions are still in effect in Hawaii. Those include both indoor mask mandates and the Hawaii Safe Travels quarantine exemption program. That requires specific proof of testing or vaccination requirements to avoid the still in effect 5-day mandatory quarantine.

The rest of the US has eliminated or plans to eliminate any such requirements. That came yesterday when New Mexico and Washington both said they are removing indoor mask mandates. This happened just one day after the CDC said it is reviewing a possible upcoming change to mask guidance.

How steep a Hawaii travel demand will we see?

We don’t know yet just how busy Hawaii will be, this summer for example, but it will be intense. There are widespread reports this week that the entire travel industry is seeing a huge increase in vacation demand.

People are ready to travel, ready for adventure, and ready to spend.

Given the unknowns in the world today, including whether some other form of Covid could again rear its ugly head, people are jumping to take advantage of the current opportunity to get on the road, or in the plane in Hawaii’s case.

As visitors return en masse, will Hawaii be ready for them?

Complications in Hawaii include a severe lack of employees at restaurants and throughout the hospitality. A plethora of workers decided to simply do something else rather than return to those jobs. Even as the industry is willing to pay more than ever for help, they simply are not finding it. Hospitality workers nationwide saw wage increases of 14% last year alone. As a result of the staff shortages, restaurants on all the islands face reduced hours.

Wells Fargo says we have $2.4 Trillion ready to spend.

According to Wells Fargo, largely as a result of savings due to staying home, no travel, and no dining out, Americans saved a fortune that they are now ready to spend on travel, with Hawaii vacations obviously near the top of the demand chain. That is part of the reason that Hawaii vacation demand will soar. It is also thought that people are willing to spend more than normal, which speaks to luxury Hawaii travel.

Hawaii is out of step on Covid protocols.

Hawaii now has the dubious honor of being the only remaining state with an indoor mask mandate. And the governor has been unwilling to announce the specific time frame or conditions on which that requirement or Hawaii Safe Travels will be removed.

Ige said this week only that he is working with the State Dept. of Health to decide on when the time is right. He said that it is specifically because of the mask mandate that the state has had such a low incidence of Covid-related deaths. Ige indicated he is using science and community health as his guidance.

This comes even as we’ve been discussing “Hawaii Poised To Scrap All Travel Rules & Mask Mandate.”

What’s your take on Hawaii’s position on mask mandates among other restrictions?

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78 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Vengeance Resumes As State Remains Out of Step”

  1. Hawaii is always about 6 months to 2 years behind the curve. Government officials not the brightest flowers in the bunch. Its gonna be extremely difficult for them to let go of their control. 🙁

  2. FWIW, Washington is currently lifting it’s mandate on March 21st and Oregon no later than March 30th. I suppose they could be sooner but HI is not the only state to still have mandates in place.

    We’re looking forward to being on the north shore of Oahu at the beginning of March. We’re going with friends who have never been. Maybe they’ll be lifted by then which would be great but the masks are barely a nuisance any more and we spend most of our time outside anyway.

  3. I think it is so stupid for Hawaii to still have mask mandates when visitors are arriving from all over the world where they no longer have any COVID restrictions. Many Hawaiian residents also travel to places with no mask mandates. Mask are more harmful than good and many people do not even wash their reusable masks. Imagine how many germs are on the mask. Common sense is more beneficial in deciding on mask mandates. We will end up with lung issues and other health issues because of masks.

    1. Please understand that your logic actually should encourage masking. Some southern states are still at a vax rate under 50%. The very fact that the virus travels with travelers going and coming speaks to the importance of masking, especially with Omicron. As for mask use and safety, one can avoid that reusable mask problem by cycling 3-5 N-95. Simply rotate using the same mask every 3-5 days. Left in the sun, virus and bacterial particles are gone within 1-3 days.

  4. I just got back from my first vacation in Hawaii (Oahu). It was wonderful and I will be back! However, as beautiful as it is there and as welcoming as the people are, the mask/vax thing was ridiculous. Come on, Hawaii! It’s not necessary and is a burden. Get over it. Nothing could ruin an otherwise wonderful vacation, but it would have been even better without the mask/vax nonsense.

  5. Just returned from 17 days in Maui. Did follow Safe Travels Protocol with no problem and masks on flights. Did not wear masks outdoors but did wear them when entering and exiting resuarants and in stores. It was no problem. Happy to see Hawaii is being thoughtful. Being so small, and with limited heakthcare facilities, it is thoughtful. Everyone was respectful and kind. Let’s keep it that way!

  6. Lifting the mask mandate does not ban masks. It only gets us back to where we were before the pandemic. Personal freedom to weigh the risks and act accordingly. If you feel uncomfortable in a crowd without a mask then you are perfectly free to wear one but others can be allowed to be mask free. If masks are as effective as they say then there should be no problem being around unmasked people. Personal freedom to choose is the bottom line.

  7. Aloha! As kamaaina that had to leave to get cancer care, I have been especially sensitive to safety measures in place at various places of business, and on airlines. As I continue to be immune compromised, I worry about a major influx of visitors with no controls in place to ensure they are not bringing more than their money to our islands. Covid is not gone, the pandemic is not over, and our resources are finite. Mahalo.

  8. Travel vengeance?

    FL is a travel vengeance because apparently 118 million people don’t need a bunch of mandates and vaccine passports to feel perfectly safe enjoying life.

    Rhse that do.. Congrats, you’ve spent approximately 2.5% of your life succumbing to fear.. sounds peachy

    1. For your edification:

      Cumulative Hospitalizations. Florida, 82,237. Hawaii, 2,226
      Cases per 100k pop. Florida, 10,474, Hawaii, 2,340 (best of all 50 states)
      Deaths per 100k pop. Florida, .88 (190 deaths per day) Hawaii, .44 (6.4 deaths per day)

      Please, if you are posting an opinion, at least have your facts before you. Hawaii was just recognized as the safest place in the US for a reason.

      1. Safest for those who care about stats to determine how safe they feel… I guess the 118 million that headed to FL felt safe as well..

        Hawaii got 6 million, so thats cool I guess. Who needs full time steady employment?

        You do realize HI is 2500 miles in the middle of the Pacific, with 4 counties separated by water, and literally one city in the whole State. The outer islands have no city or congested areas

        You were sold by HI politicians that HI is the best.. as if it were a contest.

        1. If feelings were horses, they would carry the hearses and oxygen tanks of our friends and neighbors. Those dramatic differences speak to protection over complacency and dependence on those same stat. Indicators that you decry. I’m quite sure that the 82,000 families in FL would disagree with your assessment.

          1. I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand this Covid in Florida infatuation.

            I suggest Floridians and Hawaiians alike are parties to the same information and each are free to calculate their own risk tolerance and act accordingly. It also appears to me if either Floridians or Hawaiians feel their respective situations untenable they each have been, and remain, fully free and able to seek other arrangements.

            I find little need to question either of their independent judgements.

          2. Let me help you understand, though I suspect that your Libertarian island will likely dismiss.
            Let’s imaging that FDR had said, “Yes, we are in a war, but in the interest of individual freedom, I shall allow each state and individual decide if they will join the nation in fighting this scourge.”
            Would that have made sense? Yet, that’s the approach the Governor of FL has taken, 82,000+ souls dying an unnecessary death. False equivalency?

            3 million dead would argue if they could.

  9. We just returned from 6 weeks in Kona. The Hawaii Safe Travels site was easy and efficient to list our vaccinations. Those complaining about the Covid precautions need to understand the minimal level of Healthcare facilities on the islands. If they are overwhelmed,you don’t just go to the next county/state…this is the middle of the Pacific . Stay safe Hawaii…We will return.

  10. I happen to be in Hawaii right now on vacation. Florida was in the lower count of Covid and they had the most lax mask mandate. To have to show a vaccine card to go to any sit down restaurant in Hawaii seems over the top. I hope they join the rest is the mainland and realize their paranoia about Covid is overblown.

    1. In the interest of presenting actual, factual data, here you go:

      Cumulative Hospitalizations. Florida, 82,237. Hawaii, 2,226
      Cases per 100k pop. Florida, 10,474, Hawaii, 2,340 (best of all 50 states)
      Deaths per 100k pop. Florida, .88 (190 deaths per day) Hawaii, .44 (6.4 deaths per day)

      Please, if you are posting an opinion, at least have your facts before you. Hawaii was just recognized as the safest place in the US.

      1. Sadly these numbers should not surprise when you take demographics into account.

        As we all know by now, the disease by a far far margin kills the sick and the old. I don’t know about the health situation between Florida and Hawaii, but I do know there are way more old people in Florida than Hawaii (per Capita, and total of course)

        Whatever the case thank goodness things are cooling off!

        Have fun!

        1. Actually, FL and HI are not that far apart. FL-20.1% (65+); HI-17.8% (65+). When you account for recent migration trends, the 2020 census reports that HI 65+ population is growing at a 60.1% rate while FL varies (according to county), growing at ~17-30.1%.

          HI is also among the top tier in vax rate- 85%, while FL sits at 77%.

          The risk of new variants and population spread remain highest in maskless, mostly southern states with low vax rates.

          1. Covid statistics and other Covid data are quickly dropping from the screens of most Americans. Politicians, having consulted the oracle at Mt. Poll, are for the most part burning their masks, spending Covid relief funds on anything but, and distancing themselves from unpopular anti-Covid measures.

            CDC data shows daily Covid vaccination rates are decreasing. Booster rates are low also.

            Millions of Americans are just plain tired of the Covid propaganda war waged upon them and are moving on.

          2. Heywood, I don’t think that stats say what you think they’re saying. The numbers of vaccinated and boosted are much higher than the unvaccinated. At this point no one thinks that the unvaxxed are going to get on the bandwagon.

            We all look forward to the day that the 2,500 deaths a day are behind us. The sooner people figure out that there are actual ways to mitigate these deaths the sooner we will all be able to return to a semblance of life as we knew it.

          3. Guess we’re lucky that the Greatest Generation didn’t depend on polling data, conspiratorial “propaganda wars” or self-determination about the end of war to make it so.

    2. “I hope they join the rest is the mainland and realize their paranoia about Covid is overblown.” This attitude is for anyone who forgets that Hawaii NEVER wanted to “Join the rest of the Mainland.” Just sayin’…

  11. I have reservations for a upcoming vacation in Hawaii. I personally believe that Hawaii should not lift its mask mandate. I do however believe the Quarantine and safe travels uploads program is something to let go of for domestic travelers as long as proof of vax and or 3 day accepted test has occurred. I paid a fee to upload my info and still do not know if it was done correctly. A small unnecessary hassle if you ask me.

    1. Why did you pay for something that is free and really easy to do? I have been to Hawaii several times during that Safe Travels program website and it’s pretty straightforward. Type in your flight info, where you are staying and a photo of your vaccine card. It will then show exempt on the docs and you are emailed a QR code. You show that to your airline gate agent before you board, get a wristband, and you are done. When you arrive, show the wristband to the workers and you are free to go. 👍🏼

  12. Either Hawaii wants our money or not! If they don’t then close it down for travelers and let the states economy suffer. If they want our money then they need to quit making it so dreadful and hard for us to get there and enjoy ourselves.

    1. Perhaps there are others that are still looking forward to traveling to HI. Closing it down just because you don’t want to seems like you’re hoping to infringe upon others “freedoms”.

      Hoping that this will make HI suffer seems like a pretty vengeful outlook.

    2. Your comment fly’s in the face of what’s really happening on the ground in Hawaii. People are traveling there, in droves, despite all those things you hate so much.

  13. I believe that I get is out of step, many tests of mask prove beyond a doubt that masks don’t work. Coming to see youmid March, praying he will wake up by then.Thank you for all you have done during all this thought times.

    1. Perhaps a few studies show some ineffectiveness but looking at how those studies are done makes a big difference. Quality masks make a difference and they do help with slowing the curve of illness and straining hospitals. I understand the frustration with hanging on too long to them as a tool when cases are down.

      1. Coming for my trip of a lifetime with my daughter and 2 of my Grandsons at the end of March. I will also get to see my Granddaughter that attends The University in Honolulu. I do hope the masking will end so it will be truly enjoyable. I am 65 and will probably only visit this one time.

        1. Don’t stress over it, it might be gone by then, or it might not. We were there last fall when the mask mandate was in place, and it didn’t take a thing from our enjoyment. We are going back again on March 12th, and can’t wait, either way.

          1. I am glad you enjoyed your time. I think most of us locals who work with the tourists like you appreciate your attitude, respect, and sentiments. We enjoy life and all that Hawaii has to offer even with masks required indoors. None of us have suffered as we continue to remain positive and show our aloha towards others.

  14. Trutfully,rental cars still remain the biggest rip off in car rental history.that should be addressed by Hawaii government

  15. Hawai’i isn’t the only state to have an indoor mask mandate. Oregon still does, at least until March 31st. And then after that it’ll be up to businesses and school districts to decide if they would like to keep mask usage a requirement. Until the percentage of school age vaccinated reaches 92% or higher, I hope school districts keep indoor mask usage in place until the end of the year.

      1. Whether they are a “big deal” or not is up to the individuals. There are plenty of states/cities that don’t have them. People who care about it (one way or the other) can choose to avoid places that have or don’t have them. Sort of like smoking or non-smoking.

        Only Oahu has a vax passport at this point (since Maui just dropped theirs), but most Hawaii residents live on Oahu. WE are on Kauai – I have yet to encounter any place wanting proof of vax, but the Blog guys says they are out there.

        1. You have, perhaps unintentionally exposed the proper comparison between succumbing to the effects of CV-19. Most people compare the “endemic” state of CV-19, when/if we reach such a point, and the annual flu.

          The proper comparison is between the risk of CV-19 and smoking (lung cancer). An unvaccinated individual is 68 times more likely to end up in a hospital, comparable to the cancer risk of a smoker. A smoker is at a 80-90% risk of contracting lung cancer.

  16. I am wondering what is Hawaii doing to promote the environment? I know car manufacturers are fazing out gas engines. This state would be out of business when that happens. There is absolutely no infrastructure being built to support eclectic vehicles.

    1. Actually, the HI Legislature has just passed enabling legislation to use part of the $18 million from the stimulus infrastructure dollars to enhance a statewide increase in charging stations. Nationwide the federal estimate is to add another 500K stations.

  17. Dear Karle, I’ve been postponing my 1st trip to Oahu & I’m glad I did!! Good things come to those who wait😊 With the extra time I’ve been saving $$$. I’m getting super excited about my trip!! 🌍✈📅🌞🕶🏖🛍💕🌈🌺🍍🥥😍🐢🐠 God bless you & stay safe! Psalms 91:11

  18. Enough is Enough! Ige is out of touch as Omicron/Covid is at “Endemic Stage” with up to 80% now immune due to Natural Immunity or Covid Jab…get it together Hawaii or get left behind…
    a really feel for the Locals who rely on Common Sense protocols

    1. Actually, no.

      What you speak of is a report coming out of India that concludes that country has reached the “endemic” stage. Most health experts expect CV-19 to flourish for quite some time, especially in the low-vaxed states. I wonder if after two years of WWII, our Greatest Generation would be declaring victory even as the Germans and Japanese were increasing in control.

      The real meaning of “getting left behind” is remaining unvaxed and unprotected. I’ll take HI’s approach.

  19. WE just returned from a week in Puerto Rico were they still have a mask mandate for indoors and outdoors when you can not social distance and we are fine with that! I feel more comfortable wearing a mask, in a crowd, than not..
    I do hope that Hawaii does away with the mandatory test if you are vaccinated, in time for our trip in May 2022.

    1. There is no mandatory test if you are vaccinated. If you are unvaccinated and you want to avoid quarantine, a test is required.

  20. As a long time reader but first time commenting, let me thank you for all the information and thoughtful positions you provide.
    We are currently on an extended stay in Kauai and find the make to be quite irritating. (Outside markets?? Really??) We are fully vaccinated and boosted, we have been responsible and thoughtful throughout the pandemic. But it is time for Hawaii to catch up, the pandemic is over and what is left is a flu bug.

    1. Hi Aly.

      Thanks for being a reader and for your comment. We hope you are enjoying your time and the beautiful winter weather on Kauai.


  21. Hi BoH,

    We love Hawaii & go every year. After our trip in May we decided to try another tropical vacation with much less Covid restrictions.

    We just got back from Jamaica & only had to take a Covid antigen test to enter Jamaica & return to the US w/ proof of a negative test result was required. It wasn’t our beloved Hawaii, but it was a lot less stress only having to take a Covid rapid test. We’ll wait to return to the Big Island once Covid mandates are lifted, esp. Hawaii Safe Travels!!!

    1. Safe Travels has kept Hawaii’s infection and death rate low compared with most states: we are remote, with limited medical facilities and personnel-
      Residents are grateful to our leadership, tho it has been an erratic implementation of policies.

  22. Good afternoon from Arizona! I just wanted to put my two cents worth in on the indoor mask mandates. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think wearing a mask is that big of a deal. If it helps keep the numbers down, which we know it does, I will happily wear one. I feel like it gives me the chance to do something for others and helps the community as a whole.

    1. Unfortunately, the “mask” you say you are wearing for others does nothing unless it’s an N-95. Proven to be true. We can’t accept this as the norm. First and foremost it’s a fear tactic. If it truly did something that would be one thing but again unless it’s an N-95 nothing! I am a health care worker. I’ve seen first hand the “testing” And the American public would be appalled. Everyone has to do what’s best for themselves however to believe that what our government says is truth,is super scary!

  23. I would like politicians to admit that when they said they were following the science, they meant their poll numbers. Hawaii had 12 Covid deaths yesterday and 16 today. Cases are still over 500 a day, near the highest in the past two years. Now the politicians who said even one Covid death is too many seem to be fine with letting people die as long as they can avoid plummeting poll numbers. The whole lockdown was mass hysteria, and the reckless spending has created massive inflation.

  24. My wife and I have decided we’ve taken our last trip to the islands. Covid restrictions, high car rentals, steep hotel prices and an overall unfriendliness of the locals has turned us off on what used to be our favorite destination.

    1. I agree, We got a great deal on the car rental this time, but the food is blowing up. 50.00 is the average seafood diner. The hotel rooms are going insane. Taxes, resort fees, parking fees, I think I’m in Chicago. Last time we stayed there, parking was 80.00 a night.
      This is a place that supposed to care about the environment, but I’m watching construction projects flowing tons of sediment into the beautiful blue sea.

  25. A big issue now is and probably will still be this summer, is restaurants not fully opened. Many restaurants are under staffed and not open more than a few days per week and or have cut back the number of hours they are open on any given day. Going out to lunch or dinner is anything but routine.

    1. Yes, understaffing is a big concern. Not just in Hawaii, but across the country. People have found different jobs, and, quite frankly, don’t want to go back to a low-paying high-stress job. There are also some restaurants that decided that the surge would be a good time for any repairs and/or remodeling. I highly recommend getting reservations well ahead of time. If you wait until you are on the island even, you might miss out on some of the best places.

  26. You are incorrect in your statements on indoor mask mandates in effect. aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2020/states-mask-mandates-coronavirus.html

    1. It’s confusing. Some states allow counties and/or cities to maintain their own mandates, and places like California that still require unvaxxed to wear them (IDK how that could be enforced). Plus some still require them in schools. And feds still mandate them in airplanes.

      This was 5 days ago, so already out of date:


  27. The US Virgin Islands still have even stricter requirements than Hawaii. They still require testing for vaccinated visitors and have indoor and outdoor mask mandates. Islands have to do what they need to do based on available resources. I’m happy to do whatever they need, it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve been going to both places and have three trips there this year too. Will do what it takes, it’s well worth it when I get there. Thank you for the updates.

    1. I agree with your viewpoint. We were recently in Maui and Big Island for two weeks and it can barely be called even a minor inconvenience to mask while indoors. Doing the Safe Travels program was also absolutely no big deal. I would no question do it again for another Hawaii trip! I agree that these island locations may need to have stricter rules for a while. Overall our Hawaii experience this time around was fabulous, as usual.

    2. Agree with Jo & Glenna. The Safe Travels Program was so easy to complete/not a big deal at all. I think some people just like to make mountains out of molehills, so to speak! If most people knew that Maui has only one hospital to serve three of the Hawaiian islands (yes, you read that right!), they might understand why the governor is a little more cautious than the mainland states – especially considering the amount of international tourists that flood to the islands!

  28. I am glad to live in a state where people are concerned about the less fortunate ie older people and people with underlying conditions.
    As humans we are supposed to be empathetic to others. It is just not about me. It is supposed to be about we. We have done so well here because 1. many of us live outside year round. 2. People care about one another. Our government has done what it needed to do to protect its citizens and protect our fragile healthcare system.

    1. Add to that concern, Kelly. Some mainland states have less than a 50% vax rate. FL and TX notably have been cavalier with their lack of mask/vaccine/public health requirements. Those traveling with children under age 5 have zero protection for those children. The virus doesn’t listen to the decree that we “return to normal”. Until everyone is vaccinated i fear that CV-19 will reappear under a new variant.

  29. Hawaii certainly isn’t the only state with an indoor mask mandate – Oregon’s is current scheduled to remain until March 31st. Subject to the whims of the Oregon Health Authority and the Governor.

  30. Just tried to use “Safe Travels” and upland vaccination information. No way it would work. They want you to sign things, with no way to sign, and so on. One would think that after running this system for more than a year that the bugs would be worked out. You’d think.

    1. Welcome to Hawaii lol. This is the same place that said they couldn’t process all the unemployment apps because it would crash the system. The computer couldn’t handle it. You could process it in your phone.

    2. I have not that problem at all, in fact I got a lovely email response when I asked for clarification on our upcoming trip (we have both a QR code and vax cards in our state). Sorry you seemed to have so much difficulty.

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