Hawaiian Airlines + Boeing Angel Flights Help Millions

Hawaiian Airlines, Boeing, Tori Richard | Unlikely Trio Lend Helping Hand

A Hawaiian Airlines Airbus A330 like the one pictured, is en route to Honolulu this morning on a special mission to retrieve 2,000,000 face masks destined to furbish Hawaii residents. Here’s good news and good deeds, well done.

The aircraft, which onboarded the masks in Shenzhen, China, will be returning to HNL early this evening. In order to accommodate an additional 2500 pounds of this essential cargo, Hawaiian reconfigured the aircraft to remove the crew rest area located below the passenger cabin.

The company, together with humanitarian partners, will work within the community to distribute masks to those most vulnerable. Stay tuned for more on distribution.

Face masks required in Hawaii.

The face masks come to Hawaii just days after a new statewide ruling requiring everyone, both customers and employees, to wear coverings for any business. The only exception is inside of a bank or financial institution.

Masks required on some flights starting today.

All passengers on flights to, from, or through Canada are being required to wear non-medical masks effective today. We’ve been suggesting for some time that will be coming to flights in the US shortly.

“If you need to travel, wearing a face-covering is an additional measure you can take to protect others around you, especially in situations where physical distancing guidelines cannot be maintained.” — Canadian Minister of Transport Marc Garneau. Proof of masks will be required to enter airport security.

Boeing angel flight.

This weekend Boeing completed a special mission, using a corporate 737 to bring face masks from China to the United States. Working with partner Dean Kamen, Boeing transported over 1/2 million medical-grade masks that are for healthcare professionals in New Hampshire. Kamen worked to obtain the face masks, then turned to Boeing to facilitate their transportation.

Clothing retailer Tori Richard also helping.

With their stores closed for the time being, the renowned clothing manufacturer has gone into mask production too. Using their Hawaiian themed fabrics, they are making reusable cloth masks for free with $4.00 shipping. Each household is limited to one order of 4 masks. They sold out quickly and are making more.


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8 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines, Boeing, Tori Richard | Unlikely Trio Lend Helping Hand”

  1. My wife just canceled our trip to Honolulu for July 4th. We were told it would it would take up to 3 months to get funds back but our deposit would kept for a future booking. Can’t understand why a refund could take 3 months. The travel agent books through Blue sky tours

  2. Hello!
    I subscribed to the Beats of Hawaii in preparation for our next Hawaii trip. While a lot has happened pushing that out by at least another few months, I have continued to enjoy reading the articles ad updates included in your newsletter. Thank you to all of you for all you do! Keep up the fabulous work!

  3. I’m eager to revisit Hawaii. However, I will not come if “forced’ to wear a mask. What nonsense. I doubt anyone with liberty in mind would agree to do it. I’ll stop flying altogether.

    This is a tremendous BLOG. Thank you. Please keep it up.

  4. Can’t wait for Hawaiian air lines to start running again I have been using them every year since 1999 will be so pleased when this virus is finished so I can once again so I can return to my paradise

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