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30 thoughts on “Hawaiian Monk Seals: Don’t Touch! Visitor Injured In Latest”

  1. Aloha Rob+Jeff. Just saw this on the news here and was waiting for it to pop up here on your blog. She was warned and trespassed beyond the fencing.Too bad she had to learn the hard way. And a hefty fine will be the final lesson after her hospital bill. Hopefully all visitors will see this video and leave Wildlife Alone!!!!! Enough already people. Hope you two are having a great summer. Mahalo as always.

    1. Hi Debra.

      Thanks; you too. It was on the news but we felt it was important to include it here as well. We have actually witnessed these incidents.


      1. We have visited the Hawaii islands many times and on every occassion there is some idiot who thinks they have every right to do what they want and no respect for the rules. No thought about the reason the rules are there. Maybe they can’t read. Visitors touching turtles and chasing them, going beyond the sign and fencing to get that picture of a monk seal.
        Karma to them all

  2. This is so sad for Rocky, who has had many pups over the past few years. I wonder what happens to her newborn now? Why don’t people have any common sense anymore? These are not puppies, and I will never understand why anyone would even try to get close to a nursing mother monk seal. They are big and powerful, and can be quite aggressive. You really shouldn’t try to pet a shark either, people! Think!!!

  3. I just don’t understand why someone needs to interact with wild animals, They are in no way like puppy dogs. If you see one asleep on the beach just stay away from it. You just don’t know what kind of reaction you’re going to get by awakening a wild animal.

  4. This stupidity by grown adults never ceases to amaze me. These are Wild Animals, not some cartoon animal in an effin Disney movie. Giving wold sea animals a wide berth has nothing to do with honoring Hawaii’s culture. Any wild animal Anywhere deserves not to be approached, interfered with or otherwise molested by clueless humans seeking an Instagram moment for their vacay. WTF is wrong with people? Welcome to the real world.

  5. Not just in Hawaii, but anywhere…when is it a good idea to interfere with WILDlife? I will never understand people that do this. Photograph and admire from a distance.

    1. my sister was in Yellowstone once and a kid had just been attacked I think by a Bison…parents had pushed him near the bison to “take a picture”…In the narcissist world on endless Selflies and Self-promotion the theory of “Survival of the Fittest” certainly holds true

  6. What? We can’t pet them? Just last week I was at Yellowstone and tried to pet the Bison. And then a month or so ago I was at Yosemite and tried to pet a moose.

  7. Maybe the airlines could announce to passengers before leaving airplane about staying away from monk seals. Then it cannot be used as an excuse “we didn’t know”. Also the hotels could post it. Humbug I know.

    1. Unfortunately, people would just ignore this Public Safety Announcement; like they do the safety information at the beginning of the flight. In lieu of jail; folks should be forced to spend a percentage of their precious vacation days in public service (e.g. on the side of the road picking up trash… you know, something difficult to get that good selfie shot). Guarantee, that information would spread like wildfire, and the behavior would eventually stop. FB, Twitter, and Instagram would spread it faster because you’ve taken away an entitlement from the entitled.

  8. Just shows that you truly cannot fix stupid! Hope the bite hurt real bad and that she gets fined appropriately for her stupidity.

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