Honolulu Flight Diversions This Week Raise Unruly Passenger Questions

Honolulu Flight Diversions This Week Raise Unruly Passenger Questions

When flight diversions for unruly passengers occur, we all take notice. If they are Hawaii-related, even more so. Beyond that, and the enormous fines that can now be levied on offenders, we hadn’t given it much further thought. But these two Hawaii flight diversions caused us to pause. Especially with the Zero Tolerance Policy announced by the FAA in April for unruly passengers.

Two things to note here are that interfering with a crew member, which includes not following instructions to sit down, return to your seat, or turn off an electronic device, can result in civil penalties and fines up to $25,000. While assaulting a crew member is a felony and carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $250,000. And if a dangerous weapon is used a passenger can be sentenced to life. These are serious issues, so keeping cool at 30,000 feet is important to everyone.

That means keeping your voice down and don’t lose your temper, if you have an issue with a flight attendant, ask to speak to the first officer, never touch a crew member, and do what you’re asked.

As one flight attendant said, “You can’t call 911 at 38,000 feet, so we’re all you got. If we’re all you got, shouldn’t you be nice to us?”

What happened on these two Hawaii flights this week?

On Wednesday, a Hawaiian Airlines passenger, en route from New York to Honolulu, is said to have attempted to breach the Airbus A330 cockpit. The flight continued on to Honolulu, where it was met by law enforcement. The passenger, who had been restrained during the flight, however, was, in the end, not detained by authorities. There’s been no further word from Hawaiian Airlines about the incident. Also, the plane didn’t divert, because it was already nearing Hawaii.

Just one day prior, another unruly passenger incident resulted in a flight diversion to Honolulu. Tuesday, United Airlines 33, a Boeing Dreamliner, which was traveling to Los Angeles from Tokyo, arrived in Honolulu, again due to a reported disruptive passenger who became physically abusive (we’re not sure towards whom). The passenger was retained in flight using zip ties. While law enforcement met the aircraft at the arrival gate, we were told that the passenger wasn’t detained. The other passengers were accommodated in Honolulu and their flight continued to Los Angeles the following day after a mandatory crew rest period.

While they weren’t detained, based on the FAA’s zero tolerance policy, we doubt they left the airport with a clean slate and that fines and a possible trial will happen later.

Recent Hawaii unruly passengers, flight diversion and fines.

In September, a Hawaiian Air flight returned to Honolulu after a disruptive passenger physically assaulted a flight attendant on the 730AM interisland flight to Hilo.

Hawaiian said that “Soon after departure, a passenger assaulted one of our flight attendants, who was walking the aisle, in an unprovoked incident.” The flight attendant was collecting trash and was attacked without having had any interaction with the individual.

In that situation, the passenger was detained by law enforcement and the case was referred to federal authorities. U.S. Senator Brian Schatz, called what happened “reprehensible… There should be zero tolerance for this kind of despicable attack.”

In another previous Hawaii flight disturbance, a Delta Airlines flight attendant was attacked en route from Honolulu to Seattle. In that case, a federal grand jury last December indicted Ryan Cajimat, age 21, of Kapolei, on two federal crimes.

In the Delta incident, about two hours before landing, Cajimat also tried to open the cockpit door and fought with flight attendants who tried to restrain him. One was punched twice in the face. The FAA issued an initial $52,500 fine and the airline banned him for life.

The FAA said that “Interference is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Assault on an aircraft is punishable by up to one year in prison and a $100,000 fine.”

Over 1,500 Flight disruptions this year, but only 80 criminal referrals.

The FAA said that as of June 14, there have been 1,516 reports of unruly passengers on flights in the U.S. this year alone.

The FAA says “dangerous behavior doesn’t fly.” What does that mean? Of the 1,516 unruly passenger incidents so far this year, the FAA has initiated investigations in 512 cases,  and enforcement in 305 cases. But of those, just 80 have been referred to the FBI seeking criminal prosecution.

Interfering with a flight crew is a violation of federal law.

The FAA has only civil authority in these matters, which permits it to impose fines, such as the $52,000 one above. It doesn’t, however, have authority for criminal prosecution. Those must be referred to the FBI, for example, while security violations fall under the jurisdiction of the TSA.

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31 thoughts on “Honolulu Flight Diversions This Week Raise Unruly Passenger Questions”

  1. this better not ever happen in front of me. What happened to air marshalls? We need better protection in the skies and each and every person should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Letting one slide gives others license to do the same. I have flown a number of times recently and never one issue.

  2. If unruly passengers suffer little or no consequence, they will continue to behave in this manner. This kind of behavior places the lives of everyone onboard in jeopardy. We never saw this kind of behavior in years past. Everyone was respectful of other passengers on their flights.

  3. In the article it stated to ask to speak to the “first officer”. There isn’t a U.S. air carrier that you can speak to the “first officer” in flight. Also, on the ground a first officer will not have anything to do with unruly behavior other than calling for assistance. As one of your readers ‘Roy’ pointed out, alcohol is a huge contributor and also pills to relax. Then the combination only creates more problems. As your TSA reader pointed “it’s swept under the rug”. It’s terrible to go to work and see flight crew get beaten down (and I am mean verbally). Finally, passengers are more in the know over delays then flight crew. While I am not saying it’s enough info, and maybe there should be more communication inflight crews are not withhold

  4. “not detained by authorities”

    Old people did you take notice that both were very long haul flights that there’s a good chance a mental health issue was to blame. Might explain why the individuals were not detained.

    I did see an earlier comment about this possibility, but as usual lets jump on the booze was involved bandwagon. Not saying it wasn’t just a good idea to wait to get the facts before bashing the 2 individuals.

    Also Zero Tolerance has been proven to be a badly abused by policy by authorities.

    1. Zero tolerance means no excuses. If you aren’t fit to fly, you shouldn’t. Long haul, short flight, delay or on time doesn’t matter.

  5. While I agree with the comments made to date in this thread, the airlines need to step up their effort when it comes to providing accurate and useful information in situations where delays are occurring. A more proactive approach on the part of the airline with respect to information might well stem some of this behaviour before it occurs.

    At the risk of repeating myself, but for the sake of clarity, a lack of information does not condone unruly behaviour but when issues are brought to the attention of the airline via their preferred feedback methods, airlines should be doing more to address the underlying causes of unruly behaviour before it ever begins. It is a two way street.

  6. In all probability, it has become time to keep track of how much booze someone has consumed on a flight.

    1. From what I’ve observed, getting pickled on a flight is a very expensive undertaking!

      While we were enroute yesterday we stuck to the water, soda & coffee, waiting until we were at the hotel before indulging. The flight was OK although long, & we are really happy to be here now! Your state is beautiful! ❤

  7. These incidents needs to be brought to public attention and they all and need to be arrest and prosecuted. And at the very least put on No Fly list for All airlines. As a fellow passenger, I want my crew and flight protected.

  8. Please people. It’s only a flight. Be nice for Gods sake.
    But I will say, I once had a flight attendant so rude to a vet with a k-9 I wanted to slap her. Full flight. Big guy with a big German Shepard. She demanded that he have the dog sit in his lap the entire 5 hour flight.

  9. Aloha!

    It would be of interest if you can update on the recent situations where the passengers were NOY detained, and why?

    Mahalo always for your continued and timely informationm

  10. I’m still waiting for the national I’m An Immature Jerk No-Fly List. I know it is hard to put someone on a national list for “causing a disturbance” (is Delta’s threshold the same as United’s and the same as Hawaiian’s?), but once a complaint is sent to the FAA, TSA, or FBI, put them on a provisional list and if convicted or found liable make it permanent. Why should the rest of us be put in danger, or inconvenienced, because some clown can’t accept that rules apply to them and they think they Must be allowed to have another drink/enter the cockpit/exit the plane mid-flight?

  11. Huh? Zip-tied but not detained once on ground; restrained in air but not detained once on ground; or tried to breach cockpit? A No-tolerance policy? Violation of FAA (Federal) rules? Doesn’t sound like it to me. They should all have been detained by US Marshall, turned over to FBI, charged as appropriate and tried in Fed court. I’ll bet that most would plead out and then fined and placed on a never-fly-with-any-US airlines list. But with a 5% prosecution probability it’s understandable why talk alone isn’t a deterrent. There has to be enforcement of the rules! Maybe if that were done and publicized it would become a little less of a problem. IMO. Jim

  12. Aloha, BOH!

    So sad that it has come to this. There is no reason for any unruly behaviors during any flight. If you have mental health issues then you need to choose an alternative mode of transportation in which you will not endanger the lives of others. I definitely agree with this policy.

  13. Aloha, Mahalo all Island bound flights, we’ve never had an incident in the last 20 years on our way in or out.
    That being said, I agree that there should be zero tolerance on unruly passengers and while 99% of the floght attendants we’ve encountered, there was 2 who were actually the cause of the disturbances while in flight. One airline in particular, we witnessed an attendant needle several passengers and one finally exploded (no pun intended) and caused a ruckus, simply because the attendant was having a bad day. Even keel sho8ld be kept by ALL, including flight crew. These are very difficult times, very expensive to travel and with delays and cancelations a modern problem, we need to look at how we all can benefit by cooler heads.

  14. Aloha,

    I worked for TSA for 16 years and a lot of the same stuff goes on at the checkpoints. Most of it gets swept under the rug or management wants to keep it quiet and not be on the news. No body likes bad press.


    1. With all the time people are spending in airports. Some don’t understand when it’s time to get out of the bar.

  15. Thankfully I have never been on a flight where a passenger has become disruptive. However I would have zero tolerance for anyone acting like a jerk and definitely feel they should be fined, prosecuted and banned for life from every airline not just the one the incident occurred on, never to fly again.

  16. If both of these passengers were not detained, and are not allowed to fly, do they just end up as two more homeless in Hawaii?

  17. Passengers pay out a lot of dollars for seats expecting to arrive at their destination safe and sound of mind. The flight crew and attendants really are to be commended for the high amount of stress involved with keeping passengers safe and happy. Unfortunately too many individuals these days have no respect for their attendants and pilots. FAA has implemented fines and protocol for the safety of all. Please, fellow passengers, do your part to add to an enjoyable flight. If you are unhappy, file a complaint after you land. Or, simply deplane before takeoff. Anger and aggression is a choice, not the result of the flight crew. They do the best they can. Shouldn’t we be gracious guests as well?

    1. We should remember, the flight crew aren’t there to wait on the passengers but to make sure that everyone arrives at their destination safely. When someone is disruptive it really is a safety risk for the entire flight. If something were to happen at 30,000 feet over the ocean, that flight crew are the ones trained to provide safety instructions. They cannot do their job if some idiot is acting like a fool.

  18. I support the zero tolerance policy 100%. There’s just no room for that type of behavior at 38,000 feet, no matter the reason. I’m sure occasionally something just inexplicably triggers something in a brain that causes it, but it still can’t be tolerated.

    My father, who was as “by the rules” type guy as you’d ever meet who everyone loved had a hospital induced psychosis. If he had more than an overnight stay in a hospital, he went absolutely bananas! He would fight with the hospital staff, yell, scream and curse at them, and even throw things at them. Afterwards, when he got home he would not remember any of it!

    Aloha, BOH!

    1. Sun Downers Syndrome? First trip to a Cardiac ICU put me in a room with a SunDowners, who was screaming and going to kill everybody, just the kind of crap you want to hear while you’re having a heart attack. My wife, an RN, finally went to his side of the curtain and told him to Shut the F Up, she never uses that language but was fed up with his behavior! According to my nurse they had him in 4 point restrains the night before I got there. Just a real nice respectable guy after the sun came up even had his Doctor fooled, but after dark no so nice.

  19. This really doesn’t sound like zero tolerance. They disrupt the lives of everyone aboard, and are allowed to walk away. Maximum sentencing for these hoodlums.

    1. That’s for sure! Talking about zero tolerance, then not following through with prosecution, even in egregious cases, is not a deterrent. That’s not even a slap on the wrist.

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