Is Hawaii Travel On Brink of Disaster AGAIN With No Plans In Sight?

This was not what we thought we would be writing about this holiday week. It seems we’re all in the same boat in that regard. Nonetheless, Hawaii travel is about to be upended once again as Covid cases rage here in the islands and globally. Yesterday we had nearly 1,000 new cases, and another 840 today. The governor said that “we are seeing an alarming increase in the number of cases,” while the Dept. of Health Director warned that Hawaii’s limited medical system could be in bad shape.

Yet the governor said nothing substantive to say about Hawaii travel, the state’s economic engine. Ige said merely that he is working with the counties to determine what kind of protocols might need to be implemented to prevent a catastrophic failure of Hawaii’s medical system. “At this point in time, we are not looking to implement any changes (to safe Travels).” He did say with regards to travel, however, that the state is constantly reevaluating changes to testing that may be needed.

The director of Hawaii’s Dept. of Health said that with the increasing prevalence of Omicron in Hawaii, “perhaps the numbers in the hospitals may end up being worse than delta… due to the ease of transmission, we are going to see people ending up in the hospital.”

What this means for Hawaii visitors.

Below is a changing list of what might be about to happen to Hawaii travel and what you can do.

  • Hawaii’s 3-day testing doesn’t work – 24-hour testing may be on the horizon.
  • Covid tests for all passengers, vaccinated or not?
  • Could boosters soon be required for Hawaii travel?
  • Vaccination validity periods to be determined.
  • Will Hawaii keep “trusted partner” PCR rules for Hawaii testing?
  • Could the state take back authority over the counties on Covid matters?
  • How to prepare for Hawaii travel now.

Hawaii’s 3-day testing doesn’t work – could 24-hour testing return to the table?

Since the US now requires that tests be within 1-day of travel for international arrivals, it does seem likely that Hawaii would try to move in a similar direction. The concern remains how much of a deterrent 24-hour tests would be, as visitors could find it harder and harder to obtain any tests while Omicron rages and demands more overall testing capacity unrelated to travel.

Covid tests for all passengers, vaccinated or not?

The answer remains maybe. Can Hawaii implement that on its own without a broader federal government policy requiring all passengers to be tested, whether vaccinated or not? There’s been no word from anyone nationally or in the state as cases continue to climb exponentially.

Until now, only a very small percentage of cases have been related to visitor travel, but a significant number have been returning residents. That was reasserted on Friday by the state.

Will boosters soon be required for Hawaii travel?

Yes, that is highly likely. Governor Ige said Friday that “we are following the CDC and looking at what their recommendations are in terms of whether those who have had two doses are fully vaccinated. At this point in time, the number of cases tied to travel is very low.” Hawaii DOH data indicate that the majority of cases are related to residents who have traveled or are community spread.

On this subject too, it remains to be seen if Hawaii moves in its own direction in relation to Safe Travels rule modifications.

Hawaii still has a 10-day quarantine requirement but the vast majority of travelers are using exemptions for those either fully vaccinated, or PCR-tested per its strict Safe Travels rules.

Vaccination validity periods to be determined.

Globally, specifications for the length of time following vaccination during which travelers are considered fully vaccinated are about to be set. Israel says that is six months. European countries are still considering nine months. We don’t know what is being planned in the US, but something will likely change.

Will Hawaii keep “trusted partner” PCR rules for Hawaii testing?

Hawaii still requires that travelers obtain PCR type tests only from approved (“trusted partner”) vendors. We aren’t clear whether that may change. The DOH director did mention on Friday, in this regard, that they are investigating other testing types.

Could the state take back authority over the counties on Covid matters?

Yes, that too is possible. Either it could happen by decree or by consensus. This is not going to be a time when the state will allow each county to act alone.

How to prepare for Hawaii travel.

Keep your cancellation options open. When choosing Hawaii flights, accommodations, and activities, think before buying. Can you cancel or change your reservations with little or no cost if need be?

Continue to consider trip insurance as needed. Travel insurance policies (other than those with specifically purchased cancel for any reason clauses) will most likely cover you for medical including actually having COVID, but not for wanting to cancel due to fear of getting COVID. Read trip insurance policies carefully to know exactly what you are buying.

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85 thoughts on “Is Hawaii Travel On Brink of Disaster AGAIN With No Plans In Sight?”

  1. Still no indication the OMG variant is as virulent as Delta, but more and more evidence that it is in fact much milder. Jury’s still out I guess however it sure seems like we are getting to the place of putting this behind us. Essentially if you are vaxxed you have more to fear from many other things then Covid and if you are not it’s a personal choice. You have to be responsible for that choice like paying your fair share for medical insurance, but we need an exit strategy.

  2. King Kamehameha mandated Smallpox vaccination in the 19th century to protect Hawaiʻi, so why doesn’t Ige mandate vaccination for Covid?

  3. I don’t get it. All over the world the symptoms of Omicron are being compared to the common cold yet the President says we’re going to get sick and die. The fully vaxed are also being hospitalized in great numbers. I truly hope the hospitals won’t get overcrowded but I’m getting burned out on the fear mongering and constant contradictions and rule changes.

    1. Joe, this has been fact-checked to death. COVID is clearly more deadly than the common cold. Common sense will tell you that, along with the 805,000+ dead in the US alone. One example of the fact-check on this:

    1. where’s the science please? The most vaccinated populations on the planet have some of the highest case rates.

      1. Just looked it up. Isreal’s cases are sky rocketing alright, but…the hospitalization rates are staying steady. Most of the increased cases are mild.
        82% of the serious cases are unvaxxed or vaxxed more then 6 months ago. 90% of the serious cases under 60 years old are unvaxxed.
        Seems like the vaccine is working quite well. Protection is out there if you want it.

  4. Every day, man is making bigger and better fool-proof things; and every day, nature is making bigger and better fools.
    – unknown

  5. This is pretty sad…The spread has always been local, not through tourists. Omicron is more contagious, but less deadly.

    When is Hawaii going to stop treating the biggest part of their economy like they hate us? I really feel like the governor’s goal is to slow tourism in the state. If the state goes back to requiring all visitors to get a test through their “trusted travel providers”, tourism will stop. When are the citizens of Hawaii going to stand up and take Ige to task?

    1. You are correct that tourism is not to blame for the majority of cases. Do you consider that may be as a result of Hawaii’s safe travels program actually working? Tested or vaccinated tourists are a safe bet. Primary driver of the spread has been un vaxxed residents.

    2. How do you figure the locals started this. It was flown here not grown here. It may be community spread later, but the beginning of all of this was because it was flown here.

      1. The issue is residents returning from trips to the mainland, particularly California. Due to the extent of locals having to leave to get good jobs, many have extended families on the mainland who they visit. With Omicron isolating at home means the other family members are most likely to get it. The answers are all vaccination. All passengers to Hawaii; Kama’aina, Malahini, Military and Visitor should be vaccinated with booster. Residents who are unvaccinated should not isolate at home.

      2. Hoku, I thought it goes without saying that the virus was imported to Hawaii, not sure by who though. But I thinks it’s a safe bet that tested/ vaccinated people are considerably safer to Hawaii then unvaxxed/ untested people are, no matter where they are from. That said, it’s time to look forward not back.

  6. Aloha,

    We’re going to see more cases, but the panic is uncalled for. This variant has less impact than Delta. So the “potential” surge in hospital cases is simply fearmongering. Also, finally validated & said publicly is that the spread majority has been, & still is – local. The fact of the matter is, if locals want to feel safe & have an industry providing revenue, then the loud but vocal minority need to stop the ridiculous protesting & pouting & get vaccinated! Simple math.

    1. The trouble is that when you still have 20-30% of the population who refuse to vaccinate, then Omicron will run ramped and quickly through this population. In Isreal most of the increased cases are mild. 82% of the serious cases are unvaxxed or vaxxed more than 6 months ago. 90% of the serious cases under 60 years old are unvaxxed. Seems like the vaccine is working quite well.

      1. You can’t honestly believe after critically thinking that the 20-30% of “unvaccinated” individuals are directly responsible for spreading the virus to the vaccinated? Do you blame people who don’t get flu shots when you get the flu? We need to get away from trying to find someone to blame and just accept this for what it is, a virus that will continue to mutate no matter what we do.

        1. SD, your point about the flu is all we need to know. This mandate is simply a power play. We lose 15,000 – 60,000 every year from the flu, yet no one threatens us with the loss of family and livelihood if we don’t get a flu shot.

          I wish everyone would get the COVID shots, but I have no problem with those who don’t.

          BTW, I’ve had the 2 Moderna shots in March and April and the booster a week ago.

          1. Rod, yours is a very high road perspective and good on you. While I have been on here very provax and supportive of many of the mandates, at some point we have to realize the government cannot force everyone to have the same perspective…on anything.
            Mele Kalihimaka to all.

          2. I am fast approaching the conclusion, as you have, that virus related mandates are power projections.

            A government that admits and redistributes ~2 million untested and non-vaccinated people, with up to 30% of them positive for a virus, while simultaneously eliminating healthcare workers due to a vaccination status, cannot reasonably be deemed to believe testing or vaccination is an effective virus control measure.

            “Power is not a means; it is an end.”
            ― George Orwell, 1984

        2. I’m not blaming anyone. I’m pointing out the facts and why it’s more important than ever for as many people as possible get vaccinated.

  7. Barbara M is 100% correct. Not everyone who travels to Hawaii lives on the West Coast. We live east of the Mississippi & the 24 hour test is a deal breaker. Between time differences & 3connecting flights there is no way we could test 24 hours in advance to meet the requirement. The science experts say omincron has mild cold-like symptoms, but Hawaii prefers to listen to the fear masters. Covid variants are here to stay and Hawaii may not survive it. Politics over people= disaster.

    1. Hi Martha.

      If you’re on a flight from another country that stops anywhere else in the US before Hawaii then you must comply with Hawaii Safe Travels, the same as any domestic passenger. For nonstop flights to Hawaii (say from Sydney), then the rules that apply are these.


      1. Hi Barbara.

        Antigen tests are acceptable for international direct flights to Hawaii. Not for domestic flights.


  8. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Last week it was reported that over 70 members of congress are invested in Big Pharma and covid testing companies.

    Do you thing any of them or their stakeholders want to end the pandemic?

    That’s why Omicron panic is being created these, guys are getting.

    1. If it’s true that would explain why certain politicians are supporting the anti vax agenda. That said just because you read it on the Internet it doesn’t mean it’s true though.

      1. Many not just here on BOH are coming to the same conclusion that politicians and their stakeholders are getting rich off this.

        There’s oceans of vaccine that must be used before new treatments are approved. Once viable treatments are approved covid will be no different than flu. Individuals with health issues and seniors will benefit from vaccine, but healthy individuals will rely on treatments.

        Big pharma win wins

  9. If testing becomes a requirement for all airline passengers, the industry will switch to cargo-only with a few passenger flights here and there.

    The rule-makers could give a sh..t about Hawaii or any other small population state. Start thinking about boutique farming.

  10. There are assumptions and then there is data. There has been over 50 million documented “cases” but only 3 million hospitalized and 800,000 deaths. While it’s possible one of these cases could end up in the hospital with any of the variants (this is what the 18th variant so far?) it is not a guarantee. Therefore cases do not equal hospitalizations. Omicron is also claimed to be highly contagious but with low risk symptoms. We have to learn to live with this virus instead of trying to play God.

    1. No offense, SD, but I assume you are not actually on the frontlines of this? It is easy to talk about “hospitalizations” in the abstract, but you’ve got to understand that our ICUs here in the islands are tiny and we are already approaching a breaking point. Covid admissions doubled last weekend, several severe cases among them, our nurses are exhausted, there are only so many offices and meeting rooms that you can convert into Covid rooms again.

      1. Leilani, As of 12/20/21, the Islands have 9 ICU beds being utilized by Covid patients. 181 are being used by non Covid patients. 6 ventilators by Covid patients and 78 for non-Covid.

        Covid and variants aren’t the issue with “max capacity”, based on the data. The issue all locals should be looking at is why are 181 beds taken, maybe we should be focusing on healthy lifestyles and eating habits rather than vaccines that will only protect us from getting really sick, but not the virus entirely.

        1. Aloha,
          When I see people loading up on soda pop, processed foods at the grocery store there in lies the problem. I can almost guarantee you that people are on kidney dialysis bc of these two “food groups” it breaks my heart to see people eating and drinking this food. One a week is ok. Maybe. Everyday. No. I also noticed on the Big Island in Hilo there is another new dialysis center opening up. Sigh. Eat real food, exercise. Be healthy people. Connect the dots.

          1. Couldn’t agree more Fran that a healthy lifestyle is a strong deterrent to serious Covid. But it’s certainly not a guarantee or as important as the vaccine. Sadly many people just don’t have the opportunity to fully pursue a healthy lifestyle. This is about society as a whole, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, everyone matters.. It’s a bit simplistic to just say be healthy like me and you’ll be ok.

  11. Quite the list of possible changes. Thanks for compiling it.

    I’m a little confused as to why the 3-day testing does not work?

    Since Hawaii previously required all arriving passengers to show a negative test couldn’t the State revive this policy if desired? Even the masses are finally realizing what has been tacitly acknowledged by authorities for quite a while- the shots do not prevent infection or transmission. So it seems reasonable that all (or none!) be tested.

    1. Hi Mike.

      Thanks for your many comments! The 3-test is said to be incompatible with the Omicron variant which replicates very quickly. At least that’s how we understand it and is apparently why the US had mandated tests within 1-day of all international arrivals.

      The state has indicated previously that since the federal government deemed it safe for vaccinated passengers to travel, it was not clear that as a state Hawaii could now implement required testing for vaccinated passengers.


      1. Thanks for the clarifications. I have Cov__ fatigue and haven’t been keeping up.

        You guys do a great job and it is much appreciated. Aloha.

  12. Aloha,
    Why can’t we focus on outpatient treatment and treat this like the flu? So much wasted energy and expense to treat something that no one is studying except independent Drs. No government agencies are suggesting any proactive out patent treatment. It’s criminal. Covid is not going away but it is treatable on an out patient bases.
    Mahalo for posting!

  13. From the beginning there should have been distinction between “cases,” ie., those who test positive but have mild or NO symptoms, and those requiring hospitalization. The numbers of “cases” scares people despite the fact that this variant rarely causes amy serious illness, and the tests are less than perfect. People need to do what they feel best for them, and them alone. It’s time for people to regain control.

  14. I whole heartedly agree with Barbara M. We have been on the Big Island for 30 days and headed home tomorrow. A 24 hour test from a “trusted partner” would be a definite show stopper for us. The 72 hour requirement from last year was particularly onerous. Testing has now become virtually impossible to schedule in my hometown. Sadly, we won’t attempt to make the trip. I’m totally on board w/ vaccinations and would even be on board with 3 shots being definition of fully vaccinated.

  15. 24-hour testing sounds great but in reality is a disaster! Many folks like us spend the day prior to their Hawaii flight getting to their departure point! It would be a deal killer for us as we would have to fly to our departure city instead of drive and that would add hundreds of dollars of unexpected cost – as well as having to pray to get a testing appointment with only hours to spare before our flight to our departure city. Understand but don’t need the ANGST!

    1. UPDATE: Whereas Xprescheck at the Phoenix Airport charges $250+ per person, having Rapid Testing done in New Mexico is $0 as the State covers the cost! (Knew we loved living here!) Only issue is that we would have to wait til a week before to get an appointment at the appropriate time and could end up driving the 7 hours to Phoenix (snow in Flagstaff?) in the dark! But $$$ are $$$! Let’s just hope they don’t do that 24 hour in advance thing! We need some breathing room!

      1. Have you considered driving the day before? Maybe then get your test, stay the night, and off you go to Hawaii the next day?

        1. JOERG H… Of course we have…. That means an extra day of “vacation time”, an extra $$$ for a hotel night and food, an extra day of $$$ for the dog’s boarding… It just isn’t that easy – logistically or financially. Easy to suggest – difficult to do!

  16. We are planning to come back home to Hawaii in mid February for our usual 30 days or so. Having had to deal with Covid-19 protocols for the last 2 years I do have some comments.
    1) Demanding testing within 24 of travel is not workable. Last February, CVS and Walgreens could not guarantee receiving test results in 72 hours.
    2) need to get away from the “Trusted Partners” regulation and allow tests from all Hospitals to have any chance of success.

    Fingers crossed!


  17. If requirements for those vaccinated are the same as the unvaccinated than many people who would vaccinate to make travel easier may not get vaccinated.If atest for domestic travel is required 24 hours before departure many, like myself, will cancel reservations. I have not heard or read anything on 24 hour testing for domestic travel from the federal government so hopefully Hawaii won’t implement that.
    For myself,I am vaxed, boosted and will wear a mask and social distance,but that’s it for me.

  18. Yes, we will see a huge wave everywhere, lasting about 2 to 2 1/2 month. Don’t worry, by February the wave is back down and gone and by March. We should be back to normal. I booked my trip for April and expect no more Save Travels etc.

      1. I suspect it will never go away and it will be like the flu, come back every year with a new strain. So it will be get your flu/COVID shot, and a booster 6 months later, every year. If you don’t you’re rolling the dice. The insurance companies will stop covering the cost of unvaccinated hospitalizations because you can prevent it by getting a simple shot. Either that or they will jack up the rates for the unvaccinated to sky-high costs.

        1. Joerg, it’s all political. We lose 15,000-60,000 every year from flu. You don’t see any draconian measures for the flu. If they can find a way to reverse course and start to treat it like the flu, more people will get vaccinated. Right now, there’s little incentive to get the vax if we are treated like the unvaxed. My wife got shots only so we could go to Hawaii this year.

          1. Rod you are correct…political influence is at the base of what’s going on. Covid, obviously is not the flu. We are paying the price for the unvaccinated who politicized the simple act of getting vaccinated.
            If everyone who could got vaccinated did, we would be in this mess.

          2. John W,

            It’s a real mess. I own a small company and also have a govt contract. The sh..t will hit the fan in February if I’m unable to provide enough vaccinated employees to do work on military bases. I stand a good chance of being in default. If that happens, I will probably have to close my doors after 51 years. Not the way I planned to retire. But, at this point only about 1/3 of my workers are or will get the shots. Just doubled the pay to $40/hr and still no go.

          3. Wow, totally feel for you Rod. You have to be so frustrated with so many people making anti vax choices based on misinformation on one hand and then the vax mandate pretty much accelerates the damage done by all the misinformation out there. A mandate that will save lives has the potential to wreak havoc on many businesses bottom line. Not an easy choice but I guess that defines the times we are in. Good luck.

          4. Thanks John. We’ll see what happens when we show up with a crew that is not fully vaccinated. I’m actually gaining confidence!

            Happy Holidays!

  19. Are we now trying to say no one can ever get a virus? Cases and hospitalizations are two different things. We are tracking everyone who tests positive which then makes it a “case”. This doesn’t mean that each of those cases will end up in the hospital or die. When are these governments going to realize that they are not God and can not prevent people from getting a virus that will continue to mutate. At some point people need to say enough is enough.

      1. We track all cases. Number of cases is then broken down by the number of cases that are hospitalized. In the data it shows that 94% of cases are from the community, only 6% is from main landers. The governments job is not to ensure no one ever gets sick again and there are no cases ever. Hawaii has been locked down the longest, what did they expect to happen when they fully reopened? No one has been building any type of immunity to germs for 2 years, of course everyone is going to get sick.

        1. SD, you’re missing Gwenn’s point. There is a direct relationship between the number of cases and the number of hospitalizations. As cases increase, so do hospitalizations and deaths. This is the reason the Omicron variant is such a huge problem. Because it appears to be much more transmissible than Delta, there will be many more cases and therefore more hospitalizations and death. Even if it’s less deadly, just the increase in cases will strain the hospital systems.

  20. So, now there is a “variant” that produces the symptoms of the common cold and this is what you are spinning things up about!? Come on man! Way past time to just say enough already because suddenly, no one is even mentioning that old pesky “delta” variant now are they?

    1. I’ve been debating about where to go this Spring Break with my family of 5. My oldest are 17 (twins) and the option of “family vacations” is dwindling as they move on to college and get on with their life. All of us LOVE Hawai’i. We’re super easy. Just give us a week at the Moana Surfrider and we’re happy. We’ve done other islands but when it’s the whole family, Waikiki is the place to be. However given all the unknown/strict restrictions, it looks like Orlando is the place we’re headed. 😢

      1. Mother of 17 yo triplets here. I agree completely. Time with our children before they become adults is finite and the memories made on vacations priceless. We love Hawaii and Florida – however, Florida is the place to be free of the stress-inducing government restrictions. Life cannot be put on hold indefinitely. Hopefully, Hawaii will continue to get back to normal as well. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family whatever you decide. 🙂

    2. But it does not present itself as a pesky cold to the immunosuppressive or cancer patients, basically a third of our population. Everyone needs to get vaccinated so that the variants stop.

      1. Well Kathy, wouldn’t it be prudent for those folks with compromised health to stay home and away from other potentially germs people? Instead of suggesting the most vulnerable take precautions, our fearful leaders are using a shotgun approach and scaring everyone into forced compliance…how’s that worked out so far?

        1. A thousand Americans a day are dying again, over 800,000 altogether. Do you really think it would be lower if people were just left to their own devices? I think that defies logic. Where I am in the Midwest, hospital beds, not just ICU beds, are 97% full. Better not have a heart attack, stroke, or accident. That’s the reality, and if anything, some people are not nearly scared enough.

          1. Please explain what type of cases are occupying these ICU beds. Based on the latest stats, only a very small percentage are COVID cases. Before panicking about a variant that produces cold symptoms in vaccinated individuals, how about researching why so many other cases are now showing up in the ICU.

  21. Thank you for your valuable updates as this situation changes from day to day. My husband and I have a trip coming up on the 12th of January. We’re vaccinated and boostered. Fingers crossed!

  22. I suspect this may garner one or two comments! I’m still wondering if the numbers used to paint a dire picture are actually mostly mild cases?
    If so we have Covid in a manageable place. You can protect yourself from serious illness if you want….I guess we won’t know for a few weeks if the many positive cases results in an increase in deaths or if it’s just a lot of breakthrough cases that don’t result in many hospitalizations or deaths.

  23. Okay, let’s calm down here. First of all, are any of the U.S. Navy hospital ships in Pearl Harbor right now? Talking about the ones that President Trump sent to New York (and weren’t used by the dying elderly cases sent back to their nursing home)? Don’t shut down before your biggest vacation period: The Holidays. If we need help ask the president.

    1. The USNS Comfort is normally berthed in Norfolk, VA. The USNS Mercy is normally berthed in San Diego, CA. Both would require a mobilization of medical personnel from elsewhere in the country (where they are probably already needed) to be of any use.

    2. I continue to wonder why the State and individual islands have not used some of the huge amounts of funny munny (i.e. created out of thin air) given them by Trump and then Biden to bolster the hospitals and increase the number of ICU beds.

      This has now been going on for almost two years yet it is the same old refrain, over and over.

  24. Why don’t they just require a three-day test and completely stop all the other nonsense clear a simple most effective prior to a visit to Hawaii

  25. Would it be recommended to resubmit my Covid vaccine card due to I now have my booster ? We last traveled in September to Maui and going back at the end of January.

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