Kauai Resort Bubbles

Kauai Rejoins Hawaii Travel Today + 2nd Tests and Contact Tracing

The rules just changed again and we have the details as Kauai rejoins Hawaii Safe Travels.

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31 thoughts on “Kauai Rejoins Hawaii Travel Today + 2nd Tests and Contact Tracing”

  1. Kauai certainly likes their self-imposed isolation. So be it. I’m not subjecting myself to the “requirements” there when so many other places await our time /money/trust/fun…

  2. Hello,

    Thank you for keeping us informed. My partner and I have a trip scheduled the end of May to Kauai to visit his parents. Are you saying we need a negative C19 test results, but, may need a second one 3days after arrival?

  3. So, basically, its still difficult or impossible to get to Kauai. As an owner, we haven’t been back in 1-1/2 years and it looks like it will still be a while. Your article says Kauai has been effectively closed since December. That, of course, is wrong. Its been closed since April/May 2020 due to the ineptitude of the local and state leadership. I enjoy your publication and have for years, but please, keep it honest and let people know that they are still not welcome, even if fully vaccinated. I’m sure that some day in the near future, say 6 months, things may get real there and we’ll be able to return. Thank you for reporting on conditions there. Bob

  4. My wife and I are traveling to the islands on a 15-day cruise from the mainland and will have day stops at Hilo, Honolulu, Lahaina and Kauai. What do you expect the protocol will be in Nov 2021 for cruising travelers?

  5. Hawaii Seniors softball tournament is scheduled in August 2021, how will it effect the hundreds of players and their families to travel to Kauai. I feel if you’re vaccinated you should be exempt from quarantine and testing. However still practice wearing a mask and social distance. Thanks

    1. Hi Benjamin.

      Luckily there’s some time to see what the state does on vaccination travel. We will know more soon, so please stand by.


  6. Can we still quarantine for 10 days on Kauai? We have acquired a condo on Poipu and will live there full-time.

    1. Yes, 10 day quarantine is always an option without a test but why would you want to do that when you can get out of it?? Really a pain as you can’t shop for yourself, etc. Worth the $s for testing IMHO. Believe me as I’ve had to do the quarantine…

  7. You want us to take a voluntary 2nd test after 3 days after arrival who is liable for the fee n at what cost , love had my covid vaccine n proof of having it’s now being subject to a screening 3 days after arrival that’s fine but the added expense I don’t know . I understand about being safe n u want the tourist back but they now have an additional expense on being there .

  8. We have booked over a 5 week trip to Kauai this fall. We have had all of our vaccines.
    I can guarantee we will cancel IF we have to have yet another expense and a COVID test. Will not do tracing either. We are doing everything right and have felt Kauai is our home too as we have been visiting yearly for decades.
    Thank you for keeping all of us current. We appreciate all you do.

  9. I wholeheartedly agree with Marjorie K. Why should we be continuously confronted with burdensome efforts & expenses to overcome bureaucratic shortfalls. Instead of looking for other ways of vaccinated people traveling to Hawaii. How about looking for ways to welcoming people back, like looking into rental car costs & ways to accommodate those vaccinated.

  10. Dear Mayor Kawakami

    Please, is there any evidence showing the efficacy of a second test less than 7 days after a first test? Also, why no consideration for those who have received a full vaccine?
    As for me, contact tracing is a non-starter and probably so is an app.

    Thank you,
    Kim M

  11. There aren’t any discounts that anyone could possibly off that would be incentive enough to get us to take another Covid test. We were in Oahu in November, Maui in February and heading to Kauai June 25 for 2 weeks with 15 family and friends. Without BOH we would have never attempted to navigate all the requirements that Hawaii had put into place. It was very confusing when each island had their own set of rules.
    A million thanks to BOH for all the reporting you have done on the horrible Covid mess for the past 16 months. BOH was the lifeblood between the mainland and the islands. Without you, we would not have had a clue what was really going on. BOH, your reporting is always accurate and dependable. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping us informed. The information that you provide was not available anywhere else. You made it possible to go to one place and get all the information we needed in one place. I certainly hope that the state of Hawaii recognizes the contribution you made to the islands. There were times you reported daily. Other times I swear your reported more than once a day. You guys were always on top of what was going on. I give you a lot of credit for answering all the redundant questions you received from your readers. BOH deserves to be recognized by the state of Hawaii for all you have contributed during these very difficult times.
    I’ve been following you for over 10 years now.

    Mahalo and God Bless you both!

  12. My family and I visited Oahu the week of Thanksgiving. We jumped through the hoops to be able to visit. In February I went to Maui with 6 other people to celebrate a milestone birthday. Again we jumped through the many required Covid hoops. We all downloaded and turned on the “Aloha Safe Travels” app, which is the contact tracing app. No one ever checked to see if we had downloaded and turned on the REQUIRED “Aloha Safe Travels” app. Fifteen of us will be heading to Kauai June 25th for 2 weeks. There is no amount of discount that a vender could possibly offer to get us to take YET ANOTHER Covid test. We always follow the rules but, asking for another Covid test is absolutely out of the question! We’re really tired of taking Covid tests. By the time we leave, most of us will have had both doses of the vaccine. We’re hoping that Hawaii will have a vaccine passport program up and running by then.

    Aloha & Mahalo!

    Ps Thanks so very much to BOH for all the information and constant updates throughout this whole Covid nightmare! I’m sure you must both be exhausted from all the reporting you’ve done in the past 16 months. At times you’ve reported daily and sometimes I think more than once a day. I will say for sure that without BOH my family, friends and I would not have begun to know where to start to navigate all the confusing requirements that were in place in order to travel to the islands. Huge Kudos to you!

    I’ve referred so many people to BOH so that they too, could use you as a resource tool for their travels. I certainly Hope that the state of Hawaii knows how much BOH has helped visitors regain the confidence to once again attempt travel to the islands. You deserve an award! ❤️ God bless you both! ❤️

  13. We are fully vaccinated and will travel to Kauai in two weeks. We shouldn’t have to pretest. It adds an unnecessary level of stress to worry about getting test results in time. As confirmed SW passengers we have our appointment to test with an approved partner with results guaranteed within 48 hours. Hopefully all will go well. I won’t waste a minute of my precious vacation testing again. Nor will I download a tracking app. What I will do is be is a responsible visitor and follow all of the covid precautions. Just like I do at home.

  14. So much for “following the science” after the CDC says those vaccinated with FDA approved vaccines are free to travel in the USA without additional restrictions.

    After 20+ years of coming to the islands once or twice per year, I will pass on taking the COVID 72 hour advance testing and take my vacation dollars elsewhere. Also, while I am supportive of the local business community, the Kokua Kauai Card is not an incentive but an irritant.

  15. Mahalo for your faithful & informative updates, but I agree with the other comments. Last Friday’s CDC guidance regarding fully vaccinated travelers within the U.S. is a game changer. It’s only a matter of time before Gov. Ige faces reality – the Aloha Safe Travels App, the 72 hour pre and post testing, and the need for Kauai Kokua cards are all history if you are fully vaccinated. Can’t wait to return to Kauai! Aloha

    1. Hi Tom.

      Thanks. Yes, we are all awaiting word from the state on this, and we hope that comes sooner than later.


  16. We have done everything we can to follow the guidelines to get to Kauai but I will not take a second test no matter how many discounts they offer. Nor will I do contact tracing. I am over losing my privacy and rights. I got the vaccine, that is enough.

  17. I am already jumping through serious hoops just to eventually get to Kauai. NO NO NO to any additional tests!

  18. Aloha,
    I flew to Maui a few weeks ago and they never looked, asked for or made me download the Aloha Safe Travel App. I am not sure its even legal. What many restaurants and stores DID do was take your temperature.
    Please let us know how you think the first few days went. Thanks.

    1. Hi Joan.

      Thanks for the feedback on your Maui experience. Yes, we’ll report further on the Kauai travel reopening.


  19. All islands need to conform to the CDC new guidelines regarding travel. For all those vaccinated there should not be and pre or post COVID tests. People made the conscientious effort to become vaccinated to protect themselves, others and promote herd immunity. Any that have gone to these lengths need to be permitted entry to the Hawaiian islands. If DISNEY can do this in accordance with CDC guidelines then why can’t Hawaii. Come on Governor IGE. This is what you have been “saying” you are waiting for. Well??? ITS HERE. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW???

    Open the islands to vaccinated people

  20. I have been coming to Kauai for 17 years and my stay is a month long. Looks like I will no longer be going to the island. Sadly Looks like I will not be visiting, no contact tracing for me.

    1. The “Aloha Safe” app is a joke. It does nothing. It stores no info. or “private” info. I downloaded it to show at the airport then deleted it right afterwards. You still need to get tested and wear a mask even after you get vax? What a joke… I love HI but this state is run by a group of morons. Why anyone would spend a small fortune to come here after having jumped through all these stupid COVID hoops is beyond me. It’s a testament to the environment here and not the complete cluster that is the state gov. But, hey, at least it’s “for our safety”…Please…

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