171 thoughts on “Kauai Travel Set to Be Banned Longer?”

  1. I think the Kauai restrictions are unreasonable. A negative test within 72 hours, should be sufficient to allow me to spend a lot of money to come there. I have had to cancel and change our travel plans 4 times in the past year and have lost a lot of money (vacation club owner at Marriott Kauai Beach Club). Please. How can Kauai’s economy survive? The numbers there are low, likely from your strict restrictions but eventually you need to open back up with safe guidelines in place. Be reasonable. Now Marriott is saying we can pay $100 per person ($400 for my family) to stay as a prisoner at the resort. Seriously?!?!


      We also own two weeks each year at the KBC. We have lost nothing except literally occupying at the resort and it was our choice not to try to work within the restrictions on Kauai. MVCI and Interval have been fabulous in helping us with other arrangements and, to be honest, their creativity about how to use what we “lost” has been amazing! Have you actually talked to them?

    2. Nikole do you care at all about the health of the locals who live on the island? It seems that all you care about is all of the money you’re spending for your vacation. The biggest problem for us here on Kauai is that we don’t have enough healthcare infrastructure to support visitors coming from the mainland who could be infected with the virus, which is currently plaguing the mainland with the highest numbers yet. The 72 hr pretest was obviously not enough because covid cases spiked after that – you could contract the virus anytime after getting tested before arriving to Kauai. Until we have more than 9 ICUs and 14 ventilators, it isn’t safe to allow visitors to come over. Wait until the pandemic is over to make your plans with all your money – or head to another island with more healthcare infrastructure.

      1. Aloha Lory
        You see it clearly. Medical limits are
        A reality.
        We are a Island, and sickness came before on Sailing Ships. Now , it’s Flying Ships.

          1. What an incredibly ignorant comment. No wonder why there is so much hostility from locals towards outsiders. People come her and treat our home like an amusement park and even have the gall to deny the existence of its native people. Hawaiians may be a minority in the ancestral lands today, but this is historically due to mass epidemics that wiped out a large percentage of our population in less than a hundred years. Perhaps why locals do not take this new illness lightly…

  2. Who in their right mind would close a whole island’s economy down due to six active cases?? This is insanity.

  3. One challenge with a second test after arrival is what to do with those groups who treat positive on the second test. Some clarity on what happens would be helpful. How long will one be quarantined, where, and how much will it cost. Quarantine insurance might be helpful paying for the possibility of being quarantined. Waiving HI income tax on non-HI residents working remotely while in quarantine could also be helpful for people not very sick. I’m in Maui on vacation this week, and Maui offers a second test, but the uncertainty of what happens if one test positive does not encourage taking it. My hotel is also not a quarantine hotel, so I would need to move if I tested positive. If I had symptoms, I would get tested, but that would be after possibly being infectious.

    I am grateful Hawaii has allowed me to visit during this time. I don’t want to bring any sickness to Hawaii. It also appears to be a safer place to visit than other places inside and outside of the US open to tourism, and I’m doing my best to keep it that way.

  4. I enjoy the news letter. Would you the please explain the implications for travelers to Kauai of each update. Trying make sense of what the mayor is doing very confusing.

    Does the mayor have a plan for reopening Kauai and what conditions have to be met for reopening?

    If the mayor is so concerned about infections, why is he only using the least restrictive – Tier 4

    Travel related questions about Covid 19 infections:

    1. How many cases of Covid 19 are related to residents returning from other destinations?

    2. How many of the Covid 19 cases reported from anyone using the Safe Travelers program?

    3. How many Covid 19 cases were related to residents infecting other residents?

    1. Hi Bud.

      To answer your questions, no the mayor has not stated any specifics about what will trigger reopening (or for that matter reclosing) of the island. He indicated he wanted to remain on Tier 4 so that locals would not be penalized in terms of getting together. We don’t have the other answers at our fingertips but would direct you to the county’s website here. https://www.kauai.gov/covid-19.


    2. What makes me angry is that people say, “well it’s just the flu, or less than 1% fatality rate” what these inconsiderate selfish people don’t understand is that, that less than 1% could be your mother, father, sister, brother. Kauai is so small everyone knows everyone. It affects us all. I lost 2 aunts and 1 uncle this year within 3 months. We don’t have enough beds in ICU to handle a big cluster like Oahu is barely handling. Our Mayor asked the governor for a post travel test to be added to the travel program. He was denied. We opened up travel, we spiked in positive cases, so we opted out of travel program for the sake of the people.

  5. We travel to the garden island every year, but missed ot cuz of covid, i support the ban, but miss the island and our friends, we stay in princeville in our friends condo at hbr , for at least 3 weeks in november, next year we will b back with vacine in us, we love it there! Thanks and we will see you all soon, Sincerely

  6. I have never understood why a protest was required without having to have results before flying in. Why can’t we have a rule that you must have a negative Covid test to board the plane and then a post test 3 days later with no quarantine. And no restrictions if you have taken the vaccine. Please open this island. People are suffering. Thank you!

  7. Thank you for the update on Kauai. We love the island and the communities and have booked a two month holiday for next Nov. Trusting the battle with this virus will be considerably in hand by then. No solved but I believe the world is moving in the right direction, it will takes years. I think the strict rules for now can only help that. Mahalo Ron H

  8. We need to open Kauai to Tourism asap. More harm is being done by staying closed than Covid can ever do. Our mayor is not looking out for the best interest of the majority of Kauai’s people. He is catering to the minority If the select few at high risk want to shelter in place that’s their choice. The world and Kauai can’t shut down when the majority of people will be fine. We all get sick with something every year. That’s part of life. Most survive. Our Governor needs to override our Mayor and make same rules for entire state.People need to be able to work live life and travel freely. The rest of us who are not high risk have rights too Almost 100 percent of people will survive the virus if they get it that is a proven statistical fact. However we all depend on tourism in some manner. It is our economy directly and indirectly for each of us. and nearly 100 percent will not survive not having a job and having no money to take care of their families.

    1. Wow, Leann, You couldn’t have put it better.
      The mayor’s being allowed to carry out these directives is a travesty, and, actually a tragedy!
      Additionally I strongly advise against a diabolical vaccine which tinkers with and alters one’s sacred body and Cannot be undone.
      Time for us all to take back our sovereignty and thrive with joy, love and community. Enjoy!

    2. Thank you!!! And also not to mention that a lot of these people supporting the mayor to close down Kauai are people who either doesn’t need to work because they’re getting money every month or they working remotely and getting paid. So no matter what happens to Kauai’s economy, they’ll be ok. But for most of us that live here and work here, we rely tremendously on tourism. These people and the mayor do not care if the rest of the people here lose their jobs and their homes and their cars or can’t afford to pay rent or bills or go bankrupt! I don’t want to get sick either and I am very considerate of other people too so I take extra precautions. But I don’t want to starve or be homeless either! This whole shutdown needs to stop now, it is time for the mayor and his minions to regroup and come up with a better plan than slowly killing their people.

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