Man Who Attacked Flight Attendant on Hawaiian Airlines Gets Minimal Punishment

Man Who Attacked Hawaiian’s Flight Attendant Gets Minimal Punishment

The potential 20 years in prison and $250,000 fine were drastically reduced. Do you feel that justice has been served?

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28 thoughts on “Man Who Attacked Hawaiian’s Flight Attendant Gets Minimal Punishment”

  1. That’s the society we currently live in. The Rule of Law has gone down the tubes. Our current justice system has absolutely no regard for the victims.

  2. That is ridiculous for the pain of that flight attendant and the wasted time and fuel to divert the plane. People will never be responsible if there are no consequences.

  3. It’s hard to say without knowing more. The judge has to consider what the defendant can possibly pay and if he or she has a family to support. I some cases 2 years in jail could be devastating. I’d like to see an execution by firing squad but does the person regret the incident? Is there a plan to get them back on their feet? Is it wise to create a homeless family? All that sort of thing. The losses caused my the time in jail may be already irrecoverable. So I can’t answer this question with thi amount of info.

    1. And where is the concern for the outcomes of the victims in this calculus?

      The perpetrator of this act should have thought about how his actions might impact others before he committed an assault.

  4. Way too lenient. Incidents are endangering crew and passengers. Sentencing should be more harsh. Also should be on a no fly list nationally. I have not left this comment before but should have.

  5. The punishment did not fit the crime. The sentence should have included time in jail as well of a lifetime ban of flights/

  6. The TSA, along with airlines, should develop a no-fly list for people who attack airline personnel or fight in airports. Ban them for 5-10 years or life, depending on the severity of the disturbance. Let the scrappers rediscover Greyhound. No way to get to Hawaii? Try again in 10 years.

  7. My first and second reactions can be paraphrased as, “Gosh, no, the penalty should have been much more severe.” but would still include the shaking of fists and pounding on desk. After considering the reported circumstances, mental and substance abuse challenges, I still don’t agree and think the penalties should have been more severe, including 5-10 years on a no-fly list, but I do understand the reasoning. Incarceration might not do much good to an individual that maybe isn’t always in control of their actions, but they shouldn’t be allowed to endanger the other passengers by being allowed on an airplane.

  8. Entirely far too lenient…this is a microcosm of why our urban areas have turned into waste areas.

    The idiot who committed this assault did so in an environment where things could have went horribly wrong and endangered the lives of every one on that plane.

    This is one case where the maximum penalties allowed should have been given even in a first occurrence situation. This type of action cannot be tolerated at all. Very sad decision on the part of this judge.

  9. The unprovoked attack on any airline employee during a flight should definitely have a larger punishment and fine. We don’t know the reasoning of the judge (at least not listed in this article) but it seems way off if we want to deter others from causing disturbances and harm on a flight. He was an adult and even with substance abuse or MH issues this sentence should have been more. I definitely would like to see individuals banned from all US flights as this sort of behavior is endangering many.

  10. In my opinion the punishment should have been much harsher. Unruly passengers put everybody at risk. A fine is good, but some time in jail would make a bigger impression, and be more likely to deter that behavior in the future. Just my opinion-I’m a law and order type.

    Thanks for keeping us up to date.

      1. Hi Rob and Jeff per your article here on the man who attacked the flight attendant. I notice on quite a few of your stories that there is a person who always puts a thumbs down on the comments. Have been noticing this even on nice comments. Always got to be one of those in this world. I am sure my comment will get a thumbs down. I expect it!!! Keep up your fantastic info and many Mahalos to you both.

        1. Hi Debra.

          Yes, that’s very strange about the thumbs down. Do you think the thumbs up/down are a good feature or not? Thank you.


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