FAA Honolulu Emergency: Total Ground Stop, Catapulting Flight Delays, Looming Questions

Massive Honolulu Airport Closure To Wreak Havoc Into 2023

Not great news. We got to the bottom of Hawaii flight delays that may already have exceeded 30,000 flights since Spring. How to plan for this problem.

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60 thoughts on “Massive Honolulu Airport Closure To Wreak Havoc Into 2023”

  1. After my flight from Kona back to Oahu was going to be delayed by more than 2 hours, I was able to book another flight with an earlier departure time.
    When it came time for my rescheduled flight time, They announced that my new flight was going to be delayed by an hour.
    What is going on with Hawaiian airlines and the massive delays.
    Hawaiian airlines used to be the most on time airlines.
    Not any more!!!!!

  2. The runway will not take a year to complete. My company is doing the project. We gonna be running crews 24 hours. If no rain outs, it will be done within 3.5 to 4 months max.

  3. Aloha guys!
    Our flight delay has been 10 months 🤪 and continues until vacation condos and car rental prices get back in line. Been following BOH on airfares and while we can get to Kauai for close to $300 from PHX the above issues wreak havoc with our budget. We’ll keep reading. Meanwhile Croatia 2 bedroom condo with pool $74USD nightly.

  4. It sounds like the Hawaiian Fiscal Responsibility bug has bit HNL Airport. The probable reason for the October Start on the runway is Money, actually the lack of it. When will Hawaiian Government hire College Graduates that know how to do Financial Audits and Forcast 3, 6 and 12 months out? This Airport Nonsense keeps worsening by the moment and surely won’t be any better soon. HNL Airport needs Many Upgrades to make it Competitive and Appealing to Tourists and Others, those that spend the Money!

  5. On a positive note,the new Hawaiian terminal wing is huge and vacant during by July visit.Amazing design and square footage😎

  6. In 2015 I left the state and took up residency in Florida for two years. Upon returning to Honolulu in 2017, I was appalled by the condition of the airport. Mainland airports are all high tech and efficient. Honolulu International, however, is a whole different story. It was if I had landed on some desolate island in the Pacific with no modern amenities. Sadly pathetic to say the least.

  7. Brought to you by the same folks who control Hart, the terrible roads and highways et. al.
    Is anyone really surprised by the ineptitude of the Hawaii DOT? Keep voting the do nothing in power that has had a death grip on the state for decades and expect different results!

  8. Today’s flt 214 Hawaiian air. Left terminal on Kauai on time but as soon as tow vehicle disconnects captain comes on pa and advise we’re unable to depart until 11:26, time was 11:05.
    So upon landing we were delayed waiting for “traffic “ to clear.
    First time in awhile delayed so long.

  9. I fly to the neighbor islands 2 to 3 times a week for work, just for the day. The flights back home to Oahu have been frustratingly more than 15 minutes late All The Time!

  10. I would say, the problem was exasperated due to poor planning. They had to know years in advance of the runway repair project. They obviously hadn’t planned for the negative impact of flight schedules and delays! And they don’t have a completion date?!? This is considered an International Airport?

    1. Very typical for the airports division of the state. They have never had foresight, hence a third world airport since the 60s.

    2. Unfortunately “International Airports” aren’t all what their name represents, the title simply distinguishes them from the Municipal Airport ac⁶ross the Country. HNL Airport Board Members should Resign due to Their Dismal Performance. Absolutely Zero Confidence and Tolerance for Fools.

  11. I recently arrived home from the Mainland on Hawaiian Airlines and all baggage carousels were down. It took 1.5 hours to get my luggage, during which time there was no communication from HA. No announcements, apologies, explanations or estimates of when our baggage would arrive. I sent them a follow up email and never received a response. Worst service ever!

  12. We recently experienced delays. We were flying Hawaiian Air from Honolulu to Maui (OGG). Our plane was late arriving to our gate, then had a mechanical issue that required a mechanic. Then because of one runaway being closed We waited another 15 minutes to take off. (About an hour delay total). There were about 20 Hawaiian airline employees on the flight who were going to be late for the flights they were working from Maui.
    As a result of all of this- baggage claim in Maui was quite a mob scene!
    And there weren’t many food choices in the Honolulu airport.

  13. I flew to Utah on Delta last month and I had no delays from the airport so I guess I was lucky. Not sure what this is all about but whoever thought of doing this type of work now, was not really thinking! A moron decision in my opinion!

  14. I flew my family Into Honolulu October 26th, 2022 our flight was delayed 1 hour and at our arrival we sat on the plane for 2 hours due to conveying belt issues and no gate to arrive. The flight home on October 31st was delayed 5 hours. My children missed Halloween unfortunately.

    1. It seems like HNL Airport Management doesn’t want to recognize that airlines are being kept on holding patterns for longer than 10 minutes despite the Fact that the landing delays are Much Longer, the take-off delays are also. Last that I checked these Instances must be kept Accurately and are a part of Federal Requirements that carry Fines and Jail Time with a Conviction for Fraudulent Record Keeping. I tend to believe the Airlines, they are losing profits by the delays. HNL Airport needs to do Much Better all around, Antiquated is Fine for Certain Items but Not Airports! Lateness not fine when you’re attempting to take off or land an Aircraft!

  15. Aloha!

    Mahalo for the info…I hadn’t read anything about the closure until your email. I don’t understand why this information hasn’t been widely disseminated. If it had been, people flying to/from HNL, and the airlines, could plan ahead which decreases issues like getting to a connecting flight.

    Again, mahalo nui!

    1. The state is trying to avoid a drop in tourism, but ironically, by causing these disruptions they are facilitating it. Word will eventually get around and people will stop coming here. So much for the Aloha spirit.

  16. This is all made up. Why just yesterday, a local government official told me the runway will be finished the day after the light rail project… In the meantime, the mayor reminds us that vacation rentals are the worst problem plaguing Oahu.

    1. I think it depends who you ask. I was told it would be finished the day before the light rail. Probably, but if not the day before then definitely that week.

      1. That’s very strange, I was told an entirely different time-line for the completion of both of those projects. The Runway will be finished as soon as it’s done and the rail to nowhere project will be done as soon as hell freezes over and not a moment sooner! I now know why HDOT was spraying antifreeze on certain area’s.

  17. Aloha,
    Are you adding any additional time to your layovers in HNL? I always try and have 2 hrs before my mainland flight. Mahalo!

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