FAA Honolulu Emergency: Total Ground Stop, Catapulting Flight Delays, Looming Questions

Massive Honolulu Airport Closure To Wreak Havoc Into 2023

Not great news. We got to the bottom of Hawaii flight delays that may already have exceeded 30,000 flights since Spring. How to plan for this problem.

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60 thoughts on “Massive Honolulu Airport Closure To Wreak Havoc Into 2023”

  1. Please do not reopen 8L as it’s been heaven in Ewa not hearing the constant roar of jets landing just overhead. The fact that it isn’t needed for a year there is no reason it can’t continue.

  2. Just like every other road construction project on Oahu.
    3 years rebuilding a bridge on Farrington Hwy in Maili and it’s only half done.
    Need to bring in experts from mainland.
    British Columbia reopened a 6 lane highway in the mountains in under a month after it was washed out by severe flooding.
    That’s called performance, unlike Hawaii.

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