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75 thoughts on “Maui Vacations In Peril; Fodor’s Says Don’t Visit Now”

  1. So, for all you miserable (isn’t Island life supposed to mellow you out? Haha) Maui residents; someone do a study of the amount of revenue to Maui and jobs to the residents would be lost without tourism.

    I visited Maui for the first time this past summer with my family as I am from Pennsylvania. Personally, I feel it was nothing ‘special’ so I will not back. The one thing I will never forget is the amount of homeless setup along the beach. You’d think residents would be more concerned about taking care of their own than worrying about tourism. Lets get rid of tourists and increase the already horrific amount of homeless in Maui, great plan!

    1. it appears many do not realize the increase in rental properties is precisely because of tourists who buy up everything and then only end up staying here for 2 months.
      You’d think Pennsylvania residents would be more concerned about that, but here we are. Hugs.

  2. Ok, Google suggested this article because I’ve been researching Hawaii for a vacation in 3 weeks. I’m aware that over tourism is a problem, but obviously I’ll want to do tourist things while there. Seems like mostly locals commenting, so how do I be a non AH tourist?

      1. Well airlines don’t give refunds for a finding out a ethical problem with your destination.
        Also, I have to say, I asked this in good faith because I want to respect the situation and the best I got was don’t come here, go to Mexico? No suggestion on how to spot genuine local businesses or local custom I should be sure not to break.

        How is just telling me not to come when I’ve already got the ticket on any way helpful.

    1. Mexico. Great place. Lower prices — you will have fun and you’ll be able to afford a week or two of hotel prices and a full buffet of eggs. Go to Mexico. Hugs.

    1. By your logic tourists are ruining ever tourist destination and there’s nothing any locals in those areas can do about it. Have you ever left the islands? It’s like that everywhere, except Hawaiians think they should be exempt from tourismb(80% of your entire economy). At least many other tourist destinations in our country are not almost solely reliant on tourism.

  3. I lived on Maui for 12 years: 1999-2011. It’s not the same place. It’s way over-hyped, over-built, over-congested, over-priced, & the TSA lines are horrendous. I’m very happily back home in a fairly rural area of the Big Island, with peace, quiet, more nature, & less congestion.

  4. Is it truly fair to blame short term rentals for Maui’s housing crisis, given that they have been all but banned outside of specific resort condos?

  5. This is total propaganda the beaches are not eroding except a bit of a problem on Kihei beaches decades of all the downpours over the past six months. Why this was even published is amazing to me. My credentials are I live in Kihei

    1. You are incorrect. There are multiple spots on Maui facing erosion. The coast in Paia from the community center to Mama’s Fish house is severely eroded. Kaanapali beach, Olowalu, parts of Makena are all facing huge impacts. They even rerouted Hoopiilani highway-I advise you do your homework.

  6. Just came back from Kauai last week. I noticed that there was at least double the number of visitors this year. Very crowded in Lihue, Kapaa, and Hanalei. We were wondering why this was. Now we know! Vacation backlog!

  7. Noone currently in power is looking out for the Fodors, just concerned about the almighty dollar, so goes California, so goes Maui ( total disaster) tourism will be the demise of Maui. So sad.

    1. For those cuious enough to know we have a hospital that does not make a Profit guess where the dollars come from? oh tourism… and our school system guess what keeps them afloat? oh tourism… most everything on this island is supported by tourism so until you find something better quit complaining and be grateful

  8. Sounds like a politician double speak to elongate time in office. Hawaii needs to consider a new revenue stream other than tourism. Aging baby boomers with money and retirement villages comes to mind. Create state wide water conservation similar to California, Arizona. Slot control airports like Regan DC and limit tourism. Create better paying jobs through new industry (retirement creation) and tough regulations, limiting tourism and attract better behaving like minded citizens with wealth to drive economy!

    1. Not sure I understand that last sentence. Are you correlating “better behaving citizens” with those that have wealth?

      1. I agree. That last sentence was obnoxious and offensive. Since when does wealth equate to better behavior? Actually I’ve seen many examples contrary to that. The truth is that bad behavior is not limited to the poor or middle class and it’s ridiculous to infer that.

    2. you said [attract better behaving like minded citizens with wealth to drive economy!]

      I must be misinterpreting the way this sentence was phrased. The Hawaiian people do not need foreigners with monetary wealth – please do not come. please stay in Texas and California or wherever you are. What our Hawaiian people need is wealth of spirit and respect for the flora and fauna of our lands. We don’t need more resorts, we don’t need more spiritually bankrupt individuals contorting themselves into pretzels to take instagram photos with our Honu 🐢. Aloha nui loa.


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