Kauai Beaches May Further Restrict Visitor Access

More Kauai Beaches May Soon Restrict Visitor Access

10 Hawaii state parks plus more Kauai beaches currently being considered for a system to limit Hawaii visitor access.

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103 thoughts on “More Kauai Beaches May Soon Restrict Visitor Access”

  1. We have been regular visitors to the Hawaiian Islands for more than 30 years. We monetarily support relief efforts and charities such as local Food banks, hurricane/North Shore flood/earthquake/volcano/firerelief efforts and keiki initiatives. I didn’t have too much problem with reserving Wailua river for residents on Sundays. But I no longer feel welcome, with increased access limitations and kama’aina pricing. Many Hawaiians are outright hostile, no Aloha here (and honestly the worst are the haoles). You just want to funnel us into anything that requires us to spend money. I know if I don’t like it, I don’t need to visit. That is something I am seriously considering.

    1. The model has to change, housing ;vacation,rentals owners has to be in urban centers. And transit to the natural wonders and historic settlements. It will not happen but should.

  2. Wow, last there about 10 years ago and we drove right up to Kee. Also, glad I visited in the late 80’s. All of those places were uncrowded any day of the week. Reservations to go to the beach ? No thanks!
    Will not be going back to Kauai.

  3. Let’s face it people who live in Hansel’s and above want their own private island with no visitors. We live Tunnels Beach and own a time share in Princeville. Why not provide more parking?

  4. As a frequent visitor to Kauai, we always respect the local traditions and respect the local residents. We love the beaches and spend almost every day at one of them. I get the traffic issues and finding ways to help limit access. But it appears evident not just on Kauai but the other islands, that Hawaii residents hate U.S. tourist. If you continue to make it so difficult to enjoy tge sites, people will just stop coming and you can kiss the tourism dollars good bye. Can’t wait to hear how the North Shore residents will like increased State and County taxes to make up the difference. Let’s find a happy medium.


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