121 thoughts on “Officials Can’t Agree On Hawaii Travel Tests And Other New Rules”

  1. If they re-implement pre-testing for all… it needs to be longer than 72 hours…if you fly on Tuesday ….impossible to meet that deadline because of the weekend..

    1. Unsure what the weekend has to do with this because in our location testing (and results) is conducted seven days a week

      1. Testing may take place 7 days a week but the labs processing do not ….one preferred partner said to not use them if the flight out was on Tuesday😕. The rapid NAAT testing is always booked which is another problem…just wish it could be extended longer than 72 hours.

  2. I did not see in today’s post that gov. Ige was asking for people to NOT come to Hawaii for the time being. He cited the hospitals being at capacity and restaurants still having trouble with staffing making it difficult to serve the masses.
    I am hoping you did not dismiss that fact on purpose. The traveling public needs to know that the governor has asked for people to postpone vacations for now.
    Thank you, but the public needs to know this.

  3. You reported earlier that the rise in infection rates was not with the tourist. The problem is the residents travel and the local spread. Why punish the tourist because the local authorities cannot get the residents to adhere to the proper policies to reduce the spread. I love Hawaii but I am tired of the tourists being blamed for the problems that the Hawaiian need to solve themselves.

  4. At first, I was against the idea of a vaccine passport. But things have changed with the current cases in the hospitals. According to all the sources I hear, 90% of the covid patients are unvaccinated. That to me is preventable, so now I’m in favor of whatever makes life more difficult for the unvaccinated and easier for the vaccinated. If there’s a valid medical reason why one shouldn’t get the vaccine then exemptions should be made…but if the excuse is: I just don’t want to put that in my body then be prepared for more difficulty in life.

  5. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Where’s the evidence that mainland travelers are the cause of current surge and how many tourists are taking up beds at Hawaii’s hospitals?

    I’m guessing little if any tourists contributed to the surge and very few if any are occupying hospital beds.

    Anyone with common sense who has been following covid cases on Hawaii knows who brought back Delta from their trips to the mainland.

    Young unvaccinated residents of Hawaii are to blame for this.

    Delta has a firm grip on the islands at this point any additional travel restrictions would just be window dressing. It’s game over for stopping the spread.

    1. BOH recently published data that said visitors represented 2% of the cases. If testing is reinstated or visitors it wioll clearly be for optics only and not have any effect.

    2. They should never have dropped the testing. Isreal released in June that there was significant drop off of vaccine efficacy as months rolled on. No tourist with half a brain would get tested on island as they would be locked down and quarantined for 10 plus days. They’d get on a plane and leave assuming it was allergies etc The Vaccine does not keep people from spreading the virus. People heard what they wanted.

      1. Jerry L commented above that the unvaccinated should (in his opinion) be “prepared for more difficulty in life”. Yet in Israel, where 60% of the population is fully vaccinated, there has apparently evolved a new COVID variant(not Delta, newer). Vaccinated passing it around. So, yeah, Liam G, Israel is now seeing that dropoff of vaccine protection looks like 😥

  6. I have had tickets for Hawaii 3 times now since March of 2020. We are again scheduled to come in September. So I have a couple of questions. What about people that cannot take the vaccines? Are we not able to eat at restaurants? Are we not able to see the sights? Isn’t that just like being quarantined? Also if only vaccines are implemented will the airlines refund? What about my hotel reservations? So tired of this game Hawaii is playing. Set your rules so we as prospective visitors can either continue our vacation plans or cancel them.

  7. I recently went on a cruise. Everyone over 12 had to be vaccinated. No exceptions. And we all had to take a covid test within 72 hours of our cruise. Under 12, had to produce a covid test 72 hours before AND at the departing port before getting on the ship. It was nice feeling safe. There is no reason Hawaii can’t restart the pre-travel covid test to all, whether vaccinated or not. Just another layer to keep all safe. I realize they cannot limit entry to Hawaii to only the vaccinated, but surely can start up the pre-testing again.

  8. So…if the State mandates Covid Passports to enter a restaurants…will they also apply this to supermarkets, Target, and COSTCO?

  9. Good Afternoon:

    It is always great to receive your up-to-date and timely information regarding travel to my second home, Hawaii.

    Thank you for your diligence in reporting the facts!

  10. Im traveling to Kauai in late october and have two children under 10…will they need anything other than a covid test 72 hours prior?
    Will they be allowed to eat in restaurants since they are too young to be vaccinated?

  11. Aloha,

    I don’t understand why people can’t understand that vaccinated people can transmit the disease-It’s proven science. Look at the numbers. Wake up people! This is endemic. This disease is never going away!

  12. Less time wishing and praying to crystals and more time spent around facts, data and science. You can’t continue to drive around smoking with us in the car and your windows rolled up. Get the vaccine, NOW APPROVED and do the rest of us a solid.

    This ridiculous fantasy amendment stance holds no water – we all had to get vaccinated to start school. Maybe you want the measles or chickenpox, too?

    Get with it folks!

    1. Very much agree with you AMi,
      People will build resistance to covid in one of two ways. First, people will get vaccinated and cost in sickness and death will be very little. Second, people will not get vaccinated and cost in sickness and death well be much higher. This is not rocket science and this problem has been with the human race for a very long time.

  13. Anecdotal evidence – travel to hawaii does seem to be entering a “self-limiting” stage, as you suggest. A 3-day car rental at KOA (for Aug 28-31) was $450 two weeks ago, is less than $150 today. My flight tomorrow (Aug 24) SFO-HNL looks to be 2/3 empty. Major airfare sales, airlines desperately trying to fill seats. Schools have started, so families have stopped travelling to Hawaii.

    1. Aloha David,
      Interesting numbers. Thanks for that. It was getting out of control on the costs of rental cars and not being available. Nice to know they are leveling out. Sensitive time here in Hawaii. I am going to California next week and following their rules etc. Glad they are giving us a 2 week notice knowing my vaccine card will be sufficient now to come back home. Enjoy your vacation.

  14. The article states: “ The state is closely watching the current surge in Covid and is preparing to take action as indicated. That came as yesterday’s caseload went to a new all-time high of nearly 900 cases in one day.” How many more days and how many more cases before Hawaii takes any real preventative measures? Define “closely watching” please. To reinstate pre-travel testing is NOT reinventing the wheel; the program already existed! The HI Government learned nothing from the events of last year. Sad, just sad.

    1. Delta is probably peaking on its own now. If they enact it will start to go down anyway naturally they should require the pre travel testing again it’s pretty simple.

      1. Thank you Liam G. Nature still dictates that things run their course….vaccine is not eliminating this virus. Anedoctal stories of people dying and then begging for the vaccine….vaccine isn’t a cure.

  15. Aloha guys. thanks for the information. This is kinda like closing the barn door after the cow is out?? Right??

    I have been reading that the infection rate among vaccinated people in LA is 30%. Delta is not stopped by the vaccine tho it may mitigate serious disease and death, no guarantee you wont get sick. Let’s see what happens in NYC in a few weeks after their huge outdoor concert a few days ago. That will be telling about the efficiency of the vaccines. and not to mention after the kids have been in school for a bit.
    So sit on a plane with someone who is not tested but vaccinated and……..you just dont know.
    Dont get me started how Hawaiian Airlines did not enforce mask restrictions on our big island flight. A downright scary flight.

    1. Hi Ane.

      We understood that HA was very strict about mask enforcement. Can you say more please?


      1. We also flew on a Hawaiian flight where they did not enforce the mask requirements. The flight staff announced the mask requirements but never confronted the number of passengers who pulled their masks down under their nose for the entire flight. Very disappointed. Will not fly Hawaiian again.

    2. Here is study from recent Chicago event, very promising


  16. If the state indeed requires vaccinations to eat in a restaurant or engage in an excursion, then that pretty much eliminates children from coming to the island. Nice way to treat the keikis.

  17. So if they decide to reinstate it on say weds what happens if you are flying out on Tuesday? You won’t have time to test….

      1. Yeah, but too late to cancel/get credit on most AirBNB reservations. I’m not opposed to vaccination requirements to get to Hawai’i but quick (think two-night) inter-island trips would be killed with testing requirments and therefore our whole trip would have to be cancelled…

  18. Community spread is unfortunately the consequence of not getting vaccinated. Too much misinformation. I have family members living in Hawaii who refuse to get vaccinated, no matter how much proof I’ve shown and after spending time talking to them about it. Super frustrating as it’s their health that they are willing to sacrifice. We have elderly parents and it puts them at greater risk as well. It’s a real challenge.

    1. NUMBERS DON’T LIE! I totally question the numbers. 900 cases in one day is 375 positive tests in one hour or 6.25 positive tests every minute. I didn’t think they had the resources to complete so many tests. And this would be if everyone of the tests were positive.

      My husband just did a drive by test and they weren’t that efficient in the time to perform the test.

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