121 thoughts on “Officials Can’t Agree On Hawaii Travel Tests And Other New Rules”

  1. Sorry, Thanksgiving in Maui has been canceled, please forgive, as Nature has been having its way of pruning out the weak, and accidentally chopped off the whole tree. Auwe!
    Aloha & Mahalo!

  2. The venue I work for in South Carolina is requiring pre-event testing for both unvaccinated and vaccinated. There is nothing wrong with that since it has been proven that vaccinated people can spread the virus.

    I think cases will drop dramatically if everyone entering Hawaii is required to be tested.

  3. The CDC flip flops on their take on how to treat this pandemic,I have read ALOT of anecdotal cases of people who got 2 vaccines and still end up in the hospital.. Please reinstate pre travel testing for ALL passengers whether they are vaccinated or not…It worked before.Please! The CDC should not trump the State of Hawaii

  4. Hope safe travels still continues as we have a trip to the Big Island planned for our 43d anniversary on the 17th of March, 2022.

  5. Greatly appreciate the updates as I will be traveling to HI next month.
    Unfortunately plans were made months ago before we knew of this current situation.
    We would lose too much money to cancel now with all due respect to the governors potential request.

  6. I called safe travel Hawaii office and was told they’re thinking about requiring post-travel covid testing, after arriving in Hawaii. Even if vaccination has been confirmed. Has anyone heard about that?

    1. I think that would be a deal breaker for some. You are fully vaccinated, tested positive within 72 hours of flight, arrive and test positive and then find out it was a false positive through subsequent testing. think of all the $ you would be out.

  7. This situation was created to save tourism. Now, we have higher numbers, vaccinated people think they can not get COVID or pass it.
    Ignorance abounds. Need PSA to explain science of it all.

    1. I have a trip planned for Sept 6 thru Sept 16.we are both vaccinated, if travel is canceled by state , when would we be notified, also not your field but would canceled trips be

  8. Aloha,
    This is sad for the Hawaiian populace that out Government and its leaders (all) are skewing the data. Of course the Covid numbers of our local population will be higher. If a tourist infects one resident the virus can spread amongst 10 people within a minimal period of time as we have Ohana and close friends we see on a daily or weekly basis. The tourist return homes within usually a ten day period and Hawaii has nothing in place to verify the validity of any vaccination cards from anywhere! Truly sad!!! Stay safe and Aloha
    Mahalo Nui Loa

    1. Exactly! The Delta variant showed up in Hawaii around the same time Gov Ige dropped the pre-test requirement on July 8th. 50% capacity at a Luau full of tourists still means 150 people with no masks being served by locals. Who then go home to their families. Tour boats at 50% are still too many people seated right next to each other, and again no masks with locals being exposed.
      Delta wasn’t in our communities until the untested (but vaxxed) people from the mainland brought it here.

  9. The data clearly shows vaccinated and covid tested visitors are not bringing the virus to Hawaii, so Hawaii needs to take a hard look at itself. If visitors must be vaccinated and tested before we set foot on the islands, so should returning residents – no more quarantining at home.

    We are vaccinated and just accept the fact we will have to put out $600 for the tests indefinitely when traveling. It’s the “price of doing business”. Residents of Hawaii who travel to the mainland will have to suck it up like every other person getting on a plane – get vaccinated and tested or stay home.

  10. Thank you for the informative article. My question is, if vaccinated can still catch and spread Covid. Why are vaccinated not requirement to test 72 hours prior to departure/entery into the Islands? I understand only a low amount of cases have been from visitors.However,it only takes one person to spread this virus to many.
    I’m visiting the Hawaiian Islands in 25 days. I want to feel safe,not only while in Hawaii,but also on the 10hour flight to get there. I’m so confused on what to do. Cancel for the second year in a row, or just go and do my due diligence.

    1. Darlene,
      Exactly! A vaccinated friend of mine decided to do the 72-hour pretest for traveling to Hawaii. Her results are positive and yet she still plans on flying there in a couple of days. She says, “oh well, I already put my vax card info into Safe Travels website. I’m good to go.”
      Can you believe that? Wow!!

      1. The answer is the tests are not accurate and the vaccines are causing the spike. It so clear and yet people don’t see it!

  11. I am confused if visitors must be tested or vaccinated before they leave were they are coming from. That means every visitor to Hawaii is Covid free, how are you still getting cases? And why are the visitors the ones to blame?

    1. JOE B… the glitch is that you don’t have to be vaccinated or test negative! Hi ever, if you’re not, you have to quarantine for days. For locals returning home, quarantining in their own homes is no big deal. So they aren’t tested and.or aren’t vaccinated because they just go back to living life at home! However, since visitors are the enigma, visitors are being blamed.

    2. Unfortunately vaccination cards can be purchased on line and have been available to unscrupulous individuals for a while now. These are individuals who have no regard for others and do not give consideration to the fact our home is just a playground for their selfish endeavors. I believe in choices and if you choose to not vaccinate no problem, however those are individual choices and should be confined to your personal space. My home State is not your personal space, nor is my family’s abilities to work and live in safety. Many during this crisis are having little respect for others. If you vaccinated for measles, chickenpox, polio and other diseases, why not Covid? Disease evolves as everything! Just doesn’t make sense that we care so little for our fellow human beings that we we purposely neglect their safety. Children are innocent to parent choices, but they are dying too. Just a sad state of affairs.

  12. My wife and I have no issue with pre-testing for COVID-19, Even though we’ve been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer with the 2 dose vaccine since April of this year. My issue is with the state of Hawaii not excepting my Ventura county California health departments COVID-19 testing results, which are FREE and easily obtained. How arrogant of the state of Hawaii. The state of Hawaii will except Walgreens if we can get an appointment which is almost impossible these days and some other commercial testing facilities of which we have to pay like CVS-pay. What kind of kickback is Hawaii getting with this ? Probably a lot of money with these “referrals” For us that will be $270 we won’t be spending in Hawaii.

  13. As my neighbor who is a MD said. “It’s natures way of pruning out the weak” he is speaking of the nonvaxers. Don’t kill the messenger. Hoping things get better in 87 days as we will be in Maui for Thanksgiving week. All have masks and vaccinated.


    1. Your MD neighbor is missing one piece. The antivaxxers are maybe at higher risk of transmitting to others who are vaccinated, who in turn can get sick.

  14. It could be worse. Think of New Zealand and another complete lock down. They had a high vac’s rate and 1 case brought this back.

      1. I work at Maui Memorial. Last week 98% of patients admitted with Covid were unvaccinated. People who are against vaccinations should agree to refuse medical intervention to save their(the antivaxxers)lives when they contract the disease. Also health insurance will soon have much higher premiums for the non vaccinated. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you or some of your fellow antivax sheep in the emergency room soon.

  15. your website keeps giving me error when I want to subscribe to the free updates. I consent to receive communications and agree to beat of Hawaii’s privacy policy. Please sign me up for your free updates. I would appreciate your assistance on this matter. Thank you

    1. Hi Laverne.

      We checked and you did in fact subscribe successfully to our email updates.


  16. It’s pretty simple anyone look at the chart on when delta took off in Hawaii? It’s July 12. Know what happened July 8? They stopped testing for the virus if you are vaccinated. Ige says he’s following cdc guidelines. Well he wasn’t following them before when he required testing. So what’s different now. Green was on today saying 83 percent of Hawaii is vaccinated. So that leaves 17 percent or 215k unvaccinated. Out of that maybe a third half have natural immunity. So 10 percent is causing all these problems?

    1. lol I just posted something similar. we can’t infer causality but common sense would say that many vaccinated are/were spreading the virus around. Deaths still remain lower than previous spikes though.

    2. Yeah exactly. Remember when they said the bench mark for herd immunity was 70%? Guess that didn’t pan out, probably why you don’t hear about it anymore. These fools have no clue what they’re doing.

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