54 thoughts on “Omicron Already in Hawaii: These Big Travel Changes On Table”

  1. We just returned from visiting our daughter and family on the Big Island. Great trip, friendly locals, no issues whatsoever. However, if testing returns for the vaccinated, then it will be a long time before we return. We will let the youngsters travel to the mainland to visit and jump through the hoops. Seems this “O” variant has been around for awhile already; South Africa says people present with mild symptoms (as does the example in the story). For now, seems an excessive over reaction.

  2. Hawaii really needs to start requiring returning residents to be tested before boarding the plane. It’s really ridiculous to allow residents to return without testing! They infect all of us conciencous passengers and then they balme us for infecting Hawaii residents.
    Irresponsible returning residents are the biggest problem!!
    Everyone should be vaccinated visitors and returning residents.
    I also think besides vaccinated visitors, all returning residents need to be vaccinated and tested before

    1. The virus is here and it is community spread, not tourists and not returning residents who have to comply with safe travel rules for testing and vaccinations. One look at the crowds and parties on the beaches and you see the problem. Businesses are doing their best to comply with all the rules. I would agree that everyone should be fully vaccinated or tested before getting on a plane. Not likely to happen in this political climate. The number of new infections in Hawaii is too high.

  3. For many of us, we are past the point of cancellation. For Our January 1 trip we had to cancel 60 days prior for our Kona part of our trip and by November 15 for our Maui part of our trip. Both of which are far behind us. Our only way out is if the Vrbo hosts are gracious enough to let us cancel outside of these due to obscene circumstances, the only thing we can cancel last minute is expensive car rentals.

    As for testing travel partners hard to find for 3 days in MN much less 1 day!

  4. PCR test from a limited set of partners within 24 hours, results available before boarding? Lol. Rapid antigen could work, that’s what has worked for us for three international trips during covid. I hope the omicron nucleocapsid is reliably detected by antigen assays. Abbott and Quidel say yes…

  5. Enacting a requirement for a test within 24 hours for domestic travel will be a nightmare for many people. I hope that legislators think carefully before considering such a regulation.
    I hope that considerations for any legislation for travel domestically distinguishes between vaccinated and the non vaccinated

  6. At this juncture it appears Hawaii may contemplate putting another coat of testing and vaccine paint over what is an already deteriorated surface.

    Testing permits us to know exactly where the virus has been. It is imprecise as to where it has gone or is going.

    Vaccines are not defeating virus spread.

    By now we should realize these two are not a solution.

    However, they are a reinforcement to the illusion that Hawaii is currently accomplishing that which in fact it cannot.

  7. Well. HI is going to have to change its stance on trusted partner PCR only. That is antiquated and most people can’t get them back that quickly. There are several new tests in the market that are quite effective. HI just needs to get with the program and do what the rest of the world is doing. If not then they have clearly let everyone know how they feel about tourists. And maybe that is what they want. Keep the rifraff out and cater to the Larry Ellisons and Mark Zuckebergs.

    1. That’s what’s happening to our dismay. Our precious islands are being sold to the highest bidders. And us local folks are having to leave. Heartbreaking and tragic.😥

    1. Hi MIKE S

      There is no stopping a highly transmissible respiratory illness. See: flu.

      With each wave Hawaiian politicians impose new restrictions and actions. And each time these restrictions and actions fail, the public loses faith with politicians. Cue a new round of restrictions and actions to restore confidence. The circle is complete.

      While Hawaii’s economy stands still, weighed down in chains of anti-virus restrictions, Hawaii itself spins ever faster chasing its own tail.

  8. Requiring a test 1day before travel is unworkable. 3 days was tough enough last year. Example: Wallgreen could not guarantee that I would have my results before 3 days had past. So, I went to our local hospital to get my test even though there was some concern that my Hospital may not be considered a “Trusted Partner” What? A Dr. Is less qualified then a tech at a pharmacy! Good example of Politicians making wrong decisions.

  9. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    My belief in the coming days and weeks it will be discovered that Omicron variant has being circulating through out the world for some time. It’s the latest Boogie Man variant allowing Governors to retain emergency powers over citizens.

    Like flu and pneumonia there will be years of bad strains and mild strains of covid. People at risk will be required to vaccinate every 6 months. Young individuals will use new viral medications to deal with infection.

  10. Aloha BOH,

    Well….good luck Hawai’i. I don’t think you will ever return to normal. Take some advice and learn.

    New variant is overreaction. I don’t think I will ever return to Hawai’i. Far too many restrictions for me. Keep up the good work.

    Thank you!

    1. Yep! Lived in Hawaii most of my life. Been in WA since 2018, gave notice on my Kirkland apartment Jan 2020 moved out last day of Feb 2020 getting ready to return to da islands. Bought a ticket to Oahu for March 9 2020, but have yet to make it back to Hawaii.

      Both Intuitively and based upon experience with Hawaii ‘governance’ I knew Hawaii was NOT the place to go during such times. (Police threatening my 72 year old Mom as she walked alone in a park next to her home. “GO HOME OR GO TO JAIL!”)

  11. Moderate symptoms because they’ve had Covid before. Natural immunity is just as good as vaccines or better as hundreds of studies show. Anywhere from the same protection and the latest Israely study on Covid shows it to be 13 times better than the vaccine.

  12. The fact that a limited amount of cases are from tourists is a lie because our numbers were down to 20-30 before tourists started coming back over the summer then they exploded then when Governor Ige asked tourists to stop coming again in the fall numbers started declining again so who is really to blame here? It’s what they want you to believe but the government lies. I believe all tourists whether vaccinated or not should be tested we are an island we are not part of the mainland

    1. Not part of the mainland?!? Ohhhh only when you want Federal tax $$$ because as we all know Hawaii is farrr from self sufficient, especially if tourists aren’t allowed!! Regardless of how much we all want to believe this is a worldwide issue, not one where some of us can just put our head in the sand and demand people stay away from there little corner of the world.

  13. Perhaps it would be wise to wait until scientists have more information about this variant before changing rules. This is nuts!

  14. With the constant changes being made I travel requirements should pressure not be brought on airlines that has a policy of only holding your payment for the flights they canceled due to Covid?
    I have $400 dollars with Alaska Airlines that they tell me to use by end December 2021 or loose.
    This seems unfair.

  15. How many letters are left in the greek alphabet after O? Will we need to lockdown for every one of them? Luckily, The South African Dr.that alerted the world to Omicron said the symptoms are mild and there is no need for the Hype and panic.

    1. After they go through the Greek Alphabet they plan to start naming variants after cartoon characters. Starting with the Mickey Mouse variant, Foghorn Leghorn variant etc,…

  16. I wouldn’t be surprised if the State did try to tighten entry requirements, but right now that is left to the counties. The “Trusted Partner” concept is non-starter because they can’t get the tests back in a day. At one point last year, CVS even admitted they couldn’t do it in three. They need to accept more testing options like Kaua’i did.

    Dealing with the Omicron Variant is an over-reaction, but I totally get it. I just hope we don’t go off on the deep end on this one.

  17. We have been vaccinated, but with this new strain may require the test to enter Hawaii by the time of our trip in January. If Hawaii follows international travel and requires a 24 hour COVID test before arrival, I don’t see how they’ll be able to use Safe Travels. They may have to expand the type of acceptable testing. Other countries do it. A lot of the Mexican and other island resorts provide tests before you return to your country of origin.

    1. Hawaii can learn so much from Mexico but it wont. As the only major country that never locked down, going by the narrative, shouldnt the entire country of Mexico be one mass graveyard by now?


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