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Reminiscent of Southwest: Hawaiian Airlines Debacle Delayed 830 Flights

Problems included no online reservations, check-in, or mobile app since Wednesday, resulting from a mangled software upgrade.

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35 thoughts on “Reminiscent of Southwest: Hawaiian Airlines Debacle Delayed 830 Flights”

  1. Being that Hawaiian’s customer service is abysmal, it’s unlikely there will be compensation for all those affected.

  2. I received an email from Hawaiian on April 5th that said they were going to implement the software update, and starting April 18th a lot of things would not be available. Most of the issues you have mentioned in your posts were addressed in the email. That said, the implementation was still a dumpster fire.

  3. Aloha, thank goodness I’m not flying anywhere right now, but it just seems odd that such a snafu would happen after such a transfer to Amadeus by other airlines has been done before. Could this possibly be happening due to nefarious actions by outside actors? We do live in dangerous times with some very cyber savvy nations?

    1. Hi Kauaidoug.

      We wondered the same thing, actually. Not so much about a nation, but individuals, perhaps.


  4. We flew from OGG to HNL on Friday for our connecting flight to SLC and got caught up in this mess.

    Not only couldn’t we check in on Hawaiian, we couldn’t get boarding passes for our ongoing Delta flight.

    We arrived at OGG way earlier than we normally would have and once we were checked in (thanks Corey) found that our flight was delayed by over an hour.

    It made for a stressful afternoon, especially with Hawaiian’s always fun gate roulette, but it all worked out in the end.

    The Hawaiian staff went out of their way to communicate and be helpful.

  5. Scheduled to leave Maui on 4/20- could not check in online 24 hrs prior, our confirmation code was invalidated by this system issue & we couldn’t reach HA by phone which prompted us to get to the airport 4+ hrs early & good thing we did! Waited in line at baggage counter as we were not able to check in at the kiosk. The baggage counter person attempted to help us but was unable to and told us (after 45 minutes) to go to the gate. At the gate we waited another hour+, eventually able to check in and get seat assignments( a middle seat, not the seats that we had originally). This entire experience was a waste of time and very anxiety inducing. It’s Alaska Airlines for us on any future Hawaii trips. No more HA, never again.

  6. The fiasco doesn’t give us much confidence in HA’s IT team or Amadeus. Sure hope that those affected by this get some good compensation (i.e. $400 flight credit etc.)

  7. Simple 3-step solution,
    1. Hawaiian must reimburse all travelers 100% for flights and vacation costs plus $10,000 compensation per traveler.
    2. Hawaiian should be subject to congressional hearings and fines up to 100 million per day,
    3. Ceo of Hawaiian, Ingram, should be publicly ridiculed and forced to wear an “I LUV Southwest T-Shirt” in all future public appearances.

  8. Mahalo Nui Loa Beat of Hawaii for being the, explanatory calm amidst the storm.
    We had Ohana coming home to Maui on Friday, after a 12 hour debacle of seat confusion and delayed flights, all good now.
    Hoping that Hawai’ian Airlines will settle in and become our mighty bellwether it’s always been for the fine residents of our beautiful home in the ocean.
    We’re so blessed to have such an amazing home State of Aloha. I believe we’re only going up from here forward.
    I want to thank you Rob and Jeff for always being there and watching out for our Ohana and visitors. We’re so blessed to have you be our light in the darkness and first with the freshest information on all things Hawai’i.
    Stay safe and blessed.
    Aloha always 🌺

  9. Well, going from Sabre to Amadeus is complex. I’ve worked directly with both companies many times, and Sabre used to be spectacular, but then it got sold and all the development moved offshore to companies that weren’t really committed to innovation. (I met their dev teams, and even with good devs, if a company doesn’t care it doesn’t care.) At Amadeus, on the other hand, their devs try to innovate and drive development. Corporate culture matters. But it looks like Hawaiian dropped the ball, and failed to take the time to test their rollout. It is very expensive and time consuming to do – so management will always want to reduce costs. Someone there should definitely be fired – they’ll probably scapegoat the tech guy and keep the bad exec.

    1. I agree 100% Tony! I worked in administration for a university and can attest to taking advantage of training being THE most important factor in a massive project like a total software changeover. There is no logic in taking shortcuts when it’s a mission-critical project, and when it’s done simply to save money, failure must result in firing the one(s) who made the decision to go cheap. You can have two of these three things when it comes to projects, but you can never have all three at the same time: good, fast, cheap. Pro tip – always choose good and fast! You’ll have to pay the lady, but you won’t have have debacles like this one.

    2. I thought the same thing…did anyone QA this before pushing “go live’? Did they not think to have a backup plan or a way to keep the lights on during a failure? Thats just mind boggling to me that something so standard in the tech-o-sphere seemed to just be completely ignored here. “Brah, you wen test em eh?” “I wen da kine, press play on da CD.” “Ok, good enough!” Sounds like the State Legislature ran this thing.

  10. I usually start making reservations earlier than April, but things were busy around here the first 1/4 of 2023.
    Looking at doing a trip to Oahu this fall, I was able to reserve my accommodations. However, when it came time to reserve my ticket…well you know what has been happening.
    I see where some issues have been fixed. But after reading some of the horror stories about the system losing tickets (that’s a lot of money for a lot of people), delayed or cancelled flights, and people standing in lines for 3-5 hours to get things straightened out…I’m blessed that I did have something keeping me from getting tickets till now.
    Good Luck Everybody!!!

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