Should Maui Visitors Be Subject To $1,000 Fine For This?

A new law went into effect yesterday on Maui. And a somewhat less stringent one is coming to the Big Island.

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123 thoughts on “Should Maui Visitors Be Subject To $1,000 Fine For This?”

  1. I’m all for it. The hard part is getting the word out and letting everyone know. Then who’s going to enforce this law and how?
    I’ll come up with a small test strip you apply to the body, if it turns Red $$$$

  2. Recently, this past spring, my husband and I visited Maui. I brought only reef safe sunscreen. The first day, after multiple applications and taking refuge under a tree for most of the day I became very sunburned. Much more sunscreen and as little suntime as possible for the next 9 days and I left the island red as a lobster. I found out, especially since I only had limited time in the water, I should use regular sunscreen when not in the water. I really need a good sunscreen. I’m willing to forgo the water in order to protect my skin!

    1. I’ve mentioned a few times that we only use the (truly) chemical free sunscreens when in Hawaii. Otherwise, living in the “Skin Cancer Capital of the US”, we have to use chemical sunscreens.

  3. First, let me say that I 1000% agree with protecting the reefs – Hawaiian or otherwise – from the chemicals in sunscreen. But I respectfully ask that those encouraging all chemical sunscreens to be eliminated from manufacture. Please understand that in certain circumstances (high altitude, dry climate), those chemicals help protect those of us who live in those circumstances better than pure “mineral” sunscreens. As I’ve said repeatedly in this thread – use what you need to survive in your home environment but just be careful what you use in Hawaii or other ocean-side situations. We use “mineral-based” at home and strictly “mineral” when in the islands. When just about everyone you know has had at least one melanoma, you need to be careful.

  4. My husband and I love being able to visit Maui. We are very much in favor of the chemical based sunscreen ban. We believe we are stewards of our world and we should all do our part to keep our stewardship healthy and thriving. We appreciate being able to visit and experience the aloha and hope we are able to return the aloha.

    Thanks for the updates on the islands that we love.

    1. Thank you Nancy, I believe you get it. We are all in this together. Every last one of us. No one is excluded or exempt.
      It’s to everyone’s better interest that we all work together to protect and cherish what remains of our beautiful gift. Not only Hawaii but our planet.
      I’m very proud to live in Maui and support all meaningful efforts to protect the beauty and Aloha that is Hawaii.

  5. This is so dumb. I mean… Who is going to enforce this? The Sunscreen Police? This would never hold up in court if challenged anyway. And who is to say for sure if these sunscreens actually have Any measurable effect on anything in Hawaii? Think about all of the Other pollutants that go into the waters around Hawaii Every day. There is no possible way to somehow isolate those pollutants from the miniscule amount of sunscreens of any kind that end up in Hawaiian waters. But it doesn’t surprise me. Of All the problems that Maui has–This is what they are focusing their collective energies on? What a joke.

  6. Mahalo Beat of Hawaii for asking the questions we all want asked!
    As a resident, I think $1000 is excessive, unless we’re actually trying to kill tourism.
    Our reefs are being damaged by several things, especially uninformed divers and snorkeling. I’ve seen so many people, visitors and residents, standing on the reefs, breaking off coral and not being informed to stop.
    All this is taking a toll on our ecosystem.
    Those people should be fined that $1000 dollars!
    I think all incoming visitors should watch a video or sign documents letting them know how to behave in our fragile environment, but somehow common sense can’t be common anymore.
    Stay safe and blessed
    Aloha always 🌺

  7. As a frequent visitor to the Big Island,I Love it! We tried so hard here on Key West. Our reef is so precious to us. We passed a ban only to have political powers in Tallahassee repeal it. They either don’t get it or they don’t care. So sad.


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