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Southwest Airlines: Good Or Bad For Hawaii?

Amid Hawaii’s travel storm sits latecomer Southwest Airlines. A look at the pros and cons of their curious presence in Hawaii.

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63 thoughts on “Southwest Airlines: Good Or Bad For Hawaii?”

  1. My husband and I flew SW from Nashville to Lihue. All flights were on time and the experience was as awesome as flying previously with other airlines. No complaints from us and the price was right!

    1. I am typing this on a SWA flight from Vegas to Lihue. Was on-time departure. Flight is nearly 100% full. Very few face masks (this was a topic of a recent BoH post). Whether this planeload of people is “good or bad for Hawaii” … well, I suppose that depends on whether another plane load of people is good or bad. Personally, I’m planning to make the Bistro Happy hour later this afternoon, after a quick pit stop at Costco for gas. So, it’s good for David B.

  2. We’ve been using SW for a while now, mainly because of their routing. What I have noticed is there are many more native Polynesian people on their flights than other airlines. A few days ago I was looking at SW into the Caribbean, they have maybe ten destinations there all out of Dallas. All of their flights into the Caribbean are very hit and miss. I called SW services and asked why their flights into Hawaii are better scheduling than the Caribbean. He said that they (SW) had put a lot of time and effort into setting up their Hawaii program (years).

  3. It’s better to have southwest for the lower airline fare it offers and more cash to spend while in Hawaii
    Mahalo Southwest for entering the Hawaiian market, may you prosper

  4. Hawaiian has offshore maintenance in a foreign country. That is very iffy for critical things on an airplane.
    No oversight!

    Hawaiian has been having some major mechanical issues lately.

    1. Not sure if you are mixing up the issue SWA has with it’s Mechanic’s Union over SWA outsourcing it’s maint. to San Salvador (google it), but your post has little basis in any reality. Fact is HA has the leading 717 maint facility in the world based in Hawaii and SWA operates their inter island fleet with no where near that level of support.

      1. “Last year, Hawaiian Airlines signed an expanded airframe maintenance agreement with Singapore-based SIAEC. The company is doing heavy maintenance checks and painting for the company’s A330 widebody fleet. Hawaiian flies the planes some 13 hours to Singapore to be able to have the work done there rather than in the U.S.Oct 8, 2022” Source – Google Search

        Many US airlines do heavy maintenance outside the US

    2. Nearly ALL U.S. airlines do this … and while I do NOT agree with the policy — and believe me, I don’t as I’m a former commercial airline pilot, based in HNL for years, and experienced some of the slip-shod maintenance results that came about as a result of using foreign/overseas maintenance facilities — but remember — it’s all about the $$$$$$$

      And one constant — even in the airlines: you get what you pay for … no matter what the airline.

      And that’s why I choose to not fly airlines such as SWA … even turned down job offers with two of them a long time ago. And it was basically because I do not like the “cattle car” concept of airline flying. Again, you get what you pay for …

  5. Southwest has had a positive influence on Hawaii. We can travel at a reasonable price. Go to other islands for medical reasons.
    Hawaiian was charging outrageous prices to travel for medical issues.

    No more Monopoly!

    1. Yes sir at lease the locals can now afford to take there and grandkids to family functions and family reunions on other islands and most of all,2 bags or coolers free!!!!! Thank you SWA for saving us the Hawaiians and local families.Mahalo ! Mahalo…..

  6. I remember when aloha ended service 2008.
    United had a program where $3000 buys 10 round trips. That ended too. Then prices increased 3x on all other carriers.
    If Hawaii wants business, SWA is good for Hawaii

  7. Lately I’ve been seeing a bunch of new Hawaiian Air commercials on television and the web. Aren’t they contributing to over tourism as well with their marketing of visiting Hawai’i on their airlines too?

    1. Of course not. They are ‘local’ and can do no wrong.

      When we fly to Hawaii from the mainland I NEVER check to see what their home state is. Never We usually fly Hawaiian because they have the only nonstop flight from Ontario. However, it’s a narrow body with sky high fares.

      1. Like I say Rod, Hawaii is more special to some then others and some people feel more supportive of that then others.
        It’s not about “local can do no wrong”, it’s about respect for what Hawaii is and appreciating that.

  8. Overtourism is because of cheap and direct flights to the various islands that SW and other low cost carriers provides. This has been detrimental in so many ways. Hawaiian is a local airline providing jobs and supporting local businesses (food, beverage, etc). Their profits stay in Hawaii. They pay Hawaii taxes that support our schools and other infrastructures. They provide Hawaii residents with good paying jobs so that they can afford to live in Hawaii. SW profits leave the islands. Hawaiian supports the community. Yes their ticket price may be slightly more but if we want our beaches and hiking trails to be less crowded we need to have some kind of deterrent to lower the number of tourist. It is very sad what’s happen to our aina.

    1. Just pointing out that SW hires local people to work at the Hawaiian airports. Gate agents, customer service, baggage handlers, ramp workers…all employed by SW and provided with great benefits including medical, dental, competitive wage and flight benefits. SW pays local hotels a guaranteed rate to house flight crews 365 days a year and pay limo companies to get those flight crews back and forth many times a day. SW presence has created a significant number of jobs for local people. That’s a good thing in a tough economy!

  9. I’m no fan of SWA however I agree the competition is good. HA without inter island competition charged as much as SWA does on the mainland were they lack competition.
    (price a ticket from Islip to BWI)
    I think HA’s losses are actually more from the slow return of the Japan market, they loose a lot more money flying an A330 empty back and forth to Japan then they do filling up a 717 with cheap tickets. CEO was on TV addressing this. HA has a 22 point higher load factor inter island and has a much higher yield from the tickets than SWA does.
    Lot’s of operational problems surrounding SWA Inter Island but the competition is good.

    1. Bottom line though is SWA has been predatory and aggressive and takes money from the Hawaii economy while HA supports Hawaii and the people that live here. Enjoy the fare war and support Hawaii by flying Hawaiian is my take.

    2. SWA could disappear tomorrow and another airline would see gold and move in. That’s the nature of capitalism.

      And HA is no angel. First like others, they will exploit a market/route where there is no competition or weak competition. With high prices or poor service. Even with competition, look at their first class product from Ontario and other mainland places.

      Also ask what role they had in the demise of Aloha, a minority owned airline.

      1. Rod, you’ve done a good job of highlighting the different perspectives on this issue. Some think Hawaiian local institutions and the people that live here are important, others think it is of little importance. Not right or wrong, just different perspectives. SWA has treated Hawaii like it’s just another Orlando or Las Vegas. They have a very different perspective on Hawaii then many of the people that live here do.

          1. Absolutely. They entered the market as they did in those places. They flood it with a lot of flights and cheap fares to stimulate demand. It’s called the “SWA Effect”. Hawaii does not need or want that. Maui has been crushed by it.

  10. Enjoy the low fares while they last. Hawaiian is the only american airline that’s still in the red financially and doesn’t have a real plan to get out. Hawaiian could stop flying interisland and maybe get back to profitable. Southwest will bleed them out and then raise interisland fares like any other monopoly. We probably have less than 24 months to enjoy it. Sustainable competition is great. Squeezing out all competition only benefits Southwest.


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