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Updated: Southwest Hawaii Flights Pummeled In Today’s Nationwide Ground Stop

We’ve updated today’s post as of 9 pm to reflect the significant increase in delays that occurred after publishing this morning.

Data is still rolling in on how this morning’s surprising Southwest Airlines nationwide ground stop has and will impact Hawaii flights. Southwest reported that their 2nd technology-related failure in the past four months occurred earlier today. This resulted in the unexpected loss of some data required for operations. As a result, the airline called for a nationwide stoppage until the issue could be resolved.

The FAA said, “Southwest Airlines requested the FAA pause the airline’s departures.”

Clearly, for those flying on Southwest Hawaii flights today, it is imperative to check to determine if your flight will be on time. One way to improve the results of your checking is to look at the incoming aircraft that will be providing your flight. That is easy to do using FlightAware or other flight tracking software.

While the data below shows what we found on FlightAware at the time of publishing. It is still increasing and we are making updates. We expect there to be further delays and mounting cancellations on Southwest Hawaii flights. Here is how it is shaking out as of 950am Hawaii time.

Honolulu Airport flight delays.

27 40 flights were delayed. That represents 49 33% of all Southwest flights.

Maui Airport flight delays.

23 21 flights were delayed. That represents 50 45% of all Southwest flights.

Kauai Airport flight delays.

117 flights were delayed. That represents 68 31% of all Southwest flights.

Kona Airport flight delays.

14 12 flights were delayed. That represents 63 54% of all Southwest flights.

Snowball effect based on earlier ground stop.

These delays resulted from a snowball effect following Southwest Airlines’ resumption of operations today which followed the one-hour nationwide stoppage. SWA is reporting that the cause of the problem is a third-party technology firewall failure issue.

Following Southwest’s antiquated technology-related meltdown in December, we said it would not be the end of their technology problems. And that is the case today. This will undoubtedly pale by far compared to the epic December meltdown, which was said to have disrupted two million passengers’ travel and cost the airline over $1 billion.

Southwest said earlier, “As a result of the intermittent technology issues that we experienced, we should hopefully be resuming our operations as soon as possible,” Southwest tweeted. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we’re hoping to get everyone going ASAP.”

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25 thoughts on “Updated: Southwest Hawaii Flights Pummeled In Today’s Nationwide Ground Stop”

  1. The biggest takeaway here is you simply cannot count on SWA. Their cut rate technology will not get fixed soon. Technology issues will be popping up again. Cheap is not a good way to run an airline. Perhaps they have outgrown their business model? They seem to have overreached trying to fly transpac. Passing out ukulele’s inflight is a pretty sad way to try and establish yourself serving Hawaii. How about just operate efficiently and safely and don’t cut corners on the important stuff.

    1. Mike, while I understand the sentiment about SWA, not sure how SWA going away would be a good thing for everybody? Less airlines and consolidation means higher fares across the board.

  2. SWA is not the airline it once was when it was a trailblazer in the low-cost airline business model decades ago. Ask me how I know?? I almost went to work for them as a pilot decades ago. Overall, I’m glad I didn’t …

    But today, if $$$$ and “getting the cheapest flight” is your ultimate goal, then Congratulations, you’re getting the kind of sloppy service, standards, safety, and results you signed up for — even if you don’t yet realize it.

    Bottom line: it takes a LOT of $$$$ to fly from Point A to Point B. And like anything else, you get what you pay for — always. Airline travel is just one of the more obvious examples of that truth.

  3. When they advertise we don’t charge for cancellations or changes I thought they meant Passengers not the Airline… Pays your money takes your choice.

  4. I’m sorry for all those affected,yet again.And it saddens me that they feel it is worth the risk to save some money.There are so many posts that individuals are mocked for questions on how to save on their Hawaiian vacation.It disgusts me that this even has to happen in any sort of travel realations. Unfortunately, charging the high dollars to travel here, does not reduce the lower class, or the social media selfie hoggers. They are still on the islands, doing dumb things, people are trampling where they are uninvited and there is endless posts on “what the heck can I do on the island today?Travellers that ask this question have no business even visiting the islands.The islands were meant for eco-nature lovers respecting land & its people.

  5. As you say, the problems with SWA’s technology will be ongoing for sometime to come. While the Christmas fiasco got the most publicity, there have been others. When they first started flying to Hawaii they were fined by the FAA for problems with weight and balance issues, another tech issue that was exasperated by their ETOPS (overwater flying) issues. They pride themselves on operating cheaply, that!s not always a good thing in the airline business. Technology is an investment in many things, not the least safety. Simple fact is any ticket you buy on SWA is vulnerable to their tech issues. I saw in the Seattle Times they essentially told passengers they couldn’t help them and to seek “alternative “ solutions. Auwe!

  6. As I have said many times on here, don’t ever fly Southwest. First the Christmas debacle and now this. Oh not to mention their ___ aircraft, ___ service and ___ way they treat new hire employees. I’d much rather fly anyone else, especially when going to and from Hawaii. Would be nice if Southwest went belly up

    1. If SWA went belly up, you’d be at the mercy of Hawaiian for inter Island travel. 200$ round trip? Ah no, that’s a negative.

      1. I agree competition is good. Interesting, out of curiosity I checked on SWA for a flight to ITO tomorrow and the options
        all ranged from, one way, $94 to $154….and all they offer are coach seats at that price… actually a fair price for an inter island flight.
        The $39 fares were a carrot for SWA to break into the market

      2. I would rather support our hometown local carrier than feed my money into a Texas-based powerhouse. SWA has to go. Mahalo

      3. Competition may be good but cheaper prices don’t mean anything if you do not get to where you booked. That’s like saying I can sell you that car for $10,000.0 cheaper, but I don’t have any.

      4. I’ve never seen $200 inter island airfare on Hawaiian. I’d much rather fly them over Southwest any day. Maybe someday Ohana will come back

      5. Maleko, you’re getting substandard service on SWA inter island. They are dispatched from the mainland by dispatchers that may not have ever set foot in Hawaii. The flight crews are here for a day and they too may have minimal experience….remember the person on here who flew SWA and the FA didn’t know what island Lihue was on! The Max was not designed for inter island flying and they are taking a beating trying. Experience is a very good thing. I’ll fly HA any day over SWA.

    2. Would be nicer if they were to get their issues resolved and are then able to move forward. Competition is a Good thing.

      1. Why do you say that? Competition has its downsides as well. Why do you think that SWA hasn’t invested in technology for Years? They can’t afford those loss leader fares that drive their competition out of a market if they actually spent money on things like technology. This is an example of the chickens coming home to roost for SWA and I also predict that they will continue to have technology related issues going forward until someone at that airline decides that they need to make some major investments in tech.

    3. If SWA stops flying to Hawaii, our flights costs would likely easily increase north of 20%. I like competition/choices

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