34 thoughts on “2022 Predictions For Hawaii Travel”

  1. Aloha. We cancelled our 35th anniversary trip last year to Kauai. We want to return in December but are hesitant with some of the issues. We are vaccinated and will be getting the booster when available. We have been to Hawaii multiple times and fell in love with Kauai. We never want to come home. We’re mulling over buying a home there for retirement(if we can afford it) We met so many wonderful people that have truly made us feel welcome. At dinner on our 25th anniversary, we ran into a group of locals. After chatting for a while, I asked our waitress to buy them all a drink. Her reply was, I guess I could do that, but they just paid four your entire dinner. They then invited us over to their table and we talked for hours. Our BEST ANNIVERSARY EVER. I’ve never seen my wife so happy. Some say that the locals dislike tourists, but we have never felt that way. We are grateful for all that they endure because I know there are tourists feel privileged. These tourists are disrespectful to others, to the culture and the wildlife. I don’t want to come back and feel unwanted and lumped in with those type of people. We are thankful for these magnificent islands and their people. Mahalo

    1. Hi Patrick.

      That’s reaffirming to hear about your positive experiences here! Have a great time in December if you decide to return. Our sense is that it should work out perfectly.


  2. Let’s consider the staff and salaries of UHERO and the staff and salaries of BOH. Same conclusions at a much lower price… I believe that we will continue to trust you guys. Thanks for your hard work.

  3. Until Hawaii falls into line with the Federal Policy of recognizing foreign vaccinations in November, there will be little improvement in foreign visitors who often spend more once in Hawaii than mainlanders.

    With the current totally domestic focus and the Governor asking people not to travel to Hawai’i none of this is surprising.

    As to “exorbitant wages”, Hawai’i has for too long relied on paying low wages in consideration of the cost of living to the thousands of people who staff hotels and restaurants, many of whom have to work 3 jobs to pay the bills.

    Going forward visitors on business or vacation will have to pay more. As a frequent visitor with a business in Hawai’i, I do not see this as a bad thing. The Pandemic has shown us we need to think about others not just ourselves.

  4. I read the UHERO comments with an expectation that there would be some new information or revelation. I didn’t find it.

    What did strike me were the similarities between what UHERO stated and what Rob, Jeff, and the BOH have been reporting for many months prior.

    I suggest this is a strong indicator that the BOH staff are “in the trenches” every single day and are indeed up close and personal with the myriad of challenges facing Hawaii’s tourism industry.

    Were only all my information sources so timely and willing to call it as it is.

    Nice work, guys.

  5. We went to Kauai in May and had a fantastic time. Looking forward to our 25th anniversary in April next year. Thank you BOH for the timely updates as we watch daily.

      1. Thank you for the informative article. I am visiting Oahu the first week in December and had this planned since January of this year. Based on the articles I’ve been keeping up with here all year on BOH, I have had my hotel, air, shuttle transfer, car rental and some (popular) restaurants booked and paid for since March…all thanks to BOH. Keep up the awesome job!

  6. It stated in this article that, “the Delta variant hit everyone by surprise”. This is Not true! The news was reporting back in the spring time that this delta variant would hit hard in the fall!! They knew how it was going to affect people, yet they did Nothing!! They opened everything wide up, no more mask wearing for a few months then, BAM! It hit hard! Why didn’t the medical field and Fauci,who knows everything, do something about it? They knew it was coming and they did absolutely nothing!!!

    1. They cant control the people if the plan and prepare. They knew it was coming it really wasn’t as bad as some think, yet they are pretending it’s worse than original virus so they can control the sheep. Go live your life to the fullest because anything can happen in a split second that can change everything. Dont let them scare you into following them.

      1. Do you not follow any rules? You say to go live your life but what if you are one of the over 700,000 that died of Covid because someone like you insisted on not following the CDC guidelines and spread the disease. Why do you people say that following doctor’s recommendations are “following sheep”? Do you not stop at red lights, wear clothes when in stores, have a driver’s license, have car insurance, wear a seat belt, follow all traffic laws, stand in line and wait your turn and I could go on and on about everyday rules that everyone should be following. But yet because you don’t want to follow some rules that could save your life or someone you come in contact with life, you call us “sheep”. A democracy is people following the rules, so if you don’t want to follow rules maybe you should leave. We should respect the rules especially during a worldwide pandemic. Thinking of others is always a good thing.

  7. UHERO: “…. robust demand from US residents…”

    I’m sure they meant “mainland”

    UHERO: “… restrictive measures to address the Delta wave are likely restraining visitor numbers.“

    “Likely”?????? Ya think? 🙂


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