What's Correct In Hawaii: Mainland Or Continent, Neighbor Or Outer-Island?

Terrible Hawaii Travel Marketing Mess. Plans Doomed.

Even the state is worried that controversial plans tend to marginalize tourists. Questions of integrity arise too.

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20 thoughts on “Terrible Hawaii Travel Marketing Mess. Plans Doomed.”

  1. We need to stop marketing and advertising these islands it’s not like people don’t know we exist. It has come to a crucial point for residents where tourism has become overwhelming. It’s time for native Hawaiians to step in and encourage further education about the islands leaving it better than you found it. And being stricter on rules like no trespassing, no going past where you’re not supposed to, no approaching wildlife or touching them, the banning of sunscreens, generally how to give back to the islands not just take. Enough is enough we are not here to entertain you. We are not animals in the zoo.

    1. “Enough is enough we are not here to entertain you. We are not animals in the zoo.” Maybe, but what have you done to change the behavior of your elected officials that are misusing the taxpayers funds? It’s great that you air your grievance, but a more meaningful action would be to stop voting for the people who support and profit from the current situation.

      1. One Party State, see Illinois, NY, Oregon, California and Washington. Then there’s the proposed Train for Kapolei originally to connect Honolulu Airport, now Ala Moana Shopping Center (where they want to charge Customer’s and Employee’s for Parking, because too many Locals using Ala Moana Beach and Park and surrounding businesses use the Parking for free), still in the discussion stage from the late 1950’s!

  2. It’s not rocket science, corruption across the board and in HI State and Federal government. It’s so sad!

  3. As someone who has spent the last 45 years in Marketing and Advertising this whole thing is fishy. How could there not be controls in place for the RFP process? Additionally, if everyone is Hawaii is complaining that there are “too many Tourists visiting the Islands” then why the need for a giant Mainland Marketing and Advertising Budget. Furthermore, why are there no checks and balances as to how this money has been spend in the past or in the future?

  4. Sounds fishy to me, too many pockets getting lined! Hawaii Tourism took off for two reasons, the confluence of Hollywood, whether ‘From a Here to Eternity’ or Elvis and ‘Blue Hawaii’, Statehood 1959, Television, ‘Hawaiian Eye’, ‘Hawaii Five-0’, ‘Magnum PI’, James A. Michenor’s ‘Hawaii’ 1959 and the opening of Japan to tourism travel, ‘Golden Week’, from the 1950’s thru 1970’s, add-in the late Chris Hemmeter, the Developer who created the Mega Resort Complex in Hawaii from the Hyatt Regency Waikiki, the land behind it being further developed, formally his Kings Alley, Grand Hyatt Kauai, Hyatt Regency Waikaloa, Hyatt Regency Maui, Westin Maui and Kauai, all from the seed of developing Dining at the Ilikai. If you build it, they will come!

    1. In the near future those higher interest rates are going to affect all vacation travel in a negative way. You can already see in the housing market and it will cool the car market too. When interest rates were so low, cash had little value, that’s in the process changing. It may take a while but, it’s going to happen.

  5. I’m kind of wondering why Hawaii even needs to market itself to the world. It’s not like it’s an unknown. I dare say the proverbial “everyone” knows about Hawaii. I don’t think an ad is going to convince someone to come who was already onboard with that.
    They’d be better off using those funds to upgrade places that tourists frequent already so when that tourist experiences it, they will enjoy it and want to come back.

    1. Mufi needed an easy gig and needed to take care of his entourage. Sort of like politicians in Washington getting ambassador gigs. Big salary comps everywhere he goes and a bunch of kickbacks. The aloha way.

  6. Outsiders to the ‘native culture’ might look at this debacle and wonder if they had stumbled upon a story about a 3rd world country, where swine muscle their way into the feeding trough. It’s sad to watch this devolution of such a wonderful natural resource as Hawaii.

    1. In the 80s, Schofield Barracks was described as “a third rate post in a third world country.” Money shortly flowed in and Schofield became a nicer place to live and work.

      The “third world country” doesn’t appear to have changed as much.

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