Queen's Bath In Winter, Trespassing And Six Rescues

Trespassing At Deadly Queen’s Bath | Six Kauai Rescues In One Day

How can it be that in one day alone, six people are rescued during high surf conditions, four of whom are also trespassing illegally? All endangered their lives and had to be rescued by first responders. Fire chief Michael Gibson said of these six rescues, “Six individuals rescued on Thursday are fortunate to be alive.”

This all happened here on Kauai late last week.

Anini Beach was the site of the first incident. Two snorkelers were rescued, one a resident and one a visitor from Washington. The Hanalei Fire Department and the Roving Ski Patrol from the Ocean Safety Bureau responded to the emergency. Also helping was a surfer who came replete with a rescue tube found on many beaches. Lifeguards were responsible for one rescue, while the resident surfer was responsible for the other one, which took place 1/3 mile off-shore.

The snorkelers were found during huge 12-foot waves, which is mind-boggling to even think about. Once rescued, they both declined further medical treatment.

Four visitors rescued in dangerously high surf at Queen’s Bath.

The next rescue took place at the infamous Queen’s Bath in Princeville. Four visitors who hailed from Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and Wisconsin were rescued.

It required the assistance once again of the Hanalei Fire crew, with the help of Rescue 3 and Air 1 units. When they arrived, they again found dangerously high surf, seemingly enough for anyone to realize it was life-threatening, even if the clear “No Trespassing” signs should have been enough to stop anyone from entering.

One of the visitors sustained a leg injury, while another suffered multiple but not life-threatening injuries. Once removed from Queen’s Bath, three of the four declined medical treatment. One person was airlifted by helicopter and then transferred to the hospital.

No trespassing: Queen’s Bath closed for the winter, starting in October.

The sign on the locked gate at Queens Bath read as follows:


The gate is locked, and Queen’s Bath is off-limits in winter due to a high number of rescues and out of concern for public safety.

History of Queen’s Bath Deaths and Rescues.

Queen’s Bath consists of a lava shelf with a tide pool. It remains one of the most in-demand of all Kauai attractions and one of the most deadly. BOH editors hike down to it (when it is open and lawful) and can report that even the walk down and back is treacherous and has resulted in rescues.

Authorities have repeatedly added updated fencing and security to no avail. Visitors defeat any protective barriers that are erected.

Queen’s Bath is most deadly from fall until Spring when the gate is locked. But that doesn’t deter visitors intent on adding that experience to their bucket list. For some, it has been their last adventure. There have been at least five deaths in the past ten years and thirty in total. Typically they are people who are swept off the rocks by the waves, much like what occurs at equally dangerous Lumahai Beach.

Social media and tourist guides proclaim Queen’s Bath the ultimate Kauai adventure. On TripAdvisor, one person writes, “Overall: this is a must-do on Kauai!”

Endangering their own and rescuers’ lives, flagrant trespassing, and expensive rescues. What do you make of it?


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17 thoughts on “Trespassing At Deadly Queen’s Bath | Six Kauai Rescues In One Day”

  1. One thing you find out living in Southern California is that you can build a big beautiful wall but if people want to get somewhere they will find a way to get over, under or around it to do so.

  2. I’ve surfed since 1972, and visited Kauai to surf nine times since 1986. I’ve learned to respect the ocean’s power as well as local people. I recommend visitors use common sense – learn to respect the ocean’s power and local rules, If in doubt, ask a lifeguard or local person if ocean conditions are safe. I remember the Ultimate Kauai Guidebook 2018 state that Queens Bath is only safe if the ocean is “not angry” – generally summer – subject to local rules. Let’s respect the ocean and local rules! Mahalo.

  3. All the road signs near Queen’s Bath parking lot warning people not to park along the road and not to wait for a parking space are an eyesore, but to no avail. The parking lot is always full. People see this and ignore the “No Trespassing” signs. “Money see, monkey
    do” is the crowd’s mentality. Many more rescues take place there than those that get reported. Just ask any of the neighbors nearby who have been driven nuts over the years by all the chaos caused by continuing to allow any access to that trail. The parking lot there should be removed. The many have spoiled it for few who have heeded the warnings and road signs.

  4. Honestly, if there are signs that say no trespassing. Then they should be the one to pay out of pocket for the rescue. I don’t understand how people can put other’s lives in jeopardy for their stupidity.

  5. Haven’t gone when it’s been closed, but while I agree the trek down to QB can be treacherous, if you don’t go in the water/actual “Queen’s Bath” and stay far back on the rocks where they are dry near the cliffs away from the shoreline, I don’t see how it’s hardly ever dangerous.

    I just go out there for solitude and the awesome coastal views in the morning and stay far away from the shoreline. Never any problems.

  6. Would people follow the law and respect the “no trespassing” sign if we could post a picture of a person who drowned or their grieving family?
    Life’s Bridges of Hawaii, Ocean Safety, Kauai Fire, and AMR ambulance could share stories of the survivors grief when a family member has been injured or killed. Not every body has been able to be recovered.
    Please follow the rules. When in doubt, stay out.

  7. Can’t fix stupid unfortunately! I say Fine &Charge them for all rescue costs- I like the idea of barbed wire as well. Maybe just maybe, they will see this more unforgiving hurdle as a deterrent. I continue to see the stupidness things in Maui, now that we are living here full-time. Thanksgiving Day no less, on the Kapalua Coastal Trial complete with Monster Waves, we saw a couple guys far out on a rock out cropping. We literally watched in Horror as a Big Wave went over the head of one guy- we all thought he was going to be 100% Gonners! As my beloved daughter was visiting I prayed very hard for a Death not to occur in our view…I have no idea, except by the grace of God, this guy lived and stood there as the Wave rushed over him!

    1. ps…As we continued on the trail, I later saw these Stupid guys making there way back to shore, most likely after the one almost lost his life…Unbelievably Stupid!

  8. Aloha Rob+Jeff. Once again, the only deterrent I think will work is razor wire like they put on prison fences. I mean, come on, they try to climb that, then they are really suicidal!! Locks don’t work. Make it look deadly as the area is during winter and make high. I have been going to Kauai 45 yrs and have never gone down there because locals told me not to. I’m still alive because I obeyed their warning. One near drowning at Hanakapiai set me straight from the get go when I was younger and stupid. Happy Holidays and thanks for all your hard work. Mahalo.

  9. I wish people would think of the rescuers as well! It is absolutely selfish to only think of their own adventure and not the poor lifeguards and fire department people that have to save someone who is there illegally : (

  10. As someone who truly adores Hawaii, & has spent many months of visits there, I find this sort of behavior reprehensible, irresponsible and stupidly selfish. I have seen so many spectacular sights in the Hawaiian Islands and never by doing so illegally. With all there is to see, why trespass & put others lives’ At risk by your irresponsible lawbreaking?? Utterly disgusting.

    Most of my time has been on “my” Maui, & people have done similarly by illegally taking forbidden hiking paths, such as those near Oheo Gulch. Rescue by helicopters endangered first responders. I agree that those needing rescue after illegal activities should be charged with the cost. Only then will this madness begin to decrease IMO.

  11. It’s going to have to be expensive, really expensive, to violate closures. At least 5 figure fine plus all rescue costs. Make violations a felony so that conviction results in many severe long term consequences.

    Or just don’t send rescuers out when the gate is locked.

    1. Put the fact they will have to pay for rescue costs in addition to fines and felony conviction on the No Trespassing sign….that should help. 🙂

  12. At the Very least the Queen’s bath folks should b sited for trespassing and When are we going to let people know they must pay for emergency help if trespassing or breaking the law? Incredible but still happening. Adventure sells blogging clicks. Thanks for the update.

  13. No accounting for stupid. They need to be charged big bucks for their rescues and for putting first responders in danger.

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