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21 thoughts on “Visit Maui: Fabulous Things You Can Do Without West Maui”

  1. I would love to see a highly publicized televised event with famous singers putting together a show to raise funds to save Maui from ruin. If it can be televised for a whole weekend maybe that can be of some help.
    I love Maui and went there several times as my nephew has a place there. It saddens me deeply, the fires, the loss of life, homes and businesses in ruin. I pray for Maui and for all who are effected by the fires. I pray for you all in Maui and may it come back to what it once was.

  2. This all looks wonderful! But we have a reservation in West Maui, booked back in May. We can’t get a response from the property managers, we have tried phone and email. Any suggestions? We are willing to rebook in another part of Maui if we can find a spot. But really need to know the status of our reservation and money. Do you know of any official site that is helping those of us with reservations but no information? thank you so much.

  3. thank you for all the info on where to go other than west maui. We always stay in Kahana so is this area available to stay? we cancelled out September trip due to Lahaina fires out of respect to all who lost loved ones, we are praying for Maui and plan to return next year in October. We appreciate all the news and information. God bless you and Maui!

      1. Thank you for the response. Our issue is that we cannot get a response of any kind from our management company. We purposely chose a local, family owned, company.
        I understand that they are likely dealing with grief, friends and family that need help and support, and their own challenges related to the wildfire and loss of Lahaina. I was wondering if there was a directive or centralized information portal that can intercede to support the companies that seemed overwhelmed.
        I appreciate your knowledge and understanding of the situation.

  4. Aloha from San Diego,
    We are mourning your loses with you ,
    When we would visit, you would say ” from one paradise to another”. But we would say ” Nothing like Maui, and Maui time.
    Many, many days in Lahaina, many tears for you…our Ohana!

  5. Aloha, Pa’ia town is very much open and as beautiful as ever! I am the business owner of a massage business, come get a massage from us when you drive through towards the road to Hana. We welcome you!!

  6. Nice. However I’ve read on this site that the Government has plans to severely limit access to many of these locations.


  7. Thanks for this update/reminder that there is still much to enjoy on Maui. Our granddaughter will be honeymooning in Kehei next year and I will share this info with her.

  8. Airlines could help by discounting flights to Maui to make it more accessible. Hotels could help too by using setting rates to fill the hotels in the non burned areas (after affected residents have been accommodated) and let the tourist dollars, taxes, fees, and jobs roll in. Federal gov’t should do jobs program like Works Progress or Projects Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) on the Island like after the great depression. Maui needs it more than ever.

  9. My family finally gets to realize our dream of visiting Hawaii. In fall of 2024, we are booked on a cruise that will include 4 destinations. Lahaina was scheduled and, as of yet, this is being redirected. We are hoping that the cruise line will be able to visit Maui next providing an opportunity to support the people of Maui and their livelihood.

  10. Thank you for you articles on Maui. We planned a trip months ago to visit South Maui and have been struggling on what to do as we did not want to be a burden on the heart breaking situation. Your articles have encouraged us to keep our original plans and not cancel as many have. We will stay out of West Maui as advised although are hearts will be there and do our part to help support local businesses in the South Maui area. We also plan on volunteering to help support those in need. Maluhia!

  11. BOH,

    Are there any “affordable” hotels in Maui? We have long-standing reservations in Waikiki for Sep 14-30. Maybe I can convince some of our group to take a few days in Maui. I’ve been to Maui/Lahaina a few times, but still prefer Oahu. But, what happened to Maui is beyond human emotion.

    I’ve been to your home island once. That was probably in 1972. There was a famous garden cove for weddings and I told myself I would return when Robin and I married. Well, that didn’t happen and I’ve been married to Linda for 44 years and 4 months. We’ve been to beautiful Hawaii dozens of times, but not Kauai.

    1. Hi Rod.

      We hope that works out for you to include Maui in your upcoming plans. Hotels in all price ranges from reasonable on up.


  12. we are still planning on coming. We love the Kihei beaches, Makawao and if West Maui is open the Layrinth at Dragons Teeth. The restaurants in the Kihei area and the sunsets from South Maui

  13. For us, Maui has always been about the beaches. It’s hard to beat Kihei for the many miles of beaches. Lots of good restaurants with ocean views in Kihei. There’s also some nice golf in Maui too.

  14. We went to Haleakala and the Road to Hana. We enjoyed both. If you’re a first time visitor to Haleakala be sure and dress warmly!

  15. Maui needs the support in all kinds of ways. My question is Why is there still a planned event for a fund raiser for Ukraine being held at Magic Island this Saturday, August 26?? One would hope that it would be cancelled, at the very least, until further notice—with all due respect here…!!!

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