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40 thoughts on “What Not To Do In Hawaii | Ditch These 34 Things!”

  1. As someone who has dedicated his career to responsible marine wildlife viewing in Hawaii, I really appreciate your first tip and including the link to NOAA Fisheries’ marine wildlife viewing guidelines. Don’t forget that dolphins and whales can also be disturbed! NOAA recommends keeping 50 yards (150 feet) from dolphins and small whales, and 100 yards (300 feet) from large whales, and avoid swimming with them at all times. In addition, it is actually illegal to swim with, approach, or remain within 50 yards of a Hawaiian spinner dolphin and approach within 100 yards of a humpback whale to minimize disturbance and harassment. Mahalo!

  2. Just wanted to thank all you who sent names of places to eat.while we have been to some of them many are new we will try them out.

  3. On Maui The Gazebo on Napili bay for breakfast. It’s worth the wait,go early. Mai Tais in Whalers Village at Monkeypod. Mama’s fish house in Paia. Call now to see if they even have an available reservation.Cinnamon roll place in Kihei, Old Lahaina luau, call now for reservation.Swan Court buffet in Kaanipalli.Gas station malasadas in Lahaina.


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