30 thoughts on “Why Hawaii Ranked Safest State During Covid”

  1. I am Canadian and I have to be fully vaccinated and tested to enter Hawaii. The resort where I stay require to see my test results and proof of vaccines. I assume everyone at my resort has done the same and it’s a safe environment.
    Yesterday I visit with folks at the resort who are local and staycationing. They are not vaccinated nor tested. So my safe place bubble is no longer safe. I see this as a huge double standard.

  2. I mean really, I live in a Sacramento suburb and own a business in a rural community what I’ve never understood is how you can throw a blanket survey over such a large diverse state.

    I’ve felt totally safe, but if I lived in crowded urban LA or SF not so much.

    This is crap news…

  3. I’m surprised that California came in second. In the area where I live, people are dropping like flies. And that’s with consistent 65-75 degree outdoor weather.


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