Dr. Fauci’s suggestions, plus a study just conducted re travelers’ future plans yield reasons why Hawaii travel will rebound first.
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Dr. Fauci’s suggestions, plus a study just conducted re travelers’ future plans yield reasons why Hawaii travel will rebound first.
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Big Island resident—agree with comments above asking people to put off HI travel until Dr Fauci and the true medical experts give an all clear that there is no danger of re-igniting spread. (The airlines and Chambers of Commerce are likely to jump the gun)The HI health system especially outside Oahu, suffers doctor shortages in the best of times. We haven’t even passed the peak of this, coming in a few weeks, and models followed by Dr Fauci and Birx show a long tail on the curve not ending until August—IF we continue isolating, hand washing, travel restrictions etc. And they warn we could have another outbreak in the winter!
I live on Big Island. We don’t want any visitors for a long time. Yes, you may have been coming here for years. Yes, you may have a rental or vacation home here but we do not want the threat and spread to continue on our island. It may be bad for the economy but human lives are worth more than money so stay away as long as you possibly can. I know everyone has been cooped up and is looking for brighter days and happiness but until this is completely under control, there will be no aloha for reckless visitors. Stay home with family. Work on your health, relationships, etc. Mahalo
Jon D. I agree with you! I live on Kauai and we also do not want tourists here-at least not in the near future. Even when this is seemingly under control this spring or summer (?) we do not need folks coming here who may infect those who live here. Our hospital system is not large enough to take care of residents and visitors alike. I’m hoping that our governor keeps the mandatory 14 day quar antine going for several months so that anyone arriving here is forced to quar antine until they are proven to not be carrying the vi rus. And when a vac cine becomes available, I urge everyone to get vac cinated so that in case this is cyclical and comes back next winter/spring, we will not have another pan demic. If all you readers really love Hawaii like you say you do, please help protect these islands by staying away as long as you can to give us time to heal.