Hawaii Poised To Eliminate Travel Rules & Mask Mandate

Vaccination for All Hawaii Travelers Is Imminent

Watch for news tomorrow as more changes are coming to the Hawaii skies.

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118 thoughts on “Vaccination for All Hawaii Travelers Is Imminent”

  1. I will not feel safer. There are many “vaccinated” people getting Covid, so I don’t think that getting the shots is a cure or a reason to feel safer.

    1. A friend was fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine months ago, contracted COVID last month, was in the hospital with a 102 fever, shortness of breath. He’s out now but still has lung issues and general weakness. A nurse friend in Florida said not to believe all the crap on TV about only the unvaccinated getting hospitalized. She said the majority of COVID cases they are seeing are among vaccinated individuals. And vaccinated people can still carry the virus asymptomatically and spread it to others. So just requiring proof of vaccine to fly won’t mean that those on board aren’t carrying the virus.

      1. That’s not even remotely true that the “majority of hospitalized Covid patients are vaccinated” and your “nurse friend in Florida” is mistaken or lying. There are a lot of people spreading lies right now to counter the simple fact that the vaccines greatly reduce your chance of catching Covid and if you are one of the unlucky few that are breakthrough cases you have a very small chance of needing hospitalization relative to the unvaccinated.

        1. John,

          You’re absolutely correct about all the misinformation, lies, and anecdotal evidence that’s flying around, especially on social media. The numbers vary state to state, and states with lower vaccination rates have higher numbers of breakthrough cases simply because there’s more virus floating around in that state. However, on average, for those states who are actually reporting numbers, the number of breakthrough cases is about 1% or less. The number of hospitalizations is about 0.05%, and the number of deaths is nearly nil. So that means if you are vaccinated, you have a 99% chance of not catching COVID at all, a 99.45% chance of not ending up in the hospital, and virtually no chance of dying. Just to give you an example if the difference. In CA, you are 7.1 times more likely to catch COVID if you are unvaccinated, and 17.4 times more likely to die from COVID if you are unvaccinated. So, let’s pull this back to what BOH is meant for, which is a discussion of travel to Hawai’i. What all those numbers mean, is that if I’m on a flight to Hawai’i, and I’m sitting next to someone with CIVID on the flight and I’m vaccinated, I have a 99% chance of not even catching COVID. Now, if you add masks to that equation, my odds of not catching COVID are even better. On the other hand, if I’m NOT vaccinated, then my chances of catching COVID are 7X that. So, personally, I would feel MUCH better if I were vaccinated. But also, I’m much more sure that the guy next to me doesn’t have COVID either. There’s a 99% chance he doesn’t! So, that’s the reason that requiring everyone be vaccinated on a flight, especially as long as one to Hawai’i, is so important.

    2. Think again. Fully vaccinated wearing masks vs. unvaccinated, some belligerent refusing to mask on a 5-12 hour plane flight. Logic usually wins the day.

    3. Fred, let’s be clear, “many people” is a bit misleading. The breakthrough case rate varies depending on how prevalent the virus is in any particular area. Thus, states with low vaccination rates have more virus running around, and thus a higher rate of breakthrough cases. On average, however, the number is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1%. The rate of hospitalization for those with breakthrough cases is somewhere near 0.05%. and the deaths are nearly nil. When you compare that to the unvaccinated, well, it becomes obvious that getting vaccinated is your best protection from getting seriously ill or dying from COVID. Therefore, anything that we can go to encourage more people to get vaccinated, the better. If that means making it impossible for people to fly unless they are vaccinated, then fine. Keep in mind that we’ve tied “asking nicely”, and pretty much topped out those who responded positively. Since that’s not enough people to get us close to herd immunity, that means that now we need to start to employ other methods to get people to get the jab. Employers are coming around to that, and now there’s this bill to ensure that everyone who files (nearly) is vaccinated. Seems like a good idea to me since I would REALLY like to be able to get back to something near “normal” again some day.

  2. I’m visiting now big island hanging with the grandkids…my plan is to fly back home first week of December…well you keep us post on forced vaccine to get on a plane I have a home that I want to get back to might be forced to change my plans this is really starting to make me mad .I do not agree with forcing anybody to take a vaccine that is not a cure all I do not to be forced to put something in my messed up body i can’t take man made synthetic stuff…I can’t even take the flu vaccine my body my mind my soul
    Please keep us posted
    Going to wright my federal representative
    Thank you again

    1. Julie,

      Did you read the article? The bill in Congress now requires you to either be vaccinated, have a recent negative test, or have recovered from COVID. I still don’t understand the vaccine hesitancy that people have, but in your case, you won’t be forced to be vaccinated, just to prove you don’t have the virus via a recent test. This is much like Safe Travels which you had to go through in order to avoid quarantine when you travelled to Hawai’i in the first place.

  3. It’s about time.

    I think it is telling that 64% support this requirement, and the nationwide vaccination rate, with at least 1 shot, is 65.1% (washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/health/covid-vaccine-states-distribution-doses/). I think those of us who are vaccinated are tired of waiting for the social benefits, eating in restaurants, less anxiety traveling, etc. Those are being held up by those that refuse to be vaccinated. The health benefits of the vaccine are automatic, but the other benefits are being held back. It is time to make those withheld benefits someone else’s cost.

  4. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    We are on Maui at the resort traveled here from Sacramento on Hawaiian couldn’t have gone smoother.

    On Hawaiian we received our wristbands when we checked in at their ticket counter.

    Getting ready to jump into the pool, get an adult beverage and sit in jacuzzi.

  5. I think it’s a good thing having people vaccinated if traveling by plane (or long distance bus or train). Long distances in a closed environment, yeah, I’ll probably still wear my mask even if they eventually say it’s optional.

    A lot of folks are saying natural immunity negates the need for vaccination. There are records of those having COVID twice – so much for natural immunity. I did have COVID pre-vaccinations and have been vaccinated (now boostered!). Sure, even with shots, I can get COVID, but a milder case. I think when everyone gets their shots, it may help contain or restrain these mutating variations that can be worse than the current Delta circulating now.

    1. There are many more records of those getting COVID after having been vaccinated. Again, the vaccines and the boosters were developed against the original spike protein. They do not provide antibodies against the variants as natural immunity does. Latest studies also show that the protection from vaccines wanes after seven months, while natural immunity can last years, possibly a lifetime. So, semiannual boosters will be required for those who choose to be vaccinated, and because of their limited effectiveness against the variants, that protection will be iffy at best.

    2. Dot, you do realize that those with naturally acquired antibodies, if they were to get covid again (a “breakthrough” type of case), they will likely have a much more mild case, right? Also, please realize that naturally acquired antibodies are MORE effective than the jab, and tend to protect against Delta and other variants better than any of the shots do. So your argument, in view of all of the facts, is circular and self-defeating at best. So choose your own destiny, but please don’t ignore that those making decisions that are different than your own may work much better for them (ie: it’s safer for children to get and recover from covid than it is to get the jab, especially when you consider the case infection rates and possibility that they may never get covid).

  6. I think this is just going to hurt the travel and tourist industry again. I maybe vaccinated but I disagree with it being it madatory. How many people are contracting Covid on the planes? I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of numbers. With the masl mandate on the planes this should be good enough.
    I am so happy we were able to visit the Big Island on June with most of our family. As I do not see us coming back.
    I really appreciated have you guys help us through this and tell many others about BOH when I know they are heading to Hawaii.

  7. We registered our information and downloaded our vaccination cards to the Hawaii Safe Travel account? We leave in 12 days, when will we get our wristbands from the airlines?

    1. Susan… you get wrist back fat airport checkin. Remember to do the Health Questionnaire no more than 34 hours in advance. That’s when you get the green check mark they will be looking for.

  8. Aloha Rob and Jeff. Yes I would definitely be more confident and relaxed if everyone on board the plane is vaccinated. It’s only a matter of time when this will happen. I am going to wear 2 masks on my flight next week. I also am going to bring my own snacks and buy water before I board the plane.

  9. Best decision I made this year was to take a 3 week campervan trip through CA,UT, AZ and NV instead of flying to Hawaii and other places.

    No stress, no worries and it’s funny the people in many of these liberal cities/towns don’t really wear masks. In fact every place I been to that wasn’t a major city I was the weird guy for wearing a mask even inside.

    So my question is what percentage of Americans are living in the real world and what percentage are living in the mass media and big techs world?

    The discussion is banned everywhere so I give BoH a lot of credit on being far more partial than everyone else.

    I don’t see myself going to Hawaii for the next year or two as much as I love it, all these other things would make the trip less than what I’m used to.

    I hate how politics and greed has turned science into a farce. Just like what was done with the word religion. It’s become twisted and manipulated.

  10. The US Airlines should require all passengers to be vaccinated or show proof of recovery from COVID. It is the future. We flew to Iceland six weeks ago and had to be vaccinated to get on the Iceland Air flight, had to be vaccinated to get into the country, and had to be vaccinated to get on the Viking Cruise Ship.

    I wish that Hawaii could require vaccination to vacation there. I understand the the “problem” there, at least on Kaua’i, is with the locals and not the tourists, but I still feel an obligation to not be part of “the problem.”

    My wife and I are both vaccinated and we will be getting our boosters next week. We believe in the vaccines and doing what is best for the common good.

  11. What happened to “follow the science”? Natural immunity has been shown in multiple studies to outperform the vaccine. Yet we are ignoring that! Pfizer scientists were even caught on camera saying natural immunity is better & no need to get the vaccine if one already recovered from the virus. My family just returned from a wonderful trip to the Big Island last week and visited Kauai in May along with Maui in March. We love visiting the islands and hope to continue in the future. But I will not risk my 13 year old son’s heart health in order to travel. His pediatrician told us he has a 1 in 7000 chance of developing myocarditis from the vaccine. But since he has recovered from Covid, he has a minuscule chance of serious risk from the virus. Politics has taken over too many areas of our life.

    1. Did you read he article? The bill that’s currently in the Senate covers that. To quote the article:

      US Air Travel Public Safety Act.

      Currently pending in Congress, this requires that airlines verify that passengers either:

      1. Provide digital or paper proof of being fully vaccinated.

      2. Present recent negative COVID test.

      3. Are fully recovered from COVID.

      Check out #3 above…

  12. No, there is still a possibility of contracting COVID even if vaccinated. I am vaccinated, but do realize the science is proof that even the vaccinated are getting COVID.
    One more of our freedoms of choice taken away.

  13. The question should be “ if we are required to have the vx to get on the plane, will we still be required to wear a mask?”

  14. You guys almost gave me a heart attack but thankfully the headline for this update is not factual.

    According to your article a negative test or proof of recovery will be accepted in order to board an airplane. In practical terms that is not too much different than the conditions now, albeit the quarantine option would be gone. And an additional test would be required to leave Hawaii.

    I cannot find information anywhere that this latest soul-robbing bill has been passed and signed into law. Is it really imminent? Admittedly these yahoos will move quickly as the supposed motivation for the ruse is the upcoming holiday travel surge. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    The logistics of enforcing this boondoggle would be a joke, even if one accepts the premise. For how long after the second jab would an individual be in compliance before a booster is needed to retain the elite status of “Vaccinated”?

    Would there be exemptions for the second-class citizens, the evil unvaccinated, in case of emergency? Maybe install a caged area in the back of the airplane (or even the baggage compartment) for them.

    How long will these requirements be in effect? Is this like most laws, never expiring no matter how irrelevant or inappropriate they may become? Just waiting to be latched onto by some autocratic, sociopathic lawmaker for nefarious purposes (can you say lockdown?).

    1. Two big thumbs up Mike! You couldn’t have stated the obvious better. You asked “Is this like most laws, never expiring no matter how irrelevant or inappropriate they may become?” I think we both know the answer to that question. Today’s society wants to remove as many freedoms as possible from our personal lives…..all in the name of what is “good” for society. So sad.

    2. Three letters for you to consider before launching into a tirade:


      Have a problem being screened, baggage inspected, restrictive requirements for carry on.

      Waiting for consistency in your argument…

  15. Common sense says EVERYONE should take a Covid test as everyone can still get and spread Covid. I have absolutely zero issue with testing before any flight.

    1. Shannon… agree conceptually but in reality, getting tested with results promised for within 72 hours of flight is not universal. We have to drive 7 hours to get Rapid Resulrs testing from a Trusted Partner and then pay $225 per person, a hotel bill, meals, etc. not as easy as everyone makes it sound!!!!

  16. Hi BOH, Thanks as always for all of your information! It was announced today that by the end of this month, all Canadians will need to be fully vaccinated to get on a plane. We have a trip to Hawaii planned for November. We are hoping this could help to eliminate the need for the current covid test requirement before flying to Hawaii as all Canadian travellers would have to be fully vaccinated to get on the plane. Probably too early to have heard if anything is going to change with this but thought I would ask anyways! At $200 per person for a covid test it is an added expense but one I am willing to pay if it means I get to come to Hawaii. I just wish that my vaccinated status could be recognized as well.

    1. Hi Julie.

      Thanks for your comments. Yes, we are keeping an eye on that and yes it is too early for a decision in relation to Hawaii Safe Travels. We hope it will come in time for your November trip.


        1. KEN F… In addition, for some of us it is not easy to do. We have to drive 7 hours to find a “Trusted Partner” facility to do Rapid Results Testing – there is not a single Trusted Partner in our state that does RR tests. Plenty of other labs, facilities, etc but no Trusted Partner. So that means the 7 hour drive each way plus hotel, plus meals, etc etc etc.

        2. I know how this is going to sound, but … if you can Truly afford a trip to Hawai’i, you can afford to be tested. However, even easier, just get vaccinated and avoid the extra expense of getting tested all the time.

      1. Joel… I agree with pre-flight testing and I agree but you need to understand it is not always easy… we have to travel 7 hours and spend $400 plus extra night hotel/dinner/etc to get a Rapid Results Test – the alternative being an ulcer waiting for 72,hours.

      2. My neighbor, who is fully vaccinated tested negative last Thursday but on Sunday tested positive. The vaccine does not keep you from getting, or spreading Covid.

        1. True, their are the occasional breakthrough cases but if vaccinated you are far less likely to be seriously ill. It’s possible that vaccine saved your neighbors life or for sure a more serious reaction to the virus.

    2. Although it would be great . . . . I’m not so sure that it would change much for us, as the American government requires that all air passengers (vaccinated or not) arriving in the US provide proof of negative test. So unless the US Federal regulations changed, we’d still have to test . . . . though perhaps we wouldn’t be limited to only Hawaii-approved testing partners.

  17. I am unclear how this changes the Covid 19 precautions/restrictions currently in effect for mainland flights to Hawaii. Your headline is “Vaccination for All Hawaii Travelers Is Imminent” – I didn’t see in your article that soon Hawaiian bound travelers will all need to be fully vaccinated. I may have missed it as am reading on a broken screened mobile phone! Very much appreciate your newsletter!

    1. Hi Aimee.

      Thanks. Should this be implemented, it would obviate the need for Hawaii Safe Travels. It is too soon to know how that will all shake out. As we said in the past few days, it seems that there will be some lessening of Hawaii restrictions in the next few weeks, given the rapid drop in recent cases. How much of those will impact travel directly isn’t yet clear. Stay tuned for more – this is ever-changing it seems.


  18. We have flown to Hawaii every year for almost 20 years. Also fly all over the mainland and Europe. But if you have to be vaccinated to travel…. our flying days are over and it will be road trips from now on. This isn’t about health.

    1. I absolutely am with you. My entire family had covid and we recovered. I also of an Arsenal should we ever get it again and I’m confident that we would recover again.

    2. 100%

      Fortunately there is zero indication this is absolutely happening

      Hawaii may elect to eradicate 40% of its tourism under the guise of “public safety”, but, if so, it would be short-lived

      1. I think if you read this carefully, it says that this would be a federal law. The bill is in the US Senate. I know it is popular to bash Hawaii’s travel rules, but your sentiment here is misplaced.

  19. I agree with this. Vaccines should be required. It would make me feel much more comfortable flying on a 7 hour flight, sitting within 6 feet of, say, 75 people.

    1. “…sitting within 6 feet of, say, 75 people.”

      You couldn’t stand within 6 feet of All 75 people, if you were right next to each other. The closest number of people on a 100% full flight that you would be sitting within 6 feet of (for any lengthy period of time) would maybe be 8 or so depending on the seat you are in…less if you have the bulk head in front of you. Fact is planes are predominantly not running at capacity to many places, and definitely not to Hawaii, at least right now.

      Not sure why people have to exaggerate to make a point, but forcing people to inject themselves with a drug, because it makes people like you “feel better” is not following any kind of science. Especially when being on a modern jet is safer that shopping at your local grocery store, with the airlines having HEPA filtration systems on board.

      You want to feel better? Stop watching the nightly programming, that shows you nothing but doom, gloom and pushes more division than it encourages unity.

    2. It shouldn’t

      Vaccines don’t prevent infection and spread

      Follow the science from reputable agencies like the CDC

  20. Finally – intelligence reigns supreme! The thought of being in a flying tin can with someone who has COVID because they didn’t test or aren’t vaccinated was not within my comfort zone (although we did do it in July/August).

    1. “Has Covid because they didn’t test or aren’t vaccinated” does not make sense

      People who have tested are unlikely to
      Infect you with Covid

      People who skipped the testing because they are vaccinated are as likely as anyone else to infect you ( and far more likely than a recently tested person)


      1. Look who is getting Covid- the VX 🤣
        I agree with negative Covid test for all passengers VX and non VX. Test before flight to protect everyone.
        People VX can not only get Covid but transmit to everyone.

      1. The “general public” lives off of McDonalds and Twinkies. Which is one thing that makes the islands so wonderful….some do but many more don’t, as compared to the Mainland.
        Does the “general public” not bear any responsibility for its ‘lifestyle”? So many casualties amongst those who have chosen to “live” that way. And now we are all punished.

  21. YAY! We’ve been traveling to Kauai annually for the past 20 or so years. We look forward to returning this year. Fully vaccinated, soon to get my booster and proud of it. I’ll do whatever I can to keep myself and the local population safe. I fully endorse vaccine and mask mandates. Aloha!

  22. I will feel much safer when this bill is enacted flying anywhere, including Hawaii. Being locked into a small metal table flying through the air next to who knowns who right now is pretty scary.

  23. I just returned from 3 weeks at our timeshare on the beautiful Island of Kauai! I am vaccinated but not once did I feel uneasy. When we ate out, it was either outside or where all the windows were open. Service was great, people were kind (even if they were short handed) and everyone was great about wearing their mask. I had booked our car back in February (great rates back then with Costco travel) so no issues there other than the long line to pick it up.

    I feel more uneasy being back in my state in the mainland where no one seems to care…no mask wearing, etc. Kudos to Kauai and the people for the aloha spirit!! Until next time…Mahalo!!!

  24. Yes, I would feel safer on an all vaccinated flight. 7 plus hours with close proximity is too long with an unvaccinated next to me.

  25. I think this is horrible!!! We are allowing the government to much overreach! Wake up people. We start giving into this and what is next? I felt safe prior to all the brohaha. We live in a world were the government is pushing fear and people are following into that.

    1. LESLIE J… The government is still allowing you to choose whether to be fearful or not – you can get vaccinated and not be fearful or you can stay “fearful” – it’s your choice!

      1. Barbara…if you weren’t fearful, you wouldn’t have gotten the shot. And that is your right to make that choice. You have done what you felt is right for you, please stop trying to shame people on this feed because they want to also have the right to deny it entering their bodies.

      2. Actually it’s pretty well known that the only people are still afraid of Covid are among the vaccinated. Unvaccinated people are not afraid. Or they would’ve gotten vaccine already

  26. Vaccines don’t prevent covid…. testing is the much better choice here, but do 24-48 hours vs 72. Vaccinated people at still getting covid, and dying. So tests would be safer.

    1. Being vaccinated will greatly increase your chances of not being hospitalized and does reduce the rate of transmission. Misstatement of facts need to be challenged whenever and wherever they occur.

      1. Correct, they do reduce chances of hospitalisation and severe illness…. but I have personally known several people who have STILL contracted covid even with the jab…. 2 were extremely sick. Covid isn’t going anywhere…. we just need to learn to live with it now.

  27. I’m confused is the bill requiring the vaccine or vaccine or covid test? Your headline says vaccine yet further in the article it says proof of covid status? Are you required to get a covid test even is vaccinated? Or are you only required to get a test if not vaccinated? The way that the safe travels (to Hawaii) is currently set being implemented for all U.S. flights
    Just needing clarification.

    1. Hi Jessica.

      You’re right in that it is not clear. That issue remains to be clarified as it goes through Congress. We’ll update as soon as we learn morel


    2. Dear Jessica, yes it sure is alot to keep up with! I’ve postponed my Oahu trip for the 3rd time for 2023. It has been my lifelong dream to come to Hawaii for my vacation & I’m looking very forward to the day when I’m sitting on 🛩! 🌈🌊🏝🩴🐠🐢🍍🥥👒🛍🏖🕶🌞🌺🌏 Take care of yourself & stay safe! God bless you….pslams 91:11😇

  28. How does one go about proving they are fully recovered from COVID?? Is there an antibody test?
    I am all for everyone having a negative COVID test prior to boarding the plane. The vaccinated can carry viral loads capable of infecting others, just as the unvaxxed and fullly recovered, and can themselves become infected with COVID after vaccination.

    1. There is a test on the market called T Detect…. it’s a T cell immunity test and runs about 225$ out of pocket. There is also a test for antibodies through LabCorp that’s about 40$. Personally I have done both, and I have T cell immunity and antibodies STILL 10 months post covid…. o have not been vaccinated yet…

      1. Sarah R… neither test is acceptable – at least I don’t recognize the “T Cell” test but I do know the antibody test is not accepted fir such as travel to Hawaii. Only NAAT tests are – a PRC test or a Rapid Redults tests which is a PRC tests done with expedite for $$$.

  29. And just what 64% of Americans are in favor of this nonsense? Does anybody on this site know anyone that was asked? Certainly the release of the tape showing 3 of the Pfizer scientists discussing how the human immune system works better than any vaccine is probably not even a part of the discussion now is it?

  30. I’m confused. The bill in in congress also allows a negative covid test so there won’t be a vaccination requirement. Or am I missing something??

  31. I hope all industries who participate in the this strong arm tactic fail big time. Bankrupt I hope The USA is no longer the land of the free. It’s truly a crying shame

    1. KAVIKA C… I don’t know why everyone thinks they have no more freedom! You are perfectly free to not get vaccinated or tested. It is your choice. But just as your child can’t attend school without being vaccinated for mumps, chicken pox, rubella, etc., you, as an adult, now have similar restriction. You can Choose not to be vaccinated but there are consequences!

      1. I can’t speak for every school district, but children in many districts can attend without being vaccinated. They just have to claim religious exemptions. No proof necessary.

  32. Aloha-Can you comment on what I have heard anecdotally that a decent percentage of Hawaii’s cases have come from unvaccinated locals traveling annd then returning and not quarantining? If so I will feel safer. Also, I am curious anout this in the pending bill “3. Are fully recovered from COVID” I don’t recall this beibg an option in the federal mandates recently started.

    thanks as always

    1. Hi Jon.

      Always good to hear from you. We don’t know/haven’t heard why the cases are declining. They are nationally, of course, and in all-important California, the largest source of Hawaii’s visitors. Yes recently recovered is a part of the bill in Congress, although not a part of federal mandates related to airline employees, as far as we know.


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