Hawaii Ends Testing July 8 For Those Vaccinated

Will Fake Vaccination Card Problems Result in Hawaii Safe Travels Changes?

It’s clear that the state is largely incapable of policing fake vaccination cards being used for Hawaii travel. And officials have said as much. A big deal gets made of those found using fake cards, and those found have clearly been flagrant, but the reality is, those caught are likely a drop in the bucket.

It makes us wonder why anyone would use this way of entering the state. It is dangerous since it puts the health of people living in Hawaii and those visiting here at risk. Also, anyone presenting a fake vaccination document is subject to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. It’s not worth it – just get vaccinated or take the pre-travel COVID test to avoid the mandatory 10-day quarantine.

Recently, seven individuals have been arrested in Hawaii for allegedly using fake vaccination cards.

In the most recent case, which made national news, a 24-year old woman who arrived in Honolulu on a Southwest Airlines flight couldn’t even bother to spell the name of the vaccine correctly (note Maderna instead of Moderna in the image above). In addition, she took the subterfuge even further by providing fake accommodation details. The charade came to an end as she was trying to leave the state and was arrested at the Southwest ticket counter at Honolulu Airport. She was in custody on $2,000 bail until being released at a hearing yesterday. Another virtual hearing is set in three weeks.

Also this week, a Georgia couple was taken into custody at a Waikiki hotel following vaccine card irregularities noted by officials. In August, a father and son from Los Angeles were arrested for trying to use fake vaccination cards in Hawaii. And also in August, a couple from Florida was arrested for falsifying vaccine cards. The tip-off? The couple presented vaccination cards for children ages 4 and 5, who are obviously far too you to have been vaccinated.

“The screener at the airport, when they came through, noticed an anomaly about the age of the children and the vaccine, and that’s how we got involved.” — Hawaii Attorney General’s office.

The Attorney General was also quoted as saying that “fraud is easy with this type of document, so we then have put into place measures to ensure we can verify it and prosecute them when they are fraudulently altered.”

We must assume that in nearly all less obvious cases, however, the perpetrators are not found.

Could three Hawaii Covid vaccination apps that verify results be the answer?

The three Hawaii-approved, but thus far not mandated apps for testing and vaccination provide verification. Is it possible the state could turn to them to have better validity control using multiple databases, compared with vaccination cards? We have never heard to what degree Hawaii is able to actually cross-check vaccination card information uploaded to Hawaii Safe Travels.

Vaccine cards are clearly an easy mark for forgery. They are just a piece of paper with basic information on them. Followed by which batch of vaccine you received and where.

BOH: For now, registering and complying with the requirements of the state’s Safe Travels program remains the sole requirement for all Hawaii-bound travelers. It is needed to create your trip, link and to obtain approval of these vaccination/testing passport exemptions, and lastly complete the required health questionnaire within 24 hours of travel.

1. CommonPass ‘SMART Health Card’ uses a digital vaccine record to verify vaccination in order to waive testing requirements. Using CommonPass, results are instantly verified.

2. CLEAR Health Pass conducts digital vaccine verification or 2) negative test results to be uploaded. Users find their vaccine provider from the Clear list and link the results by logging into the patient portal via the CLEAR app. They also support the upload of a photo of the CDC Vaccine Card, although we don’t know how those are verified.

3. AZOVA requires that travelers get vaccinated through AZOVA’s vaccine network or obtain a digital vaccine record confirmed by them in order to obtain the Simple Health Pass.

How significant a problem do you think this is and what do you think the state should do about it?

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54 thoughts on “Will Fake Vaccination Card Problems Result in Hawaii Safe Travels Changes?”

  1. From the “Orlando Sentinal”:

    “Beginning on September 16 the state of Florida will start issuing a $5,000 fine to businesses, schools, and even government agencies that require people to show proof of having a coronavirus vaccine.”

    Hawaii erects “Checkpoint Charlie” at the airports and has agents all over the state scrutinizing traveler’s papers.

    Both have serious COVID infection problems.

    Which beach and restaurant do you think the fully vaccinated and/or those with prior COVID might want to visit and spend their money?

  2. Aloha from Kihei !
    Thank you for all you helpful updates.
    I was super stressed out the day before travel from Phoenix to OGG. What if I did something wrong on the safe travels site? What if I forgot to bring all the right paperwork? Hardly slept at all!
    Here is our experience.
    Went to safe travels site a couple of weeks before our trip, answered questions, downloaded vaccination cards, received confirm email.
    Day before went back to safe travel site. Answered health questions, got a green check. They sent me an email with QR code. I printed it. My husband used his smart phone.
    Went to the airport 3 hours early. Showed the ticket agent our boarding passes and QR codes. She gave us the MAGIC WRISTBAND ! Very quick and simple. Got off plan in Honolulu. You walk through an aisle in the airport, they glance at your wristband and then we proceeded to the bar. Got on the flight to Maui, they just wanted to see our boarding pass. Got off the plane in Maui. Got the rental car and went to Costco. Went o our condo. Then, went to the beach!
    Everyone, from the flight attendants to the lady at the ABC store have been super friendly and welcoming. We are so happy to be here.

  3. The ignorance of people trying to use a fake card is very evident. In all probability those people are not coming to Hawaii for vacation purposes but, have some other kind of nonsense on their minds. The actual number of people trying to use a fake card has got to be incredibly small.
    Aloha Guys

  4. Should have put some type of unique code that IDs the Covid CDC card holder. I too have clear, but for my 13 and 16 year old grand kids they are not covered by clear. Their parents do have clear but we will work through it.

  5. I think the best way to have the vaccine cards be “legal” is to have to a sticker that is placed on cards have a black light visible strip embedded and some special wording; same as what is put onto US currency. It seems to work for our currency, maybe it will work for vaccine cards.

    Just an idea to keep everyone safe. Mahalo!

  6. The good news us 1.8+ million travelers moved around the USA yesterday…

    Too bad Hawaii wants to keep them out. I’m sure businesses in other States are glad to have them.

    1.8 million who aren’t scared

  7. If you live in Washington, Louisiana, Maryland, Arizona or West Virginia you can sign up for MyIRMobile.com (which is free) to have proof of you vaccination records In WA there is a certificate of vaccination that you can download and print. We have our Covid vaccination cards as well—but these idiots just keep making things more difficult for us all.
    It is unfortunate that the unvaccinated are so selfish and dishonest and not we have to go to such great lengths to protect others (particularly children and the immunocompromised) from this deadly virus.

  8. Nah. There are already too many pointless, needless hoops to jump through to travel to Hawaii–the only state in the entire union requiring such nonsense–all just to make the locals “feel better”. There is no evidence that any of this currently required COVID Kabuki is doing anyone any good whatsoever in terms of actual public health benefits–though it is certainly costing an already bankrupt state a lot of money. And if the Hawaiians themselves are largely unwilling to help themselves–to get vaccinated for example–and to stop illegally gathering in large groups–then why should anyone be required to do the work for them?

    Before there was a vaccine I had a modicum of concern for certain at-risk populations… but now that there IS a vaccine–that has been widely available for months–and completely FREE… I do not. If any given person, group, or population in Hawaii wants to be “safe” from COVID–to the degree that is possible–all they have to do is go down to the local drug store or vaccination site and get a quick jab in the arm. Why should it be everyone else in the world’s problem if they choose not to do that ONE simple thing?

    1. Jared X—Because children 12 and under and those who are immunocompromised can’t. You can still spread the virus, even if you are vaccinated. Would you want to be responsible for their illness or death?

  9. we are living in Canada and our son and his family (all US citizens) live on Maui. We would like to visit in October for 3 weeks. My wife and I have both been vaccinated (Pfizer) and have a paper certificate that shows the batch code and date of injection. in order to cross into USA via Air Canada, we would require a viral test within 3 days before flight departure into USA.
    We would complete the HAWAII SAFE TRAVEL form and upload all that info.
    The question remains, would the ‘Hawaii authorities’ accept our simple piece of paper (not a vaccine passport or Government endorsed APP, as Hawaii couldn’t easily confirm our vaccination status that we provide on a paper document.
    Hawaii does not make it easy to visit this beautiful state!

    1. Hi Ulrich.

      Perhaps other Canadians can comment on their experience. Otherwise, we’d suggest contacting the Safe Travels help desk at 855-599-0888.


  10. BOH says “Vaccine cards are clearly an easy mark for forgery. They are just a piece of paper with basic information on them. Followed by which batch of vaccine you received and where.”
    Guess what each vaccination is recorded officially in state and federal records and can be looked up so people can try and fake it but eventually will and do get caught.
    The Vaccine passport is 100% needed. All one has to do to verify whether its legit or not is look up the records.
    IT should be made a felony with serious consequences though.

  11. Since it’s been shown that natural immunity provides stronger and longer protection than the vaccine, if Hawaii has three approved apps for providing verification of vaccination, why not an app that proves you have natural immunity? That would address the many travelers who want to come to Hawaii but have no need for the vaccine, or the desire to get it.

    1. That is just not true and you know it. Stop spreading misinformation. Studies have shown that for people that have already had Covid and get vaccinated they get Covid a second time at half the rate as those who are not vaccinated. So no, natural protection is not better than vaccination.

      1. It is not misinformation. I refer you to the study out of Israel two weeks ago that studied those vaccinated, those unvaccinated, and those with natural immunity that showed those with natural immunity had a “stronger and longer” protection against COVID than those fully vaccinated. BOH comment policy says we are not allowed to post links, but a simple Google search will show you the report. Also, if you Google “Natural Immunity vs. COVID-19 Vaccination: What the CDC Isn’t Telling You About the Science”, you will again find natural immunity is better than with the vaccine. So please, no critical remarks when you obviously have not been keeping up with the research.

  12. Unfortunately, where there is a will, there is a way. No matter what systems and protocols they put in place there will always be someone who will find a way to beat it and the people who do follow the rules will always be the ones to suffer the consequences. With all the security measures the feds have for social security and Medicare, there are still people who manage to find a way to abuse the system. If they are looking for a method that is 100% resistant to counterfeits and hacks they will never find it. What they may find, however, is as they require more technology and more testing and more tracing there will be fewer and fewer people who are willing to go through so much stress to have a Hawaiian vacation. I would say the majority of folks who travel to the islands in the winter months are of retirement age and many of those folks are not tech savvy. I would think that adding more tech hoops to jump through would negatively affect the number of people who travel to the island, which is yet one more nail in the economic coffin for the good people of Hawaii. My suggestion would be to concentrate on where the real problem is coming from and according to the officials, the majority of cases are unvaxed locals. If they can get a handle on them, then the rest should fall in to place, because 99.9% of the people who are tourists are honest and have come there the legal way.

  13. This is constantly bandied about but NO ONE is talking about guys like me, ladies like my wife, or people like my 8 year old grandson; we all had COVID, went through the wringer, made it out alive. Worldwide there are no verified cases of re-infection. All statistics to date show natural immunity to COVID is consistently more effective than any of the vaccines. The vaccines have a followed, verifiable breakthrough infection rate whereas recovered individuals nave zero history of reinfection nor is there any evidence a recovered person can transmit COVID to another person. In lieu of the vaccine card a letter of recovery from the local BOH should be more than adequate.

    When we were diagnosed with COVID we were shoved off to make it or die. If we were alive two weeks later they emailed a letter certifying we had COVID and had recovered.
    I do not take the flu shot every year (and never get the flu); I am comfortable with recovery and done.

    1. I talk about guys like you (and me) all the time. My wife and I had COVID back in November- mild cases, but we recovered in about two weeks. We have not gotten the vaccine because we already had COVID and now have natural immunity. Since the vaccine (and the now being pushed boosters) only addressed the spike protein and not the variants, there are numerous “breakthrough” cases. A friend received the Pfizer vaccine three months ago, and three weeks ago came down with a hard case of COVID. 102 Temperature, hard time breathing, still hasn’t recovered his senses of taste and smell. I’ve heard of no reinfections of those with natural immunity. Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson on the Fox News channel have almost nightly reports on the benefits of natural immunity over the vaccine. A recent study out of Israel, substantiated by other agencies, said that natural immunity gives a person “stronger and longer” protection against the virus than those receiving the vaccine. So, you are not alone. Others on this site also support you. I only wish Hawaii, and the federal government for that matter, would except antibody tests as valid evidence of protection vs a stupid vaccination passport.

      1. Certain news people – it’s been long proven they are putting out misinformation. I trust scientists not talking media fixed news people

  14. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    My first look at my CDC vac card I was like my Costco Membership Card has more security measures than this piece of card stock.

    1. The card is just your record. It’s all filed in government and medical offices plenty secure. This is why people are getting locked up for using fake cards

      1. That’s funny 😆 do you think every restaurant owner, bartender, shopkeeper, gym owner or bouncer is going on a government or passport website to verify your CDC vaccination card is legit.

        I suggest you see how these brain surgeons were busted it had nothing to do with a government or passport verification website.

  15. First, vaccinations are often required when traveling internationally. Second, at least one of the Covid vaccines is now FDA approved. These two facts have long been respected by medical professionals and seasoned travelers.

    With these two facts in mind, it makes sense to mandate a vaccination passport. For those who choose not to be vaccinated, for whatever reason, they can choose to continue to be tested every 48 to 72 hours.

    Some version of this is now unfolding in New York, so Hawaii could do the same thing. My wife works for a hospital in the Midwest, and the intensive care unit is full of Covid patients who have not been vaccinated. Several people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s have died in the last month. These deaths are tragic. Sadly, their presence in the ICU has displaced other patients with heart conditions, strokes, and accidents who desperately need medical care.

    I know the leadership in Hawaii is bickering. However, my hope is cooler heads will prevail and they will institute some kind of vaccination mandate, with optional testing protocols.

    1. “First, vaccinations are often required when traveling internationally. Second, at least one of the Covid vaccines is now FDA approved. These two facts have long been respected by medical professionals and seasoned travelers.

      With these two facts in mind, it makes sense to mandate a vaccination passport.”

      no it doesn’t
      you ignored the most pressing question of all.. does the covid vacciantion stop the spread of covid? since the answer is obviously no, your other two questions are irrelevant

    2. Hello Matt V.

      I read your well thought comments with interest. My consideration of them led me into a question or two.

      Although I do not totally agree with the basis in each and every instance, I can understand the foundations for the implementation of temporary anti-COVID measures such as checking vaccination status, lock downs, limited hours, etc. I think our reasonable expectation is these are all measures that will in short time be reversed.

      We hear the call for vaccine mandates.

      But we know a vaccine injected into a person is for the remainder of that life. Those that would vaccinate a person cannot in the future undo this.

      This led me to ponder who might hold authority to order a vaccination mandate? Upon what legal and moral bases? And if time is the imperative, how much due process should be (could be) afforded the unwilling before vaccinating them?

      When does the impact of vaccine passports, 48 to 72 hour testing requirements, and restrictions upon free movement move from being a mere “inconvenience” to your rights to being “inconsistent” with your rights?

      Or should we simply throw these concerns in the dumpster of expediency, roll up our sleeves, clutch our papers, and hope for the best?

    1. I could not find the app on the Safe Travels website Bree suggested.

      Try this official Hawaii website, under “Digital Health” …


  16. Let me see if I understand this.

    State officials have uncovered “several” instances of persons utilizing fake vaccination cards to attempt to enter Hawaii. The fear of course is that they may be proverbial “Typhoid Marys”.

    Meanwhile, 20+% of Hawaiians have not received any COVID vaccine whatsoever despite Hawaii having received ~350,000 more doses of vaccine than it has administered.

    Do I have this about correct?

    It’s good to know they are on top of this.

    OK, Danno, book ’em.

    1. Yeah one is personal choice (which I disagree with they should get vaccinated) not to get it.
      The other is a fraudulent attempt to enter the state with a fake vaccine card.

  17. Make them show the document which is uploaded to the state vaccination database, you can get it from your doctor or on your state’s website. it is a bar code. Fake cards were on the internet two days after vaccines were being given. At first The cdc never gave our hospital enough cards for the amount of vaccines we had to distribute and our marketing dept made them in two seconds so we could provide them to those receiving the vaccine. bar code…that is the way to go

  18. It is so sad to see people fraudulently doing these vaccine cards. I guess there are stupid people everywhere. I have no problem using the clear app as well as the common pass app. I respect if you do not want to get the vaccine that is your choice but you can still get a test to get on the plane.

  19. Thanks for your great updates! Is there still talk of dropping the safe travels program once Hawaii reaches 70 percent fully vaccinated? Are et they close or May have already reached that percentage with one dose? By that time, perhaps the delta variant will have waned like experts are hoping.


    1. Hi Janet.

      Thanks. We have not heard any further talk about anything changing at 70%. The current numbers are 63.6% completed and 71.9% started.


  20. I really don’t think it’s a big problem. Most people will be honest…some won’t but how many of the dishonest people will bring Covid. We’re hearing most cases are being spread by islanders and your rate of vaccination is low. This is sad. We’re supposed to be there right now but canceled. The more restrictions the more damaging to tourism this will be. I’ve rescheduled one more time but depending on requirements I may not come back. This is supposed to be a vacation. There are still easier safe places to go!

  21. They need to make an example of the criminals that travel on forged vaccine cards. Lock them up without bail until their court date and pay the fine before they can be released.

  22. state of California, and I am sure other states DO have a website where and individual can get a QR to be scanned. proves max record. is there a way Hawaii could access this? just asking. thanks again for all the updates and info.it means a lot to travelers.

    Mary m

    1. Hi Mary.

      Thank you. Good to hear from you. Thanks again for your numerous comments spanning almost a decade.

      What you suggest seems logical but we have not heard just what Hawaii does in that regard. They know they do access the vaccination database for today vaccinated in Hawaii.


  23. I have and use the Clear app. I love it. I go to a lot of sporting events where the arena requires the Clear app to enter. I was happy to see that I am able to use this when we come for Christmas. We are all vaccinated and plan on activities that are not around other people. We have the Shaka app for self guided tours so we will not be in a tour bus with other people. We plan on a lot of time just lounging around and enjoying family. We love and respect the islands and want to be respectful guests. These people using fraudulent vaccine cards and other documents gives the rest of us who abide by the rules and regulations a bad name. Mahalo BOH for all your updates and information.

  24. These people need to be made an example of. They should get the harshest penalty the state can give.
    Can we assume that all of these people doing this are not vaccinated and have not taken pre-flight covid tests?
    This is getting ridiculous.
    I am hoping that these cases are not the tip of the iceberg.
    Thanks for the update.

  25. This deceit shows the disregard for others’ safety and is behavior typical of narcissists. I’m afraid we’re becoming a country rampant with narcisstic behaviors. Me me me! How did we come to this?

  26. Unfortunately, fake vaccination cards aren’t the only fake documents out there. We know people have fake driver’s licenses, firearm identification cards, passports, etc. If authorities can’t stop those then it is unlikely that they can do anything about vaccination cards as well.

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