63 thoughts on “Will Next President Change Rules and Boost Hawaii Travel”

  1. While it’s great that airlines are offering rapid Covid testing to reassure their passengers, are these tests actually accurate? A US resident wanted to test out the rapid testing. She had 5 different blood samples tested with a rapid testing machine, advising the tester that they were from 5 separate employees of her business when they were actually all her blood. Some tests came back positive and some negative. I don’t think we’re quite there yet with the rapid testing machines.

  2. First off, President Trump didn’t make the rules in The Aloha state, It was your governor. Secondly, Last night the criminals left media declared Biden in Hawaii before all of the votes in Hawaii were counted.

  3. I am a nurse and have worn a mask several times for 12 hour shifts… Get over it! The mask is for the safety of others, not your convenience. I am glad to see Hawaii take steps to protect it’s residents and visitors. I do wish guidelines were a little clearer. I am looking forward to our visit this coming year… whatever the safety and health guidelines. Thank you BOH for keeping us informed and up to date

  4. Do you all realize these “tests” do not work? Even the FDA agrees and so does the 48 page instructions that come with it. The man who invented this test (it’s actually not a test at all / it’s a procedure), Dr. Kary Mullis said you can use pcr to diagnose anything..

    Don’t take my word for it, do your own research.

    Peace and health to all.

  5. United just canceled my flights to and from the mainland and I had to re-book to later flights as well as a red-eye flight. It was scary when I opened up the first United email because it warned me of a schedule change…and when I went on line to review my flights, no return date or flights were listed. So, it appears the direct flights to Lihue must not be selling that well!

  6. Hawaii is currently one of the safest states for covid and we want to keep it that way. Like everyone, our response was not perfect.
    I have real issues with what appears as political infighting and our response early on but then no one had a playbook to turn to.
    That said we are in a very good place and we are on track to keep it that way and open up in a relatively safe way. If we pretravel test so the overwhelming majority of arrivals are covid free, wear masks when appropriate and follow common sense social distancing, then this multi layered approach hopefully will keep Hawaii safe.
    It’s not that hard and it is the best way to prevent overwhelming hospitals here and deaths.
    A lot of people are doing just that and enjoying a very beautiful and uncrowded Hawaii. A once in a lifetime opportunity for the pragmatic and caring (aka Aloha) visitors that Hawaii is currently embracing.
    Those of you casting stones at mask wearing or Joe Biden or whatever internet fiction narrative you are using, please stay home!
    Don’t come here, you are the kind of visitor we don’t want. I’m sorry to be so blunt but there has always been a problem with a small percentage of genuinely rude people that are not appreciated at all. We’ll take your money and smile but you are not getting the full Aloha treatment like the nice respectful folks do. Sorry, it’s just human nature.
    We are a blue state…… the sky, the ocean and the politics. If you can’t handle that go to Florida.

    1. It would have been nice if you were not so rude. Believe it or not everyone does not think like you. I come from the bluest of states and I am proud republican. I wear a mask and respect those who choose not too. Just in case you are wondering the Aloha treatment could use some refinement. Perhaps you should be first in line.

    2. Most Hawaiians are not like you.

      Your a blue state but that doesn’t make you right. You don’t get to claim a holier than now attitude because you live there. Your a state, same as Iowa, New York or even florida.

      The bad scary covid is no worse than the flu. But you don’t ask to “ban” people for that. Our family has had it, all survived. Mother in law with copd got it, survived, her sister got it, survived.
      So your attitude is crap. Let us keep our tourism dollars from there and see how long you last.

    3. JohnW,

      You preach that visitors give “aloha spirit” in order to get it in return,and the next thing you do is give absolutely None?! 🤦

      It’s no wonder tourists have stories about people like you… 🤷‍♂️

    4. Dozens and dozens of restaurants have closed in your precious “blue state”. I hope that you are going out and patronizing the ones that are struggling to stay open. Then again you’re probably the type that sits at home and stuffs himself on frozen waffles and tater tots.

    5. Struck quite a nerve with a few. Just to be clear, my point is that with simple common sense proven
      safety practices we can reduce the spread to a reasonable level. If you have a problem with that please don’t come here…..
      Your silly little “I read it on the internet so I know more then the experts” doesn’t fly with me.
      The concept that “I had it and am OK” is incredibly narcissistic. We all know some are lucky and others are not, people do die from covid, thankfully most who get it are OK. That doesn’t mean it’s not a serious deal. It’s about protecting the unlucky ones and there are still far too many.
      It’s inhuman to think playing russian roulette with a significant segment of society is OK. Saying it is someones right to wear or not wear a mask is like saying wearing a seatbelt on your flight should be a personal choice, only worse, you think the potential to spread covid is a secondary consideration to someone not wanting to wear a mask because they don’t want too. It’s not.
      I’m old school, I think things like democracy, honesty and integrity are important. So is the Aloha spirit and caring about others.
      I agree my message was harsh, but what’s at stake here is Hawaii opening up and being a safe and beautiful place for others to visit, or covid taking hold and overwhelming the islands because of the narcissism of a significant segment of Americans.

    6. Thank you for saying it!
      In in Rome do as the Romans do… or stay home!
      It’s so hypocritical that anti mask folks want to come to Hawaii for it’s beautiful island perks but throw stones at its customs… They would be the first to complain if blue states people would come to their states and start enforcing their ideas.

  7. Please don’t turn this site into a political rant!!! The original comment was about the “next” President. It did not say the “new” President. Let’s just enjoy the islands when we can – wearing a mask wasn’t an issue all summer so it won’t be an issue there. And to those of you who claim that we who just “want to get our souls back” in the islands and spend lots of our hard-earned $$$ on the islands (yes, you, C.T.), we are not selfish! We’re in love with Paradise!

    1. Hi Barbara.

      Good catch. That word was chosen carefully. Thanks for that, among other things.

      Aloha. R/J

  8. It’s not the President who caused Hawaii travel issues, it’s Hawaii’s own governor. We have been traveling around the mainland states on vacation without issue.

  9. I’m not replying specifically to the comment above but want to suggest that everyone check their Hawaiian Airlines reservations for accuracy. Due to a fluke situation with my computer, I needed to reconstruct and refile on my computer our 12/27/20 reservation only to discover that it didn’t exist!!! Somewhere, someone, somehow, in the course of rescheduling that reservation two times, it was changed back to reservation #2 which was for a date in September. Not only was that done without our knowledge (nor did we initiate it) but we were never notified. We would have shown up at the Phoenix Airport on 12/27 with a printed confirmation in hand only to be told we were supposed to have flown months earlier!!! If it happened to us, it could happen to you. (And BTW, my complaint via the BBB resulted in a response completely ignorant of what the issue was!!!)

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