NTSB Kauai Helicopter Crash Report

With Over 100 Persons Vanished On Kauai, Who’s Next?

Why do some of the most bizarre and often tragic things occur here? Now over 100 Persons Vanished On Kauai.

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54 thoughts on “With Over 100 Persons Vanished On Kauai, Who’s Next?”

  1. I’ve been enjoying your newsletter for a long time. I make a two week visit to one of the islands at least every two years. In preparation for an early Dec trip to Kauai, I especially note the car rental ads you allow to be posted on your website, With your seeming integrity, I wonder why you would allow such false advertising of rates offered that are nowhere near the actual prices one finds after clicking on them. This does you no service in cultivating credibility.

    1. Hi Macvickers.

      Here’s how it works. We do not place ads. We have advertising spots and companies bid for those in real-time. We don’t know who they will be.


  2. Aloha kākou, my name is Charlie, I’m both Polynesian and European. Both my great grandparents and grandma, on my mom’s side was born and raised their in fact, my great grandfather was once a konohiki for Kalalea, Nua lolo and Miloli’i. I myself worked, hunted and explored da Napali coast for decades. I coordinated several Search and Recovery missions for some of da missing persons.
    All being said; I believe your information is pretty spot on!
    Mahalo nui loa for sharing…

  3. Many of the missing people have come to Hayward CA to live in the creeks and drainages. They want to be alone with each other and methamphetamine. Rich people bring them food to feed their rats.

  4. This was a very interesting story I had never heard before. It reminds me of the Heavens Gate cult, the Nike shoe clan, catching the Halle Bopp comet.I wonder if they caught it?

  5. Interesting you brought this topic up. I’m not saying it’s the same thing, but you should really look into the book called “Missing 411”. A former police detective, David Paulides, has been investigating hundreds of people who have disappeared under mysterious circumstances with national forests and parks. He even created a movie/documentary under the same name (found on YouTube). He never purposes theories only evidence. So, this phenomenon is Not limited to just Kaui.

  6. I lived in Haena for awhile, and I would say any place surrounded by rough ocean is prime for missing people. I also lived on Maui for 14 years and they are right up there with missing people as well.

  7. We camped back on the trail for several days in 1983. Met many a hiker with a back pack, hiking boots and a smile, nothing more.
    A “farmer” advised us to stay on the main trails and we wouldn’t “get hurt”. I wonder how many have wandered into hidden agriculture and didn’t live to tell?

  8. Beat of Hawaii,

    Thanks for this very interesting article. There was (is) a reality TV show called “Curse of Oak Island”, might there be the next one entitled “The Curse of Garden Isle”?


  9. I remember my parents taking our family to Kauai in 1975 (I think). We stayed in Princeville. One day, when leaving Kee Beach, my dad picked up a “hippie” girl hitch hiking near the “cold pond”. My dad, mom, three siblings, myself, and one cute hippie in a bikini were all crammed into a rented station wagon. It became clear very quickly that she was living life off the grid and far away from the conveniences of life that we were accustomed to – specifically soap and deodorant. All these years later, my siblings and I still remember that pungent aroma.

    1. I was there one year, many years ago now, and I was introduced to a few grown men, in kapaa and lihue, they were up to no good, trafficking most likely, i made it out alive, escaped. So do not travel there alone, and stay in hotels and make a community while there, do not live the dream alone there, it is in fact dangerous.

  10. This is only a question why are so many people disappearing and noone seems like they know anything ?? Like David hall what happened to him ????

  11. I had heard about the Taylor camp but none of the other stories. Thank you for this very interesting article. I think I will have to do some Google research and learn more.

  12. Wow! What a fascinating bizarre history, I had no idea having moved to Kauai from the mainland a few years ago. As long as there are unspoiled places of wilderness left on this Earth, it seems humans will try to infiltrate them, often to a tragic end. Nature is wild, we must respect her power as well as her beauty.

  13. This past weekend Dateline NBC ran a show on Love Has One’s Mother G*d Amy Carlson who recently died. Your blog is very timely!

  14. “The group believes that actor Robin Williams became a follower of theirs following his death.”

    … if you didn’t think they were crazy before that point….

  15. “The group’s Wainiha north shore rental ended abruptly when the home and a vehicle were vandalized as more than 100 demonstrators encircled the home and demanded that the Colorado cult group leave Kauai.”

    That famous Hawaii aloha is still alive and well I see. 🙂

    I’m just glad all of these kooks are going to Kauai and not the big island.

  16. Hi! This was a very interesting post…thank you for sharing. I can’t find any mention of Dan Mark’s body being found…everything I’ve read says he is still missing. Would you be able to share a link with more information?

    Thank you!

  17. Looks like Amy Carlson has gone to the great beyond to talk to Robin Williams about his Love has Won church membership. The bodycam footage of police discovering her mummified body in a house in Colorado was just released 2 days ago….


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