102 thoughts on “Wrong Data and Missteps May Further Delay Hawaii Travel”
There is SO many things wrong here!
Complete ignorance of the per capita, per island? The GOVERNMENT didn’t know that Oahu had the majority of cases?! Just let that sink in for a second! That just blows me away…. My children could tell you how many COVID cases are each island…
Whether it be the ‘Lack of follow-through,’ ‘the shoddy research,’ ‘inability to even keep up with daily events,’ or ‘poor understanding of the most basics of their own residents and travel situations’….. This is all horrific.
I heard Maine requires a negative COVID test or an affidavit you self quarantined 2 weeks prior to arrival. Maybe Hawaii needs to review what other states have implemented. My trip is scheduled for Jan 28. I hope things are resolved by then.
I think they may need to figure out how to test tourists upon arrival like Alaska does since Test’s are too hard to get on the mainland and trying to coordinate an appt and an72 hr negative test with test results taking 6-10 days and that is if you can get one without symptoms.
But changing the plan month by month isn’t working for anyone.
We have been worried about our trip planned to Maui on Sept 4-18 from Texas. We called CVSs checking about the test. To sign up for the test you have to have symptoms so we were denied from the beginning. There is no box for traveling to Hawaii. So we are stuck. Tried to call them and cannot get through. I think this was the plan all along. Make it impossible to come even if you act like you are opening up. Now we lose our timeshare points for the year after moving our trip 3 times. Mahalo
Looking down the road in 2020 with
covid still prevalent, many people
still not working with mortgages or
rent, car payments, food & other
household needs to buy. Add to that
children not being in school full-time, meaning in-home expense rises
for families not financially ready.
Fed $$ can’t continue forever; is
the State expected to provide extra
income for families not receiving
welfare or other benefits? We’re
looking into 2021 without there being much change in anything that
is now here in 2020. The “NOW” is
not going away: what of the future
6 months away? Have our political
leaders thought that far ahead?
Hello we love Hawaii and would love to return., from US mainland. However your requirements do and will prevent us from coming, we would not risk the cost of the hotel, airfare, rental car etc to try and come because if we did not get test results back in time to come we would lose it all as you can’t cancel these types of reservations within days of travel, it has to be done 2 weeks ahead Atleast and the airlines won’t refund at all. Also there is no “travel” testing. Also we will not have a test unless necessary, as in guidelines for testing, nor are we encouraged to have one if we don’t fit the testing guidelines. We will not wear masks for many hours to fly to Hawaii. *that is not your issue I realize). It is our medical right to refuse medical treatment such as a flu test and or vaccine, it should not be a condition of travel which is our constitutional right. Why not just take temperatures when travelers land? So very sadly we will not return, hopefully someday….
Quarantine is a joke…[content warning – edited to remove all upper case] the only way to stop the spread is use the vacant resort and hotel rooms as monitered lodging for new arrivals..the useless government officals are spreading this disease with their pathetic approach to containment
Today is was discovered that a quarantined person who ignored the stay at home order infected at least 2 people at a yoga studio ahe attended. This [edited] tourist’s name is [edited] and the yoga studio is [edited]. This unenforceable useless quarantine is going to just spread this disease more and more.taking temperatures is effective in catching about only 50% of infected new arrivals.40 to 50% of infected people express no symptoms..military personal are not tested at all and can travel freely apreading this disease to everyone.
Need to expose Everyone to the virus except those most vulnerable or the virus never goes away
people don’t understand epidemiology.
I repeat, except those most vulnerable.
Lockdowns and masks are not the answer it Has to run its course and antibodies develop that’s why we do what we do with a flu. Vaccine another solution but no guarantees one will be developed
thank you I have been saying this for ahwile and people look at me like im crazy- its like they are brain washed
The whole point was “slow the spread” not stop it!
do people really think they are going to vaccinate 11 billion people in the world NO.. most of “herd” immunity will have to come from acctully catching the virus to create that immunity.
Hawai’i must do what is best for its citizens.
As stated, the virus is out of control, especially in CA, TX and FL. Testing is difficult and labs are backlogged with providing results.
Sept 1 seems almost as far fetched as Aug 1 sounded earlier.
Our February return is beginning to sound less optimistic as well, but we can only do what the metrics tell us. The mainland may be headed for another shutdown if we can get this under control and SOON!
We all hope and pray for all of Hawai’i and the entire country that we can rid this terrible pandemic.www
Nicely stated Keith! And as someone who’s been trying to travel to Hawaii for 3 years, delayed by this that or the other my Oct 2020 Trip is now 2021. And even then I’m hoping it happens!
Your Government doesn’t even know how many COVID cases are on their own islands! I think Hawaii might want to stay closed to the world until they can acquire some ADULT supervision… 😉
Governor needs to make a decision and do it soon. I’m amazed that the University of Hawaii is able to open to students traveling from hotspots such as California yet there is no plan to open to tourism. Guess the Governor doesn’t want to be responsible for their Universities to go under. Put the responsibility of getting a COVID test to the traveler period…if you can’t provide a negative COVID test then quarantine is required. I own timeshare weeks in Maui and KoOlina that I pay a lot of fees on and that the state of Hawaii collects taxes on. It’s absolutely ridiculous, hope this Governor doesn’t get re elected because he appears to be incompetent. Implement a mandatory mask rule, enforce social distancing and ban large gatherings…but open up!
Why doesn’t governor Ige ask for testing that gives much quicker results such as the 45 minute test that hospitals in Colorado use.
Thank you vor keeping everyone updated. It is much appreciated.
Carol C.
The saliva test is said to be more sensitive to Covid and it doesn’t take as long to get results so why can’t Gov Ige approve that test for travelers unable to get the PCR test.
I wonder why Oahu has such a greater number of cases per population than the other islands. Could it be that more people are coming back to Oahu from outside of Hawaii and bring the virus with them. I am sure that Oahu gets a greater percentage of Pacific Crossing Travel so more airline personnel who are not required to quarantine. Oahu also has alot more returning military who are not required to quarantine.
I think you should be tested before you go. Call your reasults. I’m a nurse trying to get to Oahu to see my son before he gets deployed. I’m so very upset.
You realize that Oahu alone has nearly 1 million people, and that’s roughly 2.5 times more than all the other islands combined…right? It’s pretty clear that is the major factor in why Oahu has the predominant number of cases.
Although Oahu does get the most travellers (the reason its knows as “The Gathering Place”), the other islands (when things are normal) have many direct daily flights from the West Coast States, not to mention the dozens of daily inter-island connections. Hawaii Island has “Volcanoes National Park”, which is the most visited place in the State, and typically, there are millions that travel between the islands annually, because each has its own beauty and uniqueness, so inter-island travel is extremely common, even for locals.
Currently, flights across the Pacific have virtually stopped, except for the essential flights necessary to transport limited people and shipments. Although Hawaii has “technically” been open this whole time (because they can’t legally stop people from travelling), it’s definitely not a “hotbed” for travel, at this point, even though people are still travelling and quarantining in the State.
Military have always been predominantly segregated from civilians, and I am fairly sure that is the case at this time. Have you seen any news recently that the military is being overrun with Covid case? I have not, so I doubt it’s being spread by military personnel, or that would be all over the news.
Do you remember early on when all this crapolla started? The hotels were full of tourists and even then the cases never exploded in Hawaii, as people wrapped up their vacations (over the first month and change) and went home. What boggles me (and what most people seem to be lapsing on memory with) is the entire purpose of this “shutdown” was to not overwhelm the hospitals, which has never happened for the majority of the country…yes, even in Hawaii.
Do you notice how they (Governments and MSM News) are only talking about “number of cases” and not talking about the actual “death rates”, as they continue this indirect (some would call it direct) assault on freedoms and liberties? Why is that??? Why do you see more and more people wearing masks at times when it’s ridiculous to do so? People are wearing masks while driving in cars by themselves, walking by themselves, even running by themselves, which deprives them of oxygen while doing strenuous exercise…the latter is just asinine to me!
Reality Check:
The “death rates” have never lived up to expectation, and although I DO agree that we need to keep slowing the progression, through proper sanitary means/measures, until there is some sort of “herd immunity” (or combination of treatments with herd Immunity), I personally don’t agree with the way most Local and State Governments have handled this situation. It appears to be more about control than solving this crisis logically and responsibly with accurate information. This is why articles like this are so important, in my opinion. They point out the “lack of factual/accurate information” that has led to many (if not most) of the decisions by Hawaii’s Government, as well as other Governments…
Thanks again BoH for the continuous flow of info!
Take care, Guys!
For those of us with travel plans to visit family and who have property there, it would be nice if Gov. Ige would actually come up with a workable plan and stick to it. I’ve read the posts, and agree that the Islands have to be protected, but that should be possible with testing, social distancing etc. The Governor says the same thing each time he decides to change the plan, and doesn’t seem to actually have a plan. I am very concerned for family members there who work two jobs to support their families, and now cannot work because their jobs are in hospitality. How long can they survive? As far as those of us with travel plans are concerned, we have to worry about the loss of considerable dollars if we’ve planned and booked ahead. If we at least had a firm date, we could work with that, but we don’t, and I’m beginning to doubt that we ever will.
I completely agree with what you said about those of us who have property there, and family. We are technically part-time residents, since we pay local taxes. I don’t have the resources to quarantine without help, when I go. I actually need to buy supplies, and not only food, but for projects that need to be done, or issues that I find, since I am not there but 3-4 times a year for for 3-6 weeks at a time. I could do the quarantine, but I can’t waste 2 weeks, effectively on House Arrest, and not be productive, or be forced to depend on (possible pay) others to help. I don’t have the kind of disposable income to pay people daily for help. It’s time to get it done, and push forward to re-open the economy, while having protocols in place. That’s for sure!
Understanding the circumstances and severity of Covid 19.. I have talked to my family and decided to cancel better yet reschedule our condo til next year. THIS is where I have come into a hassle with the rental. We have renters insurance beyond all noone predicted the virus and how long. My contact does Not want to cx or reschedule everything’s for a huge fee.. i get rebooking fee.. but want when i want not 6 months from now but yr out. I was willing to work with them . I am avoiding in all ways coming to have to be quarantine or infect aanyone. So wanting to comply but how when your locals wont comply. Noones fault.. but I’m not just walking away from my money neither cant wait til closer I could be forfeiting my contract. ANY SUGGESTIONS
Thank you for this newsletter and for your close-to-real-time information regarding tourism and Covid-19 with regard to Hawaii. I can’t imagine anyone is surprised at the continued delays (or possible delays re: this update). Hawaii is simply not prepared to handle a pandemic on this scale and attempting to inch forward, month to month, is not working. Those locked in with hotels, condos, or flights are feeling the stress of trying to visit Hawaii, all the while feeling the lack-of-love from some locals. For me personally, Hawaii’s safety is my main concern. But, you can’t fault me (or anyone) for attempting to act on ever-changing information from their government government. Truth be told if they close Hawaii through 2021, and if something great happens and we can visit sooner, that is a better idea for us all. Rather than taking guesses, if you don’t know the answer, admit to that. Be safe Hawaii. We’ll see you when we see you.
I understand that it’s difficult to get tested (or get a test with timely results) in a lot of places, but why not accept the plan that allows people with a negative test result to skip the 14-day quarantine even if that only allows 5% of Hawaii hopefuls to travel? 5% is better than 0%.
Thank you Beat of Hawaii for keeping us informed. I agree that September 1 is probably not a realistic date and honestly thought that back when it was announced. I’ve rescheduled my own trip to mid October but I am not holding my breath.
One random thought today was if the hurricane might have any effect on allowing people to arrive and skip quarantine. Let’s hope that Douglas doesn’t cause much damage but if it did would Hawaii need to allow an influx of medical workers and builders to respond ?
Anyway, hoping everyone stays safe from the virus and the weather !
Thanks for the updates. In February of this year 12 of us planned a trip to Kauai which is in November. We haven’t canceled yet. But the hope is draining from my heart. If it wasn’t for your updates we really wouldn’t know. Still hoping things can turnaround in the next couple months. We shall see.
Well, it’s looks like I’m going to postpone my Christmas trip to Hawaii since there seems to be so much confusion about whether we will be able to travel. At the end of the day, I’m not blaming the states for most off this. What we need is a coherent national plan and strategy for dealing with Covid-19. For whatever reason, that has not happened.
Ideally, that plan would take into account the varying needs, geography, and local conditions within each state. States would then use it as a template for planning re-openings, travel, etc. To expect each state to individually have expertise on an advanced virus is a bit much IMHO.
Aloha, stay safe, and see you in 2021 (hopefully)).
I don’t see why the rest of the states should be penalized for out of control cases in CA and FL. I think that’s what he refers to as preferred markets or whatever the specific language he used. I’m on the east coast and my state is fairly well contained. I would like to be able to come on the fall with a negative test no matter what is going on in XA and FL.
Again, BOH comes up big regarding Covid-19 travel related updates. Mahalo!
Just wondering though, what’s a day in the life of a Kauai resident like now. Are any restaurants open? How about the ABC stores, golf courses or snorkel shops to name a few? Are you enjoying the solitude? Take care guys.
We sadly cancelled by 60th birthday trip to Hawaii, which was planned for last week. It was to be a repeat of my 50th birthday celebration there.
We love Hawaii and can’t wait to return again, but it’s going to be a while. For us, until there is a vaccine, we’re staying home. But we really miss Paradise and will return! Promise!
We were cancelled for our trip in April for our first anniversary and rebooked for 6 months later in October thinking for sure everything would have settled down. Looks like it will be cancelled again. Better safe than sorry for everyone both here and there. We will definitely be back when we are all safe. Southern California is being hit pretty hard right now so I understand. Thank you
After two cancellations (one from May and one from September), my husband and I rescheduled for next May. We hate it, but want Hawaiians to stay safe. It was to celebrate my 50th birthday, so my husband said I “don’t officially turn 50” until we reach Hawaii next year, so I get to stay 49 for one more year! Ha! Everything silly aside, stay safe Hawaii! This too shall pass! A hui hou!
Guv’s Ige’s intentional misleading and faux excuses to not open at all thru 11-3-20. Pure n simple like all other [edit] States [edited]. If you believe otherwise ur naive. In the process all [edited] states willing to destroy their own state’s economy and lives of innocent residents.
huh? My state is open. I have my job. Everything in California is normal. No food shortages, no 4hr lines waiting for free food. Interstate travel. Pretty normal.
I’m grateful for the updates. I just can understand people’s inability to understand that to get through this thing we need to wear a mask, stay home and not travel for a few months. The experts say that if people would comply this could be over in 4 to 6 weeks. These “freedom and liberty” types are the ones who need their butts kicked. I
It’s like saying “I’m not going to stop for street lights. Street lights are stupid. It’s the Governments way of telling me what to do in my own car. I’m not going to be controlled. You are sheep if you use stop lights. Other people aren’t my responsibility. They should watch out for me coming.”
Hi and thank you for this great site. My daughter is on Oahu and plans to go to my BI home at the end of this month. She has reservations already. Will she be able to go? (one way) I also have 2 reservations on Alaska to fly r/t San Jose to Lihue (both Airmiles) How does that prospect look? I have contacted Alaska and they said they can refund my miles if we cannot fly on Sep’t 14, return Sep’t 28th. All this information is so confusing (ps I am a legal HI resident, have HI DL, and returning to get Real ID).
Thank you so much for any assistance you can render
I really have no faith in Hawaii opening up till 2021 and have rebooked for June 2021. I feel Hawaii’s pain and it is important to get the economy going again. I pray for your health, safety and financial stability there as well.
I have to say I work in Wisconsin Dells and it’s scary. People could care less about 6’distance and wearing masks to keep safe. We call for mask wearing and we get beat up about it from some customers. In that respect, Hawaii do what you have to do to be safe!!!
I wish I were there in a few weeks, but it is what it is. My heart goes out to you all in Hawaii and the other 49 states dealing with this mess. Let’s all distance and wear masks and get this done and over with!!!
Thx for keeping us all informed as best you can….appreciate that. However, this virus is not going away anytime soon – I just looked at CNN and the rate of new spread in most Asian countries who did a good job early on of lock down and containment where they thought they had it under control, along with Hong Kong and Italy….all where cases have resurged like crazy once trying to open up. Did they let their guard down? No, likely just opening up and people moving around with businesses trying to get back to normal, keep people employed, etc. and this is what is happening. Life is NOT NORMAL folks, nor will it be for quite some time to come. Any travel is going to move the virus around as it has already done. There is no safe travel, testing or no testing, or quarantine threats, no safe restaurants/bars, no safe get-togethers. If the virus is there, it spreads VERY easily. One person unknowingly can affect so many and the “R factor’ just replicates it out from there. After years of wonderful repeat travel to Kauai and many other places in this world, travel of any kind is right off my radar for the foreseeable future…sorry to say.
Too late for me unfortunately. My cruise departing 27 September was cancelled when CDC extended the ban on cruises to 30 September. I’d love to come again but who knows when.
How are numbers increasing in Hawaii if travel to the islands is prohibited? Can Hawaiians travel and not quarantine upon arriving home? I’m so confused. We just canceled our September plans but are hoping we can resume planning soon for a later date,
Thanks for another breaking update and reasonable predictions. I think you are correct in expecting quarantine-free trans-Pacific travel from the mainland to be pushed back yet again.
It is particularly frustrating since it’s been stated that Ige will not announce any decision until mid August, only a couple of weeks before the September 1 “opening” date. If I was a prospective tourist this might be the final straw, at least for 2020.
And if the interisland 14-day quarantine is reinstated the outlook is even more grim for the state’s floundering economy.
On a side note, I am almost to the point of requesting that you discontinue the beautiful photos you place at the top of each article. They are too painful for a homesick kama’aina to bear.
Bottom line poor Hawaii is just like all other states with so many unknowns and little federal coordination. We really need to look at how other countries squashed it and able to open up again. Washington State too is stepping back as numbers rise again and our healthcare workers are getting overwhelmed.
Aloha, sadly until the mainland ‘disbelievers’ accept that there is a pandemic and stop flying all over the damn place, no one is safe anywhere in the USA.
Thank goodness the Governor of Hawai’i is smart enough to protect the islands. Have a look at the air traffic over the USA mainland in comparison to the ‘world’ and ask yourselves why this thing is out of control. https://www.flightradar24.com/N1008A/25070196
You are right I used to look at this flight radar lots. But like you said. OMG look there are flights coming in from everywhere so what’s the deal on this. Confusing as heck.
It’s not Control we’re testing more groceries are going to go work, even head of CDC task force says the lock down isn’t working until we get out spread the virus & build immunity.-do we have a vaccine for the common cold, SARS, MERS, AiDS? no ! Look at the death rate the death rate is going down but the cases are going up, no kidding! we’re testing more. Isolate the vulnerable, let the healthy be free. My daughters three college roommates had extremely mild cases- isolated for two weeks everyone’s fine.
Look at Alex Berenson- Award winning New York Times journalist he’s tracking the real data!!!!… PS I know eight people who never tested & got a positive test result in the mail😳
Hawaii has the lowest # of deaths per capita from covid of any state. Hawaii aslo has the lowest total # of cases per capita of any state. Hawaii has the 2nd lowest # of active cases of any state–regardless of population. But Hawaii also has one of the lowest testing rates per capita… meaning it’s not really trying that hard to FIND the virus here on the islands… it’s just essentially hiding OUT from it–with its head in the sand–hoping–like Donald Trump–that it will eventually just “disappear” on its own.
If zero deaths and or zero cases is the goal–regardless the long term social and economic costs–then, sure shutting yourself off from the rest of the world and sticking your head in the sand might be a good option. But that is simply fantasyland that Hawaii can’t afford to live in. The state was already over $15,000,000,000 in debt BEFORE covid-19–and that’s with record tourism and record tax receipts–making the per capita debt no owed by every Hawaiian citizen over $31,000–one of the highest in the entire country ALREADY. Imagine the even deeper, giant hole the state’s elected officials are digging for Hawaii every single day that passses without re-opening for tourism. Sure, nobody wants anyone to die unnecessarily… but at what cost per life saved? $1,000,000? $10,000,000? $100,000,000? Where do you draw the line…? And who should get to make that decision?
No one suggested that. I believe it’s called thinking out loud. Sort of like ” oh wow, wouldn’t it be great if….”Have you ever done that? If you’re human I’m sure you have like every other human being. How else do ideas become reality or not reality?
Have a nice day and be careful not to believe everything you hear but instead do some research.
God bless
I finally had to come to the realization my mid September trip wasn’t going to happen and canceled yesterday. I’m so sad but hope to be back next year. I have appreciated all your updates along the way and hope we all make it through this. Mahalo.
This is definitely the most concise coverage of what’s REALLY going on in the islands!
Thank you again Beat Of Hawai’i, for taking the time and making the effort to put all the information together for all of us.
This is a sad time in this world of ours.
More Aloha always makes things better.
Mahalo and stay safe
There is SO many things wrong here!
Complete ignorance of the per capita, per island? The GOVERNMENT didn’t know that Oahu had the majority of cases?! Just let that sink in for a second! That just blows me away…. My children could tell you how many COVID cases are each island…
Whether it be the ‘Lack of follow-through,’ ‘the shoddy research,’ ‘inability to even keep up with daily events,’ or ‘poor understanding of the most basics of their own residents and travel situations’….. This is all horrific.
I heard Maine requires a negative COVID test or an affidavit you self quarantined 2 weeks prior to arrival. Maybe Hawaii needs to review what other states have implemented. My trip is scheduled for Jan 28. I hope things are resolved by then.
I think they may need to figure out how to test tourists upon arrival like Alaska does since Test’s are too hard to get on the mainland and trying to coordinate an appt and an72 hr negative test with test results taking 6-10 days and that is if you can get one without symptoms.
But changing the plan month by month isn’t working for anyone.
We have been worried about our trip planned to Maui on Sept 4-18 from Texas. We called CVSs checking about the test. To sign up for the test you have to have symptoms so we were denied from the beginning. There is no box for traveling to Hawaii. So we are stuck. Tried to call them and cannot get through. I think this was the plan all along. Make it impossible to come even if you act like you are opening up. Now we lose our timeshare points for the year after moving our trip 3 times. Mahalo
Hi Tracy.
Thank you.
Looking down the road in 2020 with
covid still prevalent, many people
still not working with mortgages or
rent, car payments, food & other
household needs to buy. Add to that
children not being in school full-time, meaning in-home expense rises
for families not financially ready.
Fed $$ can’t continue forever; is
the State expected to provide extra
income for families not receiving
welfare or other benefits? We’re
looking into 2021 without there being much change in anything that
is now here in 2020. The “NOW” is
not going away: what of the future
6 months away? Have our political
leaders thought that far ahead?
Hello we love Hawaii and would love to return., from US mainland. However your requirements do and will prevent us from coming, we would not risk the cost of the hotel, airfare, rental car etc to try and come because if we did not get test results back in time to come we would lose it all as you can’t cancel these types of reservations within days of travel, it has to be done 2 weeks ahead Atleast and the airlines won’t refund at all. Also there is no “travel” testing. Also we will not have a test unless necessary, as in guidelines for testing, nor are we encouraged to have one if we don’t fit the testing guidelines. We will not wear masks for many hours to fly to Hawaii. *that is not your issue I realize). It is our medical right to refuse medical treatment such as a flu test and or vaccine, it should not be a condition of travel which is our constitutional right. Why not just take temperatures when travelers land? So very sadly we will not return, hopefully someday….
Thanks for the info.
Hi Barbara.
Quarantine is a joke…[content warning – edited to remove all upper case] the only way to stop the spread is use the vacant resort and hotel rooms as monitered lodging for new arrivals..the useless government officals are spreading this disease with their pathetic approach to containment
Today is was discovered that a quarantined person who ignored the stay at home order infected at least 2 people at a yoga studio ahe attended. This [edited] tourist’s name is [edited] and the yoga studio is [edited]. This unenforceable useless quarantine is going to just spread this disease more and more.taking temperatures is effective in catching about only 50% of infected new arrivals.40 to 50% of infected people express no symptoms..military personal are not tested at all and can travel freely apreading this disease to everyone.
Need to expose Everyone to the virus except those most vulnerable or the virus never goes away
people don’t understand epidemiology.
I repeat, except those most vulnerable.
Lockdowns and masks are not the answer it Has to run its course and antibodies develop that’s why we do what we do with a flu. Vaccine another solution but no guarantees one will be developed
wake up people!
thank you I have been saying this for ahwile and people look at me like im crazy- its like they are brain washed
The whole point was “slow the spread” not stop it!
do people really think they are going to vaccinate 11 billion people in the world NO.. most of “herd” immunity will have to come from acctully catching the virus to create that immunity.
Hawai’i must do what is best for its citizens.
As stated, the virus is out of control, especially in CA, TX and FL. Testing is difficult and labs are backlogged with providing results.
Sept 1 seems almost as far fetched as Aug 1 sounded earlier.
Our February return is beginning to sound less optimistic as well, but we can only do what the metrics tell us. The mainland may be headed for another shutdown if we can get this under control and SOON!
We all hope and pray for all of Hawai’i and the entire country that we can rid this terrible pandemic.www
Nicely stated Keith! And as someone who’s been trying to travel to Hawaii for 3 years, delayed by this that or the other my Oct 2020 Trip is now 2021. And even then I’m hoping it happens!
Your Government doesn’t even know how many COVID cases are on their own islands! I think Hawaii might want to stay closed to the world until they can acquire some ADULT supervision… 😉
Governor needs to make a decision and do it soon. I’m amazed that the University of Hawaii is able to open to students traveling from hotspots such as California yet there is no plan to open to tourism. Guess the Governor doesn’t want to be responsible for their Universities to go under. Put the responsibility of getting a COVID test to the traveler period…if you can’t provide a negative COVID test then quarantine is required. I own timeshare weeks in Maui and KoOlina that I pay a lot of fees on and that the state of Hawaii collects taxes on. It’s absolutely ridiculous, hope this Governor doesn’t get re elected because he appears to be incompetent. Implement a mandatory mask rule, enforce social distancing and ban large gatherings…but open up!
Exactly correct: incompetent Guv rated 50 worst out of 50
Tough to open a hotel or restaurant with only a 5% increase in travelers to an area.
Why doesn’t governor Ige ask for testing that gives much quicker results such as the 45 minute test that hospitals in Colorado use.
Thank you vor keeping everyone updated. It is much appreciated.
Carol C.
Hi Carol.
The saliva test is said to be more sensitive to Covid and it doesn’t take as long to get results so why can’t Gov Ige approve that test for travelers unable to get the PCR test.
I wonder why Oahu has such a greater number of cases per population than the other islands. Could it be that more people are coming back to Oahu from outside of Hawaii and bring the virus with them. I am sure that Oahu gets a greater percentage of Pacific Crossing Travel so more airline personnel who are not required to quarantine. Oahu also has alot more returning military who are not required to quarantine.
I think you should be tested before you go. Call your reasults. I’m a nurse trying to get to Oahu to see my son before he gets deployed. I’m so very upset.
Aloha Kenneth,
You realize that Oahu alone has nearly 1 million people, and that’s roughly 2.5 times more than all the other islands combined…right? It’s pretty clear that is the major factor in why Oahu has the predominant number of cases.
Although Oahu does get the most travellers (the reason its knows as “The Gathering Place”), the other islands (when things are normal) have many direct daily flights from the West Coast States, not to mention the dozens of daily inter-island connections. Hawaii Island has “Volcanoes National Park”, which is the most visited place in the State, and typically, there are millions that travel between the islands annually, because each has its own beauty and uniqueness, so inter-island travel is extremely common, even for locals.
Currently, flights across the Pacific have virtually stopped, except for the essential flights necessary to transport limited people and shipments. Although Hawaii has “technically” been open this whole time (because they can’t legally stop people from travelling), it’s definitely not a “hotbed” for travel, at this point, even though people are still travelling and quarantining in the State.
Military have always been predominantly segregated from civilians, and I am fairly sure that is the case at this time. Have you seen any news recently that the military is being overrun with Covid case? I have not, so I doubt it’s being spread by military personnel, or that would be all over the news.
Do you remember early on when all this crapolla started? The hotels were full of tourists and even then the cases never exploded in Hawaii, as people wrapped up their vacations (over the first month and change) and went home. What boggles me (and what most people seem to be lapsing on memory with) is the entire purpose of this “shutdown” was to not overwhelm the hospitals, which has never happened for the majority of the country…yes, even in Hawaii.
Do you notice how they (Governments and MSM News) are only talking about “number of cases” and not talking about the actual “death rates”, as they continue this indirect (some would call it direct) assault on freedoms and liberties? Why is that??? Why do you see more and more people wearing masks at times when it’s ridiculous to do so? People are wearing masks while driving in cars by themselves, walking by themselves, even running by themselves, which deprives them of oxygen while doing strenuous exercise…the latter is just asinine to me!
Reality Check:
The “death rates” have never lived up to expectation, and although I DO agree that we need to keep slowing the progression, through proper sanitary means/measures, until there is some sort of “herd immunity” (or combination of treatments with herd Immunity), I personally don’t agree with the way most Local and State Governments have handled this situation. It appears to be more about control than solving this crisis logically and responsibly with accurate information. This is why articles like this are so important, in my opinion. They point out the “lack of factual/accurate information” that has led to many (if not most) of the decisions by Hawaii’s Government, as well as other Governments…
Thanks again BoH for the continuous flow of info!
Take care, Guys!
Hi Jim.
For those of us with travel plans to visit family and who have property there, it would be nice if Gov. Ige would actually come up with a workable plan and stick to it. I’ve read the posts, and agree that the Islands have to be protected, but that should be possible with testing, social distancing etc. The Governor says the same thing each time he decides to change the plan, and doesn’t seem to actually have a plan. I am very concerned for family members there who work two jobs to support their families, and now cannot work because their jobs are in hospitality. How long can they survive? As far as those of us with travel plans are concerned, we have to worry about the loss of considerable dollars if we’ve planned and booked ahead. If we at least had a firm date, we could work with that, but we don’t, and I’m beginning to doubt that we ever will.
And Trump had a plan?
Aloha Lee,
I completely agree with what you said about those of us who have property there, and family. We are technically part-time residents, since we pay local taxes. I don’t have the resources to quarantine without help, when I go. I actually need to buy supplies, and not only food, but for projects that need to be done, or issues that I find, since I am not there but 3-4 times a year for for 3-6 weeks at a time. I could do the quarantine, but I can’t waste 2 weeks, effectively on House Arrest, and not be productive, or be forced to depend on (possible pay) others to help. I don’t have the kind of disposable income to pay people daily for help. It’s time to get it done, and push forward to re-open the economy, while having protocols in place. That’s for sure!
Understanding the circumstances and severity of Covid 19.. I have talked to my family and decided to cancel better yet reschedule our condo til next year. THIS is where I have come into a hassle with the rental. We have renters insurance beyond all noone predicted the virus and how long. My contact does Not want to cx or reschedule everything’s for a huge fee.. i get rebooking fee.. but want when i want not 6 months from now but yr out. I was willing to work with them . I am avoiding in all ways coming to have to be quarantine or infect aanyone. So wanting to comply but how when your locals wont comply. Noones fault.. but I’m not just walking away from my money neither cant wait til closer I could be forfeiting my contract. ANY SUGGESTIONS
Thank you for this newsletter and for your close-to-real-time information regarding tourism and Covid-19 with regard to Hawaii. I can’t imagine anyone is surprised at the continued delays (or possible delays re: this update). Hawaii is simply not prepared to handle a pandemic on this scale and attempting to inch forward, month to month, is not working. Those locked in with hotels, condos, or flights are feeling the stress of trying to visit Hawaii, all the while feeling the lack-of-love from some locals. For me personally, Hawaii’s safety is my main concern. But, you can’t fault me (or anyone) for attempting to act on ever-changing information from their government government. Truth be told if they close Hawaii through 2021, and if something great happens and we can visit sooner, that is a better idea for us all. Rather than taking guesses, if you don’t know the answer, admit to that. Be safe Hawaii. We’ll see you when we see you.
Hi Valerie.
I understand that it’s difficult to get tested (or get a test with timely results) in a lot of places, but why not accept the plan that allows people with a negative test result to skip the 14-day quarantine even if that only allows 5% of Hawaii hopefuls to travel? 5% is better than 0%.
Hi Jacob.
Thank you Beat of Hawaii for keeping us informed. I agree that September 1 is probably not a realistic date and honestly thought that back when it was announced. I’ve rescheduled my own trip to mid October but I am not holding my breath.
One random thought today was if the hurricane might have any effect on allowing people to arrive and skip quarantine. Let’s hope that Douglas doesn’t cause much damage but if it did would Hawaii need to allow an influx of medical workers and builders to respond ?
Anyway, hoping everyone stays safe from the virus and the weather !
Hi AW.
Thanks for your many comments.
Thanks for the updates. In February of this year 12 of us planned a trip to Kauai which is in November. We haven’t canceled yet. But the hope is draining from my heart. If it wasn’t for your updates we really wouldn’t know. Still hoping things can turnaround in the next couple months. We shall see.
Hi Dave.
Well, it’s looks like I’m going to postpone my Christmas trip to Hawaii since there seems to be so much confusion about whether we will be able to travel. At the end of the day, I’m not blaming the states for most off this. What we need is a coherent national plan and strategy for dealing with Covid-19. For whatever reason, that has not happened.
Ideally, that plan would take into account the varying needs, geography, and local conditions within each state. States would then use it as a template for planning re-openings, travel, etc. To expect each state to individually have expertise on an advanced virus is a bit much IMHO.
Aloha, stay safe, and see you in 2021 (hopefully)).
Hi TL.
Thank you.
I don’t see why the rest of the states should be penalized for out of control cases in CA and FL. I think that’s what he refers to as preferred markets or whatever the specific language he used. I’m on the east coast and my state is fairly well contained. I would like to be able to come on the fall with a negative test no matter what is going on in XA and FL.
Again, BOH comes up big regarding Covid-19 travel related updates. Mahalo!
Just wondering though, what’s a day in the life of a Kauai resident like now. Are any restaurants open? How about the ABC stores, golf courses or snorkel shops to name a few? Are you enjoying the solitude? Take care guys.
Hi Curtis.
Thanks for that and your dozens of comments! Good suggestion. Look for an update to follow shortly.
We sadly cancelled by 60th birthday trip to Hawaii, which was planned for last week. It was to be a repeat of my 50th birthday celebration there.
We love Hawaii and can’t wait to return again, but it’s going to be a while. For us, until there is a vaccine, we’re staying home. But we really miss Paradise and will return! Promise!
We were cancelled for our trip in April for our first anniversary and rebooked for 6 months later in October thinking for sure everything would have settled down. Looks like it will be cancelled again. Better safe than sorry for everyone both here and there. We will definitely be back when we are all safe. Southern California is being hit pretty hard right now so I understand. Thank you
Hi Victoria.
Thank you.
What are your thoughts about a trip to Kauai in mid-October?
Hi Gloria.
It is anyone’s guess at the moment unfortunately.
After two cancellations (one from May and one from September), my husband and I rescheduled for next May. We hate it, but want Hawaiians to stay safe. It was to celebrate my 50th birthday, so my husband said I “don’t officially turn 50” until we reach Hawaii next year, so I get to stay 49 for one more year! Ha! Everything silly aside, stay safe Hawaii! This too shall pass! A hui hou!
Hi Kristie.
Guv’s Ige’s intentional misleading and faux excuses to not open at all thru 11-3-20. Pure n simple like all other [edit] States [edited]. If you believe otherwise ur naive. In the process all [edited] states willing to destroy their own state’s economy and lives of innocent residents.
huh? My state is open. I have my job. Everything in California is normal. No food shortages, no 4hr lines waiting for free food. Interstate travel. Pretty normal.
I’m grateful for the updates. I just can understand people’s inability to understand that to get through this thing we need to wear a mask, stay home and not travel for a few months. The experts say that if people would comply this could be over in 4 to 6 weeks. These “freedom and liberty” types are the ones who need their butts kicked. I
It’s like saying “I’m not going to stop for street lights. Street lights are stupid. It’s the Governments way of telling me what to do in my own car. I’m not going to be controlled. You are sheep if you use stop lights. Other people aren’t my responsibility. They should watch out for me coming.”
Sound familiar?
Hi Audrey.
Hi and thank you for this great site. My daughter is on Oahu and plans to go to my BI home at the end of this month. She has reservations already. Will she be able to go? (one way) I also have 2 reservations on Alaska to fly r/t San Jose to Lihue (both Airmiles) How does that prospect look? I have contacted Alaska and they said they can refund my miles if we cannot fly on Sep’t 14, return Sep’t 28th. All this information is so confusing (ps I am a legal HI resident, have HI DL, and returning to get Real ID).
Thank you so much for any assistance you can render
Hi Eddie.
So far interisland is a go and there is no quarantine. That could change of course. We just don’t know and frankly no one does.
I really have no faith in Hawaii opening up till 2021 and have rebooked for June 2021. I feel Hawaii’s pain and it is important to get the economy going again. I pray for your health, safety and financial stability there as well.
I have to say I work in Wisconsin Dells and it’s scary. People could care less about 6’distance and wearing masks to keep safe. We call for mask wearing and we get beat up about it from some customers. In that respect, Hawaii do what you have to do to be safe!!!
I wish I were there in a few weeks, but it is what it is. My heart goes out to you all in Hawaii and the other 49 states dealing with this mess. Let’s all distance and wear masks and get this done and over with!!!
Thx for keeping us all informed as best you can….appreciate that. However, this virus is not going away anytime soon – I just looked at CNN and the rate of new spread in most Asian countries who did a good job early on of lock down and containment where they thought they had it under control, along with Hong Kong and Italy….all where cases have resurged like crazy once trying to open up. Did they let their guard down? No, likely just opening up and people moving around with businesses trying to get back to normal, keep people employed, etc. and this is what is happening. Life is NOT NORMAL folks, nor will it be for quite some time to come. Any travel is going to move the virus around as it has already done. There is no safe travel, testing or no testing, or quarantine threats, no safe restaurants/bars, no safe get-togethers. If the virus is there, it spreads VERY easily. One person unknowingly can affect so many and the “R factor’ just replicates it out from there. After years of wonderful repeat travel to Kauai and many other places in this world, travel of any kind is right off my radar for the foreseeable future…sorry to say.
Hi Lyn.
Too late for me unfortunately. My cruise departing 27 September was cancelled when CDC extended the ban on cruises to 30 September. I’d love to come again but who knows when.
How are numbers increasing in Hawaii if travel to the islands is prohibited? Can Hawaiians travel and not quarantine upon arriving home? I’m so confused. We just canceled our September plans but are hoping we can resume planning soon for a later date,
Thank you.
Hi Susan
There is said to be community spread in Honolulu. There have been a number of clusters. Also we question how well quarantine is working.
Thanks for another breaking update and reasonable predictions. I think you are correct in expecting quarantine-free trans-Pacific travel from the mainland to be pushed back yet again.
It is particularly frustrating since it’s been stated that Ige will not announce any decision until mid August, only a couple of weeks before the September 1 “opening” date. If I was a prospective tourist this might be the final straw, at least for 2020.
And if the interisland 14-day quarantine is reinstated the outlook is even more grim for the state’s floundering economy.
On a side note, I am almost to the point of requesting that you discontinue the beautiful photos you place at the top of each article. They are too painful for a homesick kama’aina to bear.
Hi Mike.
Thank you for all your comments.
LOL re the photos. That was taken last weekend at Hanalei Bay.
My heart feels a little twinge too Everytime I see the pictures too.
But keep them coming BOH!! Gives us all something to look forward to seeing again…..One day
Thanks for all the great up to date info too.
Hi Donna.
Thank you for detailed update!
Bottom line poor Hawaii is just like all other states with so many unknowns and little federal coordination. We really need to look at how other countries squashed it and able to open up again. Washington State too is stepping back as numbers rise again and our healthcare workers are getting overwhelmed.
Stay safe!
Hi Amber.
Thank you.
Aloha, sadly until the mainland ‘disbelievers’ accept that there is a pandemic and stop flying all over the damn place, no one is safe anywhere in the USA.
Thank goodness the Governor of Hawai’i is smart enough to protect the islands. Have a look at the air traffic over the USA mainland in comparison to the ‘world’ and ask yourselves why this thing is out of control.
You are right I used to look at this flight radar lots. But like you said. OMG look there are flights coming in from everywhere so what’s the deal on this. Confusing as heck.
Ige’s got u drinking the koolaid
It’s not Control we’re testing more groceries are going to go work, even head of CDC task force says the lock down isn’t working until we get out spread the virus & build immunity.-do we have a vaccine for the common cold, SARS, MERS, AiDS? no ! Look at the death rate the death rate is going down but the cases are going up, no kidding! we’re testing more. Isolate the vulnerable, let the healthy be free. My daughters three college roommates had extremely mild cases- isolated for two weeks everyone’s fine.
Look at Alex Berenson- Award winning New York Times journalist he’s tracking the real data!!!!… PS I know eight people who never tested & got a positive test result in the mail😳
Hawaii has the lowest # of deaths per capita from covid of any state. Hawaii aslo has the lowest total # of cases per capita of any state. Hawaii has the 2nd lowest # of active cases of any state–regardless of population. But Hawaii also has one of the lowest testing rates per capita… meaning it’s not really trying that hard to FIND the virus here on the islands… it’s just essentially hiding OUT from it–with its head in the sand–hoping–like Donald Trump–that it will eventually just “disappear” on its own.
If zero deaths and or zero cases is the goal–regardless the long term social and economic costs–then, sure shutting yourself off from the rest of the world and sticking your head in the sand might be a good option. But that is simply fantasyland that Hawaii can’t afford to live in. The state was already over $15,000,000,000 in debt BEFORE covid-19–and that’s with record tourism and record tax receipts–making the per capita debt no owed by every Hawaiian citizen over $31,000–one of the highest in the entire country ALREADY. Imagine the even deeper, giant hole the state’s elected officials are digging for Hawaii every single day that passses without re-opening for tourism. Sure, nobody wants anyone to die unnecessarily… but at what cost per life saved? $1,000,000? $10,000,000? $100,000,000? Where do you draw the line…? And who should get to make that decision?
Great article and the only source I trust when it comes to this important topic! Thank you.
Thank you!
At least officials in Hawaii didn’t suggest we get injections of bleach.
No one suggested that. I believe it’s called thinking out loud. Sort of like ” oh wow, wouldn’t it be great if….”Have you ever done that? If you’re human I’m sure you have like every other human being. How else do ideas become reality or not reality?
Have a nice day and be careful not to believe everything you hear but instead do some research.
God bless
Great answer
I finally had to come to the realization my mid September trip wasn’t going to happen and canceled yesterday. I’m so sad but hope to be back next year. I have appreciated all your updates along the way and hope we all make it through this. Mahalo.
Hi Jo.
Thank you.
This is definitely the most concise coverage of what’s REALLY going on in the islands!
Thank you again Beat Of Hawai’i, for taking the time and making the effort to put all the information together for all of us.
This is a sad time in this world of ours.
More Aloha always makes things better.
Mahalo and stay safe
Hi Pam.
Thanks so much for your kind words and your many comments.