102 thoughts on “Wrong Data and Missteps May Further Delay Hawaii Travel”

  1. Thx for keeping us all informed as best you can….appreciate that. However, this virus is not going away anytime soon – I just looked at CNN and the rate of new spread in most Asian countries who did a good job early on of lock down and containment where they thought they had it under control, along with Hong Kong and Italy….all where cases have resurged like crazy once trying to open up. Did they let their guard down? No, likely just opening up and people moving around with businesses trying to get back to normal, keep people employed, etc. and this is what is happening. Life is NOT NORMAL folks, nor will it be for quite some time to come. Any travel is going to move the virus around as it has already done. There is no safe travel, testing or no testing, or quarantine threats, no safe restaurants/bars, no safe get-togethers. If the virus is there, it spreads VERY easily. One person unknowingly can affect so many and the “R factor’ just replicates it out from there. After years of wonderful repeat travel to Kauai and many other places in this world, travel of any kind is right off my radar for the foreseeable future…sorry to say.

  2. Too late for me unfortunately. My cruise departing 27 September was cancelled when CDC extended the ban on cruises to 30 September. I’d love to come again but who knows when.

  3. How are numbers increasing in Hawaii if travel to the islands is prohibited? Can Hawaiians travel and not quarantine upon arriving home? I’m so confused. We just canceled our September plans but are hoping we can resume planning soon for a later date,

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Susan

      There is said to be community spread in Honolulu. There have been a number of clusters. Also we question how well quarantine is working.


  4. Thanks for another breaking update and reasonable predictions. I think you are correct in expecting quarantine-free trans-Pacific travel from the mainland to be pushed back yet again.

    It is particularly frustrating since it’s been stated that Ige will not announce any decision until mid August, only a couple of weeks before the September 1 “opening” date. If I was a prospective tourist this might be the final straw, at least for 2020.

    And if the interisland 14-day quarantine is reinstated the outlook is even more grim for the state’s floundering economy.

    On a side note, I am almost to the point of requesting that you discontinue the beautiful photos you place at the top of each article. They are too painful for a homesick kama’aina to bear.

    1. Hi Mike.

      Thank you for all your comments.

      LOL re the photos. That was taken last weekend at Hanalei Bay.


    2. My heart feels a little twinge too Everytime I see the pictures too.

      But keep them coming BOH!! Gives us all something to look forward to seeing again…..One day

      Thanks for all the great up to date info too.

  5. Thank you for detailed update!

    Bottom line poor Hawaii is just like all other states with so many unknowns and little federal coordination. We really need to look at how other countries squashed it and able to open up again. Washington State too is stepping back as numbers rise again and our healthcare workers are getting overwhelmed.

    Stay safe!

  6. Aloha, sadly until the mainland ‘disbelievers’ accept that there is a pandemic and stop flying all over the damn place, no one is safe anywhere in the USA.

    Thank goodness the Governor of Hawai’i is smart enough to protect the islands. Have a look at the air traffic over the USA mainland in comparison to the ‘world’ and ask yourselves why this thing is out of control.

    1. You are right I used to look at this flight radar lots. But like you said. OMG look there are flights coming in from everywhere so what’s the deal on this. Confusing as heck.

    2. It’s not Control we’re testing more groceries are going to go work, even head of CDC task force says the lock down isn’t working until we get out spread the virus & build immunity.-do we have a vaccine for the common cold, SARS, MERS, AiDS? no ! Look at the death rate the death rate is going down but the cases are going up, no kidding! we’re testing more. Isolate the vulnerable, let the healthy be free. My daughters three college roommates had extremely mild cases- isolated for two weeks everyone’s fine.
      Look at Alex Berenson- Award winning New York Times journalist he’s tracking the real data!!!!… PS I know eight people who never tested & got a positive test result in the mail😳

      1. Hawaii has the lowest # of deaths per capita from covid of any state. Hawaii aslo has the lowest total # of cases per capita of any state. Hawaii has the 2nd lowest # of active cases of any state–regardless of population. But Hawaii also has one of the lowest testing rates per capita… meaning it’s not really trying that hard to FIND the virus here on the islands… it’s just essentially hiding OUT from it–with its head in the sand–hoping–like Donald Trump–that it will eventually just “disappear” on its own.

        If zero deaths and or zero cases is the goal–regardless the long term social and economic costs–then, sure shutting yourself off from the rest of the world and sticking your head in the sand might be a good option. But that is simply fantasyland that Hawaii can’t afford to live in. The state was already over $15,000,000,000 in debt BEFORE covid-19–and that’s with record tourism and record tax receipts–making the per capita debt no owed by every Hawaiian citizen over $31,000–one of the highest in the entire country ALREADY. Imagine the even deeper, giant hole the state’s elected officials are digging for Hawaii every single day that passses without re-opening for tourism. Sure, nobody wants anyone to die unnecessarily… but at what cost per life saved? $1,000,000? $10,000,000? $100,000,000? Where do you draw the line…? And who should get to make that decision?

    1. No one suggested that. I believe it’s called thinking out loud. Sort of like ” oh wow, wouldn’t it be great if….”Have you ever done that? If you’re human I’m sure you have like every other human being. How else do ideas become reality or not reality?
      Have a nice day and be careful not to believe everything you hear but instead do some research.
      God bless

  7. I finally had to come to the realization my mid September trip wasn’t going to happen and canceled yesterday. I’m so sad but hope to be back next year. I have appreciated all your updates along the way and hope we all make it through this. Mahalo.

  8. This is definitely the most concise coverage of what’s REALLY going on in the islands!
    Thank you again Beat Of Hawai’i, for taking the time and making the effort to put all the information together for all of us.
    This is a sad time in this world of ours.
    More Aloha always makes things better.
    Mahalo and stay safe

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