Jeff Bezos is betting big on your next Maui vacation rental

Amazon’s Bezos: The Next Hawaii Vacation Rental Disruptor?

An early investor in Airbnb, Maui’s Bezos is moving into vacation rentals. What’s your take?

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46 thoughts on “Amazon’s Bezos: The Next Hawaii Vacation Rental Disruptor?”

  1. Anyone with any common sense recognizes this as a form of timeshare. On a different subject we very much miss the old Poipu. It used to be you could walk through the neighborhoods and all the homes were owned by locals. Now very few are owned by locals. Almost all are rentals now. The entire flavor of the neighborhood has changed. I miss things like the friendly cats and dogs we would see on our walks. And talking with local folks that you would meet on your walks. It just changes the environment of what Kauai used to be about. For us it is a sad thing.

    1. While I travel to Hawaii, living in Nebraska, I did enjoy the locals instead of known tourists areas. Any flavor of old Hawaii has disappeared. Now, I find rude unhappy people, both in the locals and the tourists. The once great relaxing gentle paradise is all but gone. Tourists think they are entitled and the local work force is resentful, as I would be if it were me. I love Hawaii, the old Hawaii, not this unaffordable new version.

  2. In response to outrage from residents in Wailea, Maui, the umbrella Wailea Community Association passed an amendment to their covenants banning fractional ownership. These covenants are recorded on all properties in Wailea and run with the land. Any such multi-ownership transaction can encounter legal action. The community does not want their neighborhoods turned into transient vacation destinations.

  3. As a resident and homeowner in Hawaii (and yes I moved from the mainland) limiting vacation rentals isn’t going to solve The home affordability crisis. The reality is that in any location across the country that is a desirable place to live, homes are more expensive. Those areas generally have more government regulation and oversight in land development. Those additional costs are shifted over to the buyer of the property. Specifically between 2008 and 2021, on average 76% of all home purchases were local buyers. Regarding the article, Maui is already enforcing new regulation on short term vacation rentals so I see this venture hitting a roadblock.

    1. While it’s true that housing prices are soaring in most places, the fact that Hawaii is So desirable, it is racing ahead of other areas in affordability. If one has millions to spend, Hawaii will be high on their list of a desirable locations, even if it means seasonal living, higher COL, and/or frequent trips to the mainland. Most locals make compromises in order to live there. The wealthy do not need to be concerned about such matters.

  4. Fractional ownership is nothing new. Pacaso’s business plan seems to be to make fractional ownership a lot more expensive in exchange for putting together your co-owners (who are strangers). Timeshares are the ultimate bad deal in fractional ownership.

    Meanwhile Sedona is offering to pay Airbnb owners $3K – $10K to lease long term instead of short

    According to the article, Summit Co. Colorado paid up to $20K

  5. Let’s just make this simple. No one is not stupid enough to recognize that they are selling a timeshare to 4 owners of a private home. It is ridiculous and a loophole to once again bring more people to Maui who do not live here. And further increase more homes bought for non-residents.
    It is insane and we need to stop this company in their tracks. Selling Maui to non-residents all for pure profit as they destroy our Island already that is over populated with tourist!
    All us residents need to stand up to this kind of selfish greedy investing that only further hurts the local residents.And ruins our beautiful Island.No more BNB No more new hotels. We will fight this!!

    1. I am with you 100% brother. But unfortunately our government sways easy when the mighty dollar is waved in front of them.
      They have been selling us out for decades.

      1. Exactly!!! Money & Power are powerful Motivators to sell out the people for their own interests. Be Careful who you Vote For and Remember All Politics is Local and All Locals will and are Affected by Local Governments who may or may not have Your best interest in Mind!

    2. You can rent or buy that’s the choice here.. the decision to own or rent, doesn’t increase the amount of people coming here, it gives them an opportunity to stay longer for maybe less money than buying a place. It’s an opportunity to purchase in Hawaii for less money. I’m not for or against it. Bezo’s didn’t contribute to the politicians here for nothing..

    3. I bought a condo in 2005.. that was 17 years ago, the payment was $3,000 a month to start with… over the years of increasing condo dues, property taxes, insurance and assessments for repairs.. its now $4,200 a month for that small condo.. you really really think thats affordable housing?

  6. I do not understand why they want to price all the locals out? Companies cannot find housekeepers, maintenance staff, and other positions to support all these vacation rentals. Now they want to take even more housing so there will be less of us who can live here making for even higher staffing shortages? I just shake my head as my last, and best friend leaves island after 22 years because she can no longer afford her rent.

  7. Sign of the times….Just like Zuckerberg, SWA and other big money enterprises from the mainland trying to come to Hawaii and throw their weight around to get what they can out of Hawaii and could care less about the overall impact it has.

  8. Everyone is going to buy up Hawaii for short term rentals and it will price the locals right out of the island. Who in turn, will run excursions, luaus, and restaurants for mainlanders to eat at? It won’t be the locals as there won’t be any long term rentals for them, let alone an affordable house to buy. Hawaii needs to get it together and cap short term rentals forcing mainlanders to go back to the hotels for their vacations. VRBO was a great concept, but now it’s a huge money maker and it’s just substantially adding to the housing crisis in many States. Billionaires don’t care. They just throw money out to their fav politician or cause and they can get whatever they want. This is a big money maker for Bezos. Greed and power, so sad.

    1. Aloha Rob and Jeff. I see you deleted the “thumbs down” symbol on your website. Hurrah;!!! Always the best for you both. Mahalo.

      1. Why would deleting a a thumbs down for opposing sentiment be a great thing? Why is there such fear or eagerness to hide opposition to changes that will severly impact affordability and tourism?

        1. I agree. I respect Rob and Jeff and appreciate the work they put into their site but don’t think it’s bad to allow for difference in opinion if it’s done so respectfully. Lord knows my comments have received many thumbs down from tourists and I’m ok with that because everyone has been respectful in their counter arguments.

          1. Hi Chris.

            Thanks for your input on the thumbs. We had a lot of complaints and keeping civility on the anonymous internet is really challenging. There’s a much bigger story here, maybe for another time. Regards.


    2. Short-term rentals aren’t allowed to be built anymore, at least on Maui. No one is “buying up all the short-term rentals”. Look to your own legislators for why housing is not affordable. Their policies and processes prevent affordable housing from being built.‘outsider-theory-of-Hawaiis-housing-crisis.pdf

    3. Exactly! a Big Circle of Corruption= Big Tech/Money buying off Politicians for their own greedy purposes= Local people Suffer Greatly Unless you Vote out Politicians who do not Care about Locals & who only care about lining their own pockets (think insider trading “investment” opportunities countless members of Senate & Congress greedily partake in) All Politics is Local at the end of the Day, so Vote Wisely! My Dad use to work as a Congressional Liaison in DC under the Presidents Cabinet Chair for Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People-my Dad always told us that 80% of all Politicians are corrupt and only 20% care about everyday citizens…You want Affordable housing? Look carefully at people you vote for-Talk is cheap, Action is King

    4. The people who wait tables, run the tours, etc., will be the ones who have mostly done this in the past–young, mostly singles. But when they want a family and a house, good schools, etc., they will move to the mainland. Like here, on the “9th island.”

    5. you drank the koolaid. Thats why the big resorts pay their politicians to go chase the little guy condo owners and put them out of business, it’s worked in other states, short term rentals go away, then you get to pay $900 a night at a hotel.. in turn tourists go away, because only the rich can stay, meaning all those 17.42% taxes diminish and no jobs. don’t forget the short term condo’s also employ managers, cleaners etc. Condo short term rentals here incur $1500+ in condo dues a month and pay the highest property taxes, do you think that makes affordable housing? the mill rates on STR’s are higher than hotels.

  9. The middle class is in a war for survival. The government and big business and big tech formed a cabal to control the wealth in the USA. The Federal Reserve bid the stock market to ridiculous levels. Now the stock market oligarchs are rapidly converting their paper wealth to real assets like food, land, and housing. Inflation is destroying the standard of living of the majority of citizens. Will Hawaiians be forced to pay all their income for housing? How will they afford food? This is the worst thing since WWII.

    1. I cannot disagree with your assessment…Middle class must plan, prepare & come together to live together so as to afford housing, to Barter everyday items as needed, & to support All Local Farmers & grow as much as you can eg. Avoid Big Food, which owns, controls and manipulates the distribution of over-processed junk food- Read excellent analysis of Big Food Poison in book called “Hooked”-they get you on the Cheap, junk and your health goes=Big Pharma will then take over to help you…insidious circle of corruption….Anyways, I think the only way forward is to come together with like-mined family and friends and figure out how to afford what you can together…

  10. Goodbye Hawaii… sad…all of the charm and aloha will quickly disappear… like Aspen, Jackson Hole and every other tourist Mecca where mega rich and famous push out the charm (Lanai is the most recent example

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