Arthur Frommer on Beat of Hawaii


Our thanks to Arthur Frommer, the curmudgeonly original travel evangelist, who has written positive comments about Beat of Hawaii many times over the past year. Arthur likes our similarly sassy, irreverent and candid perspectives which we share from our home state of Hawaii.

This week, Arthur wrote an article on his blog that contrasts us with Go Visit Hawaii. It’s a site written by a visitor to Hawaii based in North Carolina.  We think both sites offer a unique perspective for travelers.

Arthur’s comments about Beat of Hawaii this week included:

“…Extremely perceptive comments, insights and disclosures about travel to Hawaii…produced by two local residents with high journalistic standards for their investigations and reports…it frequently conveys useful information for people planning or contemplating a trip there.”

Rob and I aspire to embody Beat of Hawaii with our global travel and analytic viewpoint, as well as a distinctly local Hawaii flavor.

I remain tenacious about helping you find the Hawaii deals you seek, and on critical reporting of the travel industry as it relates to Hawaii and beyond. Rob’s focus is Hawaii culture, tips, current events, trip reports and reviews, as well as to keep me under control.

We never envisioned Beat of Hawaii as a run-of-the-mill travel website, and are committed to authentic, interpretive content that you won’t find elsewhere.  That is why we believe more than half our readers are travel industry professionals.

Mahalo nui loa to our readers and to travel industry advocates like Arthur and Pauline Frommer.  If you enjoy Beat of Hawaii, your comments about us on Arthur’s blog are welcome.

Photo credit:  Ask Arthur Frommer is now available on Amazon and will be in your bookstore soon.  I’m looking forward to reading it.

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2 thoughts on “Arthur Frommer on Beat of Hawaii”

  1. Aloha!

    I wanted to let you both know that you’re doing a fabulous job on your \Beat of Hawaii\ service. I’m not exactly sure how I found you but I’m glad that I’ve never let go of your page. I find useful information, tidbits and comments for both you and your readers. Whether you realize this or not you are a good source to visit for travelers coming to Hawaii. I find myself telling people about your website all the time for useful information, and I even post some of your wonderfully written points of interest to my MySpace page. Keep up the fantabulous work!

    From one local to another

  2. I read both Beat of Hawaii and Go Visit Hawaii. I enjoy both and generally don’t find them redundant. Keep it up!

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