Hawaii whale watching

Beat of Hawaii Testimonials

You know that we love hearing from you. Maybe that’s part of why we have had tens of thousands of comments. And we try to answer most of them (hint: just say please or thank you). Testimonials are new. While we won’t always remember to grab your comments and add them to the testimonials, below are just a few of those we receive. We’ve also started adding dates testimonials are added.

Jodi: I want to let you know I love this blog/website, it is so helpful to stay on top of events, deals, and warnings You guys do a great job. Thank You & Aloha! (6/23)

Diana: We always read your newsletter & appreciate your reporting. Never done this before, but wanted to let you know that my husband & I visited just recently via Southwest Airlines. With the help of your website, we came prepared, got there early, loaded up on snacks, and all went well. It was so helpful to get your perspective, experience and advice & we had a great flying experience. Thanks for your updates. (12/22)

William: Beat of Hawaii…..you 2 guys are amazing…..I’ve followed your website almost since you started…..Mahalo for you do daily…. (10/22)

Toni: Wow! Thanks for always keeping us up to date on so many things! You do an amazing job and I never delete your emails without reading them! Always subjects of great interest. I appreciate all your hard work, investigative reports, all airline updates, geez- so many things! Thank you! (8/22)

Karen: Just found your site. Thank you for all the tips and information.I just came back from Maui and your TSA app tip helped a lot. Thanks again (8/22)

Maria: Always enjoy reading your articles! This site is a breath of fresh air amongst all the other “news” and blogs these days that have so much opinion. You report straightforward and give both sides, in this case, low and high point. Keep up the great work! (7/22)

Sharon&Peter: Thank you SO much for all you do!! Gosh, Wow! Are you ever helpful with all this!! (I’ve been reading for hours, ha). We hope to return, and your info (on all Hawaii topics!) is beyond helpful! Amazing! Can’t thank you enough! Thank you! Mahalo! (6/22)

Hugh: Thanks for all your great incites! Your blog is a must read. (4/22)

Lisa: Aloha BOH. Once again you hit it out of the park with an article jam-packed with useful tips! Big Hugs to you guys and hope you’re staying well! Mahalo. (1/22)

Jim: It’s been 2 months since we’ve returned from Kauai and I can’t thank (mahalo) BOH enough for the incredibly valuable pre-trip information regarding Safe Travels and the requirements for Hawaii travel. (12/21)

Gary: Mahalo for your flight info! Having the luxury of planning our trips based on your posts, we are coming from PHX-HNL and snatched up R/T for under $200! (12/21)

Ed: Thanks, you guys are the best for Hawaii info. (9/21)

Cal: Thanks so much for all the information that made this much easier. Grateful for you! (8/21)

Curtis: Great reporting by BOH. Your articles are always interesting, thought-provoking and unlike the mainstream media, you don’t take sides. Whenever I see you on my e-mail page I immediately click on it. Mahalo. (7/21)

Julie: You guys rock! I am a resident on Maui but travel to see family 2x a year. Your site has been so very helpful navigating my travels. Concise, up to date good info. Many mahalos!!! (7/21)

Donna:  I don’t know what more I say about “Beat of Hawaii” than you’re the best!!! I don’t even remember how we stumbled on to you, but we’re so glad we did. (7/21)

Scott: Your Beat of Hawaii updates have been great the past year. No other publication was able to help explain all the details about “everything” than your site. (7/21)

Sue: WOW!! You guys have done a GREAT job keeping all of us informed. I’ve shared your blogs innumerable times w/family and friends. (7/21)

Louise: Mahalo BOH! I’ve enjoyed reading your articles this past year, as well as the reader’s comments. You certainly can’t get this in depth information from the news! (7/21)

Tea:  I had amazing help from Jeff and Rob, here on BoH (6/21)

Eric: My family and I are just finishing up our 11 day vacation to both Oahu and Hawaii and would like to thank you for all the information that you have provided the last couple of months… Mahalo, and please keep providing all that great information! (6/21)

Karla: Love this website! You saved us much trouble and angst with your information on COVID testing for travelers during the run-up to our trip to the Big Island and Kauai last month. Thanks for that! (6/21)

Guy: I jumped and rented a car on Kauai in October the first time BOH mentioned it. $934 for 2 weeks. The same car now is $2500. Thanks BOH!!! (6/21)

Inah: Thank you to BOH for always keeping us updated, my go to site for all Hawaii travel related questions. (5/21)

Gary: We booked for… $93 each way from Phoenix. Watch BOH! That’s how we found our cheap fares… Mahalo to BOH we get to the islands about twice a year. (4/21)

Bryan: My family of six (wife and I, and four kids) just completed nine outstanding days between Maui and Oahu, and cannot thank you enough for all the helpful insights over the last 20-months of planning (to include multiple changes to air, hotel and car itineraries). (4/21)

Diana: Aloha! I just want to say Mahalo to Beat of Hawaii for always igniting my longing for the Aloha-Spirit and re-connecting me with the Islands. (4/21)

Mike: Hi! I think you guys do a fantastic job in keeping me informed. You really do great work and I am so grateful. Thanks. (2/21)

Lee: Thanks BOH for keeping us up to date. You are our most trusted choice for information on these matters. Keep up the good work. (1/21)

Tammy: Thank you Roy! Much appreciated! I feel like BOH is a great community of helpful people. Truly grateful 😊 (1/21)

Susan: Thank you for the effort you put into keeping travelers informed. BOH is my go-to place to find out what is going on. (1/21).

Jean: Thank you for being there with advice pre-trip. (1/21)

Jerry: Love this site!… A few months back I “found” Beat of Hawaii and get lost here, every so often, with the tips, info and especially the comments. (1/21)

Suzanna: I just want to give BOH a huge thank you shout out!!! We made to Maui today from NorCal. Your blogs were so helpful in getting us thru the testing process & perserving with our travel plans. (12/20)

Elaine: Beat of Hawaii, you saved us. Well, at least my husband because we haven’t tested yet. It is ONLY because of BOH that I discovered, in time, that if my husband tested 72 hours before leaving for Maui, he could have (likely) tested positive as he is recovered from Covid as of October 2020….  Because of your help (and a reader who prompted me to ask), we were able to do what we needed to do to get him an exemption. … We cannot thank you enough for the amazing updates you provide. (12/20)

Rita: I love your website and read it faithfully every day. Thanks for bringing a little Hawaii to us in San Francisco. (9/20)

Suz: Mahalo for always providing the very best travel advice and guidance for Hawaii. (8/20)

Sandy: I am so grateful to all of you at Beat of Hawaii. Because of you I was able to get all my airfares (4 airlines) to refund my money for June flights. I knew my rights because of the education you provided. I am now itching to get to Hawaii as soon as safe. I read every post and learn something every time. Thank you for your important work. (7/20)

Mary: Beat of Hawaii has been a great addition to my travel knowledge. You provide up to date information, I find interesting and important in my decisions concerning travel to the islands. I appreciate your research and links to other businesses that are associated with travel to Hawaii. Thank you and PLEASE keep up the good work✌🏻(6/20)

Linda: Your articles are so fun, helpful and well thought out. Thank you. I signed up because we have flights, cottage, car reserved for our Sept. trip to Kapaa, and I wanted to be up on all the latest. (4/20)

Keith: Hello! I subscribed to the Beats of Hawaii in preparation for our next Hawaii trip. While a lot has happened pushing that out by at least another few months, I have continued to enjoy reading the articles ad updates included in your newsletter. Thank you to all of you for all you do! Keep up the fabulous work! Best, Keith (4/20)

St L.: Over the years, you’ve become an invaluable source for understanding Hawaiian travel, starting from the big picture you provide all the way down to the details. Your editorial policies and coverage are both insightful AND practical for anyone who travels to Hawaii. Mahalo for everything you do. (4/20)

Conrad: You have a wonderful website. Well done! We visit it almost daily. We are hoping to visit Hawaii this year when things settle down. Conrad & Susan L. (4/20)

Tonya: I’m a writer and I appreciate the quality of writing/tone and info you share–consistent is hard to do on a long-term basis–kudos all around! (4/20)

Michelle: Ditto with the thank you!! Your newsletter probably saved me over $500 when our family flew to Hawaii this summer! (9/19)

Debi: Mahalo for keeping watch on airfares for us. It is a nice service that you provide. I’m waiting patiently to see if prices will drop for May 2020. We’ll be flying from Oakland to Maui, and I’m watching fares for Hawaiian, Alaska, and Southwest and your site really helps my confidence for when I finally book our flights. Really do appreciate you guys and all of the tips you provide for having the best time while traveling AND while on the islands. Aloha!

Jessica: Aloha! I stumbled across your site a few years ago while visiting Hawaii with my family. We have been visiting the islands (specifically Oahu, Maui & Kauai) every few years since I was 16 years old. Earlier this year, my husband and I took our first solo trip for our 5 year anniversary & my 30th birthday and stayed on the leeward side of Oahu. It was beautiful, as always, and so peaceful. Hawaii has changed my life and when anyone even mentions it I get giddy with excitement that they are going. I just wanted to say mahalo for keeping up this site and posting everything you do.I love to learn more about how to respect the land & locals, as well as read about other things to do on the islands that I hadn’t thought of – or just to see the other readers comments. ALSO your posts about how to get cheaper flights (I booked separately rather than round trip – way better deal from MO, USA) & cheaper car rentals really helped me out last year when I was booking our trip for this year – much appreciated! Anyway, this is just an appreciation post for you all at Beat of Hawaii – I am subscribed and read your emails every day and get so excited every time I get one in my inbox. Can’t wait to go back! (9/19)

Tea: Aloha! Mahalo for the hot tip – we scored 2 inter-island r/t tix, O’ahu to Kona for $58 each! A little over a year ago we paid $185 each! Several of us are traveling to Kauai in early February 2020 – I’ve got my ear so far to the ground I can hear footsteps! Mahalo again (and again!), tea (8/19)

Valerie: I just wanted to write in and say a huge MAHALO for this newsletter, the heads-up and for all the helpful information. I find that your industry knowledge has helped me secure airline deals before they sell out because your newsletter hits my inbox first. So, this is just a little-simple THANK YOU. I value this site. And this past May, I flew to OGG from SFO on the $99 each way deal. Was a blast! Valerie (8/19)

Toni: Once again, wow! You put out the best news and updates! Thanks so much for covering EVERYTHING Hawaii! From road closures/openings and airline prices to amazing and fun things to do. Your staff is wonderful! I read every email sent with great interest. Mahalo! Toni (6/19)

Brendan: Mahalo nui!!!!! You were dead on with the time as well!!! It took a little bit for all the pages to load up, but scored 4 round trip tickets home over Christmas/New Year’s for $760 each!! Normally if tickets were over $600 I would freak out, but we all know how the price gouging works with the airlines around the holidays!! I cannot thank you enough for the heads up yesterday, I was ready to go on my computer first thing this morning!! (5/19)

Robert: Many thanks we started reading beat of Hawaii just in time on our booked trip in Sept we will save 450 to 500 dollars.now the wife has more to spend while we are there in kona thank you again. (5/19)

Calista: Thank you for your advice! We ended up our moving departure date to 8/15 and finding tickets for $358 RT out of LAX. We might have purchased earlier at significantly higher prices were it not for your advice. Thank you again. (5/19)

David: Thanks so much for your prediction. You are the only website that we can rely on for a factual answer. Keep up the good work! – – David (4/19)

Dorothy: Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo! You are absolutely the best source for Hawaii travel, and I don’t mean just the cost of airfare. Our family has been so fortunate to travel to Hawaii multiple times, and we completely trust your reports on background, updates, and judgment calls on the world of air travel to beautiful Hawaii.

Dorothy from Los Angeles (4/19)

Wendy: Thank you so much for your reply about my concerns – y’all are awesome! (4/19)

Lanell: Thank you so much! Not sure why I didn’t figure that out. I can’t believe you take the time to answer all these questions people post. I just live reading them! 😎 (4/19)

John: Aloha! …Born and raised in Honolulu, I keep coming back every year for the Punahou alumni luau. Keep up the good work, the website is a treasure trove o info. Mahalo nui. (4/19)

Wendy: Thank you so much for your reply to my question! I forgot to mention due to your great website is how we were able to get a great price the first day SW announced the sale. Mahalo! (3/19)

Ashley: Thank you so much! Today I booked for April for $230 RT to O’ahu. I even scored a $99 flight!! My first trip to Hawaii and I’m already saving HUGE! Thanks Beat you ROCK (3/19)

Christina: I just wanted to say thank you for keeping up with all of these changes and sharing them. I really appreciate the service you’re providing. Although a HI vacay isn’t in my near future, I love being in-the-loop, just in case 😉 Aloha! (3/19)

Wendy: This website is so helpful…. Mahalo to Beat of Hawaii!!! (3/19)

Charlie: I’ve been following the Southwest saga on Beat of Hawaii for several months. Because of that, I had been logging onto Southwest’s website a couple of times each day, checking to see if “today was the day.” Imagine my surprise when I logged in early Monday morning and was able to score $176 round-trip fares from Las Vegas to Kahului (through Oakland) for May. Thank you Beat of Hawaii! (3/19)

Leland: Booked early for OAK to OGG for 6 people for $583. Absolutely nuts. Thanks for all your news updates-you guys helped make my deal happen! (3/19)

Leah: Thanks the the heads up on this sale! I scored a $129 fare in May from San Diego to Maui. Return is Saturday of Memorial Day weekend but, I still got a $167 fare into Oakland! Woot, woot! Keep up the great work Beat of Hawaii! (3/19)

Gary: We’ve saved literally hundreds using your tips. When I tell people “We got round trip tickets from PHX to LIH for $295 they’re blown away. We just did a trip to HNL & Kona and found the LIH deal we’re going again! I’m your biggest promoter here in Phoenix. Mahalo! (2/19)

Nancy: I love “Beat of Hawaii” Thank you for all the great information…. (2/19)

Julio: Thank you for this invaluable resource. The knowledge and insight is much appreciated. (2/19)

Becky: I keep coming back to your site for updates on SWA coming to Hawaii. Thanks for being on top of it!!! (2/19)

Steve: Thanks BOH for your updates…you have better updates than the carrier itself! (2/19)

Chris: I’m not the type to write comments but want to let you know that you have had the best coverage and information regarding SW to Hawaii. Quite impressive. Thanks for keeping us locals updated. (1/19)

Gary: We have followed Beat of Hawaii religiously and are preparing for our second trip in four months by following the cheap airfare tips. We’ve made our flight reservations then booked time off from work. The flight was so cheap ee’re even taking our daughter this trip to Kauai, so we all say Mahalo. (1/19)

Cindy: This site has been very helpful for the 10 minutes that I have already been on it! Thank you. (1/19)

Rencha: So happy to find your site, the Discount Hawaii Car Rental tip is great. $100 cheaper than Costco or Kayak, who had hazy cancellation details. Will keep checking to see if I can score a deal, but I’m happy! Money saved can go to another excursion 🙂
Thanks! (10/18)

Frank: We subscribed to BOH when we first started traveling to Maui and have gotten some great airfares with Hawaiian Airlines. We just booked a trip for January on HA at $284 per person R/T from Seattle. Mahalo. (9/18)

Douglas: Thanks so much for your extremely helpful, straightforward reply. (I just found it last night, hence my late response.) This removes a lot of uncertainty and worry. Now I shall monitor the fares for a few days, hoping for a midweek reduction, and then purchase. May you flourish! Aloha. (9/18)

Cindy: Hi! THANK YOU so much for your reply. I ended up booking a flight on September 10th. American Airlines had a sale out of the blue. Anyway, I paid $655 for round trip DCA to HNL. It does have one layover. I thought that was a good price during spring break. We purchased 3 tickets so we saved quite a bit. Thanks again… (9/18)

Bea: Mahalo for your amazing blog, I have actually found my last (super cheap) air dare deal s through your website and the alerts I had signed up for! Love it! (8/18)

Jenn: Mahalo for the advice! We booked last night and those flights went way up overnight. I think we got the last cheap seats for our dates. 😉 Yay! (7/18)

Bruce: Mahalo for posting the flash sale. It shows you that you ARE paying attention to comments made by your readers. I’m sure your inter-island travelers also appreciate your thoughtfulness. Keep up the good work. A grateful reader. (7/18)

Kristen: Thanks so much! You guys are the best! (7/18)

Julie: Mahalo for the email alerts! I purchased yesterday & got Minneapolis to Kona, $405 in August! Today, the same dates are $1100.. Beat of Hawaii is the best travel site for information to the islands!!! (7/18)

Valerie: Thank you for always keeping us in the loop!!!! I have been 1) waiting for the SWA news, but am always eager to snag a Hawaiian Airlines deal. Today with your sale announcement; booked SFO-OGG late August for a 3-day weekend get-away for $406.00 direct flights!!! Woo Hoo!!! Mahalo !!!!!  (7/18)

Julianna: Thank you for previous posts that helped me in literally the eleventh hour! We missed a midnight flight and it was too late to see if our North Shore rental might take us another night. In a quandary, I remembered Beat of Hawaii recommended reasonably priced rooms at the Aqua/Aston chain. I called directly (as you recommended) and explained our situation to the agent who put us into a room for the night that was reasonably priced and also included a senior discount (AARP.) It saved us quite a bit over the pricing from Expedia/Travelocity etc. Big mahalos for your advice! (6/18)

DC: Thank you for your service.  We were in Oahu last week and needed a rental car for two days.  All the normal sites were saying $85 per day for economy cars plus taxes.  I clicked on a link from your email and was taken to discountcarrental where I rented a car at HNL for a total of $113 for two days with taxes. Thank you! (5/18)

Rene: Again, thank you for taking the time to reply to so many people. Truly helpful. (4/18)

Claudia: Thank you for a wonderful website, and for your help! Love you guys!! (4/18)

Tammy: I rely on your AWESOME website for all of your articles but this article I’m particular impacts so many people and I’m so glad you gave us some updates and a number to call for further info. You guys are amazing MAHALO! (4/18)

Barb: Thank you so much!! My sister & I are planning a trip there in Oct. We were able to get flights for the $181!! So excited about that. Now we just need to find a deal on an inter-island flight from The Big Island to Maui as we are spending time in both. So if you know of something please let me know. (4/18)

I LOVE your website! Thanks again, Barb (4/18)

Colin: Thanks for all the advice so far. I feel like I have been playing a game of poker the last few months but you have potentially already saved me upwards of $300 to go towards booking accommodation for the 6 of us which is my next challenge 🙂 Colin (England, UK) (4/18)

MJ: I found this site when I was looking for Hawaiian sweepstakes … still haven’t won that trip BUT I found your site which is more valuable. Based on subscribing to your alerts I was able to book cheap flights for my family during the summer- made a trip to Hawaii feasible for us. Thank you! I’ve passed it on to a coworker and she passed it on to her brother. (4/18)

Richard: Mahalo for your updates. I always refer people to your web site and email updates. (4/18)

Marsha: Mahalo my friends !!!! What a great fare ($99). Scored a pair of tickets to Kona. (4/18)

Robert: Wanted to thank you guys! Bought a ticket from Phoenix to Maui from 4/30 through 5/9 for 325.00 RT on Hawaiian Airlines thanks to your info. (3/18)

Judy: Hi! I just found your site! What a treasure! (1/18)

Becky: Hello, my name is Becky and I love your website and reading all the comments. I am hooked now! (1/18)

William: Aloha, thanks for your help! Because of you I was able to snag some low fares and put together my own flight package from Denver and save well over $500 on 2 tickets! This site is very appreciated! I’ll see you all in August for 2 weeks of Maui and Kauai to celebrate my wedding! Mahalo! (1/18)

Jim: This is a great website guys. I kind of stumbled on to it by accident. Wish i would have had access to it the last couple of years. Could have saved a lot of money. Keep up the good work and I’m passing this along to friends. (1/18)

TJ: Mahalo BOH for all you do to keep us up to date on the most economical fares….I’ve been following BOH since you began in 2008. When we’re traveling to Hawaii I follow BOH everyday in search of lower fares. Thank you so much for all you do! (1/18)

Heidi: Thank you so much! I booked it! We are extremely excited! I also noticed that some of the flights weren’t available for that price any more since when I first saw them there were a few at that price so I’m glad I booked tonight. Peace of mind. Now I can just plan the fun stuff.
Thanks again! (1/18)

Dan: Mahalo! Love your site and hope to get a lot of useful information. We have been to Hawaii and are planning on coming back in the near future. It is truly paradise, but expensive. So any great tips on saving money is greatly appreciated. (1/18)

Eric: I follow your blog religiously and make sure everyone I know is aware of it! (1/18)

Val: La Hau’oli!! Love what you guys do.

Scott: This site never fails!!! Been watching a very specific travel window for a few weeks. Prices have remained at a “default” high price. Saw this post and jumped over to Hawaiian Airlines. $297 RT LAX>HNL mid Feb. *Bows to the oracle*

Sheryl: Amazing price and connections! Great thing about Hawaiian is you can pay to put your fare on hold ($6.99 for a 3 day hold & $8.99 for 7 days), so I could act quickly to hold the fare, but take some time to plan & make sure it’ll work. I’ll be booking soon. Mahalo for your excellent website!

Jessica: Aloha! Wanted to thank you so so much for helping us secure our July SFO to Maui flights! We scored with $450 round trip including taxes. Really appreciate how informative this site is! Mahalo!

Gina: Yes!! Thank you for sharing great opportunities to win my dream vacation to Hawaii. Love your site!

Anastasia: So this morning I grabbed $163 one way on United from OGG to SFO on 7/9/18 (our return flight) for the 4 of us this morning, came in just under $650. A great deal! Thanks again all your great advice! Would definitely have missed this sale without your email alerts.

Chris: Thank You! We grabbed some from Minneapolis for $355 ea.

Elizabeth: I was able to get 6 tickets for January for $355 a ticket from Minneapolis to Honolulu! Checked today and the price for the same flights is $1036! Mahalo for sharing the information with us! It saved me a bundle!!

Tammy: Hi we just scored 3 ticks to HNL for $370 from Memphis on September 6th. We actually live in Atlanta but could not resist at these prices.

Alfred: Just a note to tell you That for the past 20+ years we have lived on the mainland and spent at least 10 weeks a year in Kauai. We continue to find “Beat of Hawaii” both informed and useful. A job well done!

Kevin: Hi! Great site, and I’m happy to have discovered it!

Danny: First off thanks for your blog! Super helpful!

Jim: Great site. Thanks

Lindsey: Congratulations on 10 fabulous years! Your site and responses to questions have been very helpful and your efforts are truly appreciated.

Phil: (Just sharing my experience) You snooze you lose – got to reading my email alert from Beat Of Hawaii late, at 2:45 pm PST I priced SFO to OGG for 4/3-4/10 and got $382 which was a very good price specially considering that is spring break week, then at 3pm I refreshed and the fares jumped up to $573 – ARGGGH!!! Lesson learned and memo to self – do not delay in reading BOH alerts! Mahalo much BOH!

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39 thoughts on “Beat of Hawaii Testimonials”

  1. My husband and I and seven more family members had reservations in Kaanapali for the last two weeks of September, but our reservations were canceled and we re-booked for November 1st, the earliest allowed. We had every intention of coming in September even though it was initially discouraged, because we knew how much the locals need tourism to survive. The 2 year Covid lock down has already affected the lively hood of the local population and they are still trying to fully recover.
    We have been coming to Maui once or twice every year since 1993 and will sorely miss the history, culture, restaurant and shops of Lahaina and we send our deepest condolences to all that are suffering loss of a loved one, property and/or employment.
    We look forward to our visit in November, because this is our favorite place on earth and will definitely support your economy in any way possible.

  2. Just finished our BOH inspired trip, a first with another couple, and ran into a couple of chaps in a quaint coffee house in Koloa town. We had coffees and chatted about BOH and the great info that’s provided to millions of readers annually! YES!! Maybe because it’s honest, accurate, interesting and timely. We agreed the world enjoys BOH. Keep up the great labor of love Jeff & Rob. ;-).
    BTW we won’t be traveling with another couple for a while, but that’s a story for another time. Mahalo guys!

    1. Hi Gary.

      It was so great to meet you guys. We both thoroughly enjoyed it! Sorry to hear about your travel companion issues. We’ve been there and done that. See you next time.


  3. Wow! Great information, well thought out, planned and presented. A Hawaii visitor for many years (1960 on…). Love your info and insight into how to get more from a vacation. Kudos on cultural emphasis. How to be a Good Tourist 101? Think it would be beneficial for “guests” to be presented with a little history and how customs and cultures came to be in present. An interesting book FYI: “Detours: A Colonial Guide to Hawaii.” Good insights to cultural differences. Probably not for everyone…l

  4. Thank you Beat of Hawaii for your referral to Discount Hawaii Car Rental! We saved over $200 on our recent rental!! I even called DHCR on the day of our arrival because the baggage was taking forever, and the human (yay! humans!) I spoke with was so helpful. Thanks too for all the tips and updates on COVID 19 measures. Happy to say we felt very safe, everyone was masked, and restaurants all required ID & vaccination cards for indoor seating. Thank you for the insider tips!

  5. I have been following BOH for over a year now. This seems to be the most comprehensive well thought out and researched site when it comes to Hawaii travels. Timely information is very helpful and the great BOH staff keeps us well informed to every minute change that is happening in Hawaii. I have not purchased flights thru BOH but definitely will in the future!

    1. Hi Paul.

      Thanks very much for those nice words. We also appreciate your more than 400 comments to date!


      1. Thanks! I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say once I return from our Oahu 6/4 to 6/14 trip that’s just around the corner

  6. Aloha,

    I’ve been following your site – since, … maybe the whole 10 years! Benefited greatly, (from day 1 of discovery, but ESPECIALLY in the last couple months) – yet never found a “Donate here” button, nor rec’d spam, or otherwise.

    Thus I owe you, collectively speaking, far more than this mere testimonial, and since I too have decades of experience with the Hawaii (*) – I am always grateful, and refer your site to all I know!

    Aloha e’ and Mahalo nui loa!

    *(mostly Kauai and Oahu hospitality industry. Former Chief of Security/Safety – Top-5 Hawaii Hotel/Resorts.)

    1. Hi Mark.

      Thanks so much for the nice comment! It made our day. We appreciate it and will be in touch.


  7. I want to travel between July and December of 2020. When is the best time to buy? Also, I live in Tennessee with Mem or BNA my options for airlines. I would like the best price and fewest stops for travel. Can you help? Also, I would like to purchase another ticket for a passenger, but not sure of who it will be at this time.

    Thanks and keep up the awesome work!


    1. Hi Richard.

      Thank you.

      There are fares on multiple carriers from BNA for just over $500 with a quick connection, even in July. It isn’t likely those will improve, so if you’re ready to buy now that’s a great price. Hope that helps.


  8. Hello, my family and I are visiting Oahu in March, we see a few circle island tours and we cant decide which one, so I was wondering and would appreciate your opinion or advise
    thank you, and Aloha

    1. Hi Debbie.

      We don’t know of one to recommend. Suggest looking at reviews online to see what others are saying.


  9. Hello!

    Until recently I was receiving your newsletters/links via email.
    Unfortunately, I have received the following message when attempting to subscribe both yesterday and today:

    “Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again later.”

    Can someone assist?

    Michael F.

    1. Hi Michael.

      On checking just now, you appear to be on our distribution list and should have just received an email. If that isn’t the case, just let us know.


  10. many thanks we started reading beat of Hawaii just in time on our booked trip in Sept we will save 450 to 500 dollars.now the wife has more to spend while we are there in kona thank you again

  11. Thank you for all your advice. Having originally thought we’d book routing via Portland, we’ve ended up going via LA and using miles the whole way from Europe. With the money saved, we’re now looking into visiting Molokai from Oahu. I’m guessing that flights between islands are like a bus service and don’t really change price that much? Have you ever visited there and have any tips for the island?
    Really love this website, it’s been really really helpful when planning this trip. We’re now onto phase 2 – car and accommodation.

    1. Hi Fran.

      Glad things are all coming together for your trip. Inter-island fares do vary a lot, based on season, day of week, and time of day. So it is best to look out quite far in advance actually. We do love Molokai, and having said that, it is a very different island. Suggest using a guidebook, Get ready for Hawaii as it was in times gone by, and we mean that in the best sense.


  12. I found an article on your website called “how safe are ultralights” however the aircraft you are discussing (powered hang gliders) are not, in fact, ultralights. They are “light sport aircrafts”. Ultralights do not allow two passengers, which makes your article a little confusing and missourced. Light sport aircrafts are monitored by the FAA, however some are classified as “experiemental” when someone without an airplane mechanic ticket builds the aircrafts (like ikea). Light sport aircrafts are approved by the FAA for training others to fly.

  13. We are taking the Norwegian 7 day cruise to the different islands. The cruise line recommended scheduling the depart flight from Honolulu 6 hours after arriving back to port. We have already booked our flight home with Hawaiian Airlines depart at 130pm. Do you think we will miss this flight?

    We are very excited for our trip. Can we book excursion as we get off the ship or should we book with the cruise line? Can you provide ideas on excursions? We don’t want to miss any spectacular. Thank you

    1. Hi Theresa.

      No you won’t miss your flight – not a problem.

      Would suggest you research excursions on various forums, like cruisecritic and tripadvisor. Some people just go with the ship’s excursions, which has advantages. You’ll probably be first off boat for those, and should anything happen to ship itinerary, you won’t get stuck paying for something you can’t use. On the other hand, independent excursions are perhaps less expensive and could have more variety.

      From our own experience, we’d highly recommend renting cars on Maui and Kauai and planning your own itinerary.


  14. We’ve saved literally hundreds using your tips. When I tell people “We got round trip tickets from PHX to LIH for $295 they’re blown away. We just did a trip to HNL & Kona and found the LIH deal we’re going again! I’m your biggest promoter here in Phoenix. Mahalo!

  15. Could you please tell us when is the best time to buy our tickets to Honolulu leaving from Miami Oct 5 returning Oct 12. Also, which day should we depart Miami to check to to our hotel on Oct 5. We are very confused with the time difference. We just found your site and and it has invaluable information.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and kind regard,

    Carolyn Hawthorne

    1. Hi Carolyn.

      6 hours earlier here so you can fly here same day easily. Return will probably be overnight. Fastest flight durations are most expensive. 13 hours is in $800’s while 18 hours is just under $600. That’s what is available now and not sure if it will improve or not. Fridays are typically more expensive as you probably already know.


  16. I found this site when I was looking for Hawaiian sweepstakes … still haven’t won that trip BUT I found your site which is more valuable. Based on subscribing to your alerts I was able to book cheap flights for my family during the summer- made a trip to Hawaii feasible for us. Thank you! I’ve passed it on to a coworker and she passed it on to her brother.

  17. Can you please tell me when the prices are for oct.6-14 going To change. And also how do you receive the tickets. This is the first time watching this site.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Linda.

      Everything we share is bookable online only as indicated in each post. Not via phone sales. Fall prices usually are best in early to mid summer.


  18. Aloha, just found this site and am excited to here some information. I am looking for roundtrip flights on Hawaiian airlines for aug 2-30 the start day is flexible up to the 6th leaving pdx going to koa prices seem high mid 700’s to 800’s I’ve always heard of the 3 month rule of prices dropping 3 months before but I’m worried it will just keep going up should I wait or bite the bullet mahalo in advance

    1. Hi Cathy.

      August 2 is too early for reduced prices. Those may come the following week or two. So your return could have better pricing than your outbound flight. Do suggest waiting several months since that isn’t a peak demand period (just peak price). Availability should remain good. And there is the possibility of some unusual deals upcoming. That is mostly dependent on HA’s new fleet delivery with potential of additional flights. We’d suggest a target round trip of no more than $600.


  19. I am desperately trying to find a flight from either Tucson or Phoenix to Maui March 17th-23rd for under $800 pp. Do you have any suggestions?

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