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Just Updated: Hawaii’s Plan To End Safe Travels + Scrap Boosters

Governor upended Hawaii Covid travel rules while Lt. Gov. add his thoughts on what we can expect next.

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122 thoughts on “Just Updated: Hawaii’s Plan To End Safe Travels + Scrap Boosters”

  1. Well we fly to Oahu on April 1st, so I have no doubt that all changes will take place the week after we’ve returned home! I suspect there will be masking on planes for a while, but hope the capacity requirements for restaurants will be eased so reservations are more available. Thanks BOH for keeping us up to date on COVID requirements. I always recommend you to people who ask about travel to HI. You’ve done a great job throughout the pandemic.

    1. Hi Lee.

      Thanks for those kinds words! We appreciate your input on this, and nearly 100 comments to date.


    2. Agreed! Without BOH I would have no idea what is going on! Thanks for being on it! As a home owner in Maui, We really appreciate you!!!

  2. As soon as Safe Travels ends, I’ll be looking to set a vacation date for Hawaii. Nice to see an end in sight and get back to some normalcy.

    1. Dear Scott, I’ve been postponing my trip because I’ve been wanting things to cool down. Good things come to those who wait!!! 😊 Now I’m planning for July 2023🌞🕶🏖🌍✈🍍🥥🌺🌈❤💕📅🎈🎉🛍🎊🐢🐠 I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor!! He survived & lived for many, many years. I’m getting very super excited & I’m dreaming of the day when I’m sitting on 🛩 traveling to Hawaii❤🌺

  3. Good timing for our trip back over in late April, but I’ll believe it if/when it actually happens. The airlines will be happy not having to keep paying staff to dole out wrist bands.

    As for perpetuating mask theatre, this should be left up to individual businesses, like the vax card check on Kauai. People could choose where they want to shop/dine/work out, etc., accordingly. Maybe have special “masking” hours at the Costco for those scared of non-maskers.

  4. The Federal funding of the Hawaiin State Safe Travel program ends in April. Could
    that perhaps be the main driver behind the projection to discontinue the program in March/April ? Or has the “science” demonstrated clearly that covid 19 variants from here on out will be less virulent and life threatening and therefore the need for testing and prevention practices can be eliminated. I suspect money drives all as usual…

  5. I spent over an hour trying to figure out this safe travels website and downloading all my stuff and then today this

  6. The cat’s out of the bag. The masks and vaccines didn’t work. COVID still spread and that’s a good thing. Lots of folks walking around with natural immunity. I have to giggle at those who want masks and mandates still. Having recovered from COVID (unvaxxed, oh my, the horror), I’m safer than your vaxxed friends and family who haven’t been infected with this highly survivable virus. Mahalo for this terrific update. Now, if they could just lift everything by our trip next month 🤙

      1. But did they die from or with Covid? CDC did not keep good records (which is so insane) but I hear they’re going to start now. At the end of the pandemic.

      2. My Brother in law runs a Hospital & his sister runs The Biggest Hospital in my area-Anyone who came in, say Heart Attack- tested, if tested positive They counted as a Hospitalized Covid Patient! The numbers are Way Off! I know exactly how they tested & counted at these Hospitals. You will Never Know the Real Numbers because they are Super Inflated, & yes they did receive Money to “treat Covid Patients” so No effort to distinguish between True Cases and Real Cases & “Died with” or “Died Of”

    1. Jennifer: Tell that to all the hundreds of thousands of people that have died! Just because you survived Covid does not mean everyone does! How selfish of you to rub your good fortune in everyone’s face that have had family members die a horrible suffering death. Maybe you should visit a hospital and see someone struggling to get one small breath or watch someone say goodbye to loved ones via Ipad. So terrible for you to brag.😢

    2. Jennifer, your perspective that if you recovered it mustn’t be bad is hugely disrespectful to the many that haven’t been as lucky. Covid is like Russian Roulette, many many have lost. I hope you are more respectful when you visit.

    3. Your comments…. Did you not hear that nearly 1,000,000 Americans have died from COVID–mostly unvaccinated? Or have you not heard the recent, factual statistic that the mortality rate for unvaccinated in America is 78x higher than the fully vaccinated?

  7. Thank you, both for your timely updates. IMHO, HI is moving too quickly with lifting their restrictions, but only time will tell.
    As for some of your readers who feel the virus is over or “no big deal” please review how viruses 🦠 spread. We may want to be done with COVID but it’s not done with us.

    1. Perhaps the Lt. Governor should have consulted you first before saying the worst is behind us. You must have information he doesn’t.

        1. “IMHO, HI is moving too quickly with lifting their restrictions”

          I’m not the one who thinks he knows better than the Lt. Governor. Are you a scientist???

  8. Having recovered from COVID within only the last 90 days is a ridiculous criterion. The latest Johns Hopkins study revealed people that had COVID 22 months ago still have antibodies. And 22 months is cited only because that’s how long COVID has been active. When will Hawaii, and the US government for that matter, recognize that acquired immunity from previous infection provides better protection than vaccines, as affirmed by at least 40 international studies, Johns Hopkins being one of them?

  9. Thanks for the timely update. Thank goodness we did not get the booster. Makes sense he backed down, numbers are down everywhere, this pandemic is over.

    Kudos to you for keeping everyone up to date!

    1. “Thank goodness we did not get the booster.” Why? If you’ve already had the first and second dose, how would a third dose harm you? That’s some pretty goofy logic.

      1. Get bloodwork done after each booster or shot. Note the section on lymphocytes, o cytes, etc down toward the bottom. This is your immune system and if you track these numbers they go down sometimes very dramatically with each jab. This is your innate immune system which you will need to fight cancer or any other ailment that your immune system is called on to fight.


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