Confirmed: Hawaii Travel to ALL Islands Starts Thursday + Much More

Breaking: Hawaii Travel to ALL Islands Starts Thursday + Much More

All islands agree. Interisland tests also start this week.

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118 thoughts on “Breaking: Hawaii Travel to ALL Islands Starts Thursday + Much More”

  1. I am not much on prayer but I am praying for this opening to be safe and for all who visit and the islanders that covid19 does not take off once tourist season gets under way.

    1. Well I am praying that there’s enough qualified quarantine hotel rooms available for all the people that won’t be able to go to their condos because they couldn’t get tested in time

  2. We are leaving tomorrow from SEA to KOA to see our grandkids for the first time in a while.
    So happy & excited. Flying Hawaiian Airlines (last wide body to HI, all aboard!!) We’re hoping that those of you who are using VAULT receive the same quick turn around as we did. We were notified our test kits arrived at the lab yesterday morning, and subsequently notified last night that we had 2 negative results. We’re halfway done! 12 hour timeframe between our UPS Lab pack arriving in NJ and our results.

    Thank you Rob & Jeff, we so much appreciate your frequent posting and helping us to assess where the state & Mayors are at in all this. See you in 3…2…1

    1. Hi Dan.

      We’re happy to hear that the Vault testing went well, and you’re on your way. Some good news is needed and yours helped.


  3. If anyone needs to have a list of the approved quarantine Hotels on Maui, here is the link (direct links not permitted in comments). Just remember to confirm whether the hotel is even operating at this time.—COVID19-Quarantine-list-09302020?bidId=

  4. Aloha
    My husband and I are scheduled to fly OAK-KOA on Nov 10. I understand we can now get a Covid-19 test at Oakland Airport and receive results before boarding the flight. Will this eliminate quarantine upon arrival?
    Thank you
    Janice T.

  5. The testing requirement is so confusing. I will be traveling from the mainland to Kona. Am I correct in that no pre-travel testing is required, but that the Big Island will test upon arrival? Is there any quarantine requirement?

    1. AFC Urgent Care, Bartell Drugs, Carbon Health, CityHealth Urgent Care, Color, CVS Health, Discovery Health MD, Kaiser Permanente, Quest Diagnostics, Vault Health and Walgreens

  6. I’m still not clear on the Safe Travels app. I know I have more provacy concerns than the average person but it certainly seems like this app has the potential for many unintended consequences, like tracking your every move.

    From Hawaii Tech website:

    “The website will provide the State Department of Health (DOH) access to the mandatory health information that passengers need to provide to monitor and protect public health in real-time. It can also be used by the Dept. of the Attorney General and county law enforcement officials to enforce quarantine rules.”

  7. I’d say that 80% travel resumption by summer 2021 is an absolute fantasy. There are people who will travel, but my expectation is that older and retired people make up a great portion of the travelers to Hawaii (they have the time and money) and its going to be at least two years AFTER all the vaccines are released (and maybe 50% take it) before myself (or anyone I know) is going to even consider getting on an airplane for even a short hop…much less a 6+ hour trip with a bunch of people who we can’t confirm are not going to infect me. The airline industry needs to realize it will be a very long time before they ever reach 50% capacity…as we’re all going to be doing a lot more driving for trips. Hawaii can’t be driven to, so its going to be fairly light on travel, as the only ways to get there are not safe today…and there simply is no way they can be made any safer for a long time. People need to realize that despite all the test talk…no one can make anyone take a test, nor bar them from getting on the plane with you. Its been a problem happening all through the pandemic and those who refuse to acknowledge the dangers they may pose to others by their poor actions (no masks, no social distancing, failure to quarantine, and in general displaying robust stupidity) are simply not going to suddenly change that stance to satisfy the state of Hawaii or anyone else.

  8. Just a comment from a medical standpoint. I’m a physician that treats patients with COVID-19. So I understand the fear and frustration. It’s as mild as a slight fever and tingle in the throat to watching someone die because they cannot breath period. So life is about accepting risk and balancing it with rewards. For instance, traffic fatalities are 100% preventable. Just don’t drive or get in a car. Or drop all speed limits to a maximum of 30 mph. But we accept risk. Hawaii is unique because no one can drive there. Without cruise ships stopping in, there is only one point of entrance (per island). People need to be tested to go there. Logically the best test is before getting on the final flight that lands in Hawaii. If there is a risk of getting to Hawaii, testing positive – then being quarantined…why risk going. The airline doesn’t want you on the plane to go home if you are positive. So rapid testing, at the outbound airport (like Oakland), on the day of travel is the ONLY thing that makes sense. Period.

  9. My flight leaves LA at 8:25 am November 3…..what is the earliest date I can get my test? Does it go by when I leave the California or when I arrive in Hawaii?

    1. Well if that is the last Leg of the flight assuming LA is LAX airport, Then you take the test anytime after 8:25 am on October 31st

  10. I’d like to know more about what tourists can expect once we arrive . Maybe an article about this? Such as what establishments are open. Are pools open? Beach access? Restaurants? Luaus? Masks required outside? Etc. will tourists feel welcomed?

  11. Your site has been the go to resource for me-ty! Would you please post a picture of the Safe Travels app? There’s if you different options in the App Store and none of them look even close to being the right one.

    1. Hi Shannon.

      Thank you. Appreciate your pointing that out. The state has been referring to it as an app for months, while, in reality, it is merely a website. We believed an app was to be forthcoming, but now it no longer appears that way. The place to go is


      1. Thank you! Also, do you have any clarity about the QR code we get once we upload our test results? I have this fear that even though I’m taking the right test at the right partner testing site I’ll arrive in Hawaii and they’ll tell me it’s not the right test. So, from what I understand, prior to leaving when I upload my negative test results and they’ve issued me the QR code that means they have verified that my test is the correct version and I now can be admitted without a quarantine?

        1. Hi Shannon.

          Not wanting to take any chance of providing you incorrect information, we want to refer you back to the state to answer. Please contact the Safe Travels Service Desk (10 a.m. to 10 p.m. HST): 1-855-599-0888.


    1. From my understanding, the answer is “no”, which just doesn’t make any sense, but that’s been the messaging I’ve seen on beatofhawaii the last couple weeks.

  12. Does time zone make a difference? My last leg is in PHX 10:30am oct 22 .. im 2hrs ahead.. so I’d have to take my test at 12:30pm Oct 19?

    1. its 72 hours from you last leg. Not your last leg Hawaii standard time. so if your last leg is on the 22nd at 10:30, then you need a test at 10:30 on the 19th or later

  13. Thanks so much for the update. We’ve been traveling in Europe and will be heading home to Maui. When you say, “optional second tests will be made available in 3 days on Maui” does that mean the county pays for it? Thank you!

    1. Hi Maribeth.

      Yes, that’s correct. All second tests were said to be provided at no cost to the traveler. In fact, it was mentioned that there may even be a gift card or other incentive to get people to take second tests. 


  14. All the airlines that have approval for their pre-test are U.S. airlines. What about all the Canadians that travel to Hawaii direct from Canada?? Are the Canadian tests going to be valid? They’re working on a plan with Japan but no mention of Canada?

  15. Aloha,
    Is it my your understanding that if I plan to fly to Kauai for a few days and then hop over to Maui for the rest of my trip, this is not possible at this time? We are still waiting on how interisland flights will be handled?

    1. Hi Michael.

      We are awaiting clarification on this. In yesterday’s press conference it was indicated you can do that and be tested, we assume in advance, to avoid quarantine. Where will those tests taken in Hawaii come from?


    2. Yesterdays conference only referred to inter island between HNL and Kauai or Maui. Last I checked If I want to go from Maul to Kauai. I would need a whole new Covid test and since there is nowhere to get on on Maui your screwed

  16. Hello-if I travel to Kauai from the mainland with a negative Covid test within 72 hours of travel and the county is in tier 4 on arrival, will I have to go back to the 2 week quarantine if they go to tier 2 while I’m there visiting? I’m hoping I’d just stay as is since I would be fine on arrival in the proper tier.

  17. Please help. Confused about quarantine. If you arrive and have booked a vrbo condo and you have not gotten your final clear of virus by the time you arrive, are you allowed to stay in the condo until it’s received?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Linda.

      Yes, that will be fine as long as you have an accepted, partner-obtained negative test uploaded to the Safe Travels website (or otherwise provided) on arrival.


    2. Please clarify! Can I get a Quest diagnostics Covid test anywhere, or does it have to be through a Walmart location? My doctor offers the test, but the website says:”Quest Diagnostics – Individuals may order and schedule the company’s COVID-19 Active Infection Test online and select from more than 500 Walmart drive-thru pharmacy locations for a nasal swab test.”

      Will the test be accepted from my doctor’s office, or only through Walmart?? Thank you!

      1. Hi Angie.

        Another great question. And we do not have the answer. Suggest you try calling contact the Safe Travels Service Desk (10 a.m. to 10 p.m. HST): 1-855-599-0888.


    1. Hi Judy.

      We’ll await further updates, but our understanding is no quarantine between Maui and Lanai and quarantine between Oahu and Lanai and can be avoided with pre-travel testing.


  18. Thanks for all the timely updates BOH

    You mentioned Japan pre-travel testing but what about Canada? Have you heard anything about what Canadian lab tests would be accepted? We are reluctant to book without these details.

    1. Hi Kelly.

      Thanks. Yes we have heard that Canada is in the works, but it hasn’t been mentioned in a couple of weeks and it seems all resources are occupied trying to get this week’s launch to go.


  19. Aloha, Any word on Testing out of Seattle flying Delta, will the places that are listed for testing for Alaska Airlines be accepted ? How about testing from University of Washington?
    Deb P

    1. Hi Deb.

      Yes, any of the approved people, including the new Bartell Drugs partner in Seattle. No UW will not be accepted at this time.


  20. Okay, please help me make sure my math/timeline is correct. We have to get a pre-travel covid test within 72 hours of the LAST leg of our travel. If my flight leaves LAX at 1:15pm on Oct 30, I should get a test no earlier than 3:15 pm CST on Oct 27 right? We have tests scheduled on the 27. I just want to make sure that I understand this – with all the time zones involved. Thanks for helping!!!

  21. Yea, confusion = no travel. People are not going to go through massive hassle/uncertainties and costs to go anywhere. They’ll take the path of least resistance and go elsewhere, or not go at all. I own a condo in Kauai and I could have made the travel after the 15th. Nothing doing. It’s clear to any reasonably intelligent individual that Hawaii is far from ready to accept the folks that are the lifeblood of the islands. The lack of bookings reflect that thinking as well. Until Hawaii’s politicians can all get it together and sing from the same sheet of music, this situation will not change. After 8 months of shutdown, it’s not like this situation just crept up on them overnight. Shameful at best.
    Love what you guys do for us. To be frank, we would be completely in the dark without your amazing reporting..thank you SO much!!

    1. Hi Michael.

      Thanks so much. We hate to go all optimistic, but it does feel that the state is moving more like one entity and that things just could start to clear up once we have some days or weeks of experience with all this under our belts. For sure there are a lot of unanswered questions coming to mind.


  22. After reading about how you enter Hawaii, travelers need the Safe Travels app. Looked into the app and it only has a 1 star rating. Can you be more specific about the app?

    1. I found it to have 4.6 stars BUT there is another (foreign) app called Safe Travel, without the “S” on travel. It asks for too many permissions. Be careful what you download.

    2. As far as I’ve researched – it is not an ACTUAL app. Rather, it is more of a web-app and it is used and accessed via your web browser on your phone. You register there and then enter your trip information.

      Careful as the requirement are detailed. IF you have a layover in HNL (which it seems most all flights now do) then you have to enter 2 trips. One for your trip from the origin airport to HNL and then another from HNL to your final destination airport. Rather than be caught up in the chaos of the airports and not have the correct info, it’s better to be safe and have TOO MUCH information.

      Good luck to those traveling tomorrow. Please update us all on the processes as you arrive so those of us coming behind you know what to expect.

      1. Hi Nate.

        Thanks for all your comments. We are updating on that now. The state has been referring to this as an app for nearly two months. It is merely a website.


  23. If a resident wants to travel inter island from Kauai to Big Island for a 5 day vacation, will tests be required for both legs of the trip? If so, how many tests?
    Mahalo from Puna

    1. Hi Kevin.

      That level of detail was not provided. Let alone what about someone who goes for a day trip. Hopefully soon.


      1. Hi Jeff and Rob, this is me, in a nutshell, as I am Still waiting for interisland details, and what’s the deal with the Big Island? My flight passes through Honolulu in November, and it appears that I am still left hanging based on this info?

        Thanks for all the daily info lately! Love it! 🤙

        1. Hi Jim.

          We are waiting for all the details on both Big Island and interisland ourselves. But the news is positive overall. Good to hear from you. And thanks.


      1. Earl, I have property there, and I am usually there at least 2 to 3 months a year over multiple trips. I pay my property taxes, just like all property owners on the Big Island, so, I will come when I need too, since I must take care of my things there, whether I need to quarantine or not. As a part time resident, I shouldn’t be kept from or asked not to come to my second home. I appreciate your take, but it doesn’t apply to my situation, at this point.

  24. No public restrooms, take out meals only? I wonder about shopping centers like The Whaler, Hula Girl Grill, catamaran trips, etc. on Maui? I won’t be rushing over until Hawaii is more open feels more like a vacation.

  25. I truly feel that since Oahu has such an influx of Covid, they should BY LAW be required to take a mandatory 2nd test for OUR safety here on Jn auaii, REGARDLESS what Gov. I’ve says. Our lives depend on it. Kauai has so far remained basically unscathed by the Covid. Why on earth to we want to screw that up? I’m all for tourism, heck, we’re basically dying without it. But I don’t want me or anybody else ON Kauai to die BECAUSE of it either. ✌🤙🤓

    1. Hi Brandon.

      Interisland quarantine will be waived with testing. The governor did say there will be an update coming up on that.


  26. This whole report is very confusing! First, they mention a free on arrival test. But, then mention the following:

    Airport screeners will scan and verify passenger’s information including their test results, after which travelers are free to leave the airport. He suggested that test results be on your phone or printed.

    1. You must have a negative COVID test result upon arrival that was taken within 72 hrs of departure from the arriving Hawaii flight. Both Maui and Kauai are wanting to have a 2nd after arrival test taken after you have been on the island for 72 hrs and this test will be free. Inter island testing will be permitted under the same 72 hr negative COVID test. Not sure how travelers in Hawaii can get a COVID test there to travel inter island

  27. Mahalo for the timely info, it does look more encouraging. When using the partner websites you need to look them over carefully as to get them to work properly.
    Mahalo Guys

    1. Hi Roy.

      Thanks. It is still pretty confusing but things appear to be moving, all in a somewhat uniform direction.


  28. Aloha
    Hmm, so no test result in hand on arrival means stay in the airport till you get it for each member.
    Some hotels don’t allow quarantine stay , read most, and TVR ‘s haven’t been cleared to quarantine stays.
    This is going to get messy.
    When I did my quarantine in August that where to stay problem was there as described above. I see
    No information to show it’s changed.
    What a bottleneck

    1. Hi Marshall.

      Yes, good points. And the airports aren’t really set up as holding facilities so not sure about that either.


  29. If you come to the Big Island, don’t get upset when restrooms are closed for Customer use at shopping centers, restaurants offering takeout only, and gas stations on the Kona side. The residents have realized this already since March and have adapted. Tourists will struggle with it. Beach parks, Costco, Walmart, Target, and Safeway have restrooms available for their customers but… that’s pretty much about it. Tourists will learn quickly the lack of restrooms available when they’re out and about. With the COVID clusters on the Big Island, businesses take it seriously.

    1. Very sad what their you’re doing to the Hawaii economy. The hotels, restaurants and businesses can’t afford this. It won’t be beautiful anymore when everything is boarded up and homeless are everywhere. Sorry, but the people making these decisions are idiots and should be voted out!

      1. Poor little Marie is inconvenienced from her vacation. Yall bitched about Governor IGE when he wouldnt open up and now that he is your bitching about that too. My suggestion is just stay away for awhile. People with your attitude are not going to be very welcomed there.

  30. Would someone please clarify if the Safe Travels App is a requirement for travel to Hawaii? Does it have a GPS tracking feature? What is it’s purpose? Mahalo.

    1. Hi Jane.

      That’s the portal used to avoid quarantine, upload your test, provide health screen details, etc. We don’t know if it has a GPS feature. If you want to not use it, you will need to check with the state as we haven’t heard anything about that.


    2. Canadians cannot travel to Hawaii without quarantine because there are no “trusted partners” for testing in Canada, correct?

      1. Hi Yuri.

        You can use a mail in test or stop en route for a US based test. There should also be news for Canadian visitors upcoming.


  31. Hawaiian Air still says “Check back for more information” in the area where it shows LAX/SFO Covid drive thru testing information….NOTHING shown about CVS DRUGS…I am totally confused…..

  32. Aloha! Can you clarify the wording “within 24 hours before arriving?” concerning the safe travels app? Does that mean no later than 24 hours before your arrival or no sooner?

      1. Hi Jon.

        The state’s website says “You will be required to upload your negative pre-travel test result and answer a health questionnaire 24 hours prior to your departure.” So our read is that it needs to be there 24 hours in advance, although honestly that doesn’t make sense with the tight timing. Other things have said once the negative test result is uploaded, you are clear. Sorry to not have more information yet.


        1. Yes ideally it is in advance, and then you upload it to the safe travels site and they send you your QR code. Like the ticket to admission. but if you don’t have the result back and you get on the plane and land and then your results show up you can upload them when you land. Otherwise you are in Quarantine purgatory until your results comeback.

  33. Many traverlers will be arriving without the tests being completed yet so not sure what hotels you can go to for a day or two until the test results comeback. VS says they are now taking up to 5-days to get their test back due to demand

    1. This is bs!!!! I know owner of hotel in Waikiki and she is freaking out. I don’t know if she is lying still!! No one knows they r so afraid most think democrats will help!!!! Sick stoneage culture

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