Breaking: Visitor Nerves Rankled | Two More United Hawaii Diversions Yesterday

Breaking: Visitor Nerves Rankled | Two More United Hawaii Diversions Yesterday

Now five United Hawaii diversions in just two weeks. What is going on here? Visitors express their concerns.

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15 thoughts on “Breaking: Visitor Nerves Rankled | Two More United Hawaii Diversions Yesterday”

  1. Boy I echo all the above comments! This is worrisome! I had my best friends husband tell me that nothing better happen to her when she is with me! Its all out of control, but it still bothers me if a disaster would happen on my time! Just no quality control any where any more!

  2. My flight was canceled and I rescheduled forthe next night. It was from Hawaii to Denver.
    The airport staff said I would have to go to San Francisco, would have a layover and then fly to Denver the next day. I opted to reschedule for the next night. That was the 9pm flight from Honolulu direct to Denver on June 10th.

  3. That Houston flight was our flight home in October. United uses their oldest 777s on that route. I’m glad everything turned out OK, and I’m especially glad I wasn’t on the flight!

  4. That flight that diverted back to Honolulu after an hour in the air then went to mainland and turned north to San Fran, it had a medical emergency on board. That’s why they went back to Honolulu. Before leaving Honolulu the second time, it was already known they were going to San Fran, but unsure why they flew towards LAX and then turned north. Source: my wife was on that flight.

    1. United flies their oldest 777s to Hawaii for some.stramge reason. The planes are old, the seats are old, the experience is just old. You don’t hear this happening on the max8 planes they fly to the islands, only the 777-200

      1. Coming home we had an equipment change to a “Polarisized” plane. It’s probably the only time I’ve been happy about a last minute change like that. We were in First Class, so it meant we got the better seating and much better sleep than we would have gotten on a plane with the 8-Across seats. I felt like I won the lottery when I checked us in and saw the equipment change!

  5. Spoke with a crew member on UA t to Houston returning to Honolulu. It was a medical emergency with a passenger. By the time they returned & removed the passenger, crew was not”legal” to work long flight to Houston so, rather than cancel, decision made to operate the flight but had to stop in Sfo to change crews
    This was not an aircraft so please do not imply that it was!! It was a passenger medical issue

  6. All maintenance should be done in the USA for America carriers.
    Many offshore there maintenance which is subject!!
    Who are these people working on planes?

  7. Most major airplane maintenance has been outsourced to third parties located
    in Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and China which most mechanics are not FAA certified
    and inspections have no teeth. The airlines are all doing this to save money!

    It’s a surprise we haven’t had more problems.

  8. Several years ago we experienced the worst that a flight to Kauai brought. We connected in Phoenix, took off and was informed the landing gear would not retract. The plane we were on was too heavy to land, had no way to dump fuel, so we got to circle Phoenix for three hours to burn off fuel.
    When we landed they gave us vouchers for pretty bad rubber chicken, told us we would board in 45 minutes, which turned into 2 hours.
    When we got to Kauai at 2 AM we did get exceptional treatment all the way to registering at our place of stay.

  9. Quit flying United after several cancellations from SF to Maui due to mechanical problems. This was back in 1990s.

  10. I have no doubt the commercial pilots flying to and from Hawaii are well trained and safe and that the aircraft are maintained to the required standard. Pilots today are taught to err on the side of caution and better safe than sorry. There is a lot of ill informed scare mongering on this subject. Where I take issue is the praise that so many travel sites heap upon United but if you compare the average fleet age of United, American and Delta you see United has older planes. Older planes if they are owned are likely full amortized but the maintenance cots are higher and the incidence of maintenance and repairs is higher. Smart move of Hawaiian to replace their A330’s and unfortunately their 717’s (I love these DC9 derivatives).

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